Android WebView – 拦截点击


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我如何捕获在我的活动点击这个,停止浏览WebView,然后通知活动“ ”被点击?

然后,您必须将WebViewClient设置为您的WebView并覆盖shouldOverrideUrlLoadingonLoadResource方法。 让我举个简单的例子:

 WebView yourWebView; // initialize it as always... // this is the funny part: yourWebView.setWebViewClient(yourWebClient); // somewhere on your code... WebViewClient yourWebClient = new WebViewClient(){ // you tell the webclient you want to catch when a url is about to load @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){ return true; } // here you execute an action when the URL you want is about to load @Override public void onLoadResource(WebView view, String url){ if( url.equals("") ){ // do whatever you want } } }