
我坐下来写一个巨大的switch()语句将SQL数据types转换为CLR数据types,以便从MSSQL存储过程生成类。 我使用这个图表作为参考。 在深入研究可能需要一整天的时间并为完全testing做出巨大努力之前,我想呼吁SO社区看看其他人是否已经用C#编写或发现了一些东西来实现这个看似普遍而且确实很乏味的任务。

这是我们使用的一个。 你可能想调整它(例如,可为空/不可为空的types等),但它应该为您节省大部分的input。

public static Type GetClrType(SqlDbType sqlType) { switch (sqlType) { case SqlDbType.BigInt: return typeof(long?); case SqlDbType.Binary: case SqlDbType.Image: case SqlDbType.Timestamp: case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return typeof(byte[]); case SqlDbType.Bit: return typeof(bool?); case SqlDbType.Char: case SqlDbType.NChar: case SqlDbType.NText: case SqlDbType.NVarChar: case SqlDbType.Text: case SqlDbType.VarChar: case SqlDbType.Xml: return typeof(string); case SqlDbType.DateTime: case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: case SqlDbType.Date: case SqlDbType.Time: case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return typeof(DateTime?); case SqlDbType.Decimal: case SqlDbType.Money: case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return typeof(decimal?); case SqlDbType.Float: return typeof(double?); case SqlDbType.Int: return typeof(int?); case SqlDbType.Real: return typeof(float?); case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return typeof(Guid?); case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return typeof(short?); case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return typeof(byte?); case SqlDbType.Variant: case SqlDbType.Udt: return typeof(object); case SqlDbType.Structured: return typeof(DataTable); case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return typeof(DateTimeOffset?); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sqlType"); } } 
  /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes] Script Date: 03/20/2010 03:07:56 ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes] Script Date: 03/20/2010 03:07:56 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes]( [DbVsCSharpTypesId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Sql2008DataType] [varchar](200) NULL, [CSharpDataType] [varchar](200) NULL, [CLRDataType] [varchar](200) NULL, [CLRDataTypeSqlServer] [varchar](2000) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DbVsCSharpTypes] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DbVsCSharpTypesId] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes] ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes]([DbVsCSharpTypesId], [Sql2008DataType], [CSharpDataType], [CLRDataType], [CLRDataTypeSqlServer]) SELECT 1, N'bigint', N'long', N'Int64, Nullable<Int64>', N'SqlInt64' UNION ALL SELECT 2, N'binary', N'byte[]', N'Byte[]', N'SqlBytes, SqlBinary' UNION ALL SELECT 3, N'bit', N'bool', N'Boolean, Nullable<Boolean>', N'SqlBoolean' UNION ALL SELECT 4, N'char', N'char', NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 5, N'cursor', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 6, N'date', N'DateTime', N'DateTime, Nullable<DateTime>', N'SqlDateTime' UNION ALL SELECT 7, N'datetime', N'DateTime', N'DateTime, Nullable<DateTime>', N'SqlDateTime' UNION ALL SELECT 8, N'datetime2', N'DateTime', N'DateTime, Nullable<DateTime>', N'SqlDateTime' UNION ALL SELECT 9, N'DATETIMEOFFSET', N'DateTimeOffset', N'DateTimeOffset', N'DateTimeOffset, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>' UNION ALL SELECT 10, N'decimal', N'decimal', N'Decimal, Nullable<Decimal>', N'SqlDecimal' UNION ALL SELECT 11, N'float', N'double', N'Double, Nullable<Double>', N'SqlDouble' UNION ALL SELECT 12, N'geography', NULL, NULL, N'SqlGeography is defined in Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll, which is installed with SQL Server and can be downloaded from the SQL Server 2008 feature pack.' UNION ALL SELECT 13, N'geometry', NULL, NULL, N'SqlGeometry is defined in Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll, which is installed with SQL Server and can be downloaded from the SQL Server 2008 feature pack.' UNION ALL SELECT 14, N'hierarchyid', NULL, NULL, N'SqlHierarchyId is defined in Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll, which is installed with SQL Server and can be downloaded from the SQL Server 2008 feature pack.' UNION ALL SELECT 15, N'image', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 16, N'int', N'int', N'Int32, Nullable<Int32>', N'SqlInt32' UNION ALL SELECT 17, N'money', N'decimal', N'Decimal, Nullable<Decimal>', N'SqlMoney' UNION ALL SELECT 18, N'nchar', N'string', N'String, Char[]', N'SqlChars, SqlString' UNION ALL SELECT 19, N'ntext', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 20, N'numeric', N'decimal', N'Decimal, Nullable<Decimal>', N'SqlDecimal' UNION ALL SELECT 21, N'nvarchar', N'string', N'String, Char[]', N'SqlChars, SqlStrinG SQLChars is a better match for data transfer and access, and SQLString is a better match for performing String operations.' UNION ALL SELECT 22, N'nvarchar(1), nchar(1)', N'string', N'Char, String, Char[], Nullable<char>', N'SqlChars, SqlString' UNION ALL SELECT 23, N'real', N'single', N'Single, Nullable<Single>', N'SqlSingle' UNION ALL SELECT 24, N'rowversion', N'byte[]', N'Byte[]', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 25, N'smallint', N'smallint', N'Int16, Nullable<Int16>', N'SqlInt16' UNION ALL SELECT 26, N'smallmoney', N'decimal', N'Decimal, Nullable<Decimal>', N'SqlMoney' UNION ALL SELECT 27, N'sql_variant', N'object', N'Object', NULL UNION ALL SELECT 28, N'table', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 29, N'text', N'string', NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 30, N'time', N'TimeSpan', N'TimeSpan, Nullable<TimeSpan>', N'TimeSpan' UNION ALL SELECT 31, N'timestamp', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 32, N'tinyint', N'byte', N'Byte, Nullable<Byte>', N'SqlByte' UNION ALL SELECT 33, N'uniqueidentifier', N'Guid', N'Guid, Nullable<Guid>', N'SqlGuidUser-defined type(UDT)The same class that is bound to the user-defined type in the same assembly or a dependent assembly.' UNION ALL SELECT 34, N'varbinary ', N'byte[]', N'Byte[]', N'SqlBytes, SqlBinary' UNION ALL SELECT 35, N'varbinary(1), binary(1)', N'byte', N'byte, Byte[], Nullable<byte>', N'SqlBytes, SqlBinary' UNION ALL SELECT 36, N'varchar', NULL, NULL, NULL UNION ALL SELECT 37, N'xml', NULL, NULL, N'SqlXml' COMMIT; RAISERROR (N'[dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes]: Insert Batch: 1.....Done!', 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT; GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DbVsCSharpTypes] OFF; 
  internal Type type(SqlDbType sqltype) { Type resulttype = null; Dictionary<SqlDbType, Type> Types = new Dictionary<SqlDbType, Type>(); Types.Add(SqlDbType.BigInt, typeof(Int64)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Binary, typeof(Byte[])); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Bit, typeof(Boolean)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Char, typeof(String)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Date, typeof(DateTime)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.DateTime, typeof(DateTime)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.DateTime2, typeof(DateTime)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset, typeof(DateTimeOffset)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Decimal, typeof(Decimal)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Float, typeof(Double)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Image, typeof(Byte[])); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Int, typeof(Int32)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Money, typeof(Decimal)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.NChar, typeof(String)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.NText, typeof(String)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.NVarChar, typeof(String)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Real, typeof(Single)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.SmallDateTime, typeof(DateTime)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.SmallInt, typeof(Int16)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.SmallMoney, typeof(Decimal)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Text, typeof(String)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Time, typeof(TimeSpan)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.Timestamp, typeof(Byte[])); Types.Add(SqlDbType.TinyInt, typeof(Byte)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, typeof(Guid)); Types.Add(SqlDbType.VarBinary, typeof(Byte[])); Types.Add(SqlDbType.VarChar, typeof(String)); Types.TryGetValue(sqltype, out resulttype); return resulttype; } internal SqlDbType type(Type systype) { SqlDbType resulttype = SqlDbType.NVarChar; Dictionary<Type, SqlDbType> Types = new Dictionary<Type, SqlDbType>(); Types.Add(typeof(Boolean), SqlDbType.Bit); Types.Add(typeof(String), SqlDbType.NVarChar); Types.Add(typeof(DateTime), SqlDbType.DateTime); Types.Add(typeof(Int16), SqlDbType.Int); Types.Add(typeof(Int32), SqlDbType.Int); Types.Add(typeof(Int64), SqlDbType.Int); Types.Add(typeof(Decimal), SqlDbType.Float); Types.Add(typeof(Double), SqlDbType.Float); Types.TryGetValue(systype, out resulttype); return resulttype; } 



dt – dataTable

这将返回相应列的CLRtypes。 希望这有助于顺便说一句,这是我的第一个堆栈溢出的答案

这并不直接回答问题,但它确实回答了一个相关的问题。 一旦你有了一个IDataReader你可以调用IDataRecord.GetFieldType(int)来“获取与GetValue返回的Object Type对应的Type信息。

我包含了这个扩展(你可以很容易地在Greg字典中为SqlDbType交换string键,就像Greg已经实现的一样 – 甚至支持两者),并公开一个属性来转换CLRtypes:

  namespace X.Domain.Model { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; public class StoredProcedureParameter : DomainObject { public StoredProcedureParameter() { } public string StoredProcedure { get; set; } public string ProcedureSchema { get; set; } public string ProcedureName { get; set; } public string ParameterName { get; set; } public string ParameterOrder { get; set; } public string ParameterMode { get; set; } public string SqlDataType { get; set; } public Type DataType { get { return this.SqlDataType.ToClrType(); } } } static class StoredProcedureParameterExtensions { private static Dictionary<string, Type> Mappings; public static StoredProcedureParameterExtensions() { Mappings = new Dictionary<string, Type>(); Mappings.Add("bigint", typeof(Int64)); Mappings.Add("binary", typeof(Byte[])); Mappings.Add("bit", typeof(Boolean)); Mappings.Add("char", typeof(String)); Mappings.Add("date", typeof(DateTime)); Mappings.Add("datetime", typeof(DateTime)); Mappings.Add("datetime2", typeof(DateTime)); Mappings.Add("datetimeoffset", typeof(DateTimeOffset)); Mappings.Add("decimal", typeof(Decimal)); Mappings.Add("float", typeof(Double)); Mappings.Add("image", typeof(Byte[])); Mappings.Add("int", typeof(Int32)); Mappings.Add("money", typeof(Decimal)); Mappings.Add("nchar", typeof(String)); Mappings.Add("ntext", typeof(String)); Mappings.Add("numeric", typeof(Decimal)); Mappings.Add("nvarchar", typeof(String)); Mappings.Add("real", typeof(Single)); Mappings.Add("rowversion", typeof(Byte[])); Mappings.Add("smalldatetime", typeof(DateTime)); Mappings.Add("smallint", typeof(Int16)); Mappings.Add("smallmoney", typeof(Decimal)); Mappings.Add("text", typeof(String)); Mappings.Add("time", typeof(TimeSpan)); Mappings.Add("timestamp", typeof(Byte[])); Mappings.Add("tinyint", typeof(Byte)); Mappings.Add("uniqueidentifier", typeof(Guid)); Mappings.Add("varbinary", typeof(Byte[])); Mappings.Add("varchar", typeof(String)); } public static Type ToClrType(this string sqlType) { Type datatype = null; if (Mappings.TryGetValue(sqlType, out datatype)) return datatype; throw new TypeLoadException(string.Format("Can not load CLR Type from {0}", sqlType)); } } } 

你可以试试Wizardby 。 但是,它从所谓的“本地”数据types映射到DbType ,然后将其转换为CLRtypes。 如果这符合,您将需要一个适当的IDbTypeMapperSqlServer2000TypeMapperSqlServer2005TypeMapper


  public static Type GetClrType(SqlDbType sqlType, bool isNullable) { switch (sqlType) { case SqlDbType.BigInt: return isNullable ? typeof(long?) : typeof(long); case SqlDbType.Binary: case SqlDbType.Image: case SqlDbType.Timestamp: case SqlDbType.VarBinary: return typeof(byte[]); case SqlDbType.Bit: return isNullable ? typeof(bool?) : typeof(bool); case SqlDbType.Char: case SqlDbType.NChar: case SqlDbType.NText: case SqlDbType.NVarChar: case SqlDbType.Text: case SqlDbType.VarChar: case SqlDbType.Xml: return typeof(string); case SqlDbType.DateTime: case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: case SqlDbType.Date: case SqlDbType.Time: case SqlDbType.DateTime2: return isNullable ? typeof(DateTime?) : typeof(DateTime); case SqlDbType.Decimal: case SqlDbType.Money: case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: return isNullable ? typeof(decimal?) : typeof(decimal); case SqlDbType.Float: return isNullable ? typeof(double?) : typeof(double); case SqlDbType.Int: return isNullable ? typeof(int?) : typeof(int); case SqlDbType.Real: return isNullable ? typeof(float?) : typeof(float); case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: return isNullable ? typeof(Guid?) : typeof(Guid); case SqlDbType.SmallInt: return isNullable ? typeof(short?) : typeof(short); case SqlDbType.TinyInt: return isNullable ? typeof(byte?) : typeof(byte); case SqlDbType.Variant: case SqlDbType.Udt: return typeof(object); case SqlDbType.Structured: return typeof(DataTable); case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: return isNullable ? typeof(DateTimeOffset?) : typeof(DateTimeOffset); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sqlType"); } } 


为什么不创build一个types化的数据集,并让VSdevise人员为您做映射? 除非项目必须在运行时适应不同的模式,否则应该使用代码生成技术来创build类,内置devise器(即types化数据集)或自定义类(schema-> XML-> XSLT->)。 CS)。

通常我只是使用Value属性将SqlType转换为本地.NETtypes。 这在大多数时间都是这样做的。 如果我有一个angular落的情况下,我会写一个快速帮助function。

 int i = dataReader.GetSqlInt32(0).Value; 

我知道你正在讨论编写一个switch语句,但是这是一个Sql Server的替代(类似的概念适用于其他DB)


 declare @ProcName varchar(255) select @ProcName='Table, View, or Proc' SELECT --DISTINCT b.name , c.name Type , b.xtype , b.length , b.isoutparam FROM sysObjects a INNER JOIN sysCOLUMNs b ON a.id=b.id INNER JOIN systypes c ON b.xtype=c.xtype WHERE a.name=@ProcName order by b.colorder 
