
如何检查C#代码是否存在registry值? 这是我的代码,我想检查是否存在“开始”。

public static bool checkMachineType() { RegistryKey winLogonKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"System\CurrentControlSet\services\pcmcia", true); string currentKey= winLogonKey.GetValue("Start").ToString(); if (currentKey == "0") return (false); return (true); } 

对于registry项您可以检查它是否为空后得到它。 这将是,如果它不存在。


 public static bool registryValueExists(string hive_HKLM_or_HKCU, string registryRoot, string valueName) { RegistryKey root; switch (hive_HKLM_or_HKCU.ToUpper()) { case "HKLM": root = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryRoot, false); break; case "HKCU": root = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registryRoot, false); break; default: throw new System.InvalidOperationException("parameter registryRoot must be either \"HKLM\" or \"HKCU\""); } return root.GetValue(valueName) != null; } 
 string keyName=@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\pcmcia"; string valueName="Start"; if (Registry.GetValue(keyName, valueName, null) == null) { //code if key Not Exist } else { //code if key Exist } 
  RegistryKey rkSubKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(" Your Registry Key Location", false); if (rkSubKey == null) { // It doesn't exist } else { // It exists and do something if you want to } 
  RegistryKey test9999 = Registry.CurrentUser; foreach (var item in test9999.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (item.ToString() == "SOFTWARE") { test9999.OpenSubKey(item); foreach (var val in test9999.OpenSubKey(item).GetSubKeyNames()) { if(val.ToString() == "Adobe") { Console.WriteLine(val+ " found it "); } } } } 
  internal static Func<string, string, bool> regKey = delegate (string KeyLocation, string Value) { // get registry key with Microsoft.Win32.Registrys RegistryKey rk = (RegistryKey)Registry.GetValue(KeyLocation, Value, null); // KeyLocation and Value variables from method, null object because no default value is present. Must be casted to RegistryKey because method returns object. if ((rk) == null) // if the RegistryKey is null which means it does not exist { // the key does not exist return false; // return false because it does not exist } // the registry key does exist return true; // return true because it does exist }; 


  // usage: /* Create Key - while (loading) { RegistryKey k; k = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("stuff"); k.SetValue("value", "value"); Thread.Sleep(int.MaxValue); }; // no need to k.close because exiting control */ if (regKey(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\stuff ... ", "value")) { // key exists return; } // key does not exist