
我正在寻找一个图像旋转木马,用户可以在图像之间切换,通过点击箭头。 例如:


但是,我只能使用HTML和CSS – 没有JavaScript(因此,jQuery)。 我只需要基本的设置; 平滑过渡等是不必要的。


这很容易! 只需使用单选button和目标标签。

单选button具有(必要的)行为,只允许在任何时候select一个 – 就像我们传送带中的图像一样。


 div.wrap2 { float: left; height: 500px; width: 422px; } div.group input { display: none; left: -100%; position: absolute; top: -100%; } div.group input ~ div.content { border: solid 1px black; display: none; height: 350px; margin: 0px 60px; position: relative; width: 300px; } div.group input:checked ~ div.content { display: block; } div.group input:checked ~ label.previous, div.group input:checked ~ label.next { display: block; } div.group label { background-color: #69c; border: solid 1px black; display: none; height: 50px; width: 50px; } img { left: 0; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; right: 0; } p { text-align: center; } label { font-size: 4em; margin: 125px 0 0 0; } label.previous { float: left; padding: 0 0 30px 5px; } label.next { float: right; padding: 0 5px 25px 0; text-align: right; } 
 <div class="wrap"> <div class="wrap2"> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="0" value="0"> <label for="4" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="1" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #0</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/R5yzx.jpg" width="200" height="286"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="1" value="1"> <label for="0" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="2" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #1</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/k0Hsd.jpg" width="200" height="139"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="2" value="2"> <label for="1" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="3" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #2</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/Hhl9H.jpg" width="140" height="200"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="3" value="3" checked=""> <label for="2" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="4" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #3</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/r1AyN.jpg" width="200" height="287"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="4" value="4"> <label for="3" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="0" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #4</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/EHHsa.jpg" width="96" height="139"> </div> </div> </div> </div> 

请注意,下面的css 符合Question的具体要求


使用:target 伪类 ,缩略图作为控件在图像之间切换; 仿照如何使用:target触发点击CSS3转换中描述的模式

 body { width: 70%; overflow: hidden; } section { position: relative; display: block; left: calc(50%); } /* set `div` container `background` to last `div img` `src` */ div { display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 100px; width: 100px; background: url(http://lorempixel.com/100/100/cats); border: 0.1em outset black; } /* set `img` `opacity:0` */ div img { position: absolute; transition: all 500ms ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 500ms ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all 500ms ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 500ms ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all 500ms ease-in-out; opacity: 0; } /* display `:target` `img` on click of `a`, having `img` as fragment identifier */ div img:target { opacity: 1; animation: active 1s ease-in-out 0s normal 1 both; -moz-animation: active 1s ease-in-out 0s normal 1 both; -webkit-animation: active 1s ease-in-out 0s normal 1 both; } /* `.thumbs` `span` elements */ .thumbs { height: 25px; width: 25px; padding: 1px; display: inline-block; position: relative; text-align: center; border: 0.1em inset black; border-radius: 50px; font-size: 1em; } /* set `background` of `.thumbs` `span` elements */ [href="#3"] .thumbs { background: url(http://lorempixel.com/100/100/cats); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } [href="#2"] .thumbs { background: url(http://lorempixel.com/100/100/animals); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } [href="#1"] .thumbs { background: url(http://lorempixel.com/100/100/technics); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } [href="#0"] .thumbs { background: url(http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } span:hover { border-top: 0.1em solid gold; border-left: 0.1em solid yellow; border-bottom: 0.1em solid orange; border-right: 0.1em solid goldenrod; box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em sienna, 0 0 0 0.225em dodgerblue; } a { top: 30%; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; position: relative; color: transparent; } nav a { left: -16px; } @keyframes active { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em dodgerblue, 0 0 0 0.25em yellow; } 100% { box-shadow: none; } } @-webkit-keyframes active { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em dodgerblue, 0 0 0 0.25em yellow; } 100% { box-shadow: none; } } @-moz-keyframes active { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em dodgerblue, 0 0 0 0.25em yellow; } 100% { box-shadow: none; } } 
 <section> <div> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature" id="0" /> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/technics" id="1" /> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/animals" id="2" /> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/cats" id="3" /> </div> <nav> <a href="#3"> <span class="thumbs"> </span> </a> <a href="#2"> <span class="thumbs"> </span> </a> <a href="#1"> <span class="thumbs"> </span> </a> <a href="#0"> <span class="thumbs"> </span> </a> </nav> </section> 

受到royhowie的启发,如果涉及到HTML语法,我最终会得到一个更简单的解决scheme。 另外,有很好的animation和完全可定制的!


 * { -ms-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .CSS_slideshow { display: block; width: 600px; height: 425px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto; -ms-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; text-space-collapse: trim-inner; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"][data-indicators-position="in"] { -webkit-margin-after: -25px; /* Removes the space under the slideshow. Webkit only as only Webkit-based browsers will support the dots in the wrapper */ } /* Defines animation timing function */ .CSS_slideshow[data-animation-style] { -moz-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; } /* Inherit all animation properties from parent element */ .CSS_slideshow[data-animation-style] *, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-animation-style] label:before, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-animation-style] label:after { -moz-transition-duration: inherit; -webkit-transition-duration: inherit; transition-duration: inherit; -moz-transition-timing-function: inherit; -webkit-transition-timing-function: inherit; transition-timing-function: inherit; } /* WRAPPER */ .CSS_slideshow_wrapper { display: block; width: 600px; height: 400px; position: relative; /* Styling */ text-align: center; } /* Indicators */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"] input { width: 10px; height: 10px; outline: none; position: relative; top: calc(100% + 7px); -ms-transform: scale(1); /* Fallback for Internet Explorer: supports radio button resizing, does not support :after. Not necessary, put for readibility. */ -moz-transform: scale(0.6); /* Fallback for Firefox: does not radio button resizing, does not support :after */ -webkit-appearance: none; /* hide radio buttons for Webkit: supports :after */ } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"] input:checked { -ms-transform: scale(1.25); /* Fallback for Internet Explorer: supports radio button resizing, does not support :after */ -moz-transform: scale(0.9); /* Fallback for Firefox: it does not do radio button resizing, does not support :after */ } /* Webkit-only goodness - for now */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"] input:after { content: ''; display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; width: 8px; height: 8px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 100%; cursor: pointer; z-index: 4; -moz-transition-property: transform, background; -webkit-transition-property: transform, background; transition-property: transform, background; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"][data-indicators-position="under"] input:after { top: -2px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"][data-indicators-position="in"] input:after { top: -35px; box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background: rgba(235, 235, 235, 0); border-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"] input:checked:after { -webkit-transform: scale(1.25); } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"][data-indicators-position="under"] input:checked:after { background: rgb(0, 0, 0) } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-indicators="true"][data-indicators-position="in"] input:checked:after { box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background: rgb(235, 235, 235); } .CSS_slideshow:not([data-show-indicators="true"]) input { display: none; } /* SLIDES */ .CSS_slideshow label { display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; } .CSS_slideshow[data-animation-style="slide"] label { -moz-transition-property: left; -webkit-transition-property: left; transition-property: left; } .CSS_slideshow label img { width: 100%; height: 100%; } /* Puts all the slides on the left... */ .CSS_slideshow label { left: -100%; } /* ...except the ones coming after input:checked - those are put on the right... */ .CSS_slideshow input:checked ~ label { left: 100%; } /* ...except the one coming directly after input:checked - this is our current slide and it's in the middle */ .CSS_slideshow input:checked + label { left: 0; } /* PREV/NEXT ARROWS */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:before, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:after { display: block; position: absolute; width: 60px; height: 60px; top: calc((100% - 60px) / 2); /* Styling */ background: rgb(235, 235, 235); font-size: 35px; font-weight: 800; font-family: Consolas; line-height: 56px; color: black; z-index: 1; cursor: pointer; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-animation-style="slide"] label:before, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-animation-style="slide"] label:after { -moz-transition-property: left, right; -webkit-transition-property: left, right; transition-property: left, right; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:hover:before, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:hover:after { /* Styling */ background: rgb(245, 245, 245); } /* Slides on the left */ /* Since the slides are on the left, we need to move the buttons 100% to the right */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:before { right: -100%; opacity: 0; /* Styling */ content: '>'; /* next */ } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:after { left: 100%; opacity: 1; /* Styling */ content: '<'; /* previous */ } /* Slides on the right */ /* Since the slides are on the right, we need to move the buttons 100% to the left */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked ~ label:before { right: 100%; opacity: 1; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked ~ label:after { left: -100%; opacity: 0; cursor: default; } /* Active slide */ /* And for the active slide - just usual positioning */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked + label:before { right: 0; opacity: 0; cursor: default; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked + label:after { left: 0; } /* Buttons positioning */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] label:after { z-index: 3; /* move "previous" buttons forward... */ } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked ~ label:after { z-index: 1; /* ...except the one for an active slide - this should be hidden - causes the "previous" arrow from the previous slide to be on top */ } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"] input:checked + label + input + label:before { z-index: 3; /* move "next" button one slide ahead forward - causes the "next" arrow from the next slide to be on top */ } /* WRAP ARROWS */ /* We'll reuse "previous" arrow from the first slide and "next" arrow from the last to make "wrap" buttons, based on roughly the same principles */ .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] label:first-of-type:before, .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] label:last-of-type:after { z-index: 2 !important; opacity: 1 !important; cursor: pointer !important; /* Styling */ letter-spacing: -9px; text-align: left; padding-left: 14px; width: 46px; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] label:first-of-type:before { content: '<<'; /* jump to first */ right: 0 !important; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] input:not(:checked) + label:first-of-type:before { right: -100% !important; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] label:last-of-type:after { content: '>>'; /* jump to last */ left: 0 !important; } .CSS_slideshow[data-show-buttons="true"][data-show-wrap-buttons="true"] input:not(:checked) + label:last-of-type:after { left: -100% !important; } /* Non-CSS slideshow CSS */ body { font-family: Segoe UI, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } #license { margin-top: 3em; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; } #license * { font-size: 10px; } 
 <div class="CSS_slideshow" data-show-indicators="true" data-indicators-position="in" data-show-buttons="true" data-show-wrap-buttons="true" data-animation-style="slide" style="-moz-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s;" > <div class="CSS_slideshow_wrapper"> <input type="radio" name="css3slideshow" id="slide1" checked /><!-- --><label for="slide1"><img src="https://placekitten.com/g/602/400" /></label><!-- --><input type="radio" name="css3slideshow" id="slide2" /><!-- --><label for="slide2"><img src="https://placekitten.com/g/605/400" /></label><!-- --><input type="radio" name="css3slideshow" id="slide3" /><!-- --><label for="slide3"><img src="https://placekitten.com/g/600/400" /></label><!-- --><input type="radio" name="css3slideshow" id="slide4" /><!-- --><label for="slide4"><img src="https://placekitten.com/g/603/400" /></label><!-- --><input type="radio" name="css3slideshow" id="slide5" /><!-- --><label for="slide5"><img src="https://placekitten.com/g/604/400" /></label> </div> </div> <div id="license"> <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/InteractiveResource" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">Pure CSS slideshow</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://wojtekmaj.pl" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Wojciech Maj</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>. </div> 


演示链接 – http://blog.puneets.in/2016/02/pure-responsive-css3-slider-with.html

 .csslider1 { display: inline-block; position: relative; max-width: 830px; width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; } .csslider1 > .cs_anchor { display: none; } .csslider1 > ul { position: relative; z-index: 1; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .csslider1 > ul > div { width: 100%; visibility: hidden; font-size: 0px; line-height: 0; } .csslider1 > ul > li.img img { width: 100%; } .csslider1 > ul > li.img { font-size: 0pt; } .csslider1 > ul > li { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; font-size: 15px; font-size: initial; line-height: normal; white-space: normal; vertical-align: top; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); -ms-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); -o-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } .csslider1 .cs_lnk{ position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; font-size: 0pt; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); } .csslider1 > ul > li.img, .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext, .csslider1 > .cs_bullets, .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; }.csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext { position: absolute; top: 50%; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; z-index: 5; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label { position: absolute; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev { left: 0; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext { right: 0; } .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label, .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0 { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } @-webkit-keyframes arrow { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } } @-moz-keyframes arrow { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } } @keyframes arrow { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num1 { -webkit-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite -1000ms; -moz-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite -1000ms; animation: arrow 12300ms infinite -1000ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num2 { -webkit-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 3100ms; -moz-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 3100ms; animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 3100ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label.num0 { -webkit-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 7200ms; -moz-animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 7200ms; animation: arrow 12300ms infinite 7200ms; } .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label, .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_arrowprev > label, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_arrownext > label { -webkit-animation: none; -moz-animation: none; -ms-animation: none; -o-animation: none; animation: none; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 6; font-size: 0; line-height: 8pt; text-align: center; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > div { margin-left: -50%; width: 100%; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label { position: relative; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; line-height: 0; left: -55px; top: -48px; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb > img { max-width: none; } .csslider1.cs_handle { cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -moz-grab; cursor: url(""), move; } .csslider1.cs_handle.cs_grab { cursor: -webkit-grabbing; cursor: -moz-grabbing; cursor: url(""), move; } .csslider1 > ul > li.num0 { left: 0%; } .csslider1 > ul > li.num1 { left: 100%; } .csslider1 > ul > li.num2 { left: 200%; } .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ ul > li, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ ul > li { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%); -moz-transform: translateX(0%); transform: translateX(0%); } .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ ul > li, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ ul > li { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); transform: translateX(-100%); } .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ ul > li, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ ul > li { -webkit-transform: translateX(-200%); -moz-transform: translateX(-200%); transform: translateX(-200%); } .csslider1 > ul > li { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: inline-block; opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1000ms; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 1000ms; transition: transform 1000ms; -webkit-transform: scale(1); -moz-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } @-webkit-keyframes slide { 0%, 25.203252032520325% { -webkit-transform: translateX(0%); } 33.333333333333336%, 58.53658536585366% { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); } 66.66666666666667%, 91.869918699187% { -webkit-transform: translateX(-200%); } } @-moz-keyframes slide { 0%, 25.203252032520325% { -moz-transform: translateX(0%); } 33.333333333333336%, 58.53658536585366% { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); } 66.66666666666667%, 91.869918699187% { -moz-transform: translateX(-200%); } } @keyframes slide { 0%, 25.203252032520325% { transform: translateX(0%); } 33.333333333333336%, 58.53658536585366% { transform: translateX(-100%); } 66.66666666666667%, 91.869918699187% { transform: translateX(-200%); } } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li { -webkit-animation: slide 12300ms infinite; -moz-animation: slide 12300ms infinite; animation: slide 12300ms infinite; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ ul > li, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ ul > li { -webkit-transition: none; -moz-transition: none; transition: none; } /* /calculate autoplay */ .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext { top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 15%; opacity: .5; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev:hover, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext:hover { opacity: .9; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev { left: 0; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0, rgba(0,0,0,0.0001) 100%); background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0, rgba(0,0,0,0.0001) 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#80000000', endColorstr='#00000000', GradientType=1); background-repeat: repeat-x; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext { right: 0; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(0,0,0,0.0001) 0, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0.0001) 0, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#80000000', GradientType=1); background-repeat: repeat-x; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label { top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label span, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label span { display: block; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label span { float: left; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label span { float: right; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label span:after, .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label span:after { display: block; position: absolute; width: 30px; height:30px; top: 50%; margin-top: -23px; color: #fff; text-align: center; content:''; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrowprev > label span:after { background: url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455161770.png'); background-size:100% auto; } .csslider1 > .cs_arrownext > label span:after { background: url('https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455161750.png'); background-size:100% auto; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets { bottom: 20px; width: 70%; left: 15%; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label { margin: 0 2px; padding: 5px; border-radius: 50%; background: transparent; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb { border: 3px solid #fff; margin-top: -13px; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s, visibility .3s; -moz-transition: opacity .3s, visibility .3s; transition: opacity .3s, visibility .3s; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label > .cs_thumb:before { content: ''; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; bottom: -10px; border-left: 7px solid transparent; border-right: 7px solid transparent; border-top: 7px solid #fff; } .csslider1 > .cs_bullets > label:hover > .cs_thumb { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_0:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_0:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num0, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num1, .csslider1 > #cs_slide1_2:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num2, .csslider1 > #cs_pause1_2:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num2 { background: #fff; padding: 6px; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } @-webkit-keyframes bullet { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { -webkit-box-shadow: none; background: #fff; padding: 6px; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff; background: transparent; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; } } @-moz-keyframes bullet { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { -moz-box-shadow: none; background: #fff; padding: 6px; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff; background: transparent; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; } } @keyframes bullet { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { box-shadow: none; background: #fff; padding: 6px; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #fff; background: transparent; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; } } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num0 { -webkit-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite -1000ms; -moz-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite -1000ms; animation: bullet 12300ms infinite -1000ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num1 { -webkit-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 3100ms; -moz-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 3100ms; animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 3100ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label.num2 { -webkit-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 7200ms; -moz-animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 7200ms; animation: bullet 12300ms infinite 7200ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label > .cs_point, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label > .cs_point { -webkit-transition: none; -moz-transition: none; transition: none; } .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label > .cs_point, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_bullets > label > .cs_point { -webkit-animation: none; -moz-animation: none; -ms-animation: none; -o-animation: none; animation: none; } /* ------------- Play ------------- */ .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause{display:block;} .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause { position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 5; } .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause > label { cursor: pointer; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause, .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play { display: block; z-index: 5; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play, .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause { display: none; z-index: -1; } @-webkit-keyframes pauseChange { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } } @keyframes pauseChange { 0%, 33.32333333333334% { opacity: 1; z-index: 5; } 33.333333333333336%, 100% { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; } } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num0 { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; -webkit-animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite -1900ms; animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite -1900ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause{display:none;} .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num1 { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; -webkit-animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite 1700ms; animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite 1700ms; } .csslider1 > #cs_play1:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause.num2 { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; -webkit-animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite 5300ms; animation: pauseChange 10800ms infinite 5300ms; } .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause, .csslider1 > .pause:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_pause { -webkit-animation: none; animation: none; } /* ------------- Play Pause CSS ------------- */ .csslider1{position:relative} .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play{ display: block; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); z-index: 5; color: #fff; padding: 5px; font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; } .csslider1 > .slide:checked ~ .cs_play_pause > .cs_play:hover{ background: rgba(0,0,0,1);} .csslider1 > .cs_play_pause { position: absolute; bottom: 0; z-index: 5; margin-right: 0; z-index: 111; } 
 <div class="csslider1 autoplay cs_handle" style="width:200px;"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_slide1_0" type="radio" class="cs_anchor slide"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_slide1_1" type="radio" class="cs_anchor slide"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_slide1_2" type="radio" class="cs_anchor slide"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_play1" type="radio" class="cs_anchor" checked=""> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_pause1_0" type="radio" class="cs_anchor pause"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_pause1_1" type="radio" class="cs_anchor pause"> <input name="cs_anchor1" id="cs_pause1_2" type="radio" class="cs_anchor pause"> <ul> <div> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455163105.png" style="width: 100%;"> </div> <li class="num0 img"> <a href="http://betaout.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455163105.png" alt="" title=""> </a> </li> <li class="num1 img"> <a href="http://betaout.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455163167.png" alt="" title=""> </a> </li> <li class="num2 img"> <a href="http://betaout.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.betaoutcdn.com/210522016/02/1455163189.png" alt="" title=""> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="cs_play_pause"> <label class="cs_play" for="cs_play1">Play</label> </div> <div class="cs_arrowprev"> <label class="num0" for="cs_slide1_0"><span><i></i></span></label> <label class="num1" for="cs_slide1_1"><span><i></i></span></label> <label class="num2" for="cs_slide1_2"><span><i></i></span></label> </div> <div class="cs_arrownext"> <label class="num0" for="cs_slide1_0"><span><i></i></span></label> <label class="num1" for="cs_slide1_1"><span><i></i></span></label> <label class="num2" for="cs_slide1_2"><span><i></i></span></label> </div> <div class="cs_bullets"> <label class="num0" for="cs_slide1_0"> <span class="cs_point"></span> </label> <label class="num1" for="cs_slide1_1"> <span class="cs_point"></span> </label> <label class="num2" for="cs_slide1_2"> <span class="cs_point"></span> </label> </div> </div> 

Extending royhowie's awesome solution by adding an animation property on img :

 div.wrap2 { float: left; height: 500px; width: 422px; } div.group input { display: none; left: -100%; position: absolute; top: -100%; } div.group input ~ div.content { border: solid 1px black; display: none; height: 350px; margin: 0px 60px; position: relative; width: 300px; } div.group input:checked ~ div.content { display: block; } div.group input:checked ~ div.content > img { display: block; -webkit-animation: opac 2s ease-in; animation: opac 2s ease-in; } @-webkit-keyframes opac { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } @keyframes opac { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } } div.group input:checked ~ label.previous, div.group input:checked ~ label.next { display: block; opacity: 1; } div.group label { background-color: #69c; border: solid 1px black; display: none; height: 50px; width: 50px; } img { left: 0; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; right: 0; } p { text-align: center; } label { font-size: 4em; margin: 125px 0 0 0; } label.previous { float: left; padding: 0 0 30px 5px; } label.next { float: right; padding: 0 5px 25px 0; text-align: right; } 
 <div class="wrap"> <div class="wrap2"> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="0" value="0"> <label for="4" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="1" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #0</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/R5yzx.jpg" width="200" height="286"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="1" value="1"> <label for="0" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="2" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #1</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/k0Hsd.jpg" width="200" height="139"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="2" value="2"> <label for="1" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="3" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #2</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/Hhl9H.jpg" width="140" height="200"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="3" value="3" checked=""> <label for="2" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="4" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #3</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/r1AyN.jpg" width="200" height="287"> </div> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="radio" name="test" id="4" value="4"> <label for="3" class="previous">&lt;</label> <label for="0" class="next">&gt;</label> <div class="content"> <p>panel #4</p> <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/EHHsa.jpg" width="96" height="139"> </div> </div> </div> </div> 

Why not making it smooth and nice looking with only CSS?

Picnic CSS 4.0 Tabs

This is part of a library I created, Picnic CSS . However, that jsfiddle includes the library and all of the plugins for the next version (4.0 is being finished now ). You can see the current 3.x version of the same plugin here, which also fulfills all of your requirements, but it's not so smooth as I'd like:

Picnic CSS 3.x Tabs

Right now you can only see the scss source code in the dev branch but it is scheduled to be released in the following days, so I'll update my answer.

Some code please! This is the HTML that you need for the 4.0 version, as others commented, you basically play with <input type='radio'> and <label> to achieve the desired effect:

 <div class="tabs three" style="text-align: center;"> <input id='tabC-1' type='radio' name='tabgroupC' checked /> <label class="pseudo button" for="tabC-1">1</label> ❭ <input id='tabC-2' type='radio' name='tabgroupC'> <label class="pseudo button" for="tabC-2">2</label> ❭ <input id='tabC-3' type='radio' name='tabgroupC'> <label class="pseudo button" for="tabC-3">3</label> <div class="row" style="text-align: left;"> <div> <div class="card" style="margin: 10px 20px;"> <header> <h3>Super important notice!</h3> </header> <p>Thank you for registering! By doing so you agree to the <a href="#">Terms and conditions</a></p> <footer> <label class="button" for="tabC-2">Agree</label> </footer> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card" style="margin: 10px 20px;"> <header> <h3>Your basic data</h3> </header> <section> <input type="text" placeholder="Full Name"> </section> <section> <div class="select"> <select> <option>Where did you find us?</option> <option>Facebook</option> <option>Twitter</option> <option>Linkedin</option> </select> </div> </section> <footer> <label class="button" for="tabC-3">Next</label> <label class="button dangerous" for="tabC-1">Back</label> </footer> </div> </div> <div> <div class="card" style="margin: 10px 20px;"> <header> <h3>Create account</h3> </header> <section> <input type="email" placeholder="Email"> </section> <section> <input type="password" placeholder="Password"> </section> <footer> <button class="success">Finish!</button> <label class="button dangerous" for="tabC-2">Back</label> </footer> </div> </div> </div> </div>