
class Person { public int age; public Person() { age = 1; } } class Customer : Person { public Customer() { age += 1; } } Customer customer = new Customer(); 

顾客的年龄是2岁? 好像基类的构造函数会被调用,不pipe是什么。 如果是这样的话,为什么我们有时候最后需要打电话给base呢?

 public Customer() : base() { ............. } 

这只是C#如何工作。 types层次结构中每个types的构造函数将按照Most Base – > Most Derived的顺序被调用。

所以在你的特定实例中,它调用Person() ,然后在构造函数中调用Customer() 。 有时需要使用base构造函数的原因是,当前types下的构造函数需要额外的参数。 例如:

 public class Base { public int SomeNumber { get; set; } public Base(int someNumber) { SomeNumber = someNumber; } } public class AlwaysThreeDerived : Base { public AlwaysThreeDerived() : base(3) { } } 

为了构造一个AlwaysThreeDerived对象,它有一个无参数的构造函数。 但是, Basetypes不。 所以为了创build一个无参数的构造函数,你需要为基础构造函数提供一个参数,你可以使用base实现来实现。

是的,基类构造函数将被自动调用。 当没有参数的构造函数时,不需要添加对base()的显式调用。

您可以通过在施工后打印出客户的年龄来轻松testing( 通过演示链接到ideone )。


 class Person { public Person(string random) { } } class Customer : Person { public Customer(string random) : base (random) { } } 

我没有太多的补充,但我发现我需要在1个情况下调用MyConstructor():base()没有参数。 我有一个基类实现INotifyPropertyChanged的方式,我有一个RegisterProperties()虚拟function。 当我重写它时,它在基础构造函数中被调用。 所以我最后不得不在最近派生的子类中调用它,因为在被覆盖的虚拟被识别之前,基地显然被调用。 我的属性不通知,除非我这样做。 整个基类都在下面。

我在它的正下方添加了一个DatabaseTraits子类。 没有空的base()调用,我的属性不会调用OnPropertyChanged()。

 [DataContract] public abstract class DataModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDataErrorInfo { #region Properties [IgnoreDataMember] public object Self { get { return this; } //only here to trigger change set { OnPropertyChanged("Self"); } } #endregion Properties #region Members [IgnoreDataMember] public Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; set; } [DataMember] private Dictionary<object, string> _properties = new Dictionary<object, string>(); #endregion Members #region Initialization public DataModelBase() { if(Application.Current != null) Dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher; _properties.Clear(); RegisterProperties(); } #endregion Initialization #region Abstract Methods /// <summary> /// This method must be defined /// </summar protected abstract void RegisterProperties(); #endregion Abstract Methods #region Behavior protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } protected bool RegisterProperty<T>(ref T property, string propertyName) { //causes problems in design mode //if (property == null) throw new Exception("DataModelBase.RegisterProperty<T> : ref T property cannot be null."); if (_properties.ContainsKey(property)) return false; _properties.Add(property, propertyName); return true; } protected string GetPropertyName<T>(ref T property) { if (_properties.ContainsKey(property)) return _properties[property]; return string.Empty; } protected bool SetProperty<T>(ref T property, T value) { //if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(property, value)) return false; property = value; OnPropertyChanged(GetPropertyName(ref property)); OnPropertyChanged("Self"); return true; } [OnDeserialized] public void AfterSerialization(StreamingContext context) { if (Application.Current != null) Dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher; //---for some reason this member is not allocated after serialization if (_properties == null) _properties = new Dictionary<object, string>(); _properties.Clear(); RegisterProperties(); } #endregion Behavior #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; #endregion INotifyPropertyChanged Members #region IDataErrorInfo Members string IDataErrorInfo.Error { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } string IDataErrorInfo.this[string propertyName] { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } #endregion IDataErrorInfo Members } //End class DataModelBaseclass DataModelBase /*I decided to add an example subclass*/ [DataContract] public abstract class DatabaseTraits : DataModelBase { #region Properties private long _id = -1; [DataMember] public long Id { get { return _id; } set { SetProperty(ref _id, value); } } private bool _isLocked = false; [DataMember] public bool IsLocked { get { return _isLocked; } set { SetProperty(ref _isLocked, value); } } private string _lockedBy = string.Empty; [DataMember] public string LockedBy { get { return _lockedBy; } set { SetProperty(ref _lockedBy, value); } } private DateTime _lockDate = new DateTime(0); [DataMember] public DateTime LockDate { get { return _lockDate; } set { SetProperty(ref _lockDate, value); } } private bool _isDeleted = false; [DataMember] public bool IsDeleted { get { return _isDeleted; } set { SetProperty(ref _isDeleted, value); } } #endregion Properties #region Initialization public DatabaseTraits() : base() { /*makes sure my overriden RegisterProperties() is called.*/ } protected override void RegisterProperties() { RegisterProperty(ref _id, "Id"); RegisterProperty(ref _isLocked, "IsLocked"); RegisterProperty(ref _lockedBy, "LockedBy"); RegisterProperty(ref _lockDate, "LockDate"); RegisterProperty(ref _isDeleted, "IsDeleted"); } #endregion Initialization #region Methods public void Copy(DatabaseTraits that) { Id = that.Id; IsLocked = that.IsLocked; LockedBy = that.LockedBy; LockDate = that.LockDate; IsDeleted = that.IsDeleted; } #endregion Methods } 



换句话说,当你将一个基类连接到派生类时,必须在派生类的基类中调用一些构造函数。 基类总是首先通过调用基类中的某个构造函数从派生类实例化。 C#不关心它是一个默认的构造函数还是带有参数的非默认构造函数。 这就是为什么你可以省略一个默认的构造函数在你所有的类中,因为它被隐含地调用。只有在基类中没有添加带有参数的其他非构造函数。

当你突然添加一个非默认构造函数的参数,它打破了默认的默认构造函数链的创build和调用。 在具有非默认构造函数的Base类中,您现在必须显式地从派生类中调用该构造函数,或者在基类中显式地添加默认构造函数。


 // THIS WORKS!!! class MyBaseClass0 { // no default constructor - created automatically for you } class DerivedClass0 : MyBaseClass0 { // no default constructor - created automatically for you and calls the base class default constructor above } // THIS WORKS!!! class MyBaseClass1 { // same as above } class DerivedClass1 : MyBaseClass1 { public DerivedClass1() { // here the derived class default constructor is created explicitly but the call to the base class default constructor is implicitly called } } // AND THIS WORKS!!! class MyBaseClass2 { // as above } class DerivedClass2 : MyBaseClass2 { public DerivedClass2() : base() { // here we explicitly call the default constructor in the base class using base(). note its optional as base constructor would be called anyway here } } // AND THIS WORKS!!! class MyBaseClass3 { // no default constructor } class DerivedClass3 : MyBaseClass3 { public DerivedClass3(int x)//non-default constructor { // as above, the default constructor in the base class is called behind the scenes implicitly here } } // AND THIS WORKS class MyBaseClass4 { // non default constructor but missing default constructor public MyBaseClass4(string y) { } } class DerivedClass4 : MyBaseClass4 { // non default constructor but missing default constructor public DerivedClass4(int x) : base("hello") { // note that here, we have fulfilled the requirement that some constructor be called in base even if its not default } } // BUT THIS FAILS!!!...until you either add in a base() call to the non-default constructor or add in the default constructor into base! class MyBaseClass5 { // 1. EITHER ADD MISSING DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR HERE AND CALL IT USING base() below.... public MyBaseClass5() { } // 2. Or use the non-default constructor and call to base("hello") below //public MyBaseClass5(string y) //{ //} } class DerivedClass5 : MyBaseClass5 { public DerivedClass5(int x) : base()// 1. Either ADD explicit call here to explicit default constructor in base class { } //public DerivedClass5(int x) : base("hello")// 2. Or ADD explicit call here to parameter-based constructor in base class //{ //} } 

上述所有项目的工作原因是:1.对基类中的默认构造函数的调用隐式地在基类中创build,并从派生中隐式地调用,因为没有非默认构造函数已经添加到基类或2 。有一个显式调用非默认的,基于参数的构造函数使用base(myparamter)

  • 什么是混淆是什么时候和为什么默认的构造函数在基类中创build和派生类调用。 只有当非默认的构造函数出现在底部时才会发生这种情况。