
我不在乎分歧是什么。 我只想知道内容是否有所不同。


from __future__ import with_statement with open(filename1) as f1: with open(filename2) as f2: if f1.read() == f2.read(): ... 


 import filecmp if filecmp.cmp(filename1, filename2, shallow=False): ... 


 if os.path.getsize(filename1) == os.path.getsize(filename2): if open('filename1','r').read() == open('filename2','r').read(): # Files are the same. 



这是一个function样式的文件比较function。 如果文件大小不同,则立即返回False; 否则,它将以4KiB块大小读取,并在第一次差异时立即返回False:

 from __future__ import with_statement import os import itertools, functools, operator def filecmp(filename1, filename2): "Do the two files have exactly the same contents?" with open(filename1, "rb") as fp1, open(filename2, "rb") as fp2: if os.fstat(fp1.fileno()).st_size != os.fstat(fp2.fileno()).st_size: return False # different sizes ∴ not equal fp1_reader= functools.partial(fp1.read, 4096) fp2_reader= functools.partial(fp2.read, 4096) cmp_pairs= itertools.izip(iter(fp1_reader, ''), iter(fp2_reader, '')) inequalities= itertools.starmap(operator.ne, cmp_pairs) return not any(inequalities) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys print filecmp(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) 




 def get_file_md5(f, chunk_size=8192): h = hashlib.md5() while True: chunk = f.read(chunk_size) if not chunk: break h.update(chunk) return h.hexdigest() 
f = open(filename1, "r").read() f2 = open(filename2,"r").read() print f == f2
f = open(filename1, "r").read() f2 = open(filename2,"r").read() print f == f2 



 import hashlib def checksum(f): md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(open(f).read()) return md5.hexdigest() def is_contents_same(f1, f2): return checksum(f1) == checksum(f2) if not is_contents_same('foo.txt', 'bar.txt'): print 'The contents are not the same!' 
 from __future__ import with_statement filename1 = "G:\\test1.TXT" filename2 = "G:\\test2.TXT" with open(filename1) as f1: with open(filename2) as f2: file1list = f1.read().splitlines() file2list = f2.read().splitlines() list1length = len(file1list) list2length = len(file2list) if list1length == list2length: for index in range(len(file1list)): if file1list[index] == file2list[index]: print file1list[index] + "==" + file2list[index] else: print file1list[index] + "!=" + file2list[index]+" Not-Equel" else: print "difference inthe size of the file and number of lines"