
在过去的几天里,我一直在试图让Three.js纹理工作。 我遇到的问题是,我的浏览器阻止加载的纹理,这是按照这里的说明解决。

无论如何,我正在为我的一个课程制作太空导航游戏,演示如何通过太空导航航天器。 所以,我正在渲染一堆行星,地球就是其中之一。 我在下面添加了一张我的地球图片。 它看起来没问题,但是我想要做的是通过在地球周围增加一个“气氛”使它看起来更加真实。

我环顾四周,发现了一些看起来很整齐的创作 ,但不幸的是,我认为它们不适用于我的情况。


function addEarth(x,y){ var sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ //color: 0x0000ff, map: earthTexture }); // set up the sphere vars var radius = 75; segments = 16; rings = 16; // create a new mesh with // sphere geometry - we will cover // the sphereMaterial next! earth = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry( radius, segments, rings), sphereMaterial); earth.position.x = x; earth.position.y = y; // add the sphere to the scene scene.add(earth); } 


你究竟在你的气氛中寻找什么? 它可能就像在地球上方渲染另一个稍大的透明球体那样简单,或者可能非常复杂,实际上折射入射到它的光线。 (几乎像皮肤渲染中使用的子表面散射)。

我从来没有尝试过这样的效果,但是一些快速的谷歌search显示了一些有希望的结果。 例如,我认为这个效果看起来相当不错,作者以后也会更加详细地介绍它。 如果你对更多的技术细节感兴趣, 这个技巧详细介绍了大量的理论背景。 我相信还有更多,你只是要捅一下。 (真相告诉我不知道这是一个很受欢迎的渲染主题!)



啊,对不起。 是的,如果没有以前的着色器知识,这会让你感觉有些不舒服。

第二个链接上的代码实际上是一个DirectX FX文件,核心代码是HLSL,所以它不是简单地插入WebGL,但两种着色器格式足够相似,以至于在它们之间进行转换通常不是问题。 如果你真的知道着色器,那就是。 我build议阅读着色器的工作方式,然后再尝试着去研究这样复杂的效果。

我将从这个简单的教程开始,简单地介绍如何使用Three.js来运行基本的着色器。 一旦你知道如何使用Three.js和GLSL教程(比如这个 )来着色,将会给你一个着色器如何工作的基础知识,以及你可以用它做什么。


再次,如果你正在寻找一个快速的解决scheme,总是有我所说的透明球体选项。 🙂

那么一个老的,已经回答的问题,但我想增加我的解决scheme,在那里开始考虑。 沿着大气散射和GLSL很长一段时间,并来到这个VEEERRRYYY简化版本(如果animation停止刷新页面或查看GIF的更多的东西):

[ 示例[1]

  1. 行星是和椭球(中心x,y,z和半径rx,ry,rz)
  2. 气氛也是椭圆形的(相同但是气氛高度更大)
  3. 所有的渲染都是正常完成的,但最重要的是为近旁的观察者星球添加了1遍
  4. 那个传球是单一的四合一全屏
  5. 里面的片段计算像素射线与这两个椭球的交点
  6. 采取可见的部分(不是后面,不是在地面之后)
  7. 计算大气中的射线长度
  8. 作为r,g,b的函数来扭曲原始颜色(通过光线长度缩放的参数)
    • 一些颜色是采取一些给定的…
    • 极大地影响颜色,因此可以通过几个属性来模拟不同的气氛
  9. 它在内部工作,也在外面(从远处)
  10. 可以添加近距离的星星作为光源(我使用最大3星级系统)




 /* SSH GLSL Atmospheric Ray light scattering ver 3.0 glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE,GL_ONE); use with single quad covering whole screen no Modelview/Projection/Texture matrixes used gl_Normal is camera direction in ellipsoid space gl_Vertex is pixel in ellipsoid space gl_Color is pixel pos in screen space <-1,+1> const int _lights=3; uniform vec3 light_dir[_lights]; // direction to local star in ellipsoid space uniform vec3 light_col[_lights]; // local star color * visual intensity uniform vec4 light_posr[_lights]; // local star position and radius^-2 in ellipsoid space uniform vec4 B0; // atmosphere scattering coefficient (affects color) (r,g,b,-) [ToDo:] add light map texture for light source instead of uniform star colide parameters - all stars and distant planets as dots - near planets ??? maybe too slow for reading pixels aspect ratio correction */ varying vec3 pixel_nor; // camera direction in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_pos; // pixel in ellipsoid space void main(void) { pixel_nor=gl_Normal; pixel_pos=gl_Vertex; gl_Position=gl_Color; } 


 varying vec3 pixel_nor; // camera direction in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_pos; // pixel in ellipsoid space uniform vec3 planet_r; // rx^-2,ry^-2,rz^-2 - surface uniform vec3 planet_R; // Rx^-2,Ry^-2,Rz^-2 - atmosphere uniform float planet_h; // atmoshere height [m] uniform float view_depth; // max. optical path length [m] ... saturation // lights are only for local stars-atmosphere ray colision to set start color to star color const int _lights=3; uniform vec3 light_dir[_lights]; // direction to local star in ellipsoid space uniform vec3 light_col[_lights]; // local star color * visual intensity uniform vec4 light_posr[_lights]; // local star position and radius^-2 in ellipsoid space uniform vec4 B0; // atmosphere scattering coefficient (affects color) (r,g,b,-) // compute length of ray(p0,dp) to intersection with ellipsoid((0,0,0),r) -> view_depth_l0,1 // where rx is elipsoid rx^-2, ry = ry^-2 and rz=rz^-2 float view_depth_l0=-1.0,view_depth_l1=-1.0; bool _view_depth(vec3 p0,vec3 dp,vec3 r) { float a,b,c,d,l0,l1; view_depth_l0=-1.0; view_depth_l1=-1.0; a=(dp.x*dp.x*rx) +(dp.y*dp.y*ry) +(dp.z*dp.z*rz); a*=2.0; b=(p0.x*dp.x*rx) +(p0.y*dp.y*ry) +(p0.z*dp.z*rz); b*=2.0; c=(p0.x*p0.x*rx) +(p0.y*p0.y*ry) +(p0.z*p0.z*rz)-1.0; d=((b*b)-(2.0*a*c)); if (d<0.0) return false; d=sqrt(d); l0=(-b+d)/a; l1=(-bd)/a; if (abs(l0)>abs(l1)) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) return false; view_depth_l0=l0; view_depth_l1=l1; return true; } // determine if ray (p0,dp) hits a sphere ((0,0,0),r) // where r is (sphere radius)^-2 bool _star_colide(vec3 p0,vec3 dp,float r) { float a,b,c,d,l0,l1; a=(dp.x*dp.x*r) +(dp.y*dp.y*r) +(dp.z*dp.z*r); a*=2.0; b=(p0.x*dp.x*r) +(p0.y*dp.y*r) +(p0.z*dp.z*r); b*=2.0; c=(p0.x*p0.x*r) +(p0.y*p0.y*r) +(p0.z*p0.z*r)-1.0; d=((b*b)-(2.0*a*c)); if (d<0.0) return false; d=sqrt(d); l0=(-b+d)/a; l1=(-bd)/a; if (abs(l0)>abs(l1)) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) return false; return true; } // compute atmosphere color between ellipsoids (planet_pos,planet_r) and (planet_pos,planet_R) for ray(pixel_pos,pixel_nor) vec3 atmosphere() { const int n=8; const float _n=1.0/float(n); int i; bool b0,b1; vec3 p0,p1,dp,p,c,b; // c - color of pixel from start to end float l0,l1,l2,h,dl; c=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); b0=_view_depth(pixel_pos.xyz,pixel_nor,planet_r); if ((b0)&&(view_depth_l0>0.0)&&(view_depth_l1<0.0)) return c; l0=view_depth_l0; b1=_view_depth(pixel_pos.xyz,pixel_nor,planet_R); l1=view_depth_l0; l2=view_depth_l1; dp=pixel_nor; p0=pixel_pos.xyz; if (!b0) { // outside surface if (!b1) return c; // completly outside planet if (l2<=0.0) // inside atmosphere to its boundary { l0=l1; } else{ // throu atmosphere from boundary to boundary p0=p0+(l1*dp); l0=l2-l1; } // if a light source is in visible path then start color is light source color for (i=0;i<_lights;i++) if (light_posr[i].a<=1.0) if (_star_colide(p0-light_posr[i].xyz,dp,light_posr[i].a)) c+=light_col[i]; } else{ // into surface if (l0<l1) b1=false; // atmosphere is behind surface if (!b1) // inside atmosphere to surface { l0=l0; } else{ // from atmosphere boundary to surface p0=p0+(l1*dp); l0=l0-l1; } } dp*=l0; p1=p0+dp; dp*=_n; /* p=normalize(p1); h=0.0; l2=0.0; for (i=0;i<_lights;i++) if (light_posr[i].a<=1.0) { dl=dot(pixel_nor,light_dir[i]); // cos(ang: light-eye) if (dl<0.0) dl=0.0; h+=dl; dl=dot(p,light_dir[i]); // normal shading if (dl<0.0) dl=0.0; l2+=dl; } if (h>1.0) h=1.0; if (l2>1.0) l2=1.0; h=0.5*(2.0+(h*h)); */ float qqq=dot(normalize(p1),light_dir[0]); dl=l0*_n/view_depth; for (p=p1,i=0;i<n;p-=dp,i++) // p1->p0 path throu atmosphere from ground { _view_depth(p,normalize(p),planet_R); // view_depth_l0=depth above atmosphere top [m] h=exp(view_depth_l0/planet_h)/2.78; b=B0.rgb*h*dl; cr*=1.0-br; cg*=1.0-bg; cb*=1.0-bb; c+=b*qqq; } if (cr<0.0) cr=0.0; if (cg<0.0) cg=0.0; if (cb<0.0) cb=0.0; h=0.0; if (h<cr) h=cr; if (h<cg) h=cg; if (h<cb) h=cb; if (h>1.0) { h=1.0/h; cr*=h; cg*=h; cb*=h; } return c; } void main(void) { gl_FragColor.rgb=atmosphere(); } 



  double view_depth=1000000.0; // [m] ... longer path is saturated atmosphere color double ha=40000.0; // [m] ... usable atmosphere height (higher is too low pressure) // this is how B0 should be computed (for real atmospheric scattering with nested volume integration) // const float lambdar=650.0*0.000000001; // wavelengths for R,G,B rays // const float lambdag=525.0*0.000000001; // const float lambdab=450.0*0.000000001; // double r=1.0/(lambdar*lambdar*lambdar*lambdar); // B0 coefficients // double g=1.0/(lambdag*lambdag*lambdag*lambdag); // double b=1.0/(lambdab*lambdab*lambdab*lambdab); // and these are my empirical coefficients for earth like // blue atmosphere with my simplified integration style // images above are rendered with this: float r=0.198141888310295; float g=0.465578010163675; float b=0.862540960504986; float B0=2.50000E-25; i=glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram,"planet_h"); glUniform1f(i,ha); i=glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram,"view_depth"); glUniform1f(i,view_depth); i=glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram,"B0"); glUniform4f(i,r,g,b,B0); // all other atributes are based on position and size of planet and are // pretty straightforward so here is just the earth size i use ... double r_equator=6378141.2; // [m] double r_poles=6356754.8; // [m] 

[edit2] 3.9.2014新的源代码

最近我有一段时间来实现对引擎的缩放,从0.002 AU以上的距离算出原始源代码不是很精确。 没有缩放它只是几个像素,所以没有看到,但缩放所有的变化,所以我试图尽可能提高准确性。

  • 这里射线与椭球交点的准确度提高是对此的相关问题

经过一些调整,我得到它可以使用高达25.0 AU和插值工件高达50.0-100.0 AU。 这是目前的硬件限制,因为我不能通过非flat fp64插值器从顶点到片段。 一种方法可能是将坐标系转换为片段,但还没有尝试过。 这里有一些变化:

  • 新来源使用64位浮点数
  • 并添加uniform int lights ,这是使用的灯的数量
  • 还有一些B0的含义变化(它们不再是波长相关的常数而是颜色),所以你需要稍微改变一下统一值填入CPU代码。
  • 一些性能改进增加了


 /* SSH GLSL Atmospheric Ray light scattering ver 3.1 glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); use with single quad covering whole screen no Modelview/Projection/Texture matrixes used gl_Normal is camera direction in ellipsoid space gl_Vertex is pixel in ellipsoid space gl_Color is pixel pos in screen space <-1,+1> const int _lights=3; uniform int lights; // actual number of lights uniform vec3 light_dir[_lights]; // direction to local star in ellipsoid space uniform vec3 light_col[_lights]; // local star color * visual intensity uniform vec4 light_posr[_lights]; // local star position and radius^-2 in ellipsoid space uniform vec4 B0; // atmosphere scattering coefficient (affects color) (r,g,b,-) [ToDo:] add light map texture for light source instead of uniform star colide parameters - all stars and distant planets as dots - near planets ??? maybe too slow for reading pixels aspect ratio correction */ varying vec3 pixel_nor; // camera direction in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_pos; // pixel in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_scr; // pixel in screen space <-1,+1> varying vec3 p_r; // rx,ry,rz uniform vec3 planet_r; // rx^-2,ry^-2,rz^-2 - surface void main(void) { p_r.x=1.0/sqrt(planet_r.x); p_r.y=1.0/sqrt(planet_r.y); p_r.z=1.0/sqrt(planet_r.z); pixel_nor=gl_Normal; pixel_pos=gl_Vertex; pixel_scr=gl_Color; gl_Position=gl_Color; } 


 #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 : enable double abs(double x) { if (x<0.0) x=-x; return x; } varying vec3 pixel_nor; // camera direction in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_pos; // pixel in ellipsoid space varying vec4 pixel_scr; // pixel in screen space varying vec3 p_r; // rx,ry,rz uniform vec3 planet_r; // rx^-2,ry^-2,rz^-2 - surface uniform vec3 planet_R; // Rx^-2,Ry^-2,Rz^-2 - atmosphere uniform float planet_h; // atmoshere height [m] uniform float view_depth; // max. optical path length [m] ... saturation // lights are only for local stars-atmosphere ray colision to set start color to star color const int _lights=3; uniform int lights; // actual number of lights uniform vec3 light_dir[_lights]; // direction to local star in ellipsoid space uniform vec3 light_col[_lights]; // local star color * visual intensity uniform vec4 light_posr[_lights]; // local star position and radius^-2 in ellipsoid space uniform vec4 B0; // atmosphere scattering color coefficients (r,g,b,ambient) // compute length of ray(p0,dp) to intersection with ellipsoid((0,0,0),r) -> view_depth_l0,1 // where rx is elipsoid rx^-2, ry = ry^-2 and rz=rz^-2 const double view_depth_max=100000000.0; // > max view depth double view_depth_l0=-1.0, // view_depth_l0 first hit view_depth_l1=-1.0; // view_depth_l1 second hit bool _view_depth_l0=false; bool _view_depth_l1=false; bool _view_depth(vec3 _p0,vec3 _dp,vec3 _r) { dvec3 p0,dp,r; double a,b,c,d,l0,l1; view_depth_l0=-1.0; _view_depth_l0=false; view_depth_l1=-1.0; _view_depth_l1=false; // conversion to double p0=dvec3(_p0); dp=dvec3(_dp); r =dvec3(_r ); // quadratic equation all+b.l+c=0; l0,l1=?; a=(dp.x*dp.x*rx) +(dp.y*dp.y*ry) +(dp.z*dp.z*rz); b=(p0.x*dp.x*rx) +(p0.y*dp.y*ry) +(p0.z*dp.z*rz); b*=2.0; c=(p0.x*p0.x*rx) +(p0.y*p0.y*ry) +(p0.z*p0.z*rz)-1.0; // discriminant d=sqrt(bb-4.ac) d=((b*b)-(4.0*a*c)); if (d<0.0) return false; d=sqrt(d); // standard solution l0,l1=(-b +/- d)/2.a a*=2.0; l0=(-b+d)/a; l1=(-bd)/a; // alternative solution q=-0.5*(b+sign(b).d) l0=q/a; l1=c/q; (should be more accurate sometimes) // if (b<0.0) d=-d; d=-0.5*(b+d); // l0=d/a; // l1=c/d; // sort l0,l1 asc if ((l0<0.0)||((l1<l0)&&(l1>=0.0))) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } // exit if (l1>=0.0) { view_depth_l1=l1; _view_depth_l1=true; } if (l0>=0.0) { view_depth_l0=l0; _view_depth_l0=true; return true; } return false; } // determine if ray (p0,dp) hits a sphere ((0,0,0),r) // where r is (sphere radius)^-2 bool _star_colide(vec3 _p0,vec3 _dp,float _r) { dvec3 p0,dp,r; double a,b,c,d,l0,l1; // conversion to double p0=dvec3(_p0); dp=dvec3(_dp); r =dvec3(_r ); // quadratic equation all+b.l+c=0; l0,l1=?; a=(dp.x*dp.x*r) +(dp.y*dp.y*r) +(dp.z*dp.z*r); b=(p0.x*dp.x*r) +(p0.y*dp.y*r) +(p0.z*dp.z*r); b*=2.0; c=(p0.x*p0.x*r) +(p0.y*p0.y*r) +(p0.z*p0.z*r)-1.0; // discriminant d=sqrt(bb-4.ac) d=((b*b)-(4.0*a*c)); if (d<0.0) return false; d=sqrt(d); // standard solution l0,l1=(-b +/- d)/2.a a*=2.0; l0=(-b+d)/a; l1=(-bd)/a; // alternative solution q=-0.5*(b+sign(b).d) l0=q/a; l1=c/q; (should be more accurate sometimes) // if (b<0.0) d=-d; d=-0.5*(b+d); // l0=d/a; // l1=c/d; // sort l0,l1 asc if (abs(l0)>abs(l1)) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) { a=l0; l0=l1; l1=a; } if (l0<0.0) return false; return true; } // compute atmosphere color between ellipsoids (planet_pos,planet_r) and (planet_pos,planet_R) for ray(pixel_pos,pixel_nor) vec4 atmosphere() { const int n=8; const float _n=1.0/float(n); int i; bool b0,b1; vec3 p0,p1,dp,p,b; vec4 c; // c - color of pixel from start to end float h,dl,ll; double l0,l1,l2; bool e0,e1,e2; c=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); // a=0.0 full background color, a=1.0 no background color (ignore star) b1=_view_depth(pixel_pos.xyz,pixel_nor,planet_R); if (!b1) return c; // completly outside atmosphere e1=_view_depth_l0; l1=view_depth_l0; // first atmosphere hit e2=_view_depth_l1; l2=view_depth_l1; // second atmosphere hit b0=_view_depth(pixel_pos.xyz,pixel_nor,planet_r); e0=_view_depth_l0; l0=view_depth_l0; // first surface hit if ((b0)&&(view_depth_l1<0.0)) return c; // under ground // set l0 to view depth and p0 to start point dp=pixel_nor; p0=pixel_pos.xyz; if (!b0) // outside surface { if (!e2) // inside atmosphere to its boundary { l0=l1; } else{ // throu atmosphere from boundary to boundary p0=vec3(dvec3(p0)+(dvec3(dp)*l1)); l0=l2-l1; } // if a light source is in visible path then start color is light source color for (i=0;i<lights;i++) if (_star_colide(p0.xyz-light_posr[i].xyz,dp.xyz,light_posr[i].a*0.75)) // 0.75 is enlargment to hide star texture corona { c.rgb+=light_col[i]; ca=1.0; // ignore already drawed local star color } } else{ // into surface if (l1<l0) // from atmosphere boundary to surface { p0=vec3(dvec3(p0)+(dvec3(dp)*l1)); l0=l0-l1; } else{ // inside atmosphere to surface l0=l0; } } // set p1 to end of view depth, dp to intergral step p1=vec3(dvec3(p0)+(dvec3(dp)*l0)); dp=p1-p0; dp*=_n; dl=float(l0)*_n/view_depth; ll=B0.a; for (i=0;i<lights;i++) // compute normal shaded combined light sources into ll ll+=dot(normalize(p1),light_dir[0]); for (p=p1,i=0;i<n;p-=dp,i++) // p1->p0 path throu atmosphere from ground { // _view_depth(p,normalize(p),planet_R); // too slow... view_depth_l0=depth above atmosphere top [m] // h=exp(view_depth_l0/planet_h)/2.78; b=normalize(p)*p_r; // much much faster h=length(pb); h=exp(h/planet_h)/2.78; b=B0.rgb*h*dl; cr*=1.0-br; cg*=1.0-bg; cb*=1.0-bb; c.rgb+=b*ll; } if (cr<0.0) cr=0.0; if (cg<0.0) cg=0.0; if (cb<0.0) cb=0.0; h=0.0; if (h<cr) h=cr; if (h<cg) h=cg; if (h<cb) h=cb; if (h>1.0) { h=1.0/h; cr*=h; cg*=h; cb*=h; } return c; } void main(void) { gl_FragColor.rgba=atmosphere(); } 


 // Earth re=6378141.2 // equatoreal radius rx,ry rp=6356754.79506139 // polar radius rz planet_h=60000 // atmosphere thickness R(r.x+planet_h,r.y+planet_h,r.z+planet_h) view_depth=250000 // max view distance before 100% scattering occur B0.r=0.1981 // 100% scattered atmosphere color B0.g=0.4656 B0.b=0.8625 B0.a=0.75 // overglow (sky is lighter before Sun actually rise) it is added to light dot product // Mars re=3397000 rp=3374919.5 ha=30000 view_depth=300000 B0.r=0.4314 B0.g=0.3216 B0.b=0.196 B0.a=0.5 


  • 是否有可能在尺寸和质量上做出逼真的n体太阳系模拟?