

function dbSet($fields) { $set=''; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $set.="`$field`='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$field])."', "; } } return substr($set, 0, -2); } 


 $id = intval($_POST['id']); $fields = explode(" ","name surname lastname address zip fax phone"); $_POST['date'] = $_POST['y']."-".$_POST['m']."-".$_POST['d']; $query = "UPDATE $table SET ".dbSet($fields)." stamp=NOW() WHERE id=$id"; 



有没有一种简单而直接的方法来使用PDO预处理语句来插入数据? 它应该是什么forms? 查询生成器助手? 或插入查询帮手? 它应该采取什么参数?

我希望在这里可以很容易地被用作答案。 因为在每个主题中我们都可以看到准备好的语句使用推荐,但是没有一个好例子。 真实的例子,我的意思是。 键入bind_param()20次是不是一个好的编程风格,我相信。 甚至还有20个问号。

我通常有一个扩展PDO的类,但是我的类很自定义。 如果我把它清理干净并testing,我会在稍后发布。 但是,这是您的系统的解决scheme。

 function dbSet($fields, &$values) { $set = ''; $values = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($_POST[$field])) { $set .= "`$field` = ?,"; $values[] = $_POST[$field]; } } return rtrim($set, ','); } $fields = explode(" ","name surname lastname address zip fax phone date"); $_POST['date'] = $_POST['y']."-".$_POST['m']."-"$_POST['d']; $query = "UPDATE $table SET ".dbSet($fields, $values).", stamp=NOW() WHERE id=?"; $values[] = $id; $dbh->prepare($query); $dbh->execute($values); 

这可能不完美,可以使用调整。 它考虑到$dbh是用PDO连接设置的。 等待我做的任何小的语法问题,这应该工作。


实际上,我想我会去学习ORM(或另一个ORM)。 当你设置模型并添加所有的validation,那么它就像下面这样简单:

 $table = new Table(); $table->fromArray($_POST); $table->save(); 

这应该容易地填充内容。 这当然是一个ORM,就像教条。


对第一个代码做了一些小的调整,比如把isset放回去,并在substr使用rtrim 。 为了提供一个PDO扩展类的模拟工作,我们需要devise一些方法来做一些unit testing,以确保它能正常工作。


 class Database extends PDO { public function QueryFromPost($Query,$items) { $params = array(); $Query .= ' WHERE '; foreach($items as $key => $default) { $Query .= ' :' . $key. ' = ' . $key; if(isset($_POST[$key])) { $params[':' . $key] = $_POST[$key]; }else { $params[':' . $key] = $default; } } $s = $this->prepare($Query); return $s->execute($params); } } 


 $db = new Database(/*..Default PDO Params*/); $statement = $db->QueryFromPost('SELECT * FROM employees',array('type' => 'plc')); foreach($preparedStatement->fetchAll() as $row) { //... } 




 $fields = array("login","password"); $_POST['password'] = MD5($_POST['login'].$_POST['password']); $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET ".pdoSet($fields,$values)." WHERE id = :id"); $values["id"] = $_POST['id']; $stmt->execute($values); 

它可以被包装成一个辅助函数,但我怀疑是否有必要。 它会缩短一行代码。


 function pdoSet($fields, &$values, $source = array()) { $set = ''; $values = array(); if (!$source) $source = &$_POST; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($source[$field])) { $set.="`$field`=:$field, "; $values[$field] = $source[$field]; } } return substr($set, 0, -2); } 

这是我的通用数据库抽象类。 看看autoExecute()函数。 它为您可能想要完成的任何事情提供了大量的灵活性。 我应该警告这是为PHP 5.3编写的,而且已经为PostgreSQL量身定制了。

 <?php /** * Database abstraction and query result classes * Requires PHP 5.3 * * Events: * - on_commit - Dispatched when the transaction is successfully committed to the DB * - on_rollback - Dispatched when the transaction is rolled back in the DB * * @author Kenaniah Cerny <kenaniah@gmail.com> * @version 1.1.2 * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009, Kenaniah Cerny */ class Database extends PDO { private $stmt; private $good_trans = null; private $nested_transactions = 0; //Keeps track of virtual transaction nesting level private $callbacks = array(); private static $connections = array(); //Keeps track of opened connections /** * Returns a database instance using lazy instantiation * @param string $name a database connection name * @param array $config database config details for a new connection */ static function getInstance($name = 'main', $config=array()){ //Attempt to return an existing connection if(array_key_exists($name, self::$connections)): return self::$connections[$name]; endif; //Attempt to create a new connection $host = in_array($config['host'], array('localhost', '')) ? "" : ";host=" . $config['host']; $db = new Database($config['driver'].":dbname=".$config['name'].$host, $config['user'], $config['pass']); //Save to connection pool self::$connections[$name] = $db; return $db; } /** * Registers a callback to be run when the given event is invoked * @param string $event Event name * @param callable $callable */ public function register_listener($event, $callable){ if(!array_key_exists($event, $this->callbacks)): $this->callbacks[$event] = array($callable); else: $this->callbacks[$event][] = $callable; endif; } /** * Invokes callbacks for the given event type * @param string $event Event name * @param boolean $stop_on_false Stops bubbling this event if one of the handlers returns false */ protected function dispatch_event($event, $stop_on_false = true){ if(!array_key_exists($event, $this->callbacks)) return; foreach($this->callbacks[$event] as $callable): $res = call_user_func($callable, $this, $event); if($stop_on_false && $res === false) return false; endforeach; return true; } /** * PDO Constructor * @param $dsn * @param $username * @param $password */ function __construct($dsn, $username, $password) { parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password); } /** * Prepares an SQL statement * @param string $sql */ function prepare($sql) { $stmt = parent::prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS => array(__NAMESPACE__.'\DatabaseStatement'))); $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $stmt; } /** * Prepares an executes an SQL statement with the parameters provided * @param string $sql * @param array $params */ function execute($sql, $params = array()) { if($this->debug): var_dump("Statement:\n".$sql."\nParams: ".$this->fmt($params)); endif; try { $stmt = $this->prepare($sql); $val = $stmt->execute((array) $params); if($stmt->errorCode() != '00000') error_log($this->errormsg()); if($this->debug && $stmt->errorCode() != '00000'){ var_dump($stmt->errorInfo()); Errors::add("Database error: ".$this->errormsg(), E_USER_ERROR); } if(!$val) return false; } catch (PDOException $e){ if($this->debug) var_dump($stmt->errorInfo()); error_log($this->errormsg()); Errors::add("Database error: ".$this->errormsg(), E_USER_ERROR); if($this->nested_transactions) $this->failTrans(); else throw $e; } $this->stmt = $stmt; return $stmt; } /** * Returns the value of the first column of the first row * of the database result. * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getOne($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getOne() : false; } /** * Fetches a single column (the first column) of a result set * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getCol($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getCol() : false; } /** * Fetches rows in associative array format * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getAssoc($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getAssoc() : false; } /** * Fetches rows in array format with columns * indexed by ordinal position * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getArray($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getArray() : false; } /** * Fetches all rows in associative array format * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getAll($sql, $params = array()){ return $this->getAssoc($sql, $params); } /** * Fetches rows in array format where the first column * is the key name and all other columns are values * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getKeyPair($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getKeyPair() : false; } /** * Fetches rows in multi-dimensional format where the first * column is the key name and all other colums are grouped * into associative arrays for each row * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getGroup($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getGroup() : false; } /** * Fetches only the first row and returns it as an * associative array * @param $sql * @param $params */ function getRow($sql, $params = array()){ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params); return $stmt ? $stmt->getRow() : false; } /** * Internal function used for formatting parameters in debug output * @param unknown_type $params */ private function fmt($params){ $arr = array(); foreach((array) $params as $k=>$v){ if(is_null($v)) $v = "NULL"; elseif(is_bool($v)) $v = $v ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; $arr[] = "[".$k."] => ".$v; } return "Array(".join(", ", $arr).")"; } /** * Returns the number of affected rows from an executed statement */ function affected_rows(){ return $this->stmt ? $this->stmt->rowcount() : false; } /** * Automated statement processing * * Params array takes the following fields: * * - table The name of the table to run the query on * * - data A key-value paired array of table data * * - mode INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE, or NEW * * - where Can be a string or key-value set. Not used on INSERTs * If key-value set and numerically indexed, uses values from data * If key-value and keys are named, uses its own values * * - params An array of param values for the where clause * * - returning Optional string defining what to return from query. * Uses PostgreSQL's RETURNING construct * * This method will return either a boolean indicating success, an array * containing the data requested by returning, or a boolean FALSE indicating * a failed query. * */ function autoExecute($table, $params, $data){ $fields = array(); //Temp array for field names $values = array(); //Temp array for field values $set = array(); //Temp array for update sets $ins = array(); //Insert value arguments $params['table'] = $table; $params['data'] = $data; $params['params'] = (array) $params['params']; //Parse the data set and prepare it for different query types foreach((array) $params['data'] as $field => $val): $fields[] = $field; $values[] = $val; $ins[] = "?"; $set[] = $field . " = ?"; endforeach; //Check for and convert the array/object version of the where clause param if(is_object($params['where']) || is_array($params['where'])): $clause = array(); $params['params'] = array(); //Reset the parameters list foreach($params['where'] as $key => $val): if(is_numeric($key)): //Numerically indexed elements use their values as field names //and values from the data array as param values $field = $val; $params['params'][] = $params['data'][$val]; else: //Named elements use their own names and values $field = $key; $params['params'][] = $val; endif; $clause[] = $field . " = ?"; endforeach; $params['where'] = join(" AND ", $clause); endif; //Figure out what type of query we want to run $mode = strtoupper($params['mode']); switch($mode): case 'NEW': case 'INSERT': //Build the insert query if(count($fields)): $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $params['table'] . " (" . join(", ", $fields) . ")" . " SELECT " . join(", ", $ins); else: $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $params['table'] . " DEFAULT VALUES"; endif; //Do we need to add a conditional check? if($mode == "NEW" && count($fields)): $sql .= " WHERE NOT EXISTS (" . " SELECT 1 FROM " . $params['table'] . " WHERE " . $params['where'] . " )"; //Add in where clause params $values = array_merge($values, $params['params']); endif; //Do we need to add a returning clause? if($params['returning']): $sql .= " RETURNING " . $params['returning']; endif; //Execute our query $result = $this->getRow($sql, $values); //Return our result if($params['returning']): return $result; else: return $result !== false; endif; break; case 'UPDATE': if(!count($fields)) return false; //Build the update query $sql = "UPDATE " . $params['table'] . " SET " . join(", ", $set) . " WHERE " . $params['where']; //Do we need to add a returning clause? if($params['returning']): $sql .= " RETURNING " . $params['returning']; endif; //Add in where clause params $values = array_merge($values, $params['params']); //Execute our query $result = $this->getRow($sql, $values); //Return our result if($params['returning']): return $result; else: return $result !== false; endif; break; case 'REPLACE': //UPDATE or INSERT //Attempt an UPDATE $params['mode'] = "UPDATE"; $result = $this->autoExecute($params['table'], $params, $params['data']); //Attempt an INSERT if UPDATE didn't match anything if($this->affected_rows() === 0): $params['mode'] = "INSERT"; $result = $this->autoExecute($params['table'], $params, $params['data']); endif; return $result; break; case 'DELETE': //Don't run if we don't have a where clause if(!$params['where']) return false; //Build the delete query $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $params['table'] . " WHERE " . $params['where']; //Do we need to add a returning clause? if($params['returning']): $sql .= " RETURNING " . $params['returning']; endif; //Execute our query $result = $this->getRow($sql, $params['params']); //Return our result if($params['returning']): return $result; else: return $result !== false; endif; break; default: user_error('AutoExecute called incorrectly', E_USER_ERROR); break; endswitch; } /** * @see $this->startTrans() */ function beginTransaction(){ $this->startTrans(); } /** * Starts a smart transaction handler. Transaction nesting is emulated * by this class. */ function startTrans(){ $this->nested_transactions++; if($this->debug) var_dump("Starting transaction. Nesting level: " . $this->nested_transactions); //Do we need to begin an actual transaction? if($this->nested_transactions === 1): parent::beginTransaction(); $this->good_trans = true; $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); endif; } /** * Returns TRUE if the transaction will attempt to commit, and * FALSE if the transaction will be rolled back upon completion. */ function isGoodTrans(){ return $this->good_trans; } /** * Marks a transaction as a failure. Transaction will be rolled back * upon completion. */ function failTrans(){ if($this->nested_transactions) $this->good_trans = false; if($this->debug): Errors::add("Database transaction failed: ".$this->errorMsg()); endif; $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); } /** * @see $this->rollbackTrans() */ function rollback(){ $this->rollbackTrans(); } /** * Rolls back the entire transaction and completes the current nested * transaction. If there are no more nested transactions, an actual * rollback is issued to the database. */ function rollbackTrans(){ if($this->nested_transactions): $this->nested_transactions--; if($this->debug) var_dump("Rollback requested. New nesting level: " . $this->nested_transactions); $this->good_trans = false; if($this->nested_transactions === 0): $this->good_trans = null; $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); if($this->debug) var_dump("Transaction rolled back."); parent::rollback(); $this->dispatch_event('on_rollback'); endif; endif; } /** * Clears the nested transactions stack and issues a rollback to the database. */ function fullRollback(){ while($this->nested_transactions) $this->rollbackTrans(); } /** * Returns the number of nested transactions: * 0 - There is no transaction in progress * 1 - There is one transaction pending * >1 - There are nested transactions in progress */ function pending_trans(){ return $this->nested_transactions; } /** * @see $this->completeTrans() */ function commit($fail_on_user_errors = false){ return $this->completeTrans($fail_on_user_errors); } /** * Completes the current transaction and issues a commit or rollback to the database * if there are no more nested transactions. If $fail_on_user_errors is set, the * transaction will automatically fail if any errors are queued in the Errors class. * @param boolean $fail_on_user_errors */ function completeTrans($fail_on_user_errors = false){ if(!$this->nested_transactions) return; //Fail the transaction if we have user errors in the queue if($fail_on_user_errors && Errors::exist()) $this->good_trans = false; //Do we actually need to attempt to commit the transaction? if($this->nested_transactions === 1): if(!$this->good_trans || !parent::commit()){ if($this->debug) var_dump("Transaction failed: " . $this->errormsg()); $this->rollbackTrans(); return false; } //Transaction was good $this->nested_transactions--; $this->good_trans = null; $this->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); if($this->debug) var_dump("Transaction committed."); $this->dispatch_event('on_commit', false); return true; else: //Don't take action just yet as we are still nested $this->nested_transactions--; if($this->debug) var_dump("Virtual commit. New nesting level: " . $this->nested_transactions); endif; return $this->good_trans; } /** * Returns the text of the most recently encountered error */ function errormsg(){ $msg = $this->errorInfo(); return $msg[2]; } } class DatabaseStatement extends \PDOStatement implements \Countable { /** * Binds passed parameters according to their PHP type and executes * the prepared statement */ function execute($params = array()) { $i = 1; foreach($params as $k => $v): $mode = PDO::PARAM_STR; if(is_null($v)) $mode = PDO::PARAM_NULL; elseif(is_bool($v)) $mode = PDO::PARAM_BOOL; elseif(is_resource($v)) $mode = PDO::PARAM_LOB; $this->bindParam($i, $params[$k], $mode); $i++; endforeach; $ok = parent::execute(); return $ok ? $this : false; } /** * Returns the value of the first column of the first row */ function getOne() { return $this->fetchColumn(0); } /** * Returns an array of values of the column found at $index * position. * @param $index */ function getCol($index=0) { return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, $index); } /** * Returns all rows in numeric array format */ function getArray(){ return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } /* * Returns all rows in associative array format */ function getAll(){ return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Returns all rows in associative array format */ function getAssoc() { return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Returns rows in multi-dimensional format where the first * column is the key name and all other colums are grouped * into associative arrays for each row */ function getGroup() { return $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP); } /** * Returns a single row in associative format */ function getRow(){ return $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Fetches rows in array format where the first column * is the key name and all other columns are values */ function getKeyPair(){ //Emulate it $tmp = $this->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $arr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++){ $arr[array_shift($tmp[$i])] = count($tmp[$i]) > 1 ? $tmp[$i] : array_shift($tmp[$i]); } return $arr; } /** * Returns the number of rows returned by this statement */ function recordCount(){ return $this->rowCount(); } /** * Returns the number of rows returned by this statement */ function count(){ return $this->rowCount(); } } 

即使我的DB类没有使用准备好的语句,我仍然想在这里提到它。 我看不出有任何理由用事先准备好的陈述来实现一切。 我知道准备好的陈述更快 ,但只有多次使用 。 如果您执行一次查询(这是我通常需要使用的唯一查询types),则速度较慢 。 因此,在任何地方使用准备好的陈述都是适得其反的。

正确的类的描述可能会发现一些其他地方在stackoverflow 。 但是这里有一些好东西:

  • less于100行的数据库层
  • DB::x对于DB::instance()->executeDB::q用于DB::instance()->query
  • autoQuoting与两种types的占位符??x (其中x可以是, &| )。 在这里, ?,占位符可以被用作UPDATE帮助器。


PS:在回购的README不适用于这个类。 这是正常的DB.php ,而不是DB_intelligent.php 。 PPS:这个类是为PHP 5.3编写的。 如果您想在PHP 5.2上使用它,只需将所有这些PDO方法从DB_forPHP52.phpDB_intelligent.php并删除__callStatic方法。


 /** * Escape identifier (database/table/column name) - ie. if you're using MySQL: * db_name.tbl_name.col_name -> `db_name`.`tbl_name`.`col_name` **/ protected function quoteIdentifier($identifier) { static $escapeChars = array( 'mysql' => '``', 'oracle' => '""', 'mssql' => '[]', //... ); $escape = $escapeChars[$this->getAttribute(self::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)]; $identifier = (array) explode('.', $identifier); $identifier = array_map(function($segment) use($escape) { return $escape[0] . $segment . $escape[1]; }, $identifier); return implode('.', $identifier); } 

我一直在修补一些微不足道的东西,因为我认为这是重复的参数绑定情况。 http://fossil.include-once.org/hybrid7/wiki/db

无论如何; 它提供了一些备选准备好的语句占位符 。 你的例子可以缩写为:

 db("UPDATE table SET :, WHERE id=:id", $columns[], $where[]); 

这个例子只对命名参数有效,所以$ set将是array(“name”=> ..)和$ where = array(“id”=> 123)。 :,在你传递的第一个数组上展开。 它被replace为逗号分隔的名称=:名称对 (这就是为什么它的助记符是:, )。

还有几个占位符:, :: :& :::? 针对不同的用例。 只有?? 是真的有点标准。 所以它需要一些习惯,但它大大简化了准备好的语句和数组绑定(这PDO本身不做)。


 class CustomPDO extends PDO { public function updateTable($sTable, array $aValues = array()){ if (!empty($aValues) && !empty($sTable)){ # validation of table / columns name $sTable = mysql_real_escape_string($sTable); $aColumns = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string',array_keys($aValues)); $aElements = array(); foreach ($aColumns as $sColumn){ $aElements[] = "`$sColumn`= :$sColumn"; } // foreach $sStatement = "UPDATE $sTable SET " . implode(',', $aElements); $oPDOStatement = $this->prepare($sStatement); if ($oPDOStatement){ return $oPDOStatement->execute($aValues); } // if } // if return false; } // updateTable } # usage : # $oDb->updateTable('tbl_name',$_POST); # test error_reporting (E_ALL); ini_Set('display_errors',1); $oDb = new CustomPDO('sqlite::memory:'); $oDb->exec('CREATE TABLE t1(c1 TEXT, c2 INTEGER)'); $oDb->exec("INSERT INTO t1(c1, c2) VALUES ('X1',1)"); var_dump($oDb->query('SELECT * FROM t1')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); $oDb->updateTable('t1', array('c1'=>'f1','c2**2'=>2)); var_dump($oDb->query('SELECT * FROM t1')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); 

像其他人一样,我扩展了标准的PDO类以适应我的需求。 有些东西可能适合你:

 Class ExtendedPDO extends PDO { public function prepareArray($sql, array $data) { // Call the standard prepare method $statement = parent::prepare($sql); foreach ($data as $field=>$value) { $statement->bindValue(':' . $field, $value); } return $statement; } } 


 // Include connection variables include '../includes/config/database.php'; // The data to use in the query $data = array( 'title' => 'New value', 'id' => 1, ); // The query you want to run $sql = ' UPDATE test SET title = :title WHERE id = :id '; try { // Connect to the database $dbh = new ExtendedPDO(PDO_DSN, PDO_USERNAME, PDO_PASSWORD); // Attach the data to your query $stmt = $dbh->prepareArray($sql, $data); // Run it $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDO Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } 

插入查询通常需要很多占位符。 问号风格很难阅读,命名参数是重复性的,容易出现input错误。 所以,我为整个插入查询创build了一个函数:

 function insert($table, $col_val){ global $db; $table = preg_replace('/[^\da-z_]/i', '', $table); $smt = $db->prepare("DESCRIBE `$table`"); $smt->execute(); $columns = $smt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $sets = array(); $exec = array(); foreach($col_val as $col => $val){ if(!in_array($col, $columns)) return false; $sets[] .= "`$col`=?"; $exec[] = $val; } $set = implode(',', $sets); $smt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `$table` SET $set"); $smt->execute($exec); return $db->lastInsertId(); } 


 insert('table_name', array( 'msg' => 'New message', 'added' => date('Ymd H:i:s'), )); 


 $new_id = insert(... 

参考: 如何防止在PHP中的SQL注入?

 $preparedStatement = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = :name'); $preparedStatement->execute(array(':name' => $name)); $rows = $preparedStatement->fetchAll();