
我想在JavaScript中看到对象的结构(用于debugging)。 有没有什么类似于PHP中的var_dump?







但是我必须提到JSON.stringify ,它非常有用于在非浏览器脚本中转储variables:

 console.log( JSON.stringify(object) ); 

JSON.stringify函数也支持Simon Zyx指出的内置的精简


 var obj = {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}; console.log( JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) ); // spacing level = 2 


 { "x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3 } 

caniuse.com上,您可以查看本机支持JSON.stringify函数的浏览器: http : JSON.stringify

您还可以使用Douglas Crockford库在旧浏览器上添加JSON.stringify支持: https : //github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js

Docs for JSON.stringify : https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify

我希望这有帮助 :-)

我写这个JS函数dump()来像PHP的var_dump()一样工作。 在variables窗口中显示dump(variable)的内容: dump(variable)在网页中显示dump(variable)的内容: dump(variable, 'body')只需获取一个variables的string: dump(variable, 'none')

 /* repeatString() returns a string which has been repeated a set number of times */ function repeatString(str, num) { out = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { out += str; } return out; } /* dump() displays the contents of a variable like var_dump() does in PHP. dump() is better than typeof, because it can distinguish between array, null and object. Parameters: v: The variable howDisplay: "none", "body", "alert" (default) recursionLevel: Number of times the function has recursed when entering nested objects or arrays. Each level of recursion adds extra space to the output to indicate level. Set to 0 by default. Return Value: A string of the variable's contents Limitations: Can't pass an undefined variable to dump(). dump() can't distinguish between int and float. dump() can't tell the original variable type of a member variable of an object. These limitations can't be fixed because these are *features* of JS. However, dump() */ function dump(v, howDisplay, recursionLevel) { howDisplay = (typeof howDisplay === 'undefined') ? "alert" : howDisplay; recursionLevel = (typeof recursionLevel !== 'number') ? 0 : recursionLevel; var vType = typeof v; var out = vType; switch (vType) { case "number": /* there is absolutely no way in JS to distinguish 2 from 2.0 so 'number' is the best that you can do. The following doesn't work: var er = /^[0-9]+$/; if (!isNaN(v) && v % 1 === 0 && er.test(3.0)) out = 'int';*/ case "boolean": out += ": " + v; break; case "string": out += "(" + v.length + '): "' + v + '"'; break; case "object": //check if null if (v === null) { out = "null"; } //If using jQuery: if ($.isArray(v)) //If using IE: if (isArray(v)) //this should work for all browsers according to the ECMAScript standard: else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(v) === '[object Array]') { out = 'array(' + v.length + '): {\n'; for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { out += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + " [" + i + "]: " + dump(v[i], "none", recursionLevel + 1) + "\n"; } out += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + "}"; } else { //if object sContents = "{\n"; cnt = 0; for (var member in v) { //No way to know the original data type of member, since JS //always converts it to a string and no other way to parse objects. sContents += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + " " + member + ": " + dump(v[member], "none", recursionLevel + 1) + "\n"; cnt++; } sContents += repeatString(' ', recursionLevel) + "}"; out += "(" + cnt + "): " + sContents; } break; } if (howDisplay == 'body') { var pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.innerHTML = out; document.body.appendChild(pre) } else if (howDisplay == 'alert') { alert(out); } return out; } 

JavaScript中的var_dump等价物? 简单地说,没有一个。

但是,这并不意味着你是无可奈何的。 就像有人build议的那样,使用Firebug (或其他浏览器中的等价物),但是与其他人build议的不同,当你有一个(稍微)更好的工具时,不要使用console.log console.dir :


打印对象的所有属性的交互式列表。 这看起来与您在DOM选项卡中看到的视图完全相同。

正如其他人已经提到的,debuggingvariables的最好方法是使用现代浏览器的开发者控制台(例如Chrome开发者工具 ,Firefox + Firebug , Opera Dragonfly (现在已经在新的基于Chromium的Blink Opera中消失了) 说 , “虽然我们还不能给你更多的信息蜻蜓还没死”



它提供了“PHP函数的JavaScript替代scheme” – 所以你可以像在PHP中一样使用它们。 我会在这里复制粘贴适当的function给你,但请注意,这些代码可以在原始网站上得到更新,以防发现一些错误,所以我build议你访问phpjs.org网站 ! (顺便说一句,我不隶属于该网站,但我觉得它非常有用。)


它依赖于echo()函数: http : //phpjs.org/functions/echo/

 function var_dump() { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/var_dump/ // original by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // improved by: Zahlii // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // depends on: echo // note: For returning a string, use var_export() with the second argument set to true // test: skip // example 1: var_dump(1); // returns 1: 'int(1)' var output = '', pad_char = ' ', pad_val = 4, lgth = 0, i = 0; var _getFuncName = function(fn) { var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/) .exec(fn); if (!name) { return '(Anonymous)'; } return name[1]; }; var _repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { str += pad_char; } return str; }; var _getInnerVal = function(val, thick_pad) { var ret = ''; if (val === null) { ret = 'NULL'; } else if (typeof val === 'boolean') { ret = 'bool(' + val + ')'; } else if (typeof val === 'string') { ret = 'string(' + val.length + ') "' + val + '"'; } else if (typeof val === 'number') { if (parseFloat(val) == parseInt(val, 10)) { ret = 'int(' + val + ')'; } else { ret = 'float(' + val + ')'; } } // The remaining are not PHP behavior because these values only exist in this exact form in JavaScript else if (typeof val === 'undefined') { ret = 'undefined'; } else if (typeof val === 'function') { var funcLines = val.toString() .split('\n'); ret = ''; for (var i = 0, fll = funcLines.length; i < fll; i++) { ret += (i !== 0 ? '\n' + thick_pad : '') + funcLines[i]; } } else if (val instanceof Date) { ret = 'Date(' + val + ')'; } else if (val instanceof RegExp) { ret = 'RegExp(' + val + ')'; } else if (val.nodeName) { // Different than PHP's DOMElement switch (val.nodeType) { case 1: if (typeof val.namespaceURI === 'undefined' || val.namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') { // Undefined namespace could be plain XML, but namespaceURI not widely supported ret = 'HTMLElement("' + val.nodeName + '")'; } else { ret = 'XML Element("' + val.nodeName + '")'; } break; case 2: ret = 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ')'; break; case 3: ret = 'TEXT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')'; break; case 4: ret = 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')'; break; case 5: ret = 'ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE'; break; case 6: ret = 'ENTITY_NODE'; break; case 7: ret = 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE(' + val.nodeName + ':' + val.nodeValue + ')'; break; case 8: ret = 'COMMENT_NODE(' + val.nodeValue + ')'; break; case 9: ret = 'DOCUMENT_NODE'; break; case 10: ret = 'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE'; break; case 11: ret = 'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE'; break; case 12: ret = 'NOTATION_NODE'; break; } } return ret; }; var _formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) { var someProp = ''; if (cur_depth > 0) { cur_depth++; } var base_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth - 1), pad_char); var thick_pad = _repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char); var str = ''; var val = ''; if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { if (obj.constructor && _getFuncName(obj.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') { return obj.var_dump(); } lgth = 0; for (someProp in obj) { lgth++; } str += 'array(' + lgth + ') {\n'; for (var key in obj) { var objVal = obj[key]; if (typeof objVal === 'object' && objVal !== null && !(objVal instanceof Date) && !(objVal instanceof RegExp) && ! objVal.nodeName) { str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + _formatArray(objVal, cur_depth + 1, pad_val, pad_char); } else { val = _getInnerVal(objVal, thick_pad); str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] =>\n' + thick_pad + val + '\n'; } } str += base_pad + '}\n'; } else { str = _getInnerVal(obj, thick_pad); } return str; }; output = _formatArray(arguments[0], 0, pad_val, pad_char); for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { output += '\n' + _formatArray(arguments[i], 0, pad_val, pad_char); } this.echo(output); } 



 function print_r(array, return_val) { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/print_r/ // original by: Michael White (http://getsprink.com) // improved by: Ben Bryan // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // depends on: echo // example 1: print_r(1, true); // returns 1: 1 var output = '', pad_char = ' ', pad_val = 4, d = this.window.document, getFuncName = function(fn) { var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/) .exec(fn); if (!name) { return '(Anonymous)'; } return name[1]; }; repeat_char = function(len, pad_char) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { str += pad_char; } return str; }; formatArray = function(obj, cur_depth, pad_val, pad_char) { if (cur_depth > 0) { cur_depth++; } var base_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * cur_depth, pad_char); var thick_pad = repeat_char(pad_val * (cur_depth + 1), pad_char); var str = ''; if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && obj.constructor && getFuncName(obj.constructor) !== 'PHPJS_Resource') { str += 'Array\n' + base_pad + '(\n'; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[key]) === '[object Array]') { str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + formatArray(obj[key], cur_depth + 1, pad_val, pad_char); } else { str += thick_pad + '[' + key + '] => ' + obj[key] + '\n'; } } str += base_pad + ')\n'; } else if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { str = ''; } else { // for our "resource" class str = obj.toString(); } return str; }; output = formatArray(array, 0, pad_val, pad_char); if (return_val !== true) { if (d.body) { this.echo(output); } else { try { // We're in XUL, so appending as plain text won't work; trigger an error out of XUL d = XULDocument; this.echo('<pre xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="white-space:pre;">' + output + '</pre>'); } catch (e) { // Outputting as plain text may work in some plain XML this.echo(output); } } return true; } return output; } 


你也可以find有用的var_export() ,这也取决于echo()

 function var_export(mixed_expression, bool_return) { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/var_export/ // original by: Philip Peterson // improved by: johnrembo // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // input by: Brian Tafoya (http://www.premasolutions.com/) // input by: Hans Henrik (http://hanshenrik.tk/) // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // depends on: echo // example 1: var_export(null); // returns 1: null // example 2: var_export({0: 'Kevin', 1: 'van', 2: 'Zonneveld'}, true); // returns 2: "array (\n 0 => 'Kevin',\n 1 => 'van',\n 2 => 'Zonneveld'\n)" // example 3: data = 'Kevin'; // example 3: var_export(data, true); // returns 3: "'Kevin'" var retstr = '', iret = '', value, cnt = 0, x = [], i = 0, funcParts = [], // We use the last argument (not part of PHP) to pass in // our indentation level idtLevel = arguments[2] || 2, innerIndent = '', outerIndent = '', getFuncName = function(fn) { var name = (/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\s*\(/) .exec(fn); if (!name) { return '(Anonymous)'; } return name[1]; }; _makeIndent = function(idtLevel) { return (new Array(idtLevel + 1)) .join(' '); }; __getType = function(inp) { var i = 0, match, types, cons, type = typeof inp; if (type === 'object' && (inp && inp.constructor) && getFuncName(inp.constructor) === 'PHPJS_Resource') { return 'resource'; } if (type === 'function') { return 'function'; } if (type === 'object' && !inp) { // Should this be just null? return 'null'; } if (type === 'object') { if (!inp.constructor) { return 'object'; } cons = inp.constructor.toString(); match = cons.match(/(\w+)\(/); if (match) { cons = match[1].toLowerCase(); } types = ['boolean', 'number', 'string', 'array']; for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { if (cons === types[i]) { type = types[i]; break; } } } return type; }; type = __getType(mixed_expression); if (type === null) { retstr = 'NULL'; } else if (type === 'array' || type === 'object') { outerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel - 2); innerIndent = _makeIndent(idtLevel); for (i in mixed_expression) { value = this.var_export(mixed_expression[i], 1, idtLevel + 2); value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.replace(/</g, '&lt;') . replace(/>/g, '&gt;'): value; x[cnt++] = innerIndent + i + ' => ' + (__getType(mixed_expression[i]) === 'array' ? '\n' : '') + value; } iret = x.join(',\n'); retstr = outerIndent + 'array (\n' + iret + '\n' + outerIndent + ')'; } else if (type === 'function') { funcParts = mixed_expression.toString() . match(/function .*?\((.*?)\) \{([\s\S]*)\}/); // For lambda functions, var_export() outputs such as the following: // '\000lambda_1'. Since it will probably not be a common use to // expect this (unhelpful) form, we'll use another PHP-exportable // construct, create_function() (though dollar signs must be on the // variables in JavaScript); if using instead in JavaScript and you // are using the namespaced version, note that create_function() will // not be available as a global retstr = "create_function ('" + funcParts[1] + "', '" + funcParts[2].replace(new RegExp("'", 'g'), "\\'") + "')"; } else if (type === 'resource') { // Resources treated as null for var_export retstr = 'NULL'; } else { retstr = typeof mixed_expression !== 'string' ? mixed_expression : "'" + mixed_expression.replace(/(["'])/g, '\\$1') . replace(/\0/g, '\\0') + "'"; } if (!bool_return) { this.echo(retstr); return null; } return retstr; } 



 function echo() { // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/echo/ // original by: Philip Peterson // improved by: echo is bad // improved by: Nate // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // revised by: Der Simon (http://innerdom.sourceforge.net/) // bugfixed by: Eugene Bulkin (http://doubleaw.com/) // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // bugfixed by: EdorFaus // input by: JB // note: If browsers start to support DOM Level 3 Load and Save (parsing/serializing), // note: we wouldn't need any such long code (even most of the code below). See // note: link below for a cross-browser implementation in JavaScript. HTML5 might // note: possibly support DOMParser, but that is not presently a standard. // note: Although innerHTML is widely used and may become standard as of HTML5, it is also not ideal for // note: use with a temporary holder before appending to the DOM (as is our last resort below), // note: since it may not work in an XML context // note: Using innerHTML to directly add to the BODY is very dangerous because it will // note: break all pre-existing references to HTMLElements. // example 1: echo('<div><p>abc</p><p>abc</p></div>'); // returns 1: undefined var isNode = typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports && typeof global !== "undefined" && {}.toString.call( global) == '[object global]'; if (isNode) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return console.log(args.join(' ')); } var arg = ''; var argc = arguments.length; var argv = arguments; var i = 0; var holder, win = this.window; var d = win.document; var ns_xhtml = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; // If we're in a XUL context var ns_xul = 'http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul'; var stringToDOM = function(str, parent, ns, container) { var extraNSs = ''; if (ns === ns_xul) { extraNSs = ' xmlns:html="' + ns_xhtml + '"'; } var stringContainer = '<' + container + ' xmlns="' + ns + '"' + extraNSs + '>' + str + '</' + container + '>'; var dils = win.DOMImplementationLS; var dp = win.DOMParser; var ax = win.ActiveXObject; if (dils && dils.createLSInput && dils.createLSParser) { // Follows the DOM 3 Load and Save standard, but not // implemented in browsers at present; HTML5 is to standardize on innerHTML, but not for XML (though // possibly will also standardize with DOMParser); in the meantime, to ensure fullest browser support, could // attach http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/brettz9/DOMToString/DOM3.js (see http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/brettz9/DOMToString/DOM3.xhtml for a simple test file) var lsInput = dils.createLSInput(); // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default lsInput.stringData = stringContainer; // synchronous, no schema type var lsParser = dils.createLSParser(1, null); return lsParser.parse(lsInput) .firstChild; } else if (dp) { // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default try { var fc = new dp() .parseFromString(stringContainer, 'text/xml'); if (fc && fc.documentElement && fc.documentElement.localName !== 'parsererror' && fc.documentElement.namespaceURI !== 'http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml') { return fc.documentElement.firstChild; } // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on } catch (e) { // If there's a parsing error, we just continue on } } else if (ax) { // We don't bother with a holder in Explorer as it doesn't support namespaces var axo = new ax('MSXML2.DOMDocument'); axo.loadXML(str); return axo.documentElement; } /*else if (win.XMLHttpRequest) { // Supposed to work in older Safari var req = new win.XMLHttpRequest; req.open('GET', 'data:application/xml;charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(str), false); if (req.overrideMimeType) { req.overrideMimeType('application/xml'); } req.send(null); return req.responseXML; }*/ // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML, so we create a temporary element holder // If we're in XHTML, we'll try to allow the XHTML namespace to be available by default //if (d.createElementNS && (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html')) { // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways) if (d.createElementNS && // Browser supports the method (d.documentElement.namespaceURI || // We can use if the document is using a namespace d.documentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' || // We know it's not HTML4 or less, if the tag is not HTML (even if the root namespace is null) (d.contentType && d.contentType !== 'text/html') // We know it's not regular HTML4 or less if this is Mozilla (only browser supporting the attribute) and the content type is something other than text/html; other HTML5 roots (like svg) still have a namespace )) { // Don't create namespaced elements if we're being served as HTML (currently only Mozilla supports this detection in true XHTML-supporting browsers, but Safari and Opera should work with the above DOMParser anyways, and IE doesn't support createElementNS anyways); last test is for the sake of being in a pure XML document holder = d.createElementNS(ns, container); } else { // Document fragment did not work with innerHTML holder = d.createElement(container); } holder.innerHTML = str; while (holder.firstChild) { parent.appendChild(holder.firstChild); } return false; // throw 'Your browser does not support DOM parsing as required by echo()'; }; var ieFix = function(node) { if (node.nodeType === 1) { var newNode = d.createElement(node.nodeName); var i, len; if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0) { for (i = 0, len = node.attributes.length; i < len; i++) { newNode.setAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName, node.getAttribute(node.attributes[i].nodeName)); } } if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) { for (i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { newNode.appendChild(ieFix(node.childNodes[i])); } } return newNode; } else { return d.createTextNode(node.nodeValue); } }; var replacer = function(s, m1, m2) { // We assume for now that embedded variables do not have dollar sign; to add a dollar sign, you currently must use {$$var} (We might change this, however.) // Doesn't cover all cases yet: see http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.double if (m1 !== '\\') { return m1 + eval(m2); } else { return s; } }; this.php_js = this.php_js || {}; var phpjs = this.php_js; var ini = phpjs.ini; var obs = phpjs.obs; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { arg = argv[i]; if (ini && ini['phpjs.echo_embedded_vars']) { arg = arg.replace(/(.?)\{?\$(\w*?\}|\w*)/g, replacer); } if (!phpjs.flushing && obs && obs.length) { // If flushing we output, but otherwise presence of a buffer means caching output obs[obs.length - 1].buffer += arg; continue; } if (d.appendChild) { if (d.body) { if (win.navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { // We unfortunately cannot use feature detection, since this is an IE bug with cloneNode nodes being appended d.body.appendChild(stringToDOM(ieFix(arg))); } else { var unappendedLeft = stringToDOM(arg, d.body, ns_xhtml, 'div') .cloneNode(true); // We will not actually append the div tag (just using for providing XHTML namespace by default) if (unappendedLeft) { d.body.appendChild(unappendedLeft); } } } else { // We will not actually append the description tag (just using for providing XUL namespace by default) d.documentElement.appendChild(stringToDOM(arg, d.documentElement, ns_xul, 'description')); } } else if (d.write) { d.write(arg); } else { console.log(arg); } } } 

Firebug 。


 var blah = {something: 'hi', another: 'noway'}; console.debug("Here is blah: %o", blah); 



 var json_response = jQuery.parseJSON(data); html_response += 'JSON Response:<br />'; jQuery.each(json_response, function(k, v) { html_response += outputJSONReponse(k, v); }); function outputJSONReponse(k, v) { var html_response = k + ': '; if(jQuery.isArray(v) || jQuery.isPlainObject(v)) { jQuery.each(v, function(j, w) { html_response += outputJSONReponse(j, w); }); } else { html_response += v + '<br />'; } return html_response; } 


你也可以试试这个function。 不记得原来的作者,但是所有的积分都归他/她所有。

像魅力一样 – 与PHP中的var_dump 100%相同。


 function dump(arr,level) { var dumped_text = ""; if(!level) level = 0; //The padding given at the beginning of the line. var level_padding = ""; for(var j=0;j<level+1;j++) level_padding += " "; if(typeof(arr) == 'object') { //Array/Hashes/Objects for(var item in arr) { var value = arr[item]; if(typeof(value) == 'object') { //If it is an array, dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' ...\n"; dumped_text += dump(value,level+1); } else { dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' => \"" + value + "\"\n"; } } } else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc. dumped_text = "===>"+arr+"<===("+typeof(arr)+")"; } return dumped_text; } // Example: var employees = [ { id: '1', sex: 'm', city: 'Paris' }, { id: '2', sex: 'f', city: 'London' }, { id: '3', sex: 'f', city: 'New York' }, { id: '4', sex: 'm', city: 'Moscow' }, { id: '5', sex: 'm', city: 'Berlin' } ] // Open dev console (F12) to see results: console.log(dump(employees)); 

我把这个转发,以帮助任何人需要的东西很容易实际给你一个JS Node一个很好的,美化(缩进)的图片。 没有其他的解决scheme为我工作的Node (“周期性错误”或其他…)。 这会引导您通过DOM Node下的树(不使用recursion),并为您提供深度, tagName (如果适用)和textContent (如果适用)。


 function printRNode( node ){ // make sort of human-readable picture of the node... a bit like PHP print_r if( node === undefined || node === null ){ throwError( 'node was ' + typeof node ); } let s = ''; // NB walkDOM could be made into a utility function which you could // call with one or more callback functions as parameters... function walkDOM( headNode ){ const stack = [ headNode ]; const depthCountDowns = [ 1 ]; while (stack.length > 0) { const node = stack.pop(); const depth = depthCountDowns.length - 1; // TODO non-text, non-BR nodes could show more details (attributes, properties, etc.) const stringRep = node.nodeType === 3? 'TEXT: |' + node.nodeValue + '|' : 'tag: ' + node.tagName; s += ' '.repeat( depth ) + stringRep + '\n'; const lastIndex = depthCountDowns.length - 1; depthCountDowns[ lastIndex ] = depthCountDowns[ lastIndex ] - 1; if( node.childNodes.length ){ depthCountDowns.push( node.childNodes.length ); stack.push( ... Array.from( node.childNodes ).reverse() ); } while( depthCountDowns[ depthCountDowns.length - 1 ] === 0 ){ depthCountDowns.splice( -1 ); } } } walkDOM( node ); return s; }