


( x / 6 ) ( x % 6 ) 

他们可能会这样做。 尽pipe如此,做任何语言 (或图书馆,但主要是寻找语言)都支持同时提供分而治之的模式结果吗? 如果是这样,它们是什么,语法是什么样子?

C有divldiv 。 这些是否为商和余数生成单独的指令将取决于您特定的标准库实现以及编译器和优化设置。 从C99开始,你也有更大的数字lldiv


 >>> divmod(9, 4) (2, 1) 



 11.divmod(3) #=> [3, 2] 



对于那些感兴趣的,我相信这是整数divmod的Python实现的代码 :

 static enum divmod_result i_divmod(register long x, register long y, long *p_xdivy, long *p_xmody) { long xdivy, xmody; if (y == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "integer division or modulo by zero"); return DIVMOD_ERROR; } /* (-sys.maxint-1)/-1 is the only overflow case. */ if (y == -1 && UNARY_NEG_WOULD_OVERFLOW(x)) return DIVMOD_OVERFLOW; xdivy = x / y; /* xdiv*y can overflow on platforms where x/y gives floor(x/y) * for x and y with differing signs. (This is unusual * behaviour, and C99 prohibits it, but it's allowed by C89; * for an example of overflow, take x = LONG_MIN, y = 5 or x = * LONG_MAX, y = -5.) However, x - xdivy*y is always * representable as a long, since it lies strictly between * -abs(y) and abs(y). We add casts to avoid intermediate * overflow. */ xmody = (long)(x - (unsigned long)xdivy * y); /* If the signs of x and y differ, and the remainder is non-0, * C89 doesn't define whether xdivy is now the floor or the * ceiling of the infinitely precise quotient. We want the floor, * and we have it iff the remainder's sign matches y's. */ if (xmody && ((y ^ xmody) < 0) /* ie and signs differ */) { xmody += y; --xdivy; assert(xmody && ((y ^ xmody) >= 0)); } *p_xdivy = xdivy; *p_xmody = xmody; return DIVMOD_OK; } 

在C#/。NET你有Math.DivRem : http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.math.divrem.aspx


Common Lisp可以: http : //www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_floorc.htm

正如Stringer Bell所提到的那样, DivRem并没有被优化到.NET 3.5。

在.NET 4.0上, 它使用NGen 。

我用Math.DivRem得到的结果(debug; release =〜11000ms)

 11863 11820 11881 11859 11854 

结果我用MyDivRem (debugging;释放=〜11000毫秒)

 29177 29214 29472 29277 29196 



 int mod1; int div1 = Math.DivRem(4, 2, out mod1); 


 DivRem(Int32, Int32, Int32&) : Int32 DivRem(Int64, Int64, Int64&) : Int64 

.NET 4.0代码

 [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] public static int DivRem(int a, int b, out int result) { result = a % b; return (a / b); } 

.NET 4.0 IL

 .custom instance void System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute::.ctor(string) = { string('Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries') } .maxstack 8 L_0000: ldarg.2 L_0001: ldarg.0 L_0002: ldarg.1 L_0003: rem L_0004: stind.i4 L_0005: ldarg.0 L_0006: ldarg.1 L_0007: div L_0008: ret 



 int mod, div = Math.DivRem(11, 3, out mod); // mod = 2, div = 3 

虽然, DivRem只是一个这样的包装:

 int div = x / y; int mod = x % y; 


FWIW,Haskell同时具有divModquotRem ,后者直接对应于机器指令(根据积分操作符与div ),而divMod可能不会。

  int result,rest; _asm { xor edx, edx // pone edx a cero; edx = 0 mov eax, result// eax = 2AF0 mov ecx, radix // ecx = 4 div ecx mov val, eax mov rest, edx } 


  int result,rest; _asm { xor edx, edx // pone edx a cero; edx = 0 mov eax, result// eax = 2AF0 mov ecx, radix // ecx = 4 div ecx mov val, eax mov rest, edx } 


 BigDecimal bDecimal = ... BigDecimal[] result = bDecimal.divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(60)); 

Javadoc: https ://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html#divideAndRemainder( java.math.BigDecimal)