


 string source = "/once/upon/a/time/"; int count = source.Length - source.Replace("/", "").Length; 





 string haystack = "/once/upon/a/time"; string needle = "/"; int needleCount = ( haystack.Length - haystack.Replace(needle,"").Length ) / needle.Length 

如果你使用的是.NET 3.5,你可以用LINQ单线程来完成:

 int count = source.Count(f => f == '/'); 


 int count = source.Split('/').Length - 1; 

你可能会惊讶地发现,你的原始技术似乎比其中的任何一个都快30%! 我刚刚用“/ once / upon / a / time /”做了一个快速的基准,结果如下:

你的原稿= 12
source.Count = 19s
source.Split = 17s
foreach( 来自bobwienholt的答案 )= 10s


 string source = "/once/upon/a/time/"; int count = 0; foreach (char c in source) if (c == '/') count++; 


 int count = new Regex(Regex.Escape(needle)).Matches(haystack).Count; 


 src.Select((c, i) => src.Substring(i)).Count(sub => sub.StartsWith(target)) 


我做了一些研究,发现理查德·沃森的解决scheme在大多数情况下是最快的。 这是表格中的每个解决scheme的结果(除了那些使用正则expression式,因为它在抛出像“test {test”)之类的string时抛出exception

  Name | Short/char | Long/char | Short/short| Long/short | Long/long | Inspite | 134| 1853| 95| 1146| 671| LukeH_1 | 346| 4490| N/A| N/A| N/A| LukeH_2 | 152| 1569| 197| 2425| 2171| Bobwienholt | 230| 3269| N/A| N/A| N/A| Richard Watson| 33| 298| 146| 737| 543| StefanosKargas| N/A| N/A| 681| 11884| 12486| 


另外,对于多字符子string,您应该使用以下代码(基于Richard Watson的解决scheme)

 int count = 0, n = 0; if(substring != "") { while ((n = source.IndexOf(substring, n, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) != -1) { n += substring.Length; ++count; } } 


 var count = source.Count(c => c == '/'); 

确保你有using System.Linq; 在代码文件的顶部,因为.Count是来自该命名空间的扩展方法。


 countOccurences("the", "the answer is the answer"); int countOccurences(string needle, string haystack) { return (haystack.Length - haystack.Replace(needle,"").Length) / needle.Length; } 


但是必须有一个更优雅的方式。 🙂

 string source = "/once/upon/a/time/"; int count = 0; int n = 0; while ((n = source.IndexOf('/', n)) != -1) { n++; count++; } 



将string更改为char []并遍历该string。 在总共50m迭代的时间内再削减一两个!

 char[] testchars = source.ToCharArray(); foreach (char c in testchars) { if (c == '/') count++; } 


 char[] testchars = source.ToCharArray(); int length = testchars.Length; for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) { if (testchars[n] == '/') count++; } 


 int length = testchars.Length; for (int n = length-1; n >= 0; n--) { if (testchars[n] == '/') count++; } 

我想知道为什么这可能是和谷歌search周围(我记得一些关于反向迭代更快),并来到这个问题,这恼人地使用stringchar []技术已经。 不过,我认为逆转技巧在这方面是新的。



 Regex.Matches( Regex.Escape(input), "stringToMatch" ).Count 

在C#中,一个不错的String SubString计数器是这个意外棘手的人:

 public static int CCount(String haystack, String needle) { return haystack.Split(new[] { needle }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1; } 
 string s = "65 fght 6565 4665 hjk"; int count = 0; foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(s, "65")) count++; 
 private int CountWords(string text, string word) { int count = (text.Length - text.Replace(word, "").Length) / word.Length; return count; } 

由于原来的解决scheme,是最快的字符,我想这也将是string。 所以这是我的贡献。





 public static class StringExtension { /// <summary> Returns the number of occurences of a string within a string, optional comparison allows case and culture control. </summary> public static int Occurrences(this System.String input, string value, StringComparison stringComparisonType = StringComparison.Ordinal) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return 0; int count = 0; int position = 0; while ((position = input.IndexOf(value, position, stringComparisonType)) != -1) { position += value.Length; count += 1; } return count; } /// <summary> Returns the number of occurences of a single character within a string. </summary> public static int Occurrences(this System.String input, char value) { int count = 0; foreach (char c in input) if (c == value) count += 1; return count; } } 
 public static int GetNumSubstringOccurrences(string text, string search) { int num = 0; int pos = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { while ((pos = text.IndexOf(search, pos)) > -1) { num ++; pos += search.Length; } } return num; } 

我认为最简单的方法是使用正则expression式。 这样你可以得到与使用myVar.Split('x')相同的拆分计数,但是在多字符设置中。

 string myVar = "do this to count the number of words in my wording so that I can word it up!"; int count = Regex.Split(myVar, "word").Length; 


 public int getNumberOfOccurencies(String inputString, String checkString) { if (checkString.Length > inputString.Length || checkString.Equals("")) { return 0; } int lengthDifference = inputString.Length - checkString.Length; int occurencies = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lengthDifference; i++) { if (inputString.Substring(i, checkString.Length).Equals(checkString)) { occurencies++; i += checkString.Length - 1; } } return occurencies; } 
 string source = "/once/upon/a/time/"; int count = 0, n = 0; while ((n = source.IndexOf('/', n) + 1) != 0) count++; 

Richard Watson答案中的一个变体,在提高效率的同时稍快一点,string中出现的次数就越多,代码就越less!


 int count = 0; for (int n = 0; n < source.Length; n++) if (source[n] == '/') count++; 



 var strOrigin = " .. JD JD JD JD etc. and etc. JDJDJDJDJDJDJDJD and etc."; var searchStr = "etc"; int count = (strOrigin.Length - strOrigin.Replace(searchStr, "").Length)/searchStr.Length. 


 string Name = "Very good nice one is very good but is very good nice one this is called the term"; bool valid=true; int count = 0; int k=0; int m = 0; while (valid) { k = Name.Substring(m,Name.Length-m).IndexOf("good"); if (k != -1) { count++; m = m + k + 4; } else valid = false; } Console.WriteLine(count + " Times accures"); 
  var conditionalStatement = conditionSetting.Value; //order of replace matters, remove == before =, incase of === conditionalStatement = conditionalStatement.Replace("==", "~").Replace("!=", "~").Replace('=', '~').Replace('!', '~').Replace('>', '~').Replace('<', '~').Replace(">=", "~").Replace("<=", "~"); var listOfValidConditions = new List<string>() { "!=", "==", ">", "<", ">=", "<=" }; if (conditionalStatement.Count(x => x == '~') != 1) { result.InvalidFieldList.Add(new KeyFieldData(batch.DECurrentField, "The IsDoubleKeyCondition does not contain a supported conditional statement. Contact System Administrator.")); result.Status = ValidatorStatus.Fail; return result; } 




 string s = "HOWLYH THIS ACTUALLY WORKSH WOWH"; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) if (s[i] == 'H') count++; 


如果你看看这个网页 ,有15种不同的方法是基准的,包括使用并行循环。

最快的方法似乎是使用单线程for循环(如果您有.Net版本<4.0)或parallel.for循环(如果使用.Net> 4.0与数以千计的检查)。


 for (int x = 0; x < ss.Length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ch.Length; y++) { for (int a = 0; a < ss[x].Length; a++ ) { if (ss[x][a] == ch[y]) //it's found. DO what you need to here. } } } 


以为我会把我的扩展方法扔到戒指(更多信息见评论)。 我还没有做过任何正式的板凳标记,但是我认为在大多数情况下它必须非常快。

编辑:好的 – 所以这个问题让我想知道我们当前的实现的性能如何堆叠对这里提出的一些解决scheme。 我决定做一个小小的标记,发现我们的解决scheme非常符合理查德·沃森(Richard Watson)提供的解决scheme的性能,直到你用大string(100 Kb +),大的子string(32 Kb + )和许多embedded式重复(10K +)。 那时我们的解决scheme慢了大约2倍到4倍。 鉴于这一点以及我们非常喜欢Richard Watson提出的解决scheme,我们相应地重构了我们的解决scheme。 我只是想把这个提供给任何可能从中受益的人。


  /// <summary> /// Counts the number of occurrences of the specified substring within /// the current string. /// </summary> /// <param name="s">The current string.</param> /// <param name="substring">The substring we are searching for.</param> /// <param name="aggressiveSearch">Indicates whether or not the algorithm /// should be aggressive in its search behavior (see Remarks). Default /// behavior is non-aggressive.</param> /// <remarks>This algorithm has two search modes - aggressive and /// non-aggressive. When in aggressive search mode (aggressiveSearch = /// true), the algorithm will try to match at every possible starting /// character index within the string. When false, all subsequent /// character indexes within a substring match will not be evaluated. /// For example, if the string was 'abbbc' and we were searching for /// the substring 'bb', then aggressive search would find 2 matches /// with starting indexes of 1 and 2. Non aggressive search would find /// just 1 match with starting index at 1. After the match was made, /// the non aggressive search would attempt to make it's next match /// starting at index 3 instead of 2.</remarks> /// <returns>The count of occurrences of the substring within the string.</returns> public static int CountOccurrences(this string s, string substring, bool aggressiveSearch = false) { // if s or substring is null or empty, substring cannot be found in s if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(substring)) return 0; // if the length of substring is greater than the length of s, // substring cannot be found in s if (substring.Length > s.Length) return 0; var sChars = s.ToCharArray(); var substringChars = substring.ToCharArray(); var count = 0; var sCharsIndex = 0; // substring cannot start in s beyond following index var lastStartIndex = sChars.Length - substringChars.Length; while (sCharsIndex <= lastStartIndex) { if (sChars[sCharsIndex] == substringChars[0]) { // potential match checking var match = true; var offset = 1; while (offset < substringChars.Length) { if (sChars[sCharsIndex + offset] != substringChars[offset]) { match = false; break; } offset++; } if (match) { count++; // if aggressive, just advance to next char in s, otherwise, // skip past the match just found in s sCharsIndex += aggressiveSearch ? 1 : substringChars.Length; } else { // no match found, just move to next char in s sCharsIndex++; } } else { // no match at current index, move along sCharsIndex++; } } return count; } 


  /// <summary> /// Counts the number of occurrences of the specified substring within /// the current string. /// </summary> /// <param name="s">The current string.</param> /// <param name="substring">The substring we are searching for.</param> /// <param name="aggressiveSearch">Indicates whether or not the algorithm /// should be aggressive in its search behavior (see Remarks). Default /// behavior is non-aggressive.</param> /// <remarks>This algorithm has two search modes - aggressive and /// non-aggressive. When in aggressive search mode (aggressiveSearch = /// true), the algorithm will try to match at every possible starting /// character index within the string. When false, all subsequent /// character indexes within a substring match will not be evaluated. /// For example, if the string was 'abbbc' and we were searching for /// the substring 'bb', then aggressive search would find 2 matches /// with starting indexes of 1 and 2. Non aggressive search would find /// just 1 match with starting index at 1. After the match was made, /// the non aggressive search would attempt to make it's next match /// starting at index 3 instead of 2.</remarks> /// <returns>The count of occurrences of the substring within the string.</returns> public static int CountOccurrences(this string s, string substring, bool aggressiveSearch = false) { // if s or substring is null or empty, substring cannot be found in s if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(substring)) return 0; // if the length of substring is greater than the length of s, // substring cannot be found in s if (substring.Length > s.Length) return 0; int count = 0, n = 0; while ((n = s.IndexOf(substring, n, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) != -1) { if (aggressiveSearch) n++; else n += substring.Length; count++; } return count; } 


 public static int CountOccurrences(string original, string substring) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(substring)) return 0; if (substring.Length == 1) return CountOccurrences(original, substring[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(original) || substring.Length > original.Length) return 0; int substringCount = 0; for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < original.Length; charIndex++) { for (int subCharIndex = 0, secondaryCharIndex = charIndex; subCharIndex < substring.Length && secondaryCharIndex < original.Length; subCharIndex++, secondaryCharIndex++) { if (substring[subCharIndex] != original[secondaryCharIndex]) goto continueOuter; } if (charIndex + substring.Length > original.Length) break; charIndex += substring.Length - 1; substringCount++; continueOuter: ; } return substringCount; } public static int CountOccurrences(string original, char @char) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(original)) return 0; int substringCount = 0; for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < original.Length; charIndex++) if (@char == original[charIndex]) substringCount++; return substringCount; } 


编辑后添加一个将添加substring.Length - 1到charIndex(像它应该),它在11.6秒。






 str="aaabbbbjjja"; int count = 0; int size = str.Length; string[] strarray = new string[size]; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { strarray[i] = str.Substring(i, 1); } Array.Sort(strarray); str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strarray.Length - 1; i++) { if (strarray[i] == strarray[i + 1]) { count++; } else { count++; str = str + strarray[i] + count; count = 0; } } count++; str = str + strarray[strarray.Length - 1] + count; 

这是为了计算人物的发生。 对于这个例子输出将是“a4b4j3”

 string search = "/string"; var occurrences = (regex.Match(search, @"\/")).Count; 

每次程序发现“/ s”时都要进行计数(区分大小写),并将其数量存储在variables“occurrences”中