
arr是string数组,例如: ["hello", "world", "stack", "overflow", "hello", "again"]



 ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] # => "A" or "B" ["A", "B", "C"] # => nil 
 a = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] a.detect{ |e| a.count(e) > 1 } 


 ary = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] ary.group_by{ |e| e }.select { |k, v| v.size > 1 }.map(&:first) ary.sort.chunk{ |e| e }.select { |e, chunk| chunk.size > 1 }.map(&:first) 

而一个O(N ^ 2)选项(即效率较低):{ |e| ary.count(e) > 1 }.uniq 


 arr.detect {|e| arr.rindex(e) != arr.index(e) } 


我相信这是迄今为止在线程中发布的最快的解决scheme,因为它不依赖于创build其他对象,并且在C中实现#index#rindex 。大O运行时为N ^ 2因此比塞尔吉奥慢,但由于“慢”部分在C中运行,所以壁时间可以更快。

detect只发现一个重复。 find_all将会find它们全部:

 a = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] a.find_all { |e| a.count(e) > 1 } 

Ruby数组对象有一个很好的方法, select

 select {|item| block } → new_ary select → an_enumerator 

第一种forms是你在这里感兴趣的东西。 它允许您select通过testing的对象。


 count → int count(obj) → int count { |item| block } → int 

在这种情况下,你有兴趣重复(在数组中出现多次的对象)。 适当的testing是a.count(obj) > 1

如果a = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] ,那么{|item| a.count(item) > 1}.uniq => ["A", "B"] 

你声明你只需要一个对象。 所以select一个。



 require 'set' def find_a_dup_using_set(arr) s = arr.find { |e| !s.add?(e) } end find_a_dup_using_set arr #=> "hello" 



 class Array def difference(other) h = other.each_with_object( { |e,h| h[e] += 1 } reject { |e| h[e] > 0 && h[e] -= 1 } end end def find_a_dup_using_difference(arr) arr.difference(arr.uniq).first end find_a_dup_using_difference arr #=> "hello" 



我build议将Array#difference添加到Ruby核心。 更多的信息在这里我的答案。


我们来比较一下build议的方法 首先,我们需要一个数组进行testing:

 CAPS = ('AAA'..'ZZZ').to_a.first(10_000) def test_array(nelements, ndups) arr = CAPS[0, nelements-ndups] arr = arr.concat(arr[0,ndups]).shuffle end 


 require 'fruity' def benchmark(nelements, ndups) arr = test_array nelements, ndups puts "\n#{ndups} duplicates\n" compare( Naveed: -> {arr.detect{|e| arr.count(e) > 1}}, Sergio: -> {(arr.inject( {|h,e| h[e] += 1; h}.find {|k,v| v > 1} || [nil]).first }, Ryan: -> {(arr.group_by{|e| e}.find {|k,v| v.size > 1} || [nil]).first}, Chris: -> {arr.detect {|e| arr.rindex(e) != arr.index(e)} }, Cary_set: -> {find_a_dup_using_set(arr)}, Cary_diff: -> {find_a_dup_using_set(arr)} ) end 

我没有包含@JjP的答案,因为只有一个副本将被返回,并且当他/她的答案被修改为这样做时,它与@Naveed先前的答案相同。 也没有包括@ Marin的回答,虽然在Naveed的回答之前发布了回答,但是回复了所有的重复,而不仅仅是一个(小的一点,但是没有评估两个,因为当返回一个重复时它们是相同的)。



 benchmark(100, 0) 0 duplicates Running each test 64 times. Test will take about 2 seconds. Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is similar to Ryan Ryan is similar to Sergio Sergio is faster than Chris by 4x ± 1.0 Chris is faster than Naveed by 2x ± 1.0 benchmark(100, 1) 1 duplicates Running each test 128 times. Test will take about 2 seconds. Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is faster than Ryan by 2x ± 1.0 Ryan is similar to Sergio Sergio is faster than Chris by 2x ± 1.0 Chris is faster than Naveed by 2x ± 1.0 benchmark(100, 10) 10 duplicates Running each test 1024 times. Test will take about 3 seconds. Chris is faster than Naveed by 2x ± 1.0 Naveed is faster than Cary_diff by 2x ± 1.0 (results differ: AAC vs AAF) Cary_diff is similar to Cary_set Cary_set is faster than Sergio by 3x ± 1.0 (results differ: AAF vs AAC) Sergio is similar to Ryan 


 benchmark(10000, 0) 0 duplicates Running each test once. Test will take about 4 minutes. Ryan is similar to Sergio Sergio is similar to Cary_set Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is faster than Chris by 400x ± 100.0 Chris is faster than Naveed by 3x ± 0.1 benchmark(10000, 1) 1 duplicates Running each test once. Test will take about 1 second. Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is similar to Sergio Sergio is similar to Ryan Ryan is faster than Chris by 2x ± 1.0 Chris is faster than Naveed by 2x ± 1.0 benchmark(10000, 10) 10 duplicates Running each test once. Test will take about 11 seconds. Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is faster than Sergio by 3x ± 1.0 (results differ: AAE vs AAA) Sergio is similar to Ryan Ryan is faster than Chris by 20x ± 10.0 Chris is faster than Naveed by 3x ± 1.0 benchmark(10000, 100) 100 duplicates Cary_set is similar to Cary_diff Cary_diff is faster than Sergio by 11x ± 10.0 (results differ: ADG vs ACL) Sergio is similar to Ryan Ryan is similar to Chris Chris is faster than Naveed by 3x ± 1.0 

请注意,如果在C中实现了Array#difference ,那么find_a_dup_using_difference(arr)将会更加高效,如果它被添加到Ruby核心,情况就是这样。

find_all()返回一个包含所有enum元素的array ,其中block不是false


 >> arr = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] >> arr.find_all { |x| arr.count(x) > 1 } => ["A", "B", "B", "A"] 


 >> arr.find_all { |x| arr.count(x) > 1 }.uniq => ["A", "B"] 


 arr = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] arr.inject( { |h,e| h[e] += 1; h }. select { |k,v| v > 1 }. collect { |x| x.first } 

也就是说,把所有的值都放在一个散列中,其中键是数组的元素,值是出现次数。 然后select不止一次出现的所有元素。 简单。

我知道这个线程是专门针对Ruby的,但是我在这里着手寻找如何在ActiveRecord的Ruby on Rails环境中实现这一点,并认为我也会分享我的解决scheme。

 class ActiveRecordClass < ActiveRecord::Base #has two columns, a primary key (id) and an email_address (string) end"count(*) > 1").count.keys 


 a = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] a.each_with_object( {|i,hash| hash[i] += 1}.select{|_, count| count > 1}.keys 


或者,您可以执行以下任一行。 也是O(n)但只有一个迭代

 a.each_with_object( dup: []){|x,h| h[:dup] << x if (h[x] += 1) == 2}[:dup] a.inject( dup: []){|h,x| h[:dup] << x if (h[x] += 1) == 2;h}[:dup] 



 a = %w{the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog} h = a.find { |each| (h[each] += 1) == 2 } # => 'the" 


  • O(n)运行并在首场比赛中rest
  • 使用O(n)内存,但只有最小的数量

现在,根据数组中重复项的频繁程度,这些运行时可能实际上变得更好了。 例如,如果大小为O(n)的数组已经从k << n不同元素的总体中采样,那么只有运行时和空间的复杂度变为O(k) ,然而原始海报更有可能validationinput并希望确保没有重复。 在这种情况下,运行时间和内存复杂度为O(n)因为我们期望这些元素对大多数input没有重复。

这里是我在一大组数据 – 如传统的dBase表中find重复的部分

 # Assuming ps is an array of 20000 part numbers & we want to find duplicates # actually had to it recently. # having a result hash with part number and number of times part is # duplicated is much more convenient in the real world application # Takes about 6 seconds to run on my data set # - not too bad for an export script handling 20000 parts h = {}; # or for readability h = {} # result hash{ |e| ct = ps.count(e) h[e] = ct if ct > 1 }; nil # so that the huge result of select doesn't print in the console 

另一个重复词是交集。 使用&运算符:

 a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] b = ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] a & b => ['c', 'd'] 
 a = ["A", "B", "C", "B", "A"] b = {|e| a.count(e) > 1}.uniq c = a - b d = b + c 


  d => ["A", "B", "C"] 
 r = [1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1] r.group_by(&:itself).map { |k, v| v.size > 1 ? [k] + [v.size] : nil }.compact.sort_by(&:last).map(&:first) 
 def firstRepeatedWord(string) h_data = string.split(" ").each{|x| h_data[x] +=1} h_data.key(h_data.values.max) end