


HashTable[1][false] = 5; int a = HashTable[1][false]; //a = 5 


 Hashtable test = new Hashtable(); test.Add(new Dictionary<int, bool>() { { 1, true } }, 555); Dictionary<int, bool> temp = new Dictionary<int, bool>() {{1, true}}; string testz = test[temp].ToString(); 

我认为更好的方法是将多维密钥的许多字段封装到类/结构中。 例如

 struct Key { public readonly int Dimension1; public readonly bool Dimension2; public Key(int p1, bool p2) { Dimension1 = p1; Dimension2 = p2; } // Equals and GetHashCode ommitted } 



 public class TwoKeyDictionary<K1,K2,V> { private readonly Dictionary<Pair<K1,K2>, V> _dict; public V this[K1 k1, K2 k2] { get { return _dict[new Pair(k1,k2)]; } } private struct Pair { public K1 First; public K2 Second; public override Int32 GetHashCode() { return First.GetHashCode() ^ Second.GetHashCode(); } // ... Equals, ctor, etc... } } 


 var data = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<bool, int>>(); 

以防万一谁最近在这里,一个如何做到这一点在.NET 4.0的快速和肮脏的方式的例子,正如其中一个评论者所描述的。

 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var twoDic = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, bool>, String>(); twoDic.Add(new Tuple<int, bool>(3, true), "3 and true." ); twoDic.Add(new Tuple<int, bool>(4, true), "4 and true." ); twoDic.Add(new Tuple<int, bool>(3, false), "3 and false."); // Will throw exception. Item with the same key already exists. // twoDic.Add(new Tuple<int, bool>(3, true), "3 and true." ); Console.WriteLine(twoDic[new Tuple<int, bool>(3,false)]); Console.WriteLine(twoDic[new Tuple<int, bool>(4,true)]); // Outputs "3 and false." and "4 and true." } } 

我build议在jachymko的解决scheme稍微变化,这将允许您避免创build一个密钥对类。 相反,包装一个字典的私人字典,如下所示:

 public class MultiDictionary<K1, K2, V> { private Dictionary<K1, Dictionary<K2, V>> dict = new Dictionary<K1, Dictionary<K2, V>>(); public V this[K1 key1, K2 key2] { get { return dict[key1][key2]; } set { if (!dict.ContainsKey(key1)) { dict[key1] = new Dictionary<K2, V>(); } dict[key1][key2] = value; } } } 

您需要正确实现gethashcode的dictonary的关键类。 而且您可以扩展dictonary让您以友好的方式访问它。


 public class KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2> { public KeyPair(Tkey1 key1, Tkey2 key2) { Key1 = key1; Key2 = key2; } public Tkey1 Key1 { get; set; } public Tkey2 Key2 { get; set; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Key1.GetHashCode() ^ Key2.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2> o = obj as KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2>; if (o == null) return false; else return Key1.Equals(o.Key1) && Key2.Equals(o.Key2); } } 

扩展Dictonary <>

 public class KeyPairDictonary<Tkey1, Tkey2, Tvalue> : Dictionary<KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2>, Tvalue> { public Tvalue this[Tkey1 key1, Tkey2 key2] { get { return this[new KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2>(key1, key2)]; } set { this[new KeyPair<Tkey1, Tkey2>(key1, key2)] = value; } } } 


  KeyPairDictonary<int, bool, string> dict = new KeyPairDictonary<int, bool, string>(); dict[1, false] = "test"; string test = dict[1, false]; 


基本上你需要使用一个embedded式哈希表。 如果你考虑一下你的问题,一个有两个键的散列表是一个带有两个独立variables的函数, f(x,y)是定义的二维。

但是,你想使用它像一个哈希表,而不是embedded哈希。 所以你需要做的是创build一个对象,围绕该embedded式哈希表的想法,并像一个单一的哈希操作。


  • 你想迭代它,所以你需要覆盖GetEnumerator()方法。 而且你需要你自己的迭代器,它将在二维中正确迭代。
  • 你需要做更多的检查,以确保没有重复。


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace YourProjectNameHere { public class Hashtable2D { /// <summary> /// This is a hashtable of hashtables /// The X dim is the root key, and the y is the internal hashes key /// </summary> /// private Hashtable root = new Hashtable(); public bool overwriteDuplicates = false; public bool alertOnDuplicates = true; public void Add(object key_x, object key_y, object toStore) { if(root[key_x]!=null)//If key_x has already been entered { Hashtable tempHT = (Hashtable)root[key_x];//IF the hash table does not exist then focus will skip to the catch statement if (tempHT[key_y] == null) tempHT.Add(key_y, toStore); else handleDuplicate(tempHT, key_y, toStore); }else{//Making a new hashtable Hashtable tempHT = new Hashtable(); tempHT.Add(key_y, toStore); root.Add(key_x, tempHT); } } public void Remove(object key_x, object key_y) { try{ ((Hashtable)root[key_x]).Remove(key_y); }catch(Exception e){ MessageBox.Show("That item does not exist"); } } public void handleDuplicate (Hashtable tempHT, object key_y, object toStore) { if (alertOnDuplicates) MessageBox.Show("This Item already Exists in the collection"); if (overwriteDuplicates) { tempHT.Remove(key_y); tempHT.Add(key_y,toStore); } } public object getItem(object key_x, object key_y) { Hashtable tempHT = (Hashtable)root[key_x]; return tempHT[key_y]; } public ClassEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new ClassEnumerator(root); } public class ClassEnumerator : IEnumerator { private Hashtable ht; private IEnumerator iEnumRoot; private Hashtable innerHt; private IEnumerator iEnumInner; public ClassEnumerator(Hashtable _ht) { ht = _ht; iEnumRoot = ht.GetEnumerator(); iEnumRoot.MoveNext();//THIS ASSUMES THAT THERE IS AT LEAST ONE ITEM innerHt = (Hashtable)((DictionaryEntry)iEnumRoot.Current).Value; iEnumInner = innerHt.GetEnumerator(); } #region IEnumerator Members public void Reset() { iEnumRoot = ht.GetEnumerator(); } public object Current { get { return iEnumInner.Current; } } public bool MoveNext() { if(!iEnumInner.MoveNext()) { if (!iEnumRoot.MoveNext()) return false; innerHt = (Hashtable)((DictionaryEntry)iEnumRoot.Current).Value; iEnumInner = innerHt.GetEnumerator(); iEnumInner.MoveNext(); } return true; } #endregion } } } 


 // Declare var test = new Dictionary<(int, bool), int>(); // Add test.Add((1, false), 5); // Get int a = test[(1, false)]; 

你可能能够“双重”你的哈希表 – 换句话说,你的主要字典是typesDictionary<int, Dictionary<bool, my_return_type>>


当然,pipe理方面有点棘手。 每次添加条目时,都需要testing主字典是否包含主键字典,如果不是,则添加新字典,然后将副键和值添加到内部字典中。


将二维密钥包装在一个单独的type并将该types用作密钥。 还要考虑重写GetHashCode()Equals()方法。 最好使用Dictionary<>来代替HashTable因为显然你可以使用它。

这里是一个例子 ,你可以使用一个普通的Hashtable而不是我使用的。


 IDictionary<string, int> values = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int i = ...; bool b = ...; string key = string.Concat(i, '\0', b); values[key] = 555; 


 public class MyDict { private readonly IDictionary<string, int> values = new Dictionary<string, int>(); public int this[int i, bool b] { get { string key = BuildKey(i, b); return values[key]; } set { string key = BuildKey(i, b); values[key] = value; } } private static string BuildKey(int i, bool b) { return string.Concat(i, '\0', b); } } 



  public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Services = new Dictionary<object, Hashtable>(); this.Services.Add("array1", new Hashtable()); this.Services["array1"]["qwe"] = "123"; this.Services["array1"][22] = 223; object zz = null; zz = this.Services["array1"]["qwe"]; MessageBox.Show(zz.ToString()); // shows qwe zz = this.Services["array1"][22]; MessageBox.Show(zz.ToString()); // shows 22 } 

现在我们只需要一个包装来避免手动执行this.Services.Add(“array1”,new Hashtable());