Tag: strlen

Sizeof vs Strlen

#include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" main() { char string[] = "october"; // october is 7 letters strcpy(string, "september"); // september is 9 letters printf("the size of %s is %d and the length is %d\n\n", string, sizeof(string), strlen(string)); return 0; } 输出: 9月份的大小是8,长度是9 我的语法有什么问题吗?


我不确定以下代码是否会导致冗余计算,还是编译器特定的? for (int i = 0; i < strlen(ss); ++i) { // blabla } 每次i增加时都会计算strlen()吗?


我在我的MySQL数据库中有一个描述字段,我在两个不同的页面上访问数据库,其中一个页面显示整个字段,但是另一个页面只显示前50个字符。 如果说明字段中的stringless于50个字符,则不会显示…,但如果不是,我会在前50个字符后显示。 示例(完整string): Hello, this is the first example, where I am going to have a string that is over 50 characters and is super long, I don't know how long maybe around 1000 characters. Anyway this should be over 50 characters now … 例2(前50个字符): Hello, this is the first example, where I am going […]