
我试图在新的风格类中拦截调用python的双下划线魔术方法。 这是一个微不足道的例子,但它显示的意图是:

class ShowMeList(object): def __init__(self, it): self._data = list(it) def __getattr__(self, name): attr = object.__getattribute__(self._data, name) if callable(attr): def wrapper(*a, **kw): print "before the call" result = attr(*a, **kw) print "after the call" return result return wrapper return attr 


 >>> l = ShowMeList(range(8)) >>> l #call to __repr__ <__main__.ShowMeList object at 0x9640eac> >>> l.append(9) before the call after the call >> len(l._data) 9 

如果我不从对象inheritance(第一行class ShowMeList:一切都按预期工作:

 >>> l = ShowMeList(range(8)) >>> l #call to __repr__ before the call after the call [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] >>> l.append(9) before the call after the call >> len(l._data) 9 


出于性能原因,Python总是在类(和父类) __dict__寻找魔术方法,而不使用普通属性查找机制。 解决方法是在类创build时使用元类自动添加魔术方法的代理; 例如,我已经使用这种技术来避免为包装类编写样板调用方法。

 class Wrapper(object): """Wrapper class that provides proxy access to an instance of some internal instance.""" __wraps__ = None __ignore__ = "class mro new init setattr getattr getattribute" def __init__(self, obj): if self.__wraps__ is None: raise TypeError("base class Wrapper may not be instantiated") elif isinstance(obj, self.__wraps__): self._obj = obj else: raise ValueError("wrapped object must be of %s" % self.__wraps__) # provide proxy access to regular attributes of wrapped object def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._obj, name) # create proxies for wrapped object's double-underscore attributes class __metaclass__(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): def make_proxy(name): def proxy(self, *args): return getattr(self._obj, name) return proxy type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct) if cls.__wraps__: ignore = set("__%s__" % n for n in cls.__ignore__.split()) for name in dir(cls.__wraps__): if name.startswith("__"): if name not in ignore and name not in dct: setattr(cls, name, property(make_proxy(name))) 


 class DictWrapper(Wrapper): __wraps__ = dict wrapped_dict = DictWrapper(dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)) # make sure it worked.... assert "b" in wrapped_dict # __contains__ assert wrapped_dict == dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) # __eq__ assert "'a': 1" in str(wrapped_dict) # __str__ assert wrapped_dict.__doc__.startswith("dict()") # __doc__ 



 >>> class C: x = 1 def __init__(self): self.y = 2 def __getattr__(self, attr): print(attr) >>> c = C() >>> cx 1 >>> cy 2 >>> cz z 


在你的例子中, __repr__和许多其他魔术方法已经在object类中定义了。

有一件事是可以做到的,思想,就是定义这些魔术方法,然后调用__getattr__方法。 通过我和它的答案检查这个问题( 链接 )看到一些代码这样做。

对于__getattr__,newstyle vs oldstyle类 (也可参见Python文档 )的不对称行为的答案,使用new样式类修改对__getattr____getattribute__ “magic”方法的访问是不可能的。 这个限制使解释器更快。


