
在生成图表并显示不同的数据集时,通常按照颜色区分这些集合是一个好主意。 所以一行是红色的,另一行是绿色的,依此类推。 问题是,当数据集的数量是未知数时,需要随机生成这些颜色,并且通常它们最终彼此非常接近(例如,绿色,浅绿色)。



您有三个颜色通道0到255 R,G和B.


0, 0, 255 0, 255, 0 255, 0, 0 


 0, 255, 255 255, 0, 255 255, 255, 0 

然后除以2 => 128并重新开始:

 0, 0, 128 0, 128, 0 128, 0, 0 0, 128, 128 128, 0, 128 128, 128, 0 

除以2 => 64

下次加64到128 => 192




另外 – 如果灰色是可以接受的颜色,则在下面添加额外的图案:

 255, 255, 255 128, 128, 128 




  static string[] ColourValues = new string[] { "FF0000", "00FF00", "0000FF", "FFFF00", "FF00FF", "00FFFF", "000000", "800000", "008000", "000080", "808000", "800080", "008080", "808080", "C00000", "00C000", "0000C0", "C0C000", "C000C0", "00C0C0", "C0C0C0", "400000", "004000", "000040", "404000", "400040", "004040", "404040", "200000", "002000", "000020", "202000", "200020", "002020", "202020", "600000", "006000", "000060", "606000", "600060", "006060", "606060", "A00000", "00A000", "0000A0", "A0A000", "A000A0", "00A0A0", "A0A0A0", "E00000", "00E000", "0000E0", "E0E000", "E000E0", "00E0E0", "E0E0E0", }; 


如果你不知道你需要多less颜色,下面的代码将使用这种模式生成多达896种颜色。 (896 = 256 * 7/2)256是每个通道的颜色空间,我们有7个模式,我们停止之前,我们只得到一个颜色值分开的颜色。

我可能比我需要更努力的代码。 首先,有一个从255开始的强度生成器,然后根据上述模式生成值。 模式生成器只是循环通过七种颜色模式。

 using System; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ColourGenerator generator = new ColourGenerator(); for (int i = 0; i < 896; i++) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, generator.NextColour())); } } } public class ColourGenerator { private int index = 0; private IntensityGenerator intensityGenerator = new IntensityGenerator(); public string NextColour() { string colour = string.Format(PatternGenerator.NextPattern(index), intensityGenerator.NextIntensity(index)); index++; return colour; } } public class PatternGenerator { public static string NextPattern(int index) { switch (index % 7) { case 0: return "{0}0000"; case 1: return "00{0}00"; case 2: return "0000{0}"; case 3: return "{0}{0}00"; case 4: return "{0}00{0}"; case 5: return "00{0}{0}"; case 6: return "{0}{0}{0}"; default: throw new Exception("Math error"); } } } public class IntensityGenerator { private IntensityValueWalker walker; private int current; public string NextIntensity(int index) { if (index == 0) { current = 255; } else if (index % 7 == 0) { if (walker == null) { walker = new IntensityValueWalker(); } else { walker.MoveNext(); } current = walker.Current.Value; } string currentText = current.ToString("X"); if (currentText.Length == 1) currentText = "0" + currentText; return currentText; } } public class IntensityValue { private IntensityValue mChildA; private IntensityValue mChildB; public IntensityValue(IntensityValue parent, int value, int level) { if (level > 7) throw new Exception("There are no more colours left"); Value = value; Parent = parent; Level = level; } public int Level { get; set; } public int Value { get; set; } public IntensityValue Parent { get; set; } public IntensityValue ChildA { get { return mChildA ?? (mChildA = new IntensityValue(this, this.Value - (1<<(7-Level)), Level+1)); } } public IntensityValue ChildB { get { return mChildB ?? (mChildB = new IntensityValue(this, Value + (1<<(7-Level)), Level+1)); } } } public class IntensityValueWalker { public IntensityValueWalker() { Current = new IntensityValue(null, 1<<7, 1); } public IntensityValue Current { get; set; } public void MoveNext() { if (Current.Parent == null) { Current = Current.ChildA; } else if (Current.Parent.ChildA == Current) { Current = Current.Parent.ChildB; } else { int levelsUp = 1; Current = Current.Parent; while (Current.Parent != null && Current == Current.Parent.ChildB) { Current = Current.Parent; levelsUp++; } if (Current.Parent != null) { Current = Current.Parent.ChildB; } else { levelsUp++; } for (int i = 0; i < levelsUp; i++) { Current = Current.ChildA; } } } } 

要通过你的颜色去实现一个变化列表,然后使用该variables的所有可能性,然后将0和所有RGB模式与这两个值相加。 然后添加128和所有的RGB组合。 那么64.那么192.等等


 public Color getColor(int i) { return new Color(getRGB(i)); } public int getRGB(int index) { int[] p = getPattern(index); return getElement(p[0]) << 16 | getElement(p[1]) << 8 | getElement(p[2]); } public int getElement(int index) { int value = index - 1; int v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { v = v | (value & 1); v <<= 1; value >>= 1; } v >>= 1; return v & 0xFF; } public int[] getPattern(int index) { int n = (int)Math.cbrt(index); index -= (n*n*n); int[] p = new int[3]; Arrays.fill(p,n); if (index == 0) { return p; } index--; int v = index % 3; index = index / 3; if (index < n) { p[v] = index % n; return p; } index -= n; p[v ] = index / n; p[++v % 3] = index % n; return p; } 

这将会在将来产生这种types的无限(2 ^ 24)模式。 然而,在一百个左右的位置之后,你可能看不到蓝色的颜色与0或32之间的区别。

将这个标准化为不同的色彩空间可能会更好。 LAB色彩空间,例如L,A,B值归一化并转换。 所以颜色的独特性被推向了更类似于人眼的东西。

getElement()反转8位数字的末端,并从-1开始计数,而不是0(用255屏蔽)。 所以它变成了255,0,127,192,64,随着数字的增长,它移动越来越less的有效位,细分数字。

getPattern()决定模式中最重要的元素(它是多维数据集根)。 然后继续分解涉及最重要元素的3N2 + 3N + 1个不同的模式。


 #FFFFFF #000000 #FF0000 #00FF00 #0000FF #FFFF00 #00FFFF #FF00FF #808080 #FF8080 #80FF80 #8080FF #008080 #800080 #808000 #FFFF80 #80FFFF #FF80FF #FF0080 #80FF00 #0080FF #00FF80 #8000FF #FF8000 #000080 #800000 #008000 #404040 #FF4040 #40FF40 #4040FF #004040 #400040 #404000 #804040 #408040 #404080 #FFFF40 #40FFFF #FF40FF #FF0040 #40FF00 #0040FF #FF8040 #40FF80 #8040FF #00FF40 #4000FF #FF4000 #000040 #400000 #004000 #008040 #400080 #804000 #80FF40 #4080FF #FF4080 #800040 #408000 #004080 #808040 #408080 #804080 #C0C0C0 #FFC0C0 #C0FFC0 #C0C0FF #00C0C0 #C000C0 #C0C000 #80C0C0 #C080C0 #C0C080 #40C0C0 #C040C0 #C0C040 #FFFFC0 #C0FFFF #FFC0FF #FF00C0 #C0FF00 #00C0FF #FF80C0 #C0FF80 #80C0FF #FF40C0 #C0FF40 #40C0FF #00FFC0 #C000FF #FFC000 #0000C0 #C00000 #00C000 #0080C0 #C00080 #80C000 #0040C0 #C00040 #40C000 #80FFC0 #C080FF #FFC080 #8000C0 #C08000 #00C080 #8080C0 #C08080 #80C080 #8040C0 #C08040 #40C080 #40FFC0 #C040FF #FFC040 #4000C0 #C04000 #00C040 #4080C0 #C04080 #80C040 #4040C0 #C04040 #40C040 #202020 #FF2020 #20FF20 

从左到右,从上到下。 729色(9³)。 所以所有的模式最多n = 9。你会注意到他们开始冲突的速度。 只有很多WRGBCYMK的变化。 而这个解决scheme,虽然聪明,但基本上只做不同的原色色调。

彩色网格,729 16x16

大部分的冲突是由于绿色和大多数人对绿色的看法。 开始时每个人的需求是最大不同的,而不仅仅是不同的颜色是不一样的。 而这个想法的基本缺陷导致了原色图案和相同的色调。



可以简单地称为Easy Way的静态列表。 花了一个半小时才生成了729个条目:

 #9BC4E5 #310106 #04640D #FEFB0A #FB5514 #E115C0 #00587F #0BC582 #FEB8C8 #9E8317 #01190F #847D81 #58018B #B70639 #703B01 #F7F1DF #118B8A #4AFEFA #FCB164 #796EE6 #000D2C #53495F #F95475 #61FC03 #5D9608 #DE98FD #98A088 #4F584E #248AD0 #5C5300 #9F6551 #BCFEC6 #932C70 #2B1B04 #B5AFC4 #D4C67A #AE7AA1 #C2A393 #0232FD #6A3A35 #BA6801 #168E5C #16C0D0 #C62100 #014347 #233809 #42083B #82785D #023087 #B7DAD2 #196956 #8C41BB #ECEDFE #2B2D32 #94C661 #F8907D #895E6B #788E95 #FB6AB8 #576094 #DB1474 #8489AE #860E04 #FBC206 #6EAB9B #F2CDFE #645341 #760035 #647A41 #496E76 #E3F894 #F9D7CD #876128 #A1A711 #01FB92 #FD0F31 #BE8485 #C660FB #120104 #D48958 #05AEE8 #C3C1BE #9F98F8 #1167D9 #D19012 #B7D802 #826392 #5E7A6A #B29869 #1D0051 #8BE7FC #76E0C1 #BACFA7 #11BA09 #462C36 #65407D #491803 #F5D2A8 #03422C #72A46E #128EAC #47545E #B95C69 #A14D12 #C4C8FA #372A55 #3F3610 #D3A2C6 #719FFA #0D841A #4C5B32 #9DB3B7 #B14F8F #747103 #9F816D #D26A5B #8B934B #F98500 #002935 #D7F3FE #FCB899 #1C0720 #6B5F61 #F98A9D #9B72C2 #A6919D #2C3729 #D7C70B #9F9992 #EFFBD0 #FDE2F1 #923A52 #5140A7 #BC14FD #6D706C #0007C4 #C6A62F #000C14 #904431 #600013 #1C1B08 #693955 #5E7C99 #6C6E82 #D0AFB3 #493B36 #AC93CE #C4BA9C #09C4B8 #69A5B8 #374869 #F868ED #E70850 #C04841 #C36333 #700366 #8A7A93 #52351D #B503A2 #D17190 #A0F086 #7B41FC #0EA64F #017499 #08A882 #7300CD #A9B074 #4E6301 #AB7E41 #547FF4 #134DAC #FDEC87 #056164 #FE12A0 #C264BA #939DAD #0BCDFA #277442 #1BDE4A #826958 #977678 #BAFCE8 #7D8475 #8CCF95 #726638 #FEA8EB #EAFEF0 #6B9279 #C2FE4B #304041 #1EA6A7 #022403 #062A47 #054B17 #F4C673 #02FEC7 #9DBAA8 #775551 #835536 #565BCC #80D7D2 #7AD607 #696F54 #87089A #664B19 #242235 #7DB00D #BFC7D6 #D5A97E #433F31 #311A18 #FDB2AB #D586C9 #7A5FB1 #32544A #EFE3AF #859D96 #2B8570 #8B282D #E16A07 #4B0125 #021083 #114558 #F707F9 #C78571 #7FB9BC #FC7F4B #8D4A92 #6B3119 #884F74 #994E4F #9DA9D3 #867B40 #CED5C4 #1CA2FE #D9C5B4 #FEAA00 #507B01 #A7D0DB #53858D #588F4A #FBEEEC #FC93C1 #D7CCD4 #3E4A02 #C8B1E2 #7A8B62 #9A5AE2 #896C04 #B1121C #402D7D #858701 #D498A6 #B484EF #5C474C #067881 #C0F9FC #726075 #8D3101 #6C93B2 #A26B3F #AA6582 #4F4C4F #5A563D #E83005 #32492D #FC7272 #B9C457 #552A5B #B50464 #616E79 #DCE2E4 #CF8028 #0AE2F0 #4F1E24 #FD5E46 #4B694E #C5DEFC #5DC262 #022D26 #7776B8 #FD9F66 #B049B8 #988F73 #BE385A #2B2126 #54805A #141B55 #67C09B #456989 #DDC1D9 #166175 #C1E29C #A397B5 #2E2922 #ABDBBE #B4A6A8 #A06B07 #A99949 #0A0618 #B14E2E #60557D #D4A556 #82A752 #4A005B #3C404F #6E6657 #7E8BD5 #1275B8 #D79E92 #230735 #661849 #7A8391 #FE0F7B #B0B6A9 #629591 #D05591 #97B68A #97939A #035E38 #53E19E #DFD7F9 #02436C #525A72 #059A0E #3E736C #AC8E87 #D10C92 #B9906E #66BDFD #C0ABFD #0734BC #341224 #8AAAC1 #0E0B03 #414522 #6A2F3E #2D9A8A #4568FD #FDE6D2 #FEE007 #9A003C #AC8190 #DCDD58 #B7903D #1F2927 #9B02E6 #827A71 #878B8A #8F724F #AC4B70 #37233B #385559 #F347C7 #9DB4FE #D57179 #DE505A #37F7DD #503500 #1C2401 #DD0323 #00A4BA #955602 #FA5B94 #AA766C #B8E067 #6A807E #4D2E27 #73BED7 #D7BC8A #614539 #526861 #716D96 #829A17 #210109 #436C2D #784955 #987BAB #8F0152 #0452FA #B67757 #A1659F #D4F8D8 #48416F #DEBAAF #A5A9AA #8C6B83 #403740 #70872B #D9744D #151E2C #5C5E5E #B47C02 #F4CBD0 #E49D7D #DD9954 #B0A18B #2B5308 #EDFD64 #9D72FC #2A3351 #68496C #C94801 #EED05E #826F6D #E0D6BB #5B6DB4 #662F98 #0C97CA #C1CA89 #755A03 #DFA619 #CD70A8 #BBC9C7 #F6BCE3 #A16462 #01D0AA #87C6B3 #E7B2FA #D85379 #643AD5 #D18AAE #13FD5E #B3E3FD #C977DB #C1A7BB #9286CB #A19B6A #8FFED7 #6B1F17 #DF503A #10DDD7 #9A8457 #60672F #7D327D #DD8782 #59AC42 #82FDB8 #FC8AE7 #909F6F #B691AE #B811CD #BCB24E #CB4BD9 #2B2304 #AA9501 #5D5096 #403221 #F9FAB4 #3990FC #70DE7F #95857F #84A385 #50996F #797B53 #7B6142 #81D5FE #9CC428 #0B0438 #3E2005 #4B7C91 #523854 #005EA9 #F0C7AD #ACB799 #FAC08E #502239 #BFAB6A #2B3C48 #0EB5D8 #8A5647 #49AF74 #067AE9 #F19509 #554628 #4426A4 #7352C9 #3F4287 #8B655E #B480BF #9BA74C #5F514C #CC9BDC #BA7942 #1C4138 #3C3C3A #29B09C #02923F #701D2B #36577C #3F00EA #3D959E #440601 #8AEFF3 #6D442A #BEB1A8 #A11C02 #8383FE #A73839 #DBDE8A #0283B3 #888597 #32592E #F5FDFA #01191B #AC707A #B6BD03 #027B59 #7B4F08 #957737 #83727D #035543 #6F7E64 #C39999 #52847A #925AAC #77CEDA #516369 #E0D7D0 #FCDD97 #555424 #96E6B6 #85BB74 #5E2074 #BD5E48 #9BEE53 #1A351E #3148CD #71575F #69A6D0 #391A62 #E79EA0 #1C0F03 #1B1636 #D20C39 #765396 #7402FE #447F3E #CFD0A8 #3A2600 #685AFC #A4B3C6 #534302 #9AA097 #FD5154 #9B0085 #403956 #80A1A7 #6E7A9A #605E6A #86F0E2 #5A2B01 #7E3D43 #ED823B #32331B #424837 #40755E #524F48 #B75807 #B40080 #5B8CA1 #FDCFE5 #CCFEAC #755847 #CAB296 #C0D6E3 #2D7100 #D5E4DE #362823 #69C63C #AC3801 #163132 #4750A6 #61B8B2 #FCC4B5 #DEBA2E #FE0449 #737930 #8470AB #687D87 #D7B760 #6AAB86 #8398B8 #B7B6BF #92C4A1 #B6084F #853B5E #D0BCBA #92826D #C6DDC6 #BE5F5A #280021 #435743 #874514 #63675A #E97963 #8F9C9E #985262 #909081 #023508 #DDADBF #D78493 #363900 #5B0120 #603C47 #C3955D #AC61CB #FD7BA7 #716C74 #8D895B #071001 #82B4F2 #B6BBD8 #71887A #8B9FE3 #997158 #65A6AB #2E3067 #321301 #FEECCB #3B5E72 #C8FE85 #A1DCDF #CB49A6 #B1C5E4 #3E5EB0 #88AEA7 #04504C #975232 #6786B9 #068797 #9A98C4 #A1C3C2 #1C3967 #DBEA07 #789658 #E7E7C6 #A6C886 #957F89 #752E62 #171518 #A75648 #01D26F #0F535D #047E76 #C54754 #5D6E88 #AB9483 #803B99 #FA9C48 #4A8A22 #654A5C #965F86 #9D0CBB #A0E8A0 #D3DBFA #FD908F #AEAB85 #A13B89 #F1B350 #066898 #948A42 #C8BEDE #19252C #7046AA #E1EEFC #3E6557 #CD3F26 #2B1925 #DDAD94 #C0B109 #37DFFE #039676 #907468 #9E86A5 #3A1B49 #BEE5B7 #C29501 #9E3645 #DC580A #645631 #444B4B #FD1A63 #DDE5AE #887800 #36006F #3A6260 #784637 #FEA0B7 #A3E0D2 #6D6316 #5F7172 #B99EC7 #777A7E #E0FEFD #E16DC5 #01344B #F8F8FC #9F9FB5 #182617 #FE3D21 #7D0017 #822F21 #EFD9DC #6E68C4 #35473E #007523 #767667 #A6825D #83DC5F #227285 #A95E34 #526172 #979730 #756F6D #716259 #E8B2B5 #B6C9BB #9078DA #4F326E #B2387B #888C6F #314B5F #E5B678 #38A3C6 #586148 #5C515B #CDCCE1 #C8977F 

使用蛮力(通过CIELab Delta2000 /以黑色开始testing所有16,777,216 RGB颜色)产生一系列。 在26左右开始冲突,但可以通过视觉检查和手动下降(这不能用计算机完成)使其达到30或40。 所以做绝对最大的一个可以编程方式只有几十个不同的颜色。 离散列表是你最好的select。 你会得到更多的离散的颜色与列表比编程。 简单的方法是最好的解决scheme,开始混合和匹配与其他方式来改变你的数据比颜色。


 #000000 #00FF00 #0000FF #FF0000 #01FFFE #FFA6FE #FFDB66 #006401 #010067 #95003A #007DB5 #FF00F6 #FFEEE8 #774D00 #90FB92 #0076FF #D5FF00 #FF937E #6A826C #FF029D #FE8900 #7A4782 #7E2DD2 #85A900 #FF0056 #A42400 #00AE7E #683D3B #BDC6FF #263400 #BDD393 #00B917 #9E008E #001544 #C28C9F #FF74A3 #01D0FF #004754 #E56FFE #788231 #0E4CA1 #91D0CB #BE9970 #968AE8 #BB8800 #43002C #DEFF74 #00FFC6 #FFE502 #620E00 #008F9C #98FF52 #7544B1 #B500FF #00FF78 #FF6E41 #005F39 #6B6882 #5FAD4E #A75740 #A5FFD2 #FFB167 #009BFF #E85EBE 

更新:我继续了这个约一个月,所以在1024蛮力。 1024

 public static final String[] indexcolors = new String[]{ "#000000", "#FFFF00", "#1CE6FF", "#FF34FF", "#FF4A46", "#008941", "#006FA6", "#A30059", "#FFDBE5", "#7A4900", "#0000A6", "#63FFAC", "#B79762", "#004D43", "#8FB0FF", "#997D87", "#5A0007", "#809693", "#FEFFE6", "#1B4400", "#4FC601", "#3B5DFF", "#4A3B53", "#FF2F80", "#61615A", "#BA0900", "#6B7900", "#00C2A0", "#FFAA92", "#FF90C9", "#B903AA", "#D16100", "#DDEFFF", "#000035", "#7B4F4B", "#A1C299", "#300018", "#0AA6D8", "#013349", "#00846F", "#372101", "#FFB500", "#C2FFED", "#A079BF", "#CC0744", "#C0B9B2", "#C2FF99", "#001E09", "#00489C", "#6F0062", "#0CBD66", "#EEC3FF", "#456D75", "#B77B68", "#7A87A1", "#788D66", "#885578", "#FAD09F", "#FF8A9A", "#D157A0", "#BEC459", "#456648", "#0086ED", "#886F4C", "#34362D", "#B4A8BD", "#00A6AA", "#452C2C", "#636375", "#A3C8C9", "#FF913F", "#938A81", "#575329", "#00FECF", "#B05B6F", "#8CD0FF", "#3B9700", "#04F757", "#C8A1A1", "#1E6E00", "#7900D7", "#A77500", "#6367A9", "#A05837", "#6B002C", "#772600", "#D790FF", "#9B9700", "#549E79", "#FFF69F", "#201625", "#72418F", "#BC23FF", "#99ADC0", "#3A2465", "#922329", "#5B4534", "#FDE8DC", "#404E55", "#0089A3", "#CB7E98", "#A4E804", "#324E72", "#6A3A4C", "#83AB58", "#001C1E", "#D1F7CE", "#004B28", "#C8D0F6", "#A3A489", "#806C66", "#222800", "#BF5650", "#E83000", "#66796D", "#DA007C", "#FF1A59", "#8ADBB4", "#1E0200", "#5B4E51", "#C895C5", "#320033", "#FF6832", "#66E1D3", "#CFCDAC", "#D0AC94", "#7ED379", "#012C58", "#7A7BFF", "#D68E01", "#353339", "#78AFA1", "#FEB2C6", "#75797C", "#837393", "#943A4D", "#B5F4FF", "#D2DCD5", "#9556BD", "#6A714A", "#001325", "#02525F", "#0AA3F7", "#E98176", "#DBD5DD", "#5EBCD1", "#3D4F44", "#7E6405", "#02684E", "#962B75", "#8D8546", "#9695C5", "#E773CE", "#D86A78", "#3E89BE", "#CA834E", "#518A87", "#5B113C", "#55813B", "#E704C4", "#00005F", "#A97399", "#4B8160", "#59738A", "#FF5DA7", "#F7C9BF", "#643127", "#513A01", "#6B94AA", "#51A058", "#A45B02", "#1D1702", "#E20027", "#E7AB63", "#4C6001", "#9C6966", "#64547B", "#97979E", "#006A66", "#391406", "#F4D749", "#0045D2", "#006C31", "#DDB6D0", "#7C6571", "#9FB2A4", "#00D891", "#15A08A", "#BC65E9", "#FFFFFE", "#C6DC99", "#203B3C", "#671190", "#6B3A64", "#F5E1FF", "#FFA0F2", "#CCAA35", "#374527", "#8BB400", "#797868", "#C6005A", "#3B000A", "#C86240", "#29607C", "#402334", "#7D5A44", "#CCB87C", "#B88183", "#AA5199", "#B5D6C3", "#A38469", "#9F94F0", "#A74571", "#B894A6", "#71BB8C", "#00B433", "#789EC9", "#6D80BA", "#953F00", "#5EFF03", "#E4FFFC", "#1BE177", "#BCB1E5", "#76912F", "#003109", "#0060CD", "#D20096", "#895563", "#29201D", "#5B3213", "#A76F42", "#89412E", "#1A3A2A", "#494B5A", "#A88C85", "#F4ABAA", "#A3F3AB", "#00C6C8", "#EA8B66", "#958A9F", "#BDC9D2", "#9FA064", "#BE4700", "#658188", "#83A485", "#453C23", "#47675D", "#3A3F00", "#061203", "#DFFB71", "#868E7E", "#98D058", "#6C8F7D", "#D7BFC2", "#3C3E6E", "#D83D66", "#2F5D9B", "#6C5E46", "#D25B88", "#5B656C", "#00B57F", "#545C46", "#866097", "#365D25", "#252F99", "#00CCFF", "#674E60", "#FC009C", "#92896B", "#1E2324", "#DEC9B2", "#9D4948", "#85ABB4", "#342142", "#D09685", "#A4ACAC", "#00FFFF", "#AE9C86", "#742A33", "#0E72C5", "#AFD8EC", "#C064B9", "#91028C", "#FEEDBF", "#FFB789", "#9CB8E4", "#AFFFD1", "#2A364C", "#4F4A43", "#647095", "#34BBFF", "#807781", "#920003", "#B3A5A7", "#018615", "#F1FFC8", "#976F5C", "#FF3BC1", "#FF5F6B", "#077D84", "#F56D93", "#5771DA", "#4E1E2A", "#830055", "#02D346", "#BE452D", "#00905E", "#BE0028", "#6E96E3", "#007699", "#FEC96D", "#9C6A7D", "#3FA1B8", "#893DE3", "#79B4D6", "#7FD4D9", "#6751BB", "#B28D2D", "#E27A05", "#DD9CB8", "#AABC7A", "#980034", "#561A02", "#8F7F00", "#635000", "#CD7DAE", "#8A5E2D", "#FFB3E1", "#6B6466", "#C6D300", "#0100E2", "#88EC69", "#8FCCBE", "#21001C", "#511F4D", "#E3F6E3", "#FF8EB1", "#6B4F29", "#A37F46", "#6A5950", "#1F2A1A", "#04784D", "#101835", "#E6E0D0", "#FF74FE", "#00A45F", "#8F5DF8", "#4B0059", "#412F23", "#D8939E", "#DB9D72", "#604143", "#B5BACE", "#989EB7", "#D2C4DB", "#A587AF", "#77D796", "#7F8C94", 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"#464836", "#322C3E", "#7CB9BA", "#5B6965", "#707D3D", "#7A001D", "#6E4636", "#443A38", "#AE81FF", "#489079", "#897334", "#009087", "#DA713C", "#361618", "#FF6F01", "#006679", "#370E77", "#4B3A83", "#C9E2E6", "#C44170", "#FF4526", "#73BE54", "#C4DF72", "#ADFF60", "#00447D", "#DCCEC9", "#BD9479", "#656E5B", "#EC5200", "#FF6EC2", "#7A617E", "#DDAEA2", "#77837F", "#A53327", "#608EFF", "#B599D7", "#A50149", "#4E0025", "#C9B1A9", "#03919A", "#1B2A25", "#E500F1", "#982E0B", "#B67180", "#E05859", "#006039", "#578F9B", "#305230", "#CE934C", "#B3C2BE", "#C0BAC0", "#B506D3", "#170C10", "#4C534F", "#224451", "#3E4141", "#78726D", "#B6602B", "#200441", "#DDB588", "#497200", "#C5AAB6", "#033C61", "#71B2F5", "#A9E088", "#4979B0", "#A2C3DF", "#784149", "#2D2B17", "#3E0E2F", "#57344C", "#0091BE", "#E451D1", "#4B4B6A", "#5C011A", "#7C8060", "#FF9491", "#4C325D", "#005C8B", "#E5FDA4", "#68D1B6", "#032641", "#140023", "#8683A9", "#CFFF00", "#A72C3E", "#34475A", "#B1BB9A", "#B4A04F", "#8D918E", "#A168A6", "#813D3A", "#425218", "#DA8386", "#776133", "#563930", "#8498AE", "#90C1D3", "#B5666B", "#9B585E", "#856465", "#AD7C90", "#E2BC00", "#E3AAE0", "#B2C2FE", "#FD0039", "#009B75", "#FFF46D", "#E87EAC", "#DFE3E6", "#848590", "#AA9297", "#83A193", "#577977", "#3E7158", "#C64289", "#EA0072", "#C4A8CB", "#55C899", "#E78FCF", "#004547", "#F6E2E3", "#966716", "#378FDB", "#435E6A", "#DA0004", "#1B000F", "#5B9C8F", "#6E2B52", "#011115", "#E3E8C4", "#AE3B85", "#EA1CA9", "#FF9E6B", "#457D8B", "#92678B", "#00CDBB", "#9CCC04", "#002E38", "#96C57F", "#CFF6B4", "#492818", "#766E52", "#20370E", "#E3D19F", "#2E3C30", "#B2EACE", "#F3BDA4", "#A24E3D", "#976FD9", "#8C9FA8", "#7C2B73", "#4E5F37", "#5D5462", "#90956F", "#6AA776", "#DBCBF6", "#DA71FF", "#987C95", "#52323C", "#BB3C42", "#584D39", "#4FC15F", "#A2B9C1", "#79DB21", "#1D5958", "#BD744E", "#160B00", "#20221A", "#6B8295", "#00E0E4", "#102401", "#1B782A", "#DAA9B5", "#B0415D", "#859253", "#97A094", "#06E3C4", "#47688C", "#7C6755", "#075C00", "#7560D5", "#7D9F00", "#C36D96", "#4D913E", "#5F4276", "#FCE4C8", "#303052", "#4F381B", "#E5A532", "#706690", "#AA9A92", "#237363", "#73013E", "#FF9079", "#A79A74", "#029BDB", "#FF0169", "#C7D2E7", "#CA8869", "#80FFCD", "#BB1F69", "#90B0AB", "#7D74A9", "#FCC7DB", "#99375B", "#00AB4D", "#ABAED1", "#BE9D91", "#E6E5A7", "#332C22", "#DD587B", "#F5FFF7", "#5D3033", "#6D3800", "#FF0020", "#B57BB3", "#D7FFE6", "#C535A9", "#260009", "#6A8781", "#A8ABB4", "#D45262", "#794B61", "#4621B2", "#8DA4DB", "#C7C890", "#6FE9AD", "#A243A7", "#B2B081", "#181B00", "#286154", "#4CA43B", "#6A9573", "#A8441D", "#5C727B", "#738671", "#D0CFCB", "#897B77", "#1F3F22", "#4145A7", "#DA9894", "#A1757A", "#63243C", "#ADAAFF", "#00CDE2", "#DDBC62", "#698EB1", "#208462", "#00B7E0", "#614A44", "#9BBB57", "#7A5C54", "#857A50", "#766B7E", "#014833", "#FF8347", "#7A8EBA", "#274740", "#946444", "#EBD8E6", "#646241", "#373917", "#6AD450", "#81817B", "#D499E3", "#979440", "#011A12", "#526554", "#B5885C", "#A499A5", "#03AD89", "#B3008B", "#E3C4B5", "#96531F", "#867175", "#74569E", "#617D9F", "#E70452", "#067EAF", "#A697B6", "#B787A8", "#9CFF93", "#311D19", "#3A9459", "#6E746E", "#B0C5AE", "#84EDF7", "#ED3488", "#754C78", "#384644", "#C7847B", "#00B6C5", "#7FA670", "#C1AF9E", "#2A7FFF", "#72A58C", "#FFC07F", "#9DEBDD", "#D97C8E", "#7E7C93", "#62E674", "#B5639E", "#FFA861", "#C2A580", "#8D9C83", "#B70546", "#372B2E", "#0098FF", "#985975", "#20204C", "#FF6C60", "#445083", "#8502AA", "#72361F", "#9676A3", "#484449", "#CED6C2", "#3B164A", "#CCA763", "#2C7F77", "#02227B", "#A37E6F", "#CDE6DC", "#CDFFFB", "#BE811A", "#F77183", "#EDE6E2", "#CDC6B4", "#FFE09E", "#3A7271", "#FF7B59", "#4E4E01", "#4AC684", "#8BC891", "#BC8A96", "#CF6353", "#DCDE5C", "#5EAADD", "#F6A0AD", "#E269AA", "#A3DAE4", "#436E83", "#002E17", "#ECFBFF", "#A1C2B6", "#50003F", "#71695B", "#67C4BB", "#536EFF", "#5D5A48", "#890039", "#969381", "#371521", "#5E4665", "#AA62C3", "#8D6F81", "#2C6135", "#410601", "#564620", "#E69034", "#6DA6BD", "#E58E56", "#E3A68B", "#48B176", "#D27D67", "#B5B268", "#7F8427", "#FF84E6", "#435740", "#EAE408", "#F4F5FF", "#325800", "#4B6BA5", "#ADCEFF", "#9B8ACC", "#885138", "#5875C1", "#7E7311", "#FEA5CA", "#9F8B5B", "#A55B54", "#89006A", "#AF756F", "#2A2000", "#7499A1", "#FFB550", "#00011E", "#D1511C", "#688151", "#BC908A", "#78C8EB", "#8502FF", "#483D30", "#C42221", "#5EA7FF", "#785715", "#0CEA91", "#FFFAED", "#B3AF9D", "#3E3D52", "#5A9BC2", "#9C2F90", "#8D5700", "#ADD79C", "#00768B", "#337D00", "#C59700", "#3156DC", "#944575", "#ECFFDC", "#D24CB2", "#97703C", "#4C257F", "#9E0366", "#88FFEC", "#B56481", "#396D2B", "#56735F", "#988376", "#9BB195", "#A9795C", "#E4C5D3", "#9F4F67", "#1E2B39", "#664327", "#AFCE78", "#322EDF", "#86B487", "#C23000", "#ABE86B", "#96656D", "#250E35", "#A60019", "#0080CF", "#CAEFFF", "#323F61", "#A449DC", "#6A9D3B", "#FF5AE4", "#636A01", "#D16CDA", "#736060", "#FFBAAD", "#D369B4", "#FFDED6", "#6C6D74", "#927D5E", "#845D70", "#5B62C1", "#2F4A36", "#E45F35", "#FF3B53", "#AC84DD", "#762988", "#70EC98", "#408543", "#2C3533", "#2E182D", "#323925", "#19181B", "#2F2E2C", "#023C32", "#9B9EE2", "#58AFAD", "#5C424D", "#7AC5A6", "#685D75", "#B9BCBD", "#834357", "#1A7B42", "#2E57AA", "#E55199", "#316E47", "#CD00C5", "#6A004D", "#7FBBEC", "#F35691", "#D7C54A", "#62ACB7", "#CBA1BC", "#A28A9A", "#6C3F3B", "#FFE47D", "#DCBAE3", "#5F816D", "#3A404A", "#7DBF32", "#E6ECDC", "#852C19", "#285366", "#B8CB9C", "#0E0D00", "#4B5D56", "#6B543F", "#E27172", "#0568EC", "#2EB500", "#D21656", "#EFAFFF", "#682021", "#2D2011", "#DA4CFF", "#70968E", "#FF7B7D", "#4A1930", "#E8C282", "#E7DBBC", "#A68486", "#1F263C", "#36574E", "#52CE79", "#ADAAA9", "#8A9F45", "#6542D2", "#00FB8C", "#5D697B", "#CCD27F", "#94A5A1", "#790229", "#E383E6", "#7EA4C1", "#4E4452", "#4B2C00", "#620B70", "#314C1E", "#874AA6", "#E30091", "#66460A", "#EB9A8B", "#EAC3A3", "#98EAB3", "#AB9180", "#B8552F", "#1A2B2F", "#94DDC5", "#9D8C76", "#9C8333", "#94A9C9", "#392935", "#8C675E", "#CCE93A", "#917100", "#01400B", "#449896", "#1CA370", "#E08DA7", "#8B4A4E", "#667776", "#4692AD", "#67BDA8", "#69255C", "#D3BFFF", "#4A5132", "#7E9285", "#77733C", "#E7A0CC", "#51A288", "#2C656A", "#4D5C5E", "#C9403A", "#DDD7F3", "#005844", "#B4A200", "#488F69", "#858182", "#D4E9B9", "#3D7397", "#CAE8CE", "#D60034", "#AA6746", "#9E5585", "#BA6200" }; 




在写这篇文章的时候,它只适用于Chrome和Safari浏览器,Firefox浏览器。 它在界面中使用HTML5范围input滑块,IE9和Firefox本身尚不支持。

我认为HSV (或HSL)空间在这里有更多的机会。 如果您不介意额外的转换,只需旋转Hue值即可轻松完成所有的颜色。 If that's not enough, you can change the Saturation/Value/Lightness values and go through the rotation again. Or, you can always shift the Hue values or change your "stepping" angle and rotate more times.

There's a flaw in the previous RGB solutions. They don't take advantage of the whole color space since they use a color value and 0 for the channels:

 #006600 #330000 #FF00FF 

Instead they should be using all the possible color values to generate mixed colors that can have up to 3 different values across the color channels:

 #336600 #FF0066 #33FF66 

Using the full color space you can generate more distinct colors. For example, if you have 4 values per channel, then 4*4*4= 64 colors can be generated. With the other scheme, only 4*7+1= 29 colors can be generated.

If you want N colors, then the number of values per channel required is: ceil(cube_root(N))

With that, you can then determine the possible (0-255 range) values (python):

 max = 255 segs = int(num**(Decimal("1.0")/3)) step = int(max/segs) p = [(i*step) for i in xrange(segs)] values = [max] values.extend(p) 

Then you can iterate over the RGB colors (this is not recommended):

 total = 0 for red in values: for green in values: for blue in values: if total <= N: print color(red, green, blue) total += 1 

Nested loops will work, but are not recommended since it will favor the blue channel and the resulting colors will not have enough red (N will most likely be less than the number of all possible color values).

You can create a better algorithm for the loops where each channel is treated equally and more distinct color values are favored over small ones.

I have a solution, but didn't want to post it since it isn't the easiest to understand or efficient. But, you can view the solution if you really want to.

Here is a sample of 64 generated colors: 64 colors

I would start with a set brightness 100% and go around primary colors first:

FF0000, 00FF00, 0000FF

then the combinations


next for example halve the brightness and do same round. There's not too many really clearly distinct colors, after these I would start to vary the line width and do dotted/dashed lines etc.

I implemented this algorithm in a shorter way

 void ColorValue::SetColorValue( double r, double g, double b, ColorType myType ) { this->c[0] = r; this->c[1] = g; this->c[2] = b; this->type = myType; } DistinctColorGenerator::DistinctColorGenerator() { mFactor = 255; mColorsGenerated = 0; mpColorCycle = new ColorValue[6]; mpColorCycle[0].SetColorValue( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, TYPE_RGB); mpColorCycle[1].SetColorValue( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, TYPE_RGB); mpColorCycle[2].SetColorValue( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, TYPE_RGB); mpColorCycle[3].SetColorValue( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, TYPE_RGB); mpColorCycle[4].SetColorValue( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, TYPE_RGB); mpColorCycle[5].SetColorValue( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, TYPE_RGB); } //---------------------------------------------------------- ColorValue DistinctColorGenerator::GenerateNewColor() { int innerCycleNr = mColorsGenerated % 6; int outerCycleNr = mColorsGenerated / 6; int cycleSize = pow( 2, (int)(log((double)(outerCycleNr)) / log( 2.0 ) ) ); int insideCycleCounter = outerCycleNr % cyclesize; if ( outerCycleNr == 0) { mFactor = 255; } else { mFactor = ( 256 / ( 2 * cycleSize ) ) + ( insideCycleCounter * ( 256 / cycleSize ) ); } ColorValue newColor = mpColorCycle[innerCycleNr] * mFactor; mColorsGenerated++; return newColor; } 

I needed the same functionality, in a simple form.

What I needed was to generate as unique as possible colors from an an increasing index value.

Here is the code, in C# (Any other language implementation should be very similar)

The mechanism is very simple

  1. A pattern of color_writers get generated from indexA values from 0 to 7.

  2. For indices < 8, those colors are = color_writer[indexA] * 255.

  3. For indices between 8 and 15, those colors are = color_writer[indexA] * 255 + (color_writer[indexA+1]) * 127

  4. For indices between 16 and 23, those colors are = color_writer[indexA] * 255 + (color_writer[indexA+1]) * 127 + (color_writer[indexA+2]) * 63

And so on:

Rand Color Generator

  private System.Drawing.Color GetRandColor(int index) { byte red = 0; byte green = 0; byte blue = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= index / 8; t++) { int index_a = (index+t) % 8; int index_b = index_a / 2; //Color writers, take on values of 0 and 1 int color_red = index_a % 2; int color_blue = index_b % 2; int color_green = ((index_b + 1) % 3) % 2; int add = 255 / (t + 1); red = (byte)(red+color_red * add); green = (byte)(green + color_green * add); blue = (byte)(blue + color_blue * add); } Color color = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue); return color; } 

Note: To avoid generating bright and hard to see colors (in this example: yellow on white background) you can modify it with a recursive loop:

  int skip_index = 0; private System.Drawing.Color GetRandColor(int index) { index += skip_index; byte red = 0; byte green = 0; byte blue = 0; for (int t = 0; t <= index / 8; t++) { int index_a = (index+t) % 8; int index_b = index_a / 2; //Color writers, take on values of 0 and 1 int color_red = index_a % 2; int color_blue = index_b % 2; int color_green = ((index_b + 1) % 3) % 2; int add = 255 / (t + 1); red = (byte)(red + color_red * add); green = (byte)(green + color_green * add); blue = (byte)(blue + color_blue * add); } if(red > 200 && green > 200) { skip_index++; return GetRandColor(index); } Color color = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue); return color; } 

You could also think of the color space as all combinations of three numbers from 0 to 255, inclusive. That's the base-255 representation of a number between 0 and 255^3, forced to have three decimal places (add zeros on to the end if need be.)

So to generate x number of colors, you'd calculate x evenly spaced percentages, 0 to 100. Get numbers by multiplying those percentages by 255^3, convert those numbers to base 255, and add zeros as previously mentioned.

Base conversion algorithm, for reference (in pseudocode that's quite close to C#):

 int num = (number to convert); int baseConvert = (desired base, 255 in this case); (array of ints) nums = new (array of ints); int x = num; double digits = Math.Log(num, baseConvert); //or ln(num) / ln(baseConvert) int numDigits = (digits - Math.Ceiling(digits) == 0 ? (int)(digits + 1) : (int)Math.Ceiling(digits)); //go up one if it turns out even for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) { int toAdd = ((int)Math.Floor(x / Math.Pow((double)convertBase, (double)(numDigits - i - 1)))); //Formula for 0th digit: d = num / (convertBase^(numDigits - 1)) //Then subtract (d * convertBase^(numDigits - 1)) from the num and continue nums.Add(toAdd); x -= toAdd * (int)Math.Pow((double)convertBase, (double)(numDigits - i - 1)); } return nums; 

You might also have to do something to bring the range in a little bit, to avoid having white and black, if you want. Those numbers aren't actually a smooth color scale, but they'll generate separate colors if you don't have too many.

This question has more on base conversion in .NET.

for getting nth colour. Just this kind of code would be enough. This i have use in my opencv clustering problem. This will create different colours as col changes.

 for(int col=1;col<CLUSTER_COUNT+1;col++){ switch(col%6) { case 1:cout<<Scalar(0,0,(int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)))<<endl;break; case 2:cout<<Scalar(0,(int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)),0)<<endl;break; case 3:cout<<Scalar((int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)),0,0)<<endl;break; case 4:cout<<Scalar(0,(int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)),(int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)))<<endl;break; case 5:cout<<Scalar((int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)),0,(int)(255/(int)(col/6+1)))<<endl;break; case 0:cout<<Scalar((int)(255/(int)(col/6)),(int)(255/(int)(col/6)),0)<<endl;break; } } 

You could get a random set of your 3 255 values and check it against the last set of 3 values, making sure they are each at least X away from the old values before using them.

OLD: 190, 120, 100

NEW: 180, 200, 30

If X = 20, then the new set would be regenerated again.