
我需要在Python程序中模拟一个do-while循环。 不幸的是,以下直接的代码不起作用:

l = [ 1, 2, 3 ] i = l.__iter__() s = None while True : if s : print s try : s = i.next() except StopIteration : break print "done" 


 [stdout:]1 [stdout:]2 [stdout:]3 None['Traceback (most recent call last): ', ' File "test_python.py", line 8, in <module> s = i.next() ', 'StopIteration '] 




 s = "" while True : if state is STATE_CODE : if "//" in s : tokens.add( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ) state = STATE_COMMENT else : tokens.add( TOKEN_CODE, s ) if state is STATE_COMMENT : if "//" in s : tokens.append( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ) else state = STATE_CODE # Re-evaluate same line continue try : s = i.next() except StopIteration : break 

我不知道你在做什么。 你可以像这样实现一个do-while循环:

 while True: stuff() if fail_condition: break 


 stuff() while not fail_condition: stuff() 

你在做什么试图使用一个做while循环打印列表中的东西? 为什么不使用:

 for i in l: print i print "done" 


那么你有一个行列表? 你想继续迭代? 怎么样:

 for s in l: while True: stuff() # use a "break" instead of s = i.next() 

这看起来像接近你想要的东西吗? 用你的代码示例,它将是:

 for s in some_list: while True : if state is STATE_CODE : if "//" in s : tokens.add( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ) state = STATE_COMMENT else : tokens.add( TOKEN_CODE, s ) if state is STATE_COMMENT : if "//" in s : tokens.append( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ) break # get next s else state = STATE_CODE # re-evaluate same line # continues automatically 


 condition = True while condition: # loop body here condition = test_loop_condition() # end of loop 

do-while循环的主要特点是循环体总是至less执行一次,并且在循环体底部计算条件。 这里显示的控制结构完成了这两个,不需要exception或中断语句。 它确实引入了一个额外的布尔variables。



 first_pass = True while first_pass or condition: first_pass = False do_stuff() 


 try: while True: if s: print s s = i.next() except StopIteration: pass 

我想你的代码的问题是except没有定义的内部行为。 一般来说, break只有一个层次,所以,如果breaktry直接到finally (如果存在)一个try ,而不是循环。

相关的PEP: http : //www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3136
相关问题: 打破嵌套循环

 do { stuff() } while (condition()) 

– >

 while True: stuff() if not condition(): break 


 def do_while(stuff, condition): while condition(stuff()): pass 

但是1)丑陋 2)条件应该是一个参数的函数,应该由东西填充(这是使用经典while循环的唯一原因)。

这是一个不同模式的疯狂解决scheme – 使用协程。 代码仍然非常相似,但有一个重要的区别; 根本没有退出条件! 当你停止input数据时,协程(真正的协程链)就停止了。

 def coroutine(func): """Coroutine decorator Coroutines must be started, advanced to their first "yield" point, and this decorator does this automatically. """ def startcr(*ar, **kw): cr = func(*ar, **kw) cr.next() return cr return startcr @coroutine def collector(storage): """Act as "sink" and collect all sent in @storage""" while True: storage.append((yield)) @coroutine def state_machine(sink): """ .send() new parts to be tokenized by the state machine, tokens are passed on to @sink """ s = "" state = STATE_CODE while True: if state is STATE_CODE : if "//" in s : sink.send((TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )) state = STATE_COMMENT else : sink.send(( TOKEN_CODE, s )) if state is STATE_COMMENT : if "//" in s : sink.send(( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )) else state = STATE_CODE # re-evaluate same line continue s = (yield) tokens = [] sm = state_machine(collector(tokens)) for piece in i: sm.send(piece) 



 loop = True while loop: generic_stuff() try: questionable_stuff() # to break from successful completion # loop = False except: optional_stuff() # to break from unsuccessful completion - # the case referenced in the OP's question loop = False finally: more_generic_stuff() 


 while True: generic_stuff() try: questionable_stuff() # to break from successful completion # break except: optional_stuff() # to break from unsuccessful completion - # the case referenced in the OP's question break 
 while condition is True: stuff() else: stuff() 


 def dowhile(func = None, condition = None): if not func or not condition: return else: func() while condition(): func() 


 >>> x = 10 >>> def f(): ... global x ... x = x - 1 >>> def c(): global x return x > 0 >>> dowhile(f, c) >>> print x 0 


 for s in l : print s print "done" 



 flagBreak = false; while True : if flagBreak : break if s : print s try : s = i.next() except StopIteration : flagBreak = true print "done"