在/ public路由到静态html页面




 match '/foo', :to => redirect('/foo.html') 


在Rails 4中,它应该使用“get”而不是“match”:

 get '/foo', :to => redirect('/foo.html') 

感谢Grant Birchmeier

这可以在不触发redirect的情况下完成。 按照下面的步骤进行操作,以便能够在config/routes.rb路由静态文件,如下例所示:

 # This route will serve public/index.html at the /login URL # path, and have a URL helper named `login_path`: get "/login", to: static("index.html") # This route will serve public/register.html at the /register # URL path, and have URL helper named `new_user_registration_path`: get "/register", to: static("register.html"), as: :new_user_registration 
  1. 创buildconfig/initializers/static_router.rb与该答案的结尾处显示的文件的全部内容。 确保您为与应用的Rails版本相关的行切换注释。
  2. 重新启动应用程序(第一个bin/spring stop ,以确保应用程序完全重新加载)。
  3. 开始在你的config/routes.rb使用static(path)方法。

 # File: config/initializers/static_router.rb module ActionDispatch module Routing class StaticResponder < Endpoint attr_accessor :path, :file_handler def initialize(path) self.path = path # Only if you're on Rails 5+: self.file_handler = ActionDispatch::FileHandler.new( Rails.configuration.paths["public"].first ) # Only if you're on Rails 4.2: # self.file_handler = ActionDispatch::FileHandler.new( # Rails.configuration.paths["public"].first, # Rails.configuration.static_cache_control # ) end def call(env) env["PATH_INFO"] = @file_handler.match?(path) @file_handler.call(env) end def inspect "static('#{path}')" end end class Mapper def static(path) StaticResponder.new(path) end end end end 

来源: https : //github.com/eliotsykes/rails-static-router