
只是想看看什么人存储过程/function等评论标题看起来像(所以张贴您的例子)…我只真正看到了什么是SQL Serverpipe理工作室创build,但我对其他人的样子感兴趣…格式,使用的字符,程序信息/细节等我猜是真正使他们不同的…

SQL Server Management Studio(版本9)存储过程注释标题默认值:

-- ============================================= -- Author: Name -- Create date: -- Description: -- ============================================= 

我可以指出,所有这些“更改历史logging”和“修改date”字段都可以并且应该从您的版本控制软件中获得,而不是被程序员embedded到代码中。 C(例如)程序员早就知道这是一个小问题。

 /****************************** ** File: ** Name: ** Desc: ** Auth: ** Date: ************************** ** Change History ************************** ** PR Date Author Description ** -- -------- ------- ------------------------------------ ** 1 01/10/2008 Dan added inner join *******************************/ 
 -- -- STORED PROCEDURE -- Name of stored procedure. -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Business description of the stored procedure's functionality. -- -- PARAMETERS -- @InputParameter1 -- * Description of @InputParameter1 and how it is used. -- -- RETURN VALUE -- 0 - No Error. -- -1000 - Description of cause of non-zero return value. -- -- PROGRAMMING NOTES -- Gotchas and other notes for your fellow programmer. -- -- CHANGE HISTORY -- 05 May 2009 - Who -- * More comprehensive description of the change than that included with the -- source code commit message. -- 


 /* Description: Author: Create Date: Param: Return: Modified Date: Modification: */ 
 -- [why did we write this?] -- [auto-generated change control info] 
 set timing on <br> set linesize 180<br> spool template.log /*<br> ##########################################################################<br> -- Name : Template.sql<br> -- Date : (sysdate) <br> -- Author : Duncan van der Zalm - dvdzalm<br> -- Company : stanDaarD-Z.nl<br> -- Purpose : <br> -- Usage sqlplus <br> -- Impact :<br> -- Required grants : sel on A, upd on B, drop on C<br> -- Called by : some other process<br ##########################################################################<br> -- ver user date change <br> -- 1.0 DDZ 20110622 initial<br> ##########################################################################<br> */<br> sho user<br> select name from v$database; select to_char(sysdate, 'Day DD Month yyyy HH24:MI:SS') "Start time" from dual ; -- script select to_char(sysdate, 'Day DD Month yyyy HH24:MI:SS') "End time" from dual ; spool off 
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Author name -- Created date -- Purpose description of the business/technical purpose -- using multiple lines as needed -- Copyright © yyyy, Company Name, All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modification History -- -- 01/01/0000 developer full name -- A comprehensive description of the changes. The description may use as -- many lines as needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


 --------------------------------------------------- -- Produced By : Our company -- URL : www.company.com -- Author : me -- Date : yesterday -- Purpose : to do something -- Called by : some other process -- Modifications : some other guy - today - to fix my bug ------------------------------------------------------------ 


/ *评论* /

和过去一样,我遇到了脚本(通过SQL Server)有趣的事情,包装线和评论开始有趣的事情 – 已经注释了所需的SQL ….但这可能就是我。



  • 参数说明:给出提供给proc的所有参数的详细信息

  • 该过程将执行以下任务:提供proc意图的详细描述

  • 附加说明:提供您认为需要额外提及的信息,但与proc没有直接关系

  • 修改logging:07/11/2001 ACL传票/ BUGID变更描述

* /

 -- Author: -- -- Original creation date: -- -- Description: 

这是我目前使用的。 三重注释(/ * / * / *)用于从对象定义中挑选标题注释的集成。

 /*/*/* Name: pr_ProcName Author: Joe Smith Written: 6/15/16 Purpose: Short description about the proc. Edit History: 6/15/16 - Joe Smith + Initial creation. 6/22/16 - Jaden Smith + Change source to blahblah + Optimized JOIN 6/30/16 - Joe Smith + Reverted changes made by Jaden. */*/*/