
为什么没有参数列表的案例类从Scala弃用? 为什么编译器build议使用()作为参数列表呢?




 scala> case class Foo warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details defined class Foo scala> (new Foo: Any) match { case Foo => true; case _ => false } res10: Boolean = false 


 scala> (new Foo: Any) match { case _: Foo => true; case _ => false } res11: Boolean = true 


 scala> case object Bar defined module Bar scala> (Bar: Any) match { case Bar => true; case _ => false } res12: Boolean = true 


 scala> case class Foo() // Using an empty parameter list rather than zero parameter lists. defined class Foo scala> Foo // Access the companion object Foo res0: Foo.type = <function0> scala> Foo() // Call Foo.apply() to construct an instance of class Foo res1: Foo = Foo() scala> case class Bar warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details defined class Bar scala> Bar // You may expect this to construct a new instance of class Bar, but instead // it references the companion object Bar res2: Bar.type = <function0> scala> Bar() // This calls Bar.apply(), but is not symmetrical with the class definition. res3: Bar = Bar() scala> Bar.apply // Another way to call Bar.apply res4: Bar = Bar() 


没有参数,case类的每个实例都是不可区分的,因此实质上是一个常量。 为这种情况使用一个对象。