
所以我有一个脚本,可以返回特定月份和年份的周数。 我怎样才能从那个月份的某个特定的日子,并确定是否是该月的第1,2,3,4或5周的一部分?

我曾经尝试过的最令人沮丧的事情 – 但在这里!

<?php /** * Returns the amount of weeks into the month a date is * @param $date a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date * @param $rollover The day on which the week rolls over */ function getWeeks($date, $rollover) { $cut = substr($date, 0, 8); $daylen = 86400; $timestamp = strtotime($date); $first = strtotime($cut . "00"); $elapsed = ($timestamp - $first) / $daylen; $weeks = 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $elapsed; $i++) { $dayfind = $cut . (strlen($i) < 2 ? '0' . $i : $i); $daytimestamp = strtotime($dayfind); $day = strtolower(date("l", $daytimestamp)); if($day == strtolower($rollover)) $weeks ++; } return $weeks; } // echo getWeeks("2011-06-11", "sunday"); //outputs 2, for the second week of the month ?> 

编辑:“单行”非常多 – 需要的variables,以避免与条件重新计算。 当我在这里的时候,抛弃了一个默认的论点。

 function weekOfMonth($when = null) { if ($when === null) $when = time(); $week = date('W', $when); // note that ISO weeks start on Monday $firstWeekOfMonth = date('W', strtotime(date('Ym-01', $when))); return 1 + ($week < $firstWeekOfMonth ? $week : $week - $firstWeekOfMonth); } 

请注意, weekOfMonth(strtotime('Oct 31, 2011')); 将返回6 ; 一些罕见的月份有6个星期在他们,违背OP的期望。 2017年1月是6个ISO周的又一个月 – 周一是自ISO周周一开始的最后一个星期的第一个月。

对于starshine531 ,要返回该月份的索引为0星期,将return 1 +更改为return 0 +return (int)

对于贾斯汀Stayton ,从星期天开始而不是星期一我会使用strftime('%U'而不是date('W' ,如下所示:

 function weekOfMonth($when = null) { if ($when === null) $when = time(); $week = strftime('%U', $when); // weeks start on Sunday $firstWeekOfMonth = strftime('%U', strtotime(date('Ym-01', $when))); return 1 + ($week < $firstWeekOfMonth ? $week : $week - $firstWeekOfMonth); } 


 public function getWeeks($timestamp) { $maxday = date("t",$timestamp); $thismonth = getdate($timestamp); $timeStamp = mktime(0,0,0,$thismonth['mon'],1,$thismonth['year']); //Create time stamp of the first day from the give date. $startday = date('w',$timeStamp); //get first day of the given month $day = $thismonth['mday']; $weeks = 0; $week_num = 0; for ($i=0; $i<($maxday+$startday); $i++) { if(($i % 7) == 0){ $weeks++; } if($day == ($i - $startday + 1)){ $week_num = $weeks; } } return $week_num; } 




这种方法存在问题。 如果通过date(例如2012/01/01这是一个星期天)和“$ rollover”日是“星期天”,那么这个函数将返回2.其实它是第一个星期。 我想我已经修复它在以下function。 请添加评论,使其更好。

 function getWeeks($date, $rollover) { $cut = substr($date, 0, 8); $daylen = 86400; $timestamp = strtotime($date); $first = strtotime($cut . "01"); $elapsed = (($timestamp - $first) / $daylen)+1; $i = 1; $weeks = 0; for($i==1; $i<=$elapsed; $i++) { $dayfind = $cut . (strlen($i) < 2 ? '0' . $i : $i); $daytimestamp = strtotime($dayfind); $day = strtolower(date("l", $daytimestamp)); if($day == strtolower($rollover)) { $weeks++; } } if($weeks==0) { $weeks++; } return $weeks; } 

这是一个基于sberry的math解决scheme,但使用PHP DateTime类的解决scheme。

 function week_of_month($date) { $first_of_month = new DateObject($date->format('Y/m/1')); $day_of_first = $first_of_month->format('N'); $day_of_month = $date->format('j'); return floor(($day_of_first + $day_of_month - 1) / 7) + 1; } 


例如月份= 04年= 2013年。


 $mm= $_REQUEST['month']; $yy= $_REQUEST['year']; $startdate=date($yy."-".$mm."-01") ; $current_date=date('Ym-t'); $ld= cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $mm, $yy); $lastday=$yy.'-'.$mm.'-'.$ld; $start_date = date('Ym-d', strtotime($startdate)); $end_date = date('Ym-d', strtotime($lastday)); $end_date1 = date('Ym-d', strtotime($lastday." + 6 days")); $count_week=0; $week_array = array(); for($date = $start_date; $date <= $end_date1; $date = date('Ym-d', strtotime($date. ' + 7 days'))) { $getarray=getWeekDates($date, $start_date, $end_date); echo "<br>"; $week_array[]=$getarray; echo "\n"; $count_week++; } // its give the number of week for the given month and year echo $count_week; //print_r($week_array); function getWeekDates($date, $start_date, $end_date) { $week = date('W', strtotime($date)); $year = date('Y', strtotime($date)); $from = date("Ymd", strtotime("{$year}-W{$week}+1")); if($from < $start_date) $from = $start_date; $to = date("Ymd", strtotime("{$year}-W{$week}-6")); if($to > $end_date) $to = $end_date; $array1 = array( "ssdate" => $from, "eedate" => $to, ); return $array1; // echo "Start Date-->".$from."End Date -->".$to; } for($i=0;$i<$count_week;$i++) { $start= $week_array[$i]['ssdate']; echo "--"; $week_array[$i]['eedate']; echo "<br>"; } 


 week( 0 )=>2013-03-01---2013-03-02 week( 1 )=>2013-03-03---2013-03-09 week( 2 )=>2013-03-10---2013-03-16 week( 3 )=>2013-03-17---2013-03-23 week( 4 )=>2013-03-24---2013-03-30 week( 5 )=>2013-03-31---2013-03-31 

这是我为了达到同样的要求所做的一小部分。 希望这会帮助你。

 function getWeek($timestamp) { $week_year = date('W',$timestamp); $week = 0;//date('d',$timestamp)/7; $year = date('Y',$timestamp); $month = date('m',$timestamp); $day = date('d',$timestamp); $prev_month = date('m',$timestamp) -1; if($month != 1 ){ $last_day_prev = $year."-".$prev_month."-1"; $last_day_prev = date('t',strtotime($last_day_prev)); $week_year_last_mon = date('W',strtotime($year."-".$prev_month."-".$last_day_prev)); $week_year_first_this = date('W',strtotime($year."-".$month."-1")); if($week_year_first_this == $week_year_last_mon){ $week_diff = 0; } else{ $week_diff = 1; } if($week_year ==1 && $month == 12 ){ // to handle December's last two days coming in first week of January $week_year = 53; } $week = $week_year-$week_year_last_mon + 1 +$week_diff; } else{ // to handle first three days January coming in last week of December. $week_year_first_this = date('W',strtotime($year."-01-1")); if($week_year_first_this ==52 || $week_year_first_this ==53){ if($week_year == 52 || $week_year == 53){ $week =1; } else{ $week = $week_year + 1; } } else{ $week = $week_year; } } return $week; 



把所有的date放到一个数组中。 date对象必须有一个星期一的名字(星期一)。 创build一个search数组的方法,并且当你在星期天打一个星期的计数器时添加1。 一旦你find你想要的date返回周计数器。 这是一年中的一周。 在每个月的一周中,每当您到达每个月的最后一天时,您都必须重置周计数器。


 $time = time(); // or whenever $week_of_the_month = ceil(date('d', $time)/7); 


 function getWeekOfMonth(DateTime $date) { $firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime($date->format('Ym-1')); return ceil(($firstDayOfMonth->format('N') + $date->format('j') - 1) / 7); } 


对于星期一至星期天(ISO 8601)星期(或者,如果您根本不在乎),您可以在一行中做到这一点:

 function get_week_of_month($date) { return date('W', $date) - date('W', strtotime(date("Ym-01", $date))) + 1; } 

( 来源 )

对于其他任何事情(例如周日到周六),只需要在函数中调整$ date:

 function get_week_of_month($date) { $date += 86400; //For weeks starting on Sunday return date('W', $date) - date('W', strtotime(date("Ym-01", $date))) + 1; } 

( 感谢这些家伙/女孩 )

注意:您可能会在年底遇到一些问题(例如12/31,1/1等)。 在这里阅读更多。

以为我会分享我的function。 这将返回一个星期数组。 每星期是以星期几(0..6)作为关键字和月份日(1..31)作为值的数组。



 function get_weeks($year, $month){ $days_in_month = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $weeks_in_month = 1; $weeks = array(); //loop through month for ($day=1; $day<=$days_in_month; $day++) { $week_day = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));//0..6 starting sunday $weeks[$weeks_in_month][$week_day] = $day; if ($week_day == 6) { $weeks_in_month++; } } return $weeks; } 


 /** * calculate number of weeks in a particular month */ function weeksInMonth($month=null,$year=null){ if( null==($year) ) { $year = date("Y",time()); } if(null==($month)) { $month = date("m",time()); } // find number of days in this month $daysInMonths = date('t',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01')); $numOfweeks = ($daysInMonths%7==0?0:1) + intval($daysInMonths/7); $monthEndingDay= date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$daysInMonths)); $monthStartDay = date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01')); if($monthEndingDay<$monthStartDay){ $numOfweeks++; } return $numOfweeks; } 


 function weekofmonth($time) { $firstday = 1; $lastday = date('j',$time); $lastdayweek = 6; //Saturday $week = 1; for ($day=1;$day<=$lastday;$day++) { $timetmp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n',$time), $day, date('Y',$time)); if (date('N',$timetmp) == $lastdayweek) { $week++; } } if (date('N',$time)==$lastdayweek) { $week--; } return $week; } $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, 9, 30, 2014); echo weekofmonth($time); 

我发现一个简单的方法来确定今天的哪一个星期是在哪一天,如果在任何其他date工作,这将是一个小的改变。 我在这里增加我的两分钱,因为我认为我的方法比列出的方法更加紧凑。

 $monthstart = date("N",strtotime(date("n/1/Y"))); $date =( date("j")+$monthstart ) /7; $ddate= floor( $date ); if($ddate != date) {$ddate++;} 

和$ ddate包含你可以像这样修改它的星期数字

 function findweek($indate) { $monthstart = date("N",strtotime(date("n/1/Y",strtotime($indate)))); $date =( date("j",strtotime($indate))+$monthstart ) /7; $ddate= floor( $date ); if($ddate != $date) {$ddate++;} return $ddate; } 

并且它将返回你给它的任何date的一个星期中的哪一周。 它所做的是首先查找从一周的开始到本月的第一天的天数。 然后在当前date上加上新的date,然后把新的date除以7,这会给你自从月初以来已经过了多less个星期,包括已经过去的那一周的小数位。 所以我下一步做的就是围绕这个数字,然后比较下舍入版本和原始数据,如果两个数字在一周结束时相匹配,那么它已经在数字中了。 如果他们不那么只是加一个向下舍入的数字,瞧,你有当前的周数。


这是一个Python的工作示例 – 应该很容易转换。

Srahul07的解决scheme是完美的… 如果你遵守星期一到星期日系统! 在这里murica,非商务人士倾向于星期六到星期六去一周,所以2011年5月1日是第一周,2011年5月2日还是第一周。

将下面的逻辑添加到他的函数的底部,就在它返回$ week之前将它转换为星期天 – >星期一系统:

 if (!date('w',strtotime("$year-$month-01")) && date('w',$timestamp)) $week--; elseif (date('w',strtotime("$year-$month-01")) && !date('w',$timestamp)) $week++; 


可悲的是,毕竟我的工作是为了让这个function正常运行,我知道我的用户使用的是一个更“荒唐”的系统,其中“星期”这个概念太复杂了,所以他们只是简单地把一天中发生的事情排在第一位, “星期”我们进来了。计算在这个月里已经发生了多less个星期五等等的暴力系统是我能想到的唯一的解决scheme,因为这是他们所有的逻辑。 T_T


 <?php function getWeeks($month,$year) { $month = intval($month); //force month to single integer if '0x' $suff = array('st','nd','rd','th','th','th'); //week suffixes $end = date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); //last date day of month: 28 - 31 $start = date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)); //1st day of month: 0 - 6 (Sun - Sat) $last = 7 - $start; //get last day date (Sat) of first week $noweeks = ceil((($end - ($last + 1))/7) + 1); //total no. weeks in month $output = ""; //initialize string $monthlabel = str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); for($x=1;$x<$noweeks+1;$x++) { if($x == 1) { $startdate = "$year-$monthlabel-01"; $day = $last - 6; } else { $day = $last + 1 + (($x-2)*7); $day = str_pad($day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $startdate = "$year-$monthlabel-$day"; } if($x == $noweeks) { $enddate = "$year-$monthlabel-$end"; } else { $dayend = $day + 6; $dayend = str_pad($dayend, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $enddate = "$year-$monthlabel-$dayend"; } $j=1; if($j--) { $k=getTotalDate($startdate,$enddate); $j=1; } $output .= "Week ".$xyz." week -> Start date=$startdate End date=$enddate <br />"; } return $output; } if(isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)){ $month = $_POST['m']; $year = $_POST['y']; echo getWeeks($month,$year); } ?> <form method="post"> M: <input name="m" value="" /> Y: <input name="y" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="go" /> </form> 

我真的很喜欢@ michaelc的回答。 然而,我陷入了几点。 似乎每一个星期天都有一个转折点, 我认为这一周的开始是星期几。 无论如何,这里是我对它的轻微改动,扩展了一下可读性:

 function wom(\DateTime $date) { // The week of the year of the current month $cw = date('W', $date->getTimestamp()); // The week of the year of the first of the given month $fw = date('W',strtotime(date('Ym-01',$date->getTimeStamp()))); // Offset $o = 1; // If it is a Saturday, offset by two. if( date('N',$date->getTimestamp()) == 7 ) { $o = 2; } return $cw -$fw + $o; } 


 $cw = 45 $fw = 44 


如果date是2013年11月10日, $cw$fw与之前相同,但偏移量为2,正确返回3。

 function get_week_of_month( $timestamp ) { $week_of_month = 0; $month = date( 'j', $timestamp ); $test_month = $month; while( $test_month == $month ) { $week_of_month++; $timestamp = strtotime( '-1 week', $timestamp ); $test_month = date( 'j', $timestamp ); } return $week_of_month; } 

我在网上发现: http : //


 $currentWeek = ceiling((date("d") - date("w") - 1) / 7) + 1; 


 $now = strtotime("today"); $weekOfMonth = ceil((date("d", $now) - date("w", $now) - 1) / 7) + 1; 



 function getWeek($date) { $month_start=strtotime("1 ".date('F Y',$date)); $current_date=strtotime(date('j F Y',$date)); $month_week=date("W",$month_start); $current_week=date("W",$current_date); return ($current_week-$month_week); }//0 is the week of the first. 


 // Function accepts $date as a string, // Returns the week number in which the given date falls. // Assumed week starts on Sunday. function wom($date) { $date = strtotime($date); $weeknoofday = date('w', $date); $day = date('j', $date); $weekofmonth = ceil(($day + (7-($weeknoofday+1))) / 7); return $weekofmonth; } // Test foreach (range(1, 31) as $day) { $test_date = "2015-01-" . str_pad($day, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); echo "$test_date - "; echo wom($test_date) . "\n"; } 


 function weekNumberInMonth($timestampDate) { $firstDayOfMonth = strtotime(date('01-MY 00:00:00', $timestampDate)); $firstWeekdayOfMonth = date( 'w', $firstDayOfMonth); $dayNumberInMonth = date('d', $timestampDate); $weekNumberInMonth = ceil(($dayNumberInMonth + $firstWeekdayOfMonth) / 7); return $weekNumberInMonth; } 

如果我理解正确的话,问题是如何确定某个特定date一个月内的某个星期的数量……我正在寻找类似的解决scheme。 我使用了上述答案的一些想法来开发我自己的解决scheme。 希望对别人有所帮助。 如果是,那么UpVote我的答案。

 function week_number_within_month($datenew){ $year = date("Y",strtotime($datenew)); $month = date("m",strtotime($datenew)); // find number of days in this month $daysInMonths = date('t',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01')); $numOfweeks = ($daysInMonths%7==0?0:1) + intval($daysInMonths/7); $monthEndingDay= date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$daysInMonths)); $monthStartDay = date('N',strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-01')); if($monthEndingDay<$monthStartDay){ $numOfweeks++; } $date=date('Y/m/d', strtotime($year.'-'. $month.'-01')); $week_array=Array(); for ($i=1; $i<=$numOfweeks; $i++){ /// create an Array of all days of month separated by weeks as a keys $max = 7; if ($i ==1){ $max = 8 - $monthStartDay;} if ($i == $numOfweeks){ $max = $monthEndingDay;} for ($r=1; $r<=$max; $r++){ $week_array[$i][]=$date; $date = date('Y/m/d',strtotime($date . "+1 days")); } } $new_datenew = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($datenew)); $week_result=''; foreach ($week_array as $key => $val){ /// finding what week number of my date from week_array foreach ($val as $kr => $value){ if ($new_datenew == $value){ $week_result = $key; } } } return $week_result; } print week_number_within_month('2016-09-15'); 
 function getWeekOfMonth(\DateTime $date) { $firstWeekdayOfMonth = new DateTime("first weekday 0 {$date->format('M')} {$date->format('Y')}"); $offset = $firstWeekdayOfMonth->format('N')-1; return intval(($date->format('j') + $offset)/7)+1; } 
 /** * In case of Week we can get the week of year. So whenever we will get the week of the month then we have to * subtract the until last month weeks from it will give us the current month week. */ $dateComponents = getdate(); if($dateComponents['mon'] == 1) $weekOfMonth = date('W', strtotime($dateComponents['year'].'-'.$dateComponents['mon'].'-'.$dateComponents['mday']))-1; // We subtract -1 to map it to the array else $weekOfMonth = date('W', strtotime($dateComponents['year'].'-'.$dateComponents['mon'].'-'.$dateComponents['mday']))-date('W', strtotime($dateComponents['year'].'-'.$dateComponents['mon'].'-01')); 


$ date = Carbon :: now(); $ d1 = $ date-> startOfMonth(); $ d2 = $ date-> endOfMonth();

$ weeks = $ d1-> diffInWeeks($ d2);