

#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "yaml" require "active_support" file1 = YAML::load(File.open('./en_20110207.yml')) file2 = YAML::load(File.open('./locales/en.yml')) arr = [] file1.select { |k,v| file2.select { |k2, v2| arr << "#{v2}" if "#{v}" != "#{v2}" } } puts arr 

屏幕上的输出是来自file2的完整文件。 我知道一个事实,即文件是不同的,但脚本似乎并没有拿起它。


 hash1 = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2} hash2 = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2} hash3 = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3} hash1 == hash2 # => true hash1 == hash3 # => false hash1.to_a == hash2.to_a # => true hash1.to_a == hash3.to_a # => false 


 hash3.to_a - hash1.to_a # => [["c", 3]] if (hash3.size > hash1.size) difference = hash3.to_a - hash1.to_a else difference = hash1.to_a - hash3.to_a end Hash[*difference.flatten] # => {"c"=>3} 



  difference = (hash3.size > hash1.size) \ ? hash3.to_a - hash1.to_a \ : hash1.to_a - hash3.to_a => [["c", 3]] Hash[*difference.flatten] => {"c"=>3} 


  Hash[*( (hash3.size > hash1.size) \ ? hash3.to_a - hash1.to_a \ : hash1.to_a - hash3.to_a ).flatten] => {"c"=>3} 

你可以试试hashdiff gem,它可以在哈希中对哈希和数组进行深度比较。


 a = {a:{x:2, y:3, z:4}, b:{x:3, z:45}} b = {a:{y:3}, b:{y:3, z:30}} diff = HashDiff.diff(a, b) diff.should == [['-', 'a.x', 2], ['-', 'a.z', 4], ['-', 'b.x', 3], ['~', 'b.z', 45, 30], ['+', 'b.y', 3]] 


 h1 = {:a => 20, :b => 10, :c => 44} h2 = {:a => 2, :b => 10, :c => "44"} result = {} h1.each {|k, v| result[k] = h2[k] if h2[k] != v } p result #=> {:a => 2, :c => "44"} 

Rails 不赞成 diff方法。


 hash1.to_s == hash2.to_s 


  hash1 = { a: 1 , b: 2 } hash2 = { a: 2 , b: 2 } overlapping_elements = hash1.to_a & hash2.to_a exclusive_elements_from_hash1 = hash1.to_a - overlapping_elements exclusive_elements_from_hash2 = hash2.to_a - overlapping_elements 

这是在“ 比较ruby哈希 ”中回答的。 Rails添加一个diff方法到哈希。 它运作良好。


  • 与深度嵌套散列工作
  • 与散列数组一起工作



 def diff(one, other) (one.keys + other.keys).uniq.inject({}) do |memo, key| unless one.key?(key) && other.key?(key) && one[key] == other[key] memo[key] = [one.key?(key) ? one[key] : :_no_key, other.key?(key) ? other[key] : :_no_key] end memo end end 


 # Gemfile gem 'awesome_print' # or gem install awesome_print 


 require 'ap' def my_diff(a, b) as = a.ai(plain: true).split("\n").map(&:strip) bs = b.ai(plain: true).split("\n").map(&:strip) ((as - bs) + (bs - as)).join("\n") end puts my_diff({foo: :bar, nested: {val1: 1, val2: 2}, end: :v}, {foo: :bar, n2: {nested: {val1: 1, val2: 3}}, end: :v}) 

这个想法是使用真棒打印格式,并区分输出。 差异不是确切的,但是对于debugging目的是有用的。

…现在以模块forms被应用到各种集合类(哈希其中)。 这不是一个深入的检查,但很简单。

 # Enable "diffing" and two-way transformations between collection objects module Diffable # Calculates the changes required to transform self to the given collection. # @param b [Enumerable] The other collection object # @return [Array] The Diff: A two-element change set representing items to exclude and items to include def diff( b ) a, b = to_a, b.to_a [a - b, b - a] end # Consume return value of Diffable#diff to produce a collection equal to the one used to produce the given diff. # @param to_drop [Enumerable] items to exclude from the target collection # @param to_add [Enumerable] items to include in the target collection # @return [Array] New transformed collection equal to the one used to create the given change set def apply_diff( to_drop, to_add ) to_a - to_drop + to_add end end if __FILE__ == $0 # Demo: Hashes with overlapping keys and somewhat random values. Hash.send :include, Diffable rng = Random.new a = (:a..:q).to_a.reduce(Hash[]){|h,k| h.merge! Hash[k, rng.rand(2)] } b = (:i..:z).to_a.reduce(Hash[]){|h,k| h.merge! Hash[k, rng.rand(2)] } raise unless a == Hash[ b.apply_diff(*b.diff(a)) ] # change b to a raise unless b == Hash[ a.apply_diff(*a.diff(b)) ] # change a to b raise unless a == Hash[ a.apply_diff(*a.diff(a)) ] # change a to a raise unless b == Hash[ b.apply_diff(*b.diff(b)) ] # change b to b end 


 require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cmp(file1, file2)