
在后面的Enum ToString中 ,描述了一个方法使用自定义属性DescriptionAttribute如下所示:

 Enum HowNice { [Description("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [Description("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [Description("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } 


 GetDescription<HowNice>(NotNice); // Returns "Not Nice At All" 

但是,这并不能真正帮助我,因为我不能强制ComboBox调用GetDescription ,所以我只想用一个枚举的值填充ComboBox


  • 读取(HowNice)myComboBox.selectedItem将返回选定的值作为枚举值。
  • 用户应该看到用户友好的显示string,而不仅仅是枚举值的名称。 因此,用户不会看到“ NotNice ”,而会看到“ Not Nice At All ”。
  • 希望解决scheme只需要对现有枚举进行最less的代码更改。

显然,我可以为我创build的每个枚举实现一个新的类,并覆盖它的ToString() ,但是对于每个枚举来说这是很多工作,我宁愿避免这样做。


哎呀,我甚至会抛出一个慷慨的拥抱 🙂

你可以编写一个TypeConverter来读取指定的属性来查找你的资源。 因此,你会得到多语言支持显示名称没有太多的麻烦。

查看TypeConverter的ConvertFrom / ConvertTo方法,并使用reflection读取枚举字段上的属性。

ComboBox有你需要的一切: FormattingEnabled属性,你应该设置为trueFormat事件,你需要放置所需的格式化逻辑。 从而,

 myComboBox.FormattingEnabled = true; myComboBox.Format += delegate(object sender, ListControlConvertEventArgs e) { e.Value = GetDescription<HowNice>((HowNice)e.Value); } 

别! 枚举是原始的,而不是UI对象 – 使得它们服务于UI.ToString()从devise的angular度来看是相当糟糕的。 你试图在这里解决错误的问题:真正的问题是,你不希望Enum.ToString()出现在combobox!

现在这确实是一个非常可以解决的问题! 您创build一个UI对象来表示您的combobox项目:

 sealed class NicenessComboBoxItem { public string Description { get { return ...; } } public HowNice Value { get; private set; } public NicenessComboBoxItem(HowNice howNice) { Value = howNice; } } 


 comboBox.ValueMember = "Value"; comboBox.DisplayMember = "Description"; 

types转换器。 我想这是我正在寻找的。 所有人都热衷于Simon Svensson !

 [TypeConverter(typeof(EnumToStringUsingDescription))] Enum HowNice { [Description("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [Description("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [Description("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } 




哦, TypeConverter会被这样定义:

 public class EnumToStringUsingDescription : TypeConverter { public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { return (sourceType.Equals(typeof(Enum))); } public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { return (destinationType.Equals(typeof(String))); } public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value); } public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if (!destinationType.Equals(typeof(String))) { throw new ArgumentException("Can only convert to string.", "destinationType"); } if (!value.GetType().BaseType.Equals(typeof(Enum))) { throw new ArgumentException("Can only convert an instance of enum.", "value"); } string name = value.ToString(); object[] attrs = value.GetType().GetField(name).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return (attrs.Length > 0) ? ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description : name; } } 

这有助于我与我的combobox的情况下,但显然实际上并没有重写ToString() 。 我想我会解决这个问题


 using System.ComponentModel; Enum HowNice { [Description("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [Description("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [Description("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } 


 public static class EnumExtensions { public static string Description(this Enum value) { var enumType = value.GetType(); var field = enumType.GetField(value.ToString()); var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return attributes.Length == 0 ? value.ToString() : ((DescriptionAttribute)attributes[0]).Description; } } 


 HowNice myEnum = HowNice.ReallyNice; string myDesc = myEnum.Description(); 

有关更多信息,请参见: http : //www.blackwasp.co.uk/EnumDescription.aspx 。 Credit得到里奇卡尔的解决scheme

你可以做一个通用的结构,你可以使用所有你的枚举有描述。 使用隐式转换和类,你的variables仍然像枚举,除了ToString方法:

 public struct Described<T> where T : struct { private T _value; public Described(T value) { _value = value; } public override string ToString() { string text = _value.ToString(); object[] attr = typeof(T).GetField(text) .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); if (attr.Length == 1) { text = ((DescriptionAttribute)attr[0]).Description; } return text; } public static implicit operator Described<T>(T value) { return new Described<T>(value); } public static implicit operator T(Described<T> value) { return value._value; } } 


 Described<HowNice> nice = HowNice.ReallyNice; Console.WriteLine(nice == HowNice.ReallyNice); // writes "True" Console.WriteLine(nice); // writes "Really Nice" 

我不认为你可以做到这一点,而不是简单地绑定到一个不同的types – 至less,不方便。 通常,即使你不能控制ToString() ,你也可以使用TypeConverter来自定义格式 – 但是IIRC的System.ComponentModel东西并不尊重这个枚举。

你可以绑定到描述的string[] ,或者是一个类似于键/值对的东西? (desription / value) – 类似于:

 class EnumWrapper<T> where T : struct { private readonly T value; public T Value { get { return value; } } public EnumWrapper(T value) { this.value = value; } public string Description { get { return GetDescription<T>(value); } } public override string ToString() { return Description; } public static EnumWrapper<T>[] GetValues() { T[] vals = (T[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)); return Array.ConvertAll(vals, v => new EnumWrapper<T>(v)); } } 



 class EnumWithToString { private string description; internal EnumWithToString(string desc){ description = desc; } public override string ToString(){ return description; } } class HowNice : EnumWithToString { private HowNice(string desc) : base(desc){} public static readonly HowNice ReallyNice = new HowNice("Really Nice"); public static readonly HowNice KindaNice = new HowNice("Kinda Nice"); public static readonly HowNice NotVeryNice = new HowNice("Really Mean!"); } 



PS可能需要一些轻微的语法修复,我不是超级好的C#。 (Java的家伙)



 public static IDictionary<T, string> GetDescriptions<T>() where T : struct { IDictionary<T, string> values = new Dictionary<T, string>(); Type type = enumerationValue.GetType(); if (!type.IsEnum) { throw new ArgumentException("T must be of Enum type", "enumerationValue"); } //Tries to find a DescriptionAttribute for a potential friendly name //for the enum foreach (T value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T))) { string text = value.GetDescription(); values.Add(value, text); } return values; } 

不可能覆盖C#中枚举的ToString()。 但是,您可以使用扩展方法;

 public static string ToString(this HowNice self, int neverUsed) { switch (self) { case HowNice.ReallyNice: return "Rilly, rilly nice"; break; ... 



这不是一个很好的解决scheme,一个switch语句和所有 – 但它应该工作,并希望whitout许多重写…


  /// <summary> /// A drop-in converter that returns the strings from /// <see cref="System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute"/> /// of items in an enumaration when they are converted to a string, /// like in ToString(). /// </summary> public class EnumToStringUsingDescription : TypeConverter { public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { return (sourceType.Equals(typeof(Enum))); } public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { return (destinationType.Equals(typeof(String))); } public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value); } public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType.Equals(typeof(String))) { string name = value.ToString(); Type effectiveType = value.GetType(); if (name != null) { FieldInfo fi = effectiveType.GetField(name); if (fi != null) { object[] attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return (attrs.Length > 0) ? ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description : name; } } } return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType); } /// <summary> /// Coverts an Enums to string by it's description. falls back to ToString. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string EnumToString(Enum value) { //getting the actual values List<Enum> values = EnumToStringUsingDescription.GetFlaggedValues(value); //values.ToString(); //Will hold results for each value List<string> results = new List<string>(); //getting the representing strings foreach (Enum currValue in values) { string currresult = this.ConvertTo(null, null, currValue, typeof(String)).ToString();; results.Add(currresult); } return String.Join("\n",results); } /// <summary> /// All of the values of enumeration that are represented by specified value. /// If it is not a flag, the value will be the only value retured /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static List<Enum> GetFlaggedValues(Enum value) { //checking if this string is a flaged Enum Type enumType = value.GetType(); object[] attributes = enumType.GetCustomAttributes(true); bool hasFlags = false; foreach (object currAttibute in attributes) { if (enumType.GetCustomAttributes(true)[0] is System.FlagsAttribute) { hasFlags = true; break; } } //If it is a flag, add all fllaged values List<Enum> values = new List<Enum>(); if (hasFlags) { Array allValues = Enum.GetValues(enumType); foreach (Enum currValue in allValues) { if (value.HasFlag(currValue)) { values.Add(currValue); } } } else//if not just add current value { values.Add(value); } return values; } } 


  /// <summary> /// Converts an Enum to string by it's description. falls back to ToString /// </summary> /// <param name="enumVal">The enum val.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string ToStringByDescription(this Enum enumVal) { EnumToStringUsingDescription inter = new EnumToStringUsingDescription(); string str = inter.EnumToString(enumVal); return str; } 

我会写一个generics类用于任何types。 以前我用过这样的东西:

 public class ComboBoxItem<T> { /// The text to display. private string text = ""; /// The associated tag. private T tag = default(T); public string Text { get { return text; } } public T Tag { get { return tag; } } public override string ToString() { return text; } // Add various constructors here to fit your needs } 

最重要的是,你可以添加一个静态的“工厂方法”来创build一个给定枚举types的combobox列表(与您在那里获得的GetDescriptions方法几乎相同)。 这将节省您不得不为每个枚举types实现一个实体,并且还为“GetDescriptions”帮助方法(我个人称之为FromEnum(T obj))提供了一个很好的/合理的位置。

创build一个包含你所需要的集合(比如包含一个包含HowNice枚举值的Value属性的简单对象和一个包含GetDescription<HowNice>(Value)Description属性, GetDescription<HowNice>(Value)该组合绑定到该集合。


 Combo.DataSource = new EnumeratedValueCollection<HowNice>(); Combo.ValueMember = "Value"; Combo.DisplayMember = "Description"; 


 using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace Whatever.Tickles.Your.Fancy { public class EnumeratedValueCollection<T> : ReadOnlyCollection<EnumeratedValue<T>> { public EnumeratedValueCollection() : base(ListConstructor()) { } public EnumeratedValueCollection(Func<T, bool> selection) : base(ListConstructor(selection)) { } public EnumeratedValueCollection(Func<T, string> format) : base(ListConstructor(format)) { } public EnumeratedValueCollection(Func<T, bool> selection, Func<T, string> format) : base(ListConstructor(selection, format)) { } internal EnumeratedValueCollection(IList<EnumeratedValue<T>> data) : base(data) { } internal static List<EnumeratedValue<T>> ListConstructor() { return ListConstructor(null, null); } internal static List<EnumeratedValue<T>> ListConstructor(Func<T, string> format) { return ListConstructor(null, format); } internal static List<EnumeratedValue<T>> ListConstructor(Func<T, bool> selection) { return ListConstructor(selection, null); } internal static List<EnumeratedValue<T>> ListConstructor(Func<T, bool> selection, Func<T, string> format) { if (null == selection) selection = (x => true); if (null == format) format = (x => GetDescription<T>(x)); var result = new List<EnumeratedValue<T>>(); foreach (T value in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T))) { if (selection(value)) { string description = format(value); result.Add(new EnumeratedValue<T>(value, description)); } } return result; } public bool Contains(T value) { return (Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Value.Equals(value)) != null); } public EnumeratedValue<T> this[T value] { get { return Items.First(item => item.Value.Equals(value)); } } public string Describe(T value) { return this[value].Description; } } [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("{Value} ({Description})")] public class EnumeratedValue<T> { private T value; private string description; internal EnumeratedValue(T value, string description) { this.value = value; this.description = description; } public T Value { get { return this.value; } } public string Description { get { return this.description; } } } } 


您可以使用PostSharp来定位Enum.ToString并添加所需的代码。 这不需要任何代码更改。

你需要的是将一个枚举变成一个ReadonlyCollection,并将集合绑定到combobox(或者任何启用了Key-Value Pair的控件)

首先,你需要一个类来包含列表中的项目。 因为所有你需要的是int / string对,我build议使用一个接口和一个基类组合,这样你就可以在你想要的任何对象中实现这个function:

 public interface IValueDescritionItem { int Value { get; set;} string Description { get; set;} } public class MyItem : IValueDescritionItem { HowNice _howNice; string _description; public MyItem() { } public MyItem(HowNice howNice, string howNice_descr) { _howNice = howNice; _description = howNice_descr; } public HowNice Niceness { get { return _howNice; } } public String NicenessDescription { get { return _description; } } #region IValueDescritionItem Members int IValueDescritionItem.Value { get { return (int)_howNice; } set { _howNice = (HowNice)value; } } string IValueDescritionItem.Description { get { return _description; } set { _description = value; } } #endregion } 



 public class EnumToReadOnlyCollection<T,TEnum> : ReadOnlyCollection<T> where T: IValueDescritionItem,new() where TEnum : struct { Type _type; public EnumToReadOnlyCollection() : base(new List<T>()) { _type = typeof(TEnum); if (_type.IsEnum) { FieldInfo[] fields = _type.GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo enum_item in fields) { if (!enum_item.IsSpecialName) { T item = new T(); item.Value = (int)enum_item.GetValue(null); item.Description = ((ItemDescription)enum_item.GetCustomAttributes(false)[0]).Description; //above line should be replaced with proper code that gets the description attribute Items.Add(item); } } } else throw new Exception("Only enum types are supported."); } public T this[TEnum key] { get { return Items[Convert.ToInt32(key)]; } } } 


 private EnumToReadOnlyCollection<MyItem, HowNice> enumcol; enumcol = new EnumToReadOnlyCollection<MyItem, HowNice>(); comboBox1.ValueMember = "Niceness"; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "NicenessDescription"; comboBox1.DataSource = enumcol; 


我添加了T [Enum t]属性,使得集合比简单的组合消耗更有用,例如textBox1.Text = enumcol [HowNice.ReallyNice] .NicenessDescription;

你当然可以select将MyItem转换成一个Key / Value类,这个类只用于这个puprose,在EnumToReadnlyCollection的types参数中完全跳过MyItem,但是这样你就不得不使用int来replace键(意思是获取combobox1.SelectedValue将返回int而不是枚举types)。 如果你创build一个KeyValueItem类来replaceMyItem等等,你可以解决这个问题…



首先,我创build一个名为OwToStringByCulture的简单方法来从全局资源文件中获取本地化的string,本例中它是App_GlobalResources文件夹中的BiBongNet.resx。 在这个资源文件中,确保你所有的string和枚举的值相同(ReallyNice,SortOfNice,NotNice)。 在这个方法中,我传入参数:resourceClassName,通常是资源文件的名称。

接下来,我创build一个静态方法来填充一个使用枚举作为其数据源的下拉列表,称为OwFillDataWithEnum。 这个方法可以在任何枚举中使用。


  BiBongNet.OwFillDataWithEnum<HowNice>(DropDownList1, "BiBongNet"); 

而已。 我想用这些简单的方法,你可以用任何枚举来填充任何列表控件,而不仅仅是描述性的值,而是显示本地化的文本。 您可以将所有这些方法作为扩展方法以便更好地使用。

希望这个帮助。 分享分享!


 public class BiBongNet { enum HowNice { ReallyNice, SortOfNice, NotNice } /// <summary> /// This method is for filling a listcontrol, /// such as dropdownlist, listbox... /// with an enum as the datasource. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="ctrl"></param> /// <param name="resourceClassName"></param> public static void OwFillDataWithEnum<T>(ListControl ctrl, string resourceClassName) { var owType = typeof(T); var values = Enum.GetValues(owType); for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { //Localize this for displaying listcontrol's text field. var text = OwToStringByCulture(resourceClassName, Enum.Parse(owType, values.GetValue(i).ToString()).ToString()); //This is for listcontrol's value field var key = (Enum.Parse(owType, values.GetValue(i).ToString())); //add values of enum to listcontrol. ctrl.Items.Add(new ListItem(text, key.ToString())); } } /// <summary> /// Get localized strings. /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceClassName"></param> /// <param name="resourceKey"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string OwToStringByCulture(string resourceClassName, string resourceKey) { return (string)HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject(resourceClassName, resourceKey); } } 
 Enum HowNice { [Description("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [Description("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [Description("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } 


 Enum HowNice { ReallyNice = 0, SortOfNice = 1, NotNice = 2 } internal static class HowNiceIsThis { const String[] strings = { "Really Nice", "Kinda Nice", "Not Nice At All" } public static String DecodeToString(this HowNice howNice) { return strings[(int)howNice]; } } 






 public sealed class EnumItem<T> { T value; public override string ToString() { return Display; } public string Display { get; private set; } public T Value { get; set; } public EnumItem(T val) { value = val; Type en = val.GetType(); MemberInfo res = en.GetMember(val.ToString())?.FirstOrDefault(); DisplayAttribute display = res.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>(); Display = display != null ? String.Format(display.Name, val) : val.ToString(); } public static implicit operator T(EnumItem<T> val) { return val.Value; } public static implicit operator EnumItem<T>(T val) { return new EnumItem<T>(val); } } 



 public static class Utils { public static IEnumerable<EnumItem<T>> GetEnumValues<T>() { List<EnumItem<T>> result = new List<EnumItem<T>>(); foreach (T item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T))) { result.Add(item); } return result; } } 


 public static string ToString(this HowNice self) { return GetDescription<HowNice>(self); } 
 Enum HowNice { [StringValue("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [StringValue("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [StringValue("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } Status = ReallyNice.GetDescription() 

You can define Enum as

 Enum HowNice { [StringValue("Really Nice")] ReallyNice, [StringValue("Kinda Nice")] SortOfNice, [StringValue("Not Nice At All")] NotNice } 

and then use HowNice.GetStringValue() .