
我有多个goroutines试图同时在同一个通道上接收。 似乎最后一个开始在渠道上接收的goroutine得到了价值。 这是在语言规范的某个地方还是未定义的行为?

c := make(chan string) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { go func(i int) { <-c c <- fmt.Sprintf("goroutine %d", i) }(i) } c <- "hi" fmt.Println(<-c) 


 goroutine 4 



我只是意识到这比我想象的更复杂。 消息传遍所有的goroutines。

 c := make(chan string) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { go func(i int) { msg := <-c c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i) }(i) } c <- "original" fmt.Println(<-c) 


 original, hi from 0, hi from 1, hi from 2, hi from 3, hi from 4 



  • 更喜欢使用正式的参数来传递你去传递的渠道 – 而不是访问全球范围内的渠道。 您可以通过这种方式获得更多的编译器检查,而且模块化也更好。
  • 避免在特定的去程序 (包括“主” 程序)中在同一频道上进行阅读和写作 。 否则,死锁是一个更大的风险。

这是您的程序的替代版本,应用这两个准则。 这个案例在一个频道上演示了许多作者和一个读者:

 c := make(chan string) for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { go func(i int, co chan<- string) { for j := 1; j <= 5; j++ { co <- fmt.Sprintf("hi from %d.%d", i, j) } }(i, c) } for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ { fmt.Println(<-c) } 


它创build了五个写入单个通道的例程,每个写入五次。 主程序读取所有二十五条消息 – 您可能会注意到它们出现的顺序通常不是顺序的(即并发性很明显)。

这个例子演示了Go频道的一个特点:有可能有多个作家共享一个频道; Go将自动交错消息。


 c := make(chan int) var w sync.WaitGroup w.Add(5) for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { go func(i int, ci <-chan int) { j := 1 for v := range ci { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) fmt.Printf("%d.%d got %d\n", i, j, v) j += 1 } w.Done() }(i, c) } for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ { c <- i } close(c) w.Wait() 


在这两个例子中,都不需要缓冲。 仅将缓冲视为性能增强器通常是一个很好的原则。 如果你的程序在没有缓冲区的情况下不会死锁,它也不会缓冲区发生死锁(但反过来并不总是对的)。 所以,作为另一个经验法则,开始没有缓冲,然后根据需要添加它


Effective Go解释了这个问题:



运行这个代码示例 。

 package main import "fmt" func main() { c := make(chan int) for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { go func(i int) { for v := range c { fmt.Printf("count %d from goroutine #%d\n", v, i) } }(i) } for i := 1; i <= 25; i++ { c<-i } close(c) } 

即使有5个goroutine正在收听频道,您也不会看到“count 1”。 这是因为当第一个goroutine阻塞通道时,所有其他的goroutine必须排队等候。 当通道被解除阻塞时,计数已经被接收并从通道中移除,所以下一个goroutine在行中得到下一个计数值。


另外,看看GOMAXPROCS = NumCPU+1会发生什么。 例如,

 package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() + 1) fmt.Print(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)) c := make(chan string) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { go func(i int) { msg := <-c c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i) }(i) } c <- ", original" fmt.Println(<-c) } 


 5, original, hi from 0, hi from 4 

而且,看看缓冲的频道会发生什么。 例如,

 package main import "fmt" func main() { c := make(chan string, 5+1) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { go func(i int) { msg := <-c c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s, hi from %d", msg, i) }(i) } c <- "original" fmt.Println(<-c) } 





  group := bcast.NewGroup() // you created the broadcast group go bcast.Broadcasting(0) // the group accepts messages and broadcast it to all members member := group.Join() // then you join member(s) from other goroutine(s) member.Send("test message") // or send messages of any type to the group member1 := group.Join() // then you join member(s) from other goroutine(s) val := member1.Recv() // and for example listen for messages 

对于多个goroutine在一个频道上收听,是的,这是可能的。 关键是消息本身,你可以定义一些这样的消息:

 package main import ( "fmt" "sync" ) type obj struct { msg string receiver int } func main() { ch := make(chan *obj) // both block or non-block are ok var wg sync.WaitGroup receiver := 25 // specify receiver count sender := func() { o := &obj { msg: "hello everyone!", receiver: receiver, } ch <- o } recv := func(idx int) { defer wg.Done() o := <-ch fmt.Printf("%d received at %d\n", idx, o.receiver) o.receiver-- if o.receiver > 0 { ch <- o // forward to others } else { fmt.Printf("last receiver: %d\n", idx) } } go sender() for i:=0; i<reciever; i++ { wg.Add(1) go recv(i) } wg.Wait() } 


 5 received at 25 24 received at 24 6 received at 23 7 received at 22 8 received at 21 9 received at 20 10 received at 19 11 received at 18 12 received at 17 13 received at 16 14 received at 15 15 received at 14 16 received at 13 17 received at 12 18 received at 11 19 received at 10 20 received at 9 21 received at 8 22 received at 7 23 received at 6 2 received at 5 0 received at 4 1 received at 3 3 received at 2 4 received at 1 last receiver 4