如何使用PIL / Pillow将图像合并到canvas中?



这在PIL也很容易做到。 创build一个空的图像,只需粘贴在你想要的图像在任何你需要的位置使用粘贴 。 这里有一个简单的例子:

 import Image #opens an image: im = Image.open("1_tree.jpg") #creates a new empty image, RGB mode, and size 400 by 400. new_im = Image.new('RGB', (400,400)) #Here I resize my opened image, so it is no bigger than 100,100 im.thumbnail((100,100)) #Iterate through a 4 by 4 grid with 100 spacing, to place my image for i in xrange(0,500,100): for j in xrange(0,500,100): #I change brightness of the images, just to emphasise they are unique copies. im=Image.eval(im,lambda x: x+(i+j)/30) #paste the image at location i,j: new_im.paste(im, (i,j)) new_im.show() 
