


project_name: ad_dev project_root: ~/Programming/WWW/Rails/projects/ApparelDreamDev rvm: ruby-1.9.2-p290@apparel_dev pre: SQL tabs: - editor: layout: main-vertical panes: - vim 75% - #empty, will just run plain bash - top 

例如:vim窗格将占用75%的屏幕…有没有一种方法来指定这个? 或者我应该查看文档中的哪些地方? 似乎无法find任何地方。

布局应该在layout:行中指定。 但是你不限于五个预设的布局(如主垂直)。 从手册页 :

 In addition, select-layout may be used to apply a previously used layout - the list-windows command displays the layout of each window in a form suitable for use with select-layout. For example: $ tmux list-windows 0: ksh [159x48] layout: bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0} $ tmux select-layout bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0} tmux automatically adjusts the size of the layout for the current window size. Note that a layout cannot be applied to a window with more panes than that from which the layout was originally defined. 

首先设置你的布局,你是如何喜欢它 – 你可以调整宽度resize-pane直到它适合你。 然后运行tmux list-windows 。 然后你应该可以使用tmuxinator.conf中未改变的输出中的layout:


 0: tmux [208x73] [layout b147,208x73,0,0[208x62,0,0,208x10,0,63{104x10,0,63,103x10,105,63}]] (active) 

tmuxinator conf文件的相关部分应该是:

  - editor: layout: b147,208x73,0,0[208x62,0,0,208x10,0,63{104x10,0,63,103x10,105,63}] panes: - vim - #empty, will just run plain bash - top