


boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) { return true; } else{ return false; } } 



 if (someExpression) { return true; } else { return false; } 


 return someExpression; 


 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return a ? (b || c) : (b && c); } 


 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return a && (b || c) || (b && c); } 

它testingab一次, c至多一次。


  • JLS 15.25有条件的运营商? :


 return a ^ b ? c : a 

为什么不从字面上实现呢? 🙂

 (a?1:0)+(b?1:0)+(c?1:0) >= 2 

在C中你可以写a+b+c >= 2 (或者!!a+!!b+!!c >= 2是非常安全的)。


 class Main { static boolean majorityDEAD(boolean a,boolean b,boolean c) { return a; } static boolean majority1(boolean a,boolean b,boolean c) { return a&&b || b&&c || a&&c; } static boolean majority2(boolean a,boolean b,boolean c) { return a ? b||c : b&&c; } static boolean majority3(boolean a,boolean b,boolean c) { return a&b | b&c | c&a; } static boolean majority4(boolean a,boolean b,boolean c) { return (a?1:0)+(b?1:0)+(c?1:0) >= 2; } static int loop1(boolean[] data, int i, int sz1, int sz2) { int sum = 0; for(int j=i;j<i+sz1;j++) { for(int k=j;k<j+sz2;k++) { sum += majority1(data[i], data[j], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority1(data[i], data[k], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority1(data[j], data[k], data[i])?1:0; sum += majority1(data[j], data[i], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority1(data[k], data[i], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority1(data[k], data[j], data[i])?1:0; } } return sum; } static int loop2(boolean[] data, int i, int sz1, int sz2) { int sum = 0; for(int j=i;j<i+sz1;j++) { for(int k=j;k<j+sz2;k++) { sum += majority2(data[i], data[j], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority2(data[i], data[k], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority2(data[j], data[k], data[i])?1:0; sum += majority2(data[j], data[i], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority2(data[k], data[i], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority2(data[k], data[j], data[i])?1:0; } } return sum; } static int loop3(boolean[] data, int i, int sz1, int sz2) { int sum = 0; for(int j=i;j<i+sz1;j++) { for(int k=j;k<j+sz2;k++) { sum += majority3(data[i], data[j], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority3(data[i], data[k], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority3(data[j], data[k], data[i])?1:0; sum += majority3(data[j], data[i], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority3(data[k], data[i], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority3(data[k], data[j], data[i])?1:0; } } return sum; } static int loop4(boolean[] data, int i, int sz1, int sz2) { int sum = 0; for(int j=i;j<i+sz1;j++) { for(int k=j;k<j+sz2;k++) { sum += majority4(data[i], data[j], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority4(data[i], data[k], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority4(data[j], data[k], data[i])?1:0; sum += majority4(data[j], data[i], data[k])?1:0; sum += majority4(data[k], data[i], data[j])?1:0; sum += majority4(data[k], data[j], data[i])?1:0; } } return sum; } static int loopDEAD(boolean[] data, int i, int sz1, int sz2) { int sum = 0; for(int j=i;j<i+sz1;j++) { for(int k=j;k<j+sz2;k++) { sum += majorityDEAD(data[i], data[j], data[k])?1:0; sum += majorityDEAD(data[i], data[k], data[j])?1:0; sum += majorityDEAD(data[j], data[k], data[i])?1:0; sum += majorityDEAD(data[j], data[i], data[k])?1:0; sum += majorityDEAD(data[k], data[i], data[j])?1:0; sum += majorityDEAD(data[k], data[j], data[i])?1:0; } } return sum; } static void work() { boolean [] data = new boolean [10000]; java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(0); for(int i=0;i<data.length;i++) data[i] = r.nextInt(2) > 0; long t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,tDEAD; int sz1 = 100; int sz2 = 100; int sum = 0; t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<data.length-sz1-sz2;i++) sum += loop1(data, i, sz1, sz2); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<data.length-sz1-sz2;i++) sum += loop2(data, i, sz1, sz2); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<data.length-sz1-sz2;i++) sum += loop3(data, i, sz1, sz2); t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<data.length-sz1-sz2;i++) sum += loop4(data, i, sz1, sz2); t4 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0;i<data.length-sz1-sz2;i++) sum += loopDEAD(data, i, sz1, sz2); tDEAD = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : " + (t1-t0) + " ms"); System.out.println(" a ? b||c : b&&c : " + (t2-t1) + " ms"); System.out.println(" a&b | b&c | c&a : " + (t3-t2) + " ms"); System.out.println(" a + b + c >= 2 : " + (t4-t3) + " ms"); System.out.println(" DEAD : " + (tDEAD-t4) + " ms"); System.out.println("sum: "+sum); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { while(true) { work(); Thread.sleep(1000); } } } 

这将在我的机器上打印以下内容(在Intel Core 2 + sun java 1.6.0_15-b03上使用HotSpot Server VM(14.1-b02,混合模式)运行Ubuntu):


 a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : 1740 ms a ? b||c : b&&c : 1690 ms a&b | b&c | c&a : 835 ms a + b + c >= 2 : 348 ms DEAD : 169 ms sum: 1472612418 


 a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : 1638 ms a ? b||c : b&&c : 1612 ms a&b | b&c | c&a : 779 ms a + b + c >= 2 : 905 ms DEAD : 221 ms 

我想知道,Java VM会如何降低 (a + b + c> = 2)情况下的性能。

如果我用-client VM开关运行java,会发生什么情况:

 a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : 4034 ms a ? b||c : b&&c : 2215 ms a&b | b&c | c&a : 1347 ms a + b + c >= 2 : 6589 ms DEAD : 1016 ms 


如果我在GNU Java解释器中运行它,它会慢100倍,但是a&&b || b&&c || a&&c a&&b || b&&c || a&&c a&&b || b&&c || a&&c版本胜出。

Tofubeer使用最新的代码运行OS X的结果:

 a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : 1358 ms a ? b||c : b&&c : 1187 ms a&b | b&c | c&a : 410 ms a + b + c >= 2 : 602 ms DEAD : 161 ms 

Paul Wagland使用Mac Java 1.6.0_26-b03-383-11A511的结果

 a&&b || b&&c || a&&c : 394 ms a ? b||c : b&&c : 435 ms a&b | b&c | c&a : 420 ms a + b + c >= 2 : 640 ms a ^ b ? c : a : 571 ms a != b ? c : a : 487 ms DEAD : 170 ms 


  | C | !C ------|---|---- AB | 1 | 1 A !B | 1 | 0 !A !B | 0 | 0 !AB | 1 | 0 


 (C && (A || B)) || (A && B) <---- first row ^ | first column without third case 

可读性应该是目标。 阅读代码的人必须立即理解你的意图。 所以这是我的解决scheme。

 int howManyBooleansAreTrue = (a ? 1 : 0) + (b ? 1 : 0) + (c ? 1 : 0); return howManyBooleansAreTrue >= 2; 
 return (a==b) ? a : c; 


如果a==b ,那么两者都是真的或者两者都是假的。 如果两者都是真的,我们find了两个真正的布尔值,并且可以返回true(通过返回a )。 如果两者都是假的,即使c为真,也不能有两个真正的布尔值,所以我们返回false(通过返回a )。 那是(a==b) ? a 一部分。 那么: c ? 那么如果a==b是假的,那么aba必须是真的,所以我们find了第一个真正的布尔值,唯一剩下的就是如果c也是真的,所以我们返回c作为答案。


return (a & b) | (b & c) | (c & a);


这是一个testing驱动的一般方法。 并不像迄今为止提供的大多数解决scheme那样“高效”,而是清晰,经过testing,工作和推广。

 public class CountBooleansTest extends TestCase { public void testThreeFalse() throws Exception { assertFalse(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(false, false, false)); } public void testThreeTrue() throws Exception { assertTrue(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(true, true, true)); } public void testOnes() throws Exception { assertFalse(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(true, false, false)); assertFalse(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(false, true, false)); assertFalse(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(false, false, true)); } public void testTwos() throws Exception { assertTrue(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(false, true, true)); assertTrue(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(true, false, true)); assertTrue(atLeastTwoOutOfThree(true, true, false)); } private static boolean atLeastTwoOutOfThree(boolean b, boolean c, boolean d) { return countBooleans(b, c, d) >= 2; } private static int countBooleans(boolean... bs) { int count = 0; for (boolean b : bs) if (b) count++; return count; } } 

总结一下。 这就是所谓的布尔代数:

  0 x 0 = 0 1 x 0 = 0 1 x 1 = 1 0 + 0 = 0 1 + 0 = 1 1 + 1 = 0 (+ carry) 



 return (a + b + c) >= 2 
 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)); } 


 public class X { static boolean a(final boolean a, final boolean b, final boolean c) { return ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)); } static boolean b(final boolean a, final boolean b, final boolean c) { return a ? (b || c) : (b && c); } static boolean c(final boolean a, final boolean b, final boolean c) { return ((a & b) | (b & c) | (c & a)); } static boolean d(final boolean a, final boolean b, final boolean c) { return ((a?1:0)+(b?1:0)+(c?1:0) >= 2); } } 

并通过反编译器运行它们(javap -c X> results.txt):

 Compiled from "X.java" public class X extends java.lang.Object{ public X(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V 4: return static boolean a(boolean, boolean, boolean); Code: 0: iload_0 1: ifeq 8 4: iload_1 5: ifne 24 8: iload_1 9: ifeq 16 12: iload_2 13: ifne 24 16: iload_0 17: ifeq 28 20: iload_2 21: ifeq 28 24: iconst_1 25: goto 29 28: iconst_0 29: ireturn static boolean b(boolean, boolean, boolean); Code: 0: iload_0 1: ifeq 20 4: iload_1 5: ifne 12 8: iload_2 9: ifeq 16 12: iconst_1 13: goto 33 16: iconst_0 17: goto 33 20: iload_1 21: ifeq 32 24: iload_2 25: ifeq 32 28: iconst_1 29: goto 33 32: iconst_0 33: ireturn static boolean c(boolean, boolean, boolean); Code: 0: iload_0 1: iload_1 2: iand 3: iload_1 4: iload_2 5: iand 6: ior 7: iload_2 8: iload_0 9: iand 10: ior 11: ireturn static boolean d(boolean, boolean, boolean); Code: 0: iload_0 1: ifeq 8 4: iconst_1 5: goto 9 8: iconst_0 9: iload_1 10: ifeq 17 13: iconst_1 14: goto 18 17: iconst_0 18: iadd 19: iload_2 20: ifeq 27 23: iconst_1 24: goto 28 27: iconst_0 28: iadd 29: iconst_2 30: if_icmplt 37 33: iconst_1 34: goto 38 37: iconst_0 38: ireturn } 

你可以看到?:那些比原来固定的版本要好一些。 最好的一个是避免分支的一个。 从较less的指令(在大多数情况下)的angular度来看,这是好的,对于CPU的分支预测部分来说更好,因为分支预测中的错误猜测会导致CPU停止。

我认为最有效率的是从总体上来看, 它平均使用最less的指令,减less了CPU中pipe道延迟的机会。



这是另一个使用map / reduce的实现。 这在分布式环境中可以很好地扩展到数十亿布尔值 。 使用MongoDB:


 db.values.insert({value: true}); db.values.insert({value: false}); db.values.insert({value: true}); 


编辑 :我喜欢CurtainDog的有关地图/减less应用到generics列表的 答案 ,所以这里有一个映射函数,它需要一个callback,确定是否应该计数一个值。

 var mapper = function(shouldInclude) { return function() { emit(null, shouldInclude(this) ? 1 : 0); }; } var reducer = function(key, values) { var sum = 0; for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { sum += values[i]; } return sum; } 


 var result = db.values.mapReduce(mapper(isTrue), reducer).result; containsMinimum(2, result); // true containsMinimum(1, result); // false function isTrue(object) { return object.value == true; } function containsMinimum(count, resultDoc) { var record = db[resultDoc].find().next(); return record.value >= count; } 


 int n = 0; if (a) n++; if (b) n++; if (c) n++; return (n >= 2); 




 int n = -2; if (a) n++; if (b) n++; if (c) n++; return (n >= 0); 




 boolean twoOrMoreAreTrue(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return (a && b) || (a && c) || (b && c); } 


 boolean moreThanTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return a == b ? a : c; } 


 boolean moreThanXTrue(int x, boolean[] bs) { int count = 0; for(boolean b : bs) { count += b ? 1 : 0; if(count > x) return true; } return false; } 


 boolean moreThanXTrue(int x, boolean[] bs) { int count = 0; for(int i < 0; i < bs.length; i++) { count += bs[i] ? 1 : 0; if(count > x) return true; int needed = x - count; int remaining = bs.length - i; if(needed >= remaining) return false; } return false; } 


 // Only profiling can answer this. 



 // There is no point in an else if you already returned. boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) { return true; } return false; } 


 // There is no point in an if(true) return true otherwise return false. boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { return ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)); } 



 return (Boolean.valueOf(a).hashCode() + Boolean.valueOf(b).hashCode() + Boolean.valueOf(c).hashCode()) < 3705); 

布尔哈希码值固定为1231为真,1237为假,因此可以同样使用<= 3699

我不喜欢三元( return a ? (b || c) : (b && c);从最上面的答案),我不认为我见过任何人提到它。 它是这样写的:

 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if (a) { return b||c; } else { return b&&C; } 

在Clojure中 :

 (defn at-least [n & bools] (>= (count (filter true? bools)) n) 


 (at-least 2 true false true) 


 boolean atLeast(int howMany, boolean[] boolValues) { // check params for valid values int counter = 0; for (boolean b : boolValues) { if (b) { counter++; if (counter == howMany) { return true; } } } return false; } 

它的优点是,一旦达到你要查找的数量,就会中断。 所以如果这个“至less有两百万个值是真的”,其中前两个是真的,那么它应该比一些更“正常”的解决scheme更快。

由于没有规定如何改进代码,我会努力通过使代码更有趣来改进代码。 这是我的解决scheme:

 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean t, boolean f, boolean True) { boolean False = True; if ((t || f) && (True || False)) return "answer" != "42"; if (t && f) return !"France".contains("Paris"); if (False == True) return true == false; return Math.random() > 0.5; } 


 boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) { if ((a || b) && (c)) return true; if (a && b) return true; if (true) return false; // The last line is a red herring, as it will never be reached: return Math.random() > 0.5; 



 return ((a || b) && (c)) || (a && b); 


 Function ReturnTrueIfTwoIsTrue(bool val1, val2, val3)) { return (System.Convert.ToInt16(val1) + System.Convert.ToInt16(val2) + System.Convert.ToInt16(val3)) > 1; } 


We can convert the bools to integers and perform this easy check:

 (int(a) + int(b) + int(c)) >= 2 

The simplest way (IMO) that is not confusing and easy to read:

 // Three booleans, check if two or more are true return ( a && ( b || c ) ) || ( b && c ); 

A literal interpretation will work in all major languages:

 return (a ? 1:0) + (b ? 1:0) + (c ? 1:0) >= 2; 

But I would probably make it easier for people to read, and expandable to more than three – something that seems to be forgotten by many programmers:

 boolean testBooleans(Array bools) { int minTrue = ceil(bools.length * .5); int trueCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < bools.length; i++) { if(bools[i]) { trueCount++; } } return trueCount >= minTrue; } 

As an addition to @TofuBeer TofuBeer's excellent post, consider @pdox pdox's answer:

 static boolean five(final boolean a, final boolean b, final boolean c) { return a == b ? a : c; } 

Consider also its disassembled version as given by "javap -c":

 static boolean five(boolean, boolean, boolean); Code: 0: iload_0 1: iload_1 2: if_icmpne 9 5: iload_0 6: goto 10 9: iload_2 10: ireturn 

pdox's answer compiles to less byte code than any of the previous answers. How does its execution time compare to the others?

 one 5242 ms two 6318 ms three (moonshadow) 3806 ms four 7192 ms five (pdox) 3650 ms 

At least on my computer, pdox's answer is just slightly faster than @moonshadow moonshadow's answer, making pdox's the fastest overall (on my HP/Intel laptop).

AC solution.

 int two(int a, int b, int c) { return !a + !b + !c < 2; } 

or you may prefer:

 int two(int a, int b, int c) { return !!a + !!b + !!c >= 2; } 
 return 1 << $a << $b << $c >= 1 << 2; 

In Ruby:

[a, b, c].count { |x| x } >= 2

Which could be run in JRuby on the JavaVM. 😉

He's probably not looking for anything convoluted like bitwise comparison operators (not normally convoluted but with booleans, it's extremely odd to use bitwise operators) or something that is very roundabout like converting to int and summing them up.

The most direct and natural way to solve this is with an expression like this:

 a ? (b || c): (b && c) 

Put it in a function if you prefer, but it's not very complicated. The solution is logically concise and efficient.

In C:

 return !!a + !!b + !!c >= 2;