
在一般的二分search中,我们正在寻找出现在数组中的值。 然而有时候,我们需要find第一个大于或小于目标的元素。


// Assume all elements are positive, ie, greater than zero int bs (int[] a, int t) { int s = 0, e = a.length; int firstlarge = 1 << 30; int firstlargeindex = -1; while (s < e) { int m = (s + e) / 2; if (a[m] > t) { // how can I know a[m] is the first larger than if(a[m] < firstlarge) { firstlarge = a[m]; firstlargeindex = m; } e = m - 1; } else if (a[m] < /* something */) { // go to the right part // how can i know is the first less than } } } 



 f(x) = 1 if x > target 0 else 


 int low = 0, high = numElems; // numElems is the size of the array ie arr.size() while (low != high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; // Or a fancy way to avoid int overflow if (arr[mid] <= target) { /* This index, and everything below it, must not be the first element * greater than what we're looking for because this element is no greater * than the element. */ low = mid + 1; } else { /* This element is at least as large as the element, so anything after it can't * be the first element that's at least as large. */ high = mid; } } /* Now, low and high both point to the element in question. */ 

要看到这个algorithm是正确的,考虑每一个比较。 如果我们发现一个元素不大于目标元素,那么它和它下面的所有元素都不可能匹配,所以不需要search那个区域。 我们可以recursion地search右半部分。 如果我们发现一个比所讨论的元素大的元素,那么它之后的任何元素都必须更大,所以它们不能成为更大的第一个元素,所以我们不需要search它们。 中间元素因此是最后的可能的地方。

请注意,在每次迭代中,我们至less会放弃一半剩余的元素。 如果最高分支执行,那么[low,(low + high)/ 2]范围内的元素全部被丢弃,导致我们丢失floor((低+高)/ 2) – low + 1> =(low +高)/ 2 – 低=(高 – 低)/ 2个元素。

如果执行底部分支,则范围[(低+高)/ 2 + 1,高]中的元素全部被丢弃。 这使我们失去了高层(低+高)/ 2 + 1> =高(低+高)/ 2 =(高 – 低)/ 2元素。

因此,我们最终将在这个过程的O(lg n)迭代中find比目标更大的第一个元素。

编辑:这是数组上运行的algorithm的跟踪0 0 1 1 1 1。


 0 0 1 1 1 1 L = 0 H = 6 

所以我们计算mid =(0 + 6)/ 2 = 3,所以我们检查位置3的元素,其值为1.由于1> 0,我们设置high = mid = 3。

 0 0 1 LH 

我们计算mid =(0 + 3)/ 2 = 1,所以我们检查元素1.由于这个值为0 <= 0,所以我们设置mid = low + 1 = 2.现在我们剩下L = 2和H = 3:

 0 0 1 LH 

现在,我们计算mid =(2 + 3)/ 2 = 2。在索引2处的元素是1,并且由于1≥0,我们设置H = mid = 2,在这一点上,我们停止,实际上我们正在寻找在大于0的第一个元素。



 int* p = std::upper_bound( a, a + n, x ); if( p == a + n ) std::cout << "No element greater"; else std::cout << "The first element greater is " << *p << " at position " << p - a; 


  public static int minElementGreaterThanOrEqualToKey(int A[], int key, int imin, int imax) { // Return -1 if the maximum value is less than the minimum or if the key // is great than the maximum if (imax < imin || key > A[imax]) return -1; // Return the first element of the array if that element is greater than // or equal to the key. if (key < A[imin]) return imin; // When the minimum and maximum values become equal, we have located the element. if (imax == imin) return imax; else { // calculate midpoint to cut set in half, avoiding integer overflow int imid = imin + ((imax - imin) / 2); // if key is in upper subset, then recursively search in that subset if (A[imid] < key) return minElementGreaterThanOrEqualToKey(A, key, imid + 1, imax); // if key is in lower subset, then recursively search in that subset else return minElementGreaterThanOrEqualToKey(A, key, imin, imid); } } 

我下面的实现使用条件bottom <= top这是不同于@templatetypedef的答案。

 int FirstElementGreaterThan(int n, const vector<int>& values) { int B = 0, T = values.size() - 1, M = 0; while (B <= T) { // B strictly increases, T strictly decreases M = B + (T - B) / 2; if (values[M] <= n) { // all values at or before M are not the target B = M + 1; } else { T = M - 1;// search for other elements before M } } return T + 1; } 


  • 如果元素存在,则返回要被search的元素的索引
  • 如果search到的元素不在数组中,则返回下一个大元素的索引
  • 如果search到大于数组最大元素的元素,则返回-1
 public static int search(int arr[],int key) { int low=0,high=arr.length,mid=-1; boolean flag=false; while(low<high) { mid=(low+high)/2; if(arr[mid]==key) { flag=true; break; } else if(arr[mid]<key) { low=mid+1; } else { high=mid; } } if(flag) { return mid; } else { if(low>=arr.length) return -1; else return low; //high will give next smaller } } public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); //int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int arr[]={12,15,54,221,712}; int key=71; System.out.println(search(arr,key)); br.close(); }