



WITH EmployeeTree AS ( SELECT EMP_SRC_ID_NR Id, USR_ACV_DIR_ID_TE Uuid, CASE Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID WHEN Null THEN '0' ELSE Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID END as ApprovalManagerId FROM dbo.[tEmployees] as Employees WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE APV_MGR_EMP_ID = @Id and Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID is not null and Employees.EMP_SRC_ID_NR is not null UNION ALL SELECT EMP_SRC_ID_NR Id, USR_ACV_DIR_ID_TE Uuid, CASE Employees.UPS_ACP_EMP_NR WHEN Null THEN '1' ELSE Employees.UPS_ACP_EMP_NR END as ApprovalManagerId FROM dbo.[tEmployees] as Employees WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE UPS_ACP_EMP_NR = @Id and Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID is not null and Employees.EMP_SRC_ID_NR is not null UNION ALL SELECT Employees.EMP_SRC_ID_NR, Employees.USR_ACV_DIR_ID_TE, CASE Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID WHEN Null THEN '2' ELSE Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID END FROM dbo.[tEmployees] as Employees WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN EmployeeTree ON Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID = EmployeeTree.Id where Employees.APV_MGR_EMP_ID is not null and Employees.EMP_SRC_ID_NR is not null ) SELECT Id AS [EmployeeId], Uuid AS [EmployeeUuid], ApprovalManagerId AS [ManagerId] FROM EmployeeTree 

在查询的末尾指定maxrecursion选项 :

 ... from EmployeeTree option (maxrecursion 0) 

这允许您指定在发生错误之前CTE可以recursion的频率。 Maxrecursion 0允许无限recursion。

这只是一个避免最大recursion错误的例子。 我们必须使用选项(maxrecursion 365); 或选项(maxrecursion 0);

 DECLARE @STARTDATE datetime; DECLARE @EntDt datetime; set @STARTDATE = '01/01/2009'; set @EntDt = '12/31/2009'; declare @dcnt int; ;with DateList as ( select @STARTDATE DateValue union all select DateValue + 1 from DateList where DateValue + 1 < convert(VARCHAR(15),@EntDt,101) ) select count(*) as DayCnt from ( select DateValue,DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DateValue ) as WEEKDAY from DateList where DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DateValue ) not IN ( 'Saturday','Sunday' ) )a option (maxrecursion 365);