

我需要在10×10的网格中包装5×5,4×4,3×3和2×2的4个方格。 它们可能不重叠。


Name: SqX(i), i=1..10, domain: 1..10 


我的第一个约束试图定义正方形的宽度和高度。 我这样制定:

 Constraint: SqX(i) > SqX(j)-X /\ i>jX, range: i>0 /\ j>0 

因此,可能的点被限制在彼此的X行和列之内。 然而,Prolog停止这些约束,并给出以下结果:

 Adding constraint "(Sq5_I > Sq5_J-5) /\ (I>J-5)" for values: I=1, J=1, I=1, J=2, I=1, J=3, I=1, J=4, I=1, J=5, I=1, J=6, =======================[ End Solutions ]======================= 

所以它停在那里,甚至没有检查其他广场。 我的约束很可能太紧张,但我不明白为什么或如何。 有什么build议么?

对于每个正方形,定义表示左上angular的XYvariables。 这些variables将具有域1..10-L ,其中L是正方形的长度。 如果将域设置为1..10 ,那么方块可能会放置在10×10矩形的外面。


 (((X #=< X1) and (X+L #> X1)) => ((Y+L #=< Y1) or (Y1+L1 #=< Y))), (((X1 #=< X) and (X1+L1 #> X)) => ((Y+L #=< Y1) or (Y1+L1 #=< Y))), (((Y #=< Y1) and (Y+L #> Y1)) => ((X+L #=< X1) or (X1+L1 #=< X))), (((Y1 #=< Y) and (Y1+L1 #> Y)) => ((X+L #=< X1) or (X1+L1 #=< X))) 


从版本3.8.3开始,SICStus Prolog提供了许多与您的打包问题相匹配的专用布局约束 。 特别是,因为你的打包问题是二维的,你应该考虑使用disjoint2/1约束。

以下代码片断使用disjoint2/1来表示矩形不重叠。 主要关系是area_boxes_positions_/4

 :- use_module(library(clpfd)). :- use_module(library(lists)). area_box_pos_combined(W_total*H_total,W*H,X+Y,f(X,W,Y,H)) :- X #>= 1, X #=< W_total-W+1, Y #>= 1, Y #=< H_total-H+1. positions_vars([],[]). positions_vars([X+Y|XYs],[X,Y|Zs]) :- positions_vars(XYs,Zs). area_boxes_positions_(Area,Bs,Ps,Zs) :- maplist(area_box_pos_combined(Area),Bs,Ps,Cs), disjoint2(Cs), positions_vars(Ps,Zs). 

对某些查询! 首先,你最初的包装问题:

 ?- area_boxes_positions_(10*10,[5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2],Positions,Zs), labeling([],Zs). Positions = [1+1,1+6,5+6,5+9], Zs = [1,1,1,6,5,6,5,9] ? ... 


 ?- domain([W,H],1,10), area_boxes_positions_(W*H,[5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2],Positions,Zs), WH #= W*H, minimize(labeling([ff],[H,W|Zs]),WH). W = 9, H = 7, Positions = [1+1,6+1,6+5,1+6], Zs = [1,1,6,1,6,5,1,6], WH = 63 ? ... 


个人解决scheme实际上是什么样的? ImageMagick可以产生漂亮的小图片


 :- use_module(library(between)). :- use_module(library(codesio)). drawWithIM_at_area_name_label(Sizes,Positions,W*H,Name,Label) :- Pix = 20, % let the ImageMagick command string begin format('convert -size ~dx~d xc:skyblue', [(W+2)*Pix, (H+2)*Pix]), % fill canvas format(' -stroke none -draw "fill darkgrey rectangle ~d,~d ~d,~d"', [Pix,Pix, (W+1)*Pix-1,(H+1)*Pix-1]), % draw grid drawGridWithIM_area_pix("stroke-dasharray 1 1",W*H,Pix), % draw boxes drawBoxesWithIM_at_pix(Sizes,Positions,Pix), % print label write( ' -stroke none -fill black'), write( ' -gravity southwest -pointsize 16 -annotate +4+0'), format(' "~s"',[Label]), % specify filename format(' ~s~n',[Name]). 


 drawGridWithIM_area_pix(Stroke,W*H,P) :- % vertical lines write(' -strokewidth 1 -fill none -stroke gray'), between(2,W,X), format(' -draw "~s path \'M ~d,~d L ~d,~d\'"', [Stroke,X*P,P, X*P,(H+1)*P-1]), false. drawGridWithIM_area_pix(Stroke,W*H,P) :- % horizontal lines between(2,H,Y), format(' -draw "~s path \'M ~d,~d L ~d,~d\'"', [Stroke,P,Y*P, (W+1)*P-1,Y*P]), false. drawGridWithIM_area_pix(_,_,_). drawBoxesWithIM_at_pix(Sizes,Positions,P) :- Colors = ["#ff0000","#00ff00","#0000ff","#ffff00","#ff00ff","#00ffff"], write(' -strokewidth 2 -stroke white'), nth1(N,Positions,Xb+Yb), nth1(N,Sizes, Wb*Hb), nth1(N,Colors, Color), format(' -draw "fill ~sb0 roundrectangle ~d,~d ~d,~d ~d,~d"', [Color, Xb*P+3,Yb*P+3, (Xb+Wb)*P-3,(Yb+Hb)*P-3, P/2,P/2]), false. drawBoxesWithIM_at_pix(_,_,_). 



 ?- drawWithIM_at_area_name_label([5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2],[1+1,6+1,6+5,1+6],9*7, 'dj2_9x7.gif','9x7'). ?- drawWithIM_at_area_name_label([5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2],[1+1,1+6,5+6,5+9],10*10, 'dj2_10x10.gif','10x10'). 


 ?- retractall(nSols(_)), assert(nSols(1)), W=9,H=7, Boxes = [5*5,4*4,3*3,2*2], area_boxes_positions_(W*H,Boxes,Positions,Zs), labeling([],Zs), nSols(N), retract(nSols(_)), format_to_codes('dj2_~5d.gif',[N],Name), format_to_codes('~dx~d: solution #~d',[W,H,N],Label), drawWithIM_at_area_name_label(Boxes,Positions,W*H,Name,Label), N1 is N+1, assert(nSols(N1)), false. 



 $ convert -delay 15 dj2_0.*.gif dj2_9x7_allSolutions_1way.gif $ convert dj2_9x7_allSolutions_1way.gif -coalesce -duplicate 1,-2-1 \ -quiet -layers OptimizePlus -loop 0 dj2_9x7_allSolutions.gif 


首先,一个解决scheme10 * 10: 10x10:一个解决方案

其次,一个最小尺寸(9 * 7)电路板的解决scheme: 9x7:一个解决方案

最后,所有最小尺寸(9 * 7)电路板的解决scheme: 9x7:所有的解决方案


从版本7.1.36开始, SWI-Prolog clpfd库支持disjoint2/1约束2/1 。



  1. 对于每一对盒子,确定这两个盒子不重叠的所有位置。
  2. 将有效组合编码为元组列表。
  3. 对于每一对盒子发布一个tuples_in/2约束。

作为一个私人的概念certificate,我在这个想法之后实现了一些代码。 就像@CapelliC在他的回答中一样,我得到了169480不同的解决scheme。

运行时间与其他基于clp(FD)的答案相当; 实际上它对于小型电路板(10 * 10或更小) 非常有竞争力,但是在较大的电路板尺寸下会变得更糟



 /* File: pack_squares.lp Author: Carlo,,, Created: Nov 29 2012 Purpose: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13623775/prolog-constraint-processing-packing-squares */ :- module(pack_squares, [pack_squares/0]). :- [library(clpfd)]. pack_squares :- maplist(square, [5,4,3,2], Squares), flatten(Squares, Coords), not_overlap(Squares), Coords ins 1..10, label(Coords), maplist(writeln, Squares), draw_squares(Squares). draw_squares(Squares) :- forall(between(1, 10, Y), ( forall(between(1, 10, X), sumpts(X, Y, Squares, 0)), nl )). sumpts(_, _, [], S) :- write(S). sumpts(X, Y, [[X1,Y1, X2,Y2]|Qs], A) :- ( ( X >= X1, X =< X2, Y >= Y1, Y =< Y2 ) -> B is A+X2-X1+1 ; B is A ), sumpts(X, Y, Qs, B). square(D, [X1,Y1, X2,Y2]) :- X1 + D - 1 #= X2, Y1 + D - 1 #= Y2. not_overlap([_]). not_overlap([A,B|L]) :- not_overlap(A, [B|L]), !, not_overlap([B|L]). not_overlap(_, []). not_overlap(Q, [R|Rs]) :- not_overlap_c(Q, R), not_overlap_c(R, Q), not_overlap(Q, Rs). not_overlap_c([X1,Y1, X2,Y2], Q) :- not_inside(X1,Y1, Q), not_inside(X1,Y2, Q), not_inside(X2,Y1, Q), not_inside(X2,Y2, Q). not_inside(X,Y, [X1,Y1, X2,Y2]) :- X #< X1 #\/ X #> X2 #\/ Y #< Y1 #\/ Y #> Y2. 

这里是运行时显示的最后一行?- aggregate_all(count,pack_squares,C). ,特别是C计算总展示位置

 ... 0002255555 0002255555 [6,6,10,10] [7,2,10,5] [4,3,6,5] [5,1,6,2] 0000220000 0000224444 0003334444 0003334444 0003334444 0000055555 0000055555 0000055555 0000055555 0000055555 C = 169480. 


另外,我想用一个概念上不同的方式,用CLP( B )的约束来解决这样的安置和覆盖任务。

这个想法是考虑瓦片的每个可能的位置作为在网格上的特定元素上的一组值,其中每个网格元素对应于matrix的一列,并且瓦片的每个可能的位置对应于一行。 然后,任务是以这样的方式select所述matrix的一组行,即每个网格元素至多被覆盖一次,或者换句话说,在由所选行组成的子matrix的每一列中最多有一个TRUE值。

在这个公式中,行的select – 因此在特定的位置上贴图的位置 – 由布尔variables来表示,matrix的每行一个。

这里是我想分享的代码,它在SICStus Prolog和SWI中起作用,并且有很小的变化:

 :- use_module(library(clpb)). :- use_module(library(clpfd)). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The tiles we have available for placement. For example, a 2x2 tile is represented in matrix form as: [[1,1], [1,1]] 1 indicates which grid elements are covered when placing the tile. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ tile(5*5). tile(4*4). tile(3*3). tile(2*2). tile_matrix(Rows) :- tile(M*N), length(Rows, M), maplist(length_list(N), Rows), append(Rows, Ls), maplist(=(1), Ls). length_list(L, Ls) :- length(Ls, L). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Describe placement of tiles as SAT constraints. Notice the use of Cards1 to make sure that each tile is used exactly once. Remove or change this constraint if a shape can be used multiple times, or can even be omitted. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ placement(M, N, Vs, *(Cs) * *(Cards1)) :- matrix(M, N, TilesRows), pairs_keys_values(TilesRows, Tiles, Rows), same_length(Rows, Vs), pairs_keys_values(TilesVs0, Tiles, Vs), keysort(TilesVs0, TilesVs), group_pairs_by_key(TilesVs, Groups), pairs_values(Groups, SameTiles), maplist(card1, SameTiles, Cards1), Rows = [First|_], phrase(all_cardinalities(First, Vs, Rows), Cs). card1(Vs, card([1], Vs)). all_cardinalities([], _, _) --> []. all_cardinalities([_|Rest], Vs, Rows0) --> { maplist(list_first_rest, Rows0, Fs, Rows), pairs_keys_values(Pairs0, Fs, Vs), include(key_one, Pairs0, Pairs), pairs_values(Pairs, Cs) }, [card([0,1], Cs)], all_cardinalities(Rest, Vs, Rows). key_one(1-_). list_first_rest([L|Ls], L, Ls). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We build a matrix M_ij, where each row i describes what placing a tile at a specific position looks like: Each cell of the grid corresponds to a unique column of the matrix, and the matrix entries that are 1 indicate the grid positions that are covered by placing one of the tiles at the described position. Therefore, placing all tiles corresponds to selecting specific rows of the matrix such that, for the selected rows, at most one "1" occurs in each column. We represent each row of the matrix as Ts-Ls, where Ts is the tile that is used in each case. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ matrix(M, N, Ms) :- Squares #= M*N, length(Ls, Squares), findall(Ts-Ls, line(N, Ts, Ls), Ms). line(N, Ts, Ls) :- tile_matrix(Ts), length(Ls, Max), phrase((zeros(0,P0),tile_(Ts,N,Max,P0,P1),zeros(P1,_)), Ls). tile_([], _, _, P, P) --> []. tile_([T|Ts], N, Max, P0, P) --> tile_part(T, N, P0, P1), { (P1 - 1) mod N >= P0 mod N, P2 #= min(P0 + N, Max) }, zeros(P1, P2), tile_(Ts, N, Max, P2, P). tile_part([], _, P, P) --> []. tile_part([L|Ls], N, P0, P) --> [L], { P1 #= P0 + 1 }, tile_part(Ls, N, P1, P). zeros(P, P) --> []. zeros(P0, P) --> [0], { P1 #= P0 + 1 }, zeros(P1, P). 

以下查询说明了哪些网格元素被覆盖( 1 ),其中每一行对应于其中一个矩形的位置:

 ?- M = 7, N = 9, placement(M, N, Vs, Sat), sat(Sat), labeling(Vs), matrix(M, N, Ms), pairs_values(Ms, Rows), pairs_keys_values(Pairs0, Vs, Rows), include(key_one, Pairs0, Pairs1), pairs_values(Pairs1, Covers), maplist(writeln, Covers). [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1] [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] M = 7, N = 9, etc. 



这样的CLP(B)公式通常比CLP(FD)版本的可扩展性低,也是因为涉及更多的variables。 但是,它也有一些优点:

一个显着的优点是它很容易推广到任务的一个版本,其中一些或全部的形状可以被多次使用 。 例如,在上面的版本中,我们可以简单地将card1/2更改为:

 custom_cardinality(Vs, card([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], Vs)). 

并获得一个版本,每个瓦片可以使用多达7次,甚至可以完全省略(由于包含0 )。

其次,我们可以很容易地把它变成一个精确覆盖问题的解决scheme,这意味着每个网格元素被一个形状覆盖,通过简单的变化card([0,1], Cs)card([1], Cs)all_cardinalities//3


 [1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0] [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1] 

CLP(B)公式的第三个优点是可以计算解决scheme的数量,而不用明确列举解决scheme。 例如,对于原始任务:

 ?- placement(7, 9, Vs, Sat), sat_count(Sat, Count). Count = 68. 



 ?- placement(7, 9, Vs, Sat), time(sat_count(Sat, Count)). % 157,970,727 inferences, 19.165 CPU in 19.571 seconds ... Count = 17548478. 


 ?- placement(10, 10, Vs, Sat), sat_count(Sat, Count). Count = 140547294509. 


 ?- placement(11, 11, Vs, Sat), sat_count(Sat, Count). Count = 15339263199580. 

最后,也许最重要的是,这种方法适用于任何形状的瓷砖, 并不限于正方形或长方形。 例如,要处理1×1正方形和三angular形以及垂直和水平reflection,请使用tile_matrix/1的以下定义:

 tile_matrix([[1]]). tile_matrix(T) :- T0 = [[1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,0], [1,1,0,0], [1,0,0,0]], ( T = T0 ; maplist(reverse, T0, T) ; reverse(T0, T) ). 

允许在9×7板上使用这些形状的0到7次之间,在一分钟左右之后,我得到了Count = 58665048314解决scheme。


