
我得到这个代码来隐藏字节大小通过使用PHP, PHP filesize MB / KB转换

现在我不想通过使用JavaScript来隐藏人类可读的 ,我试图将此代码转换为JS,所以看起来像这样..

function formatSizeUnits(bytes){ if (bytes>=1073741824) {bytes=(bytes/1073741824).toFixed(2)+' GB';} else if (bytes>=1048576) {bytes=(bytes/1048576).toFixed(2)+' MB';} else if (bytes>=1024) {bytes=(bytes/1024).toFixed(2)+' KB';} else if (bytes>1) {bytes=bytes+' bytes';} else if (bytes==1) {bytes=bytes+' byte';} else {bytes='0 byte';} return bytes; } 

这是一个正确的方法吗? 或者更好或更容易

从这个:( 源 )

 function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; if (bytes == 0) return '0 Byte'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); return Math.round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i), 2) + ' ' + sizes[i]; }; 

注意:这是原始代码,请使用下面的固定版本。 Aliceljm不再激活她复制的代码

现在,修正版本:( 由Stackoverflow的社区,由JSCompress Minified )

 function formatBytes(a,b){if(0==a)return"0 Bytes";var c=1024,d=b||2,e=["Bytes","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"],f=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(c));return parseFloat((a/Math.pow(c,f)).toFixed(d))+" "+e[f]} 


 // formatBytes(bytes,decimals) formatBytes(1024); // 1 KB formatBytes('1024'); // 1 KB formatBytes(1234); // 1.21 KB formatBytes(1234, 3); // 1.205 KB 


 function formatBytes(bytes,decimals) { if(bytes == 0) return '0 Bytes'; var k = 1024, dm = decimals || 2, sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'], i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } // ** Demo code ** var p = document.querySelector('p'), input = document.querySelector('input'); function setText(v){ p.innerHTML = formatBytes(v); } // bind 'input' event input.addEventListener('input', function(){ setText( this.value ) }) // set initial text setText(input.value); 
 <input type="text" value="1000"> <p></p> 
 function formatBytes(bytes) { if(bytes < 1024) return bytes + " Bytes"; else if(bytes < 1048576) return(bytes / 1024).toFixed(3) + " KB"; else if(bytes < 1073741824) return(bytes / 1048576).toFixed(3) + " MB"; else return(bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(3) + " GB"; }; 

当与字节有关时,有两种实际的方式来表示大小,它们是SI单位(10 ^ 3)或IEC单位(2 ^ 10)。 也有JEDEC,但他们的方法是模棱两可和混淆。 我注意到其他的例子有错误,比如使用KB而不是kB来表示一个千字节,所以我决定编写一个函数来解决这些使用当前接受度量单位范围的情况。



 // pBytes: the size in bytes to be converted. // pUnits: 'si'|'iec' si units means the order of magnitude is 10^3, iec uses 2^10 function prettyNumber(pBytes, pUnits) { // Handle some special cases if(pBytes == 0) return '0 Bytes'; if(pBytes == 1) return '1 Byte'; if(pBytes == -1) return '-1 Byte'; var bytes = Math.abs(pBytes) if(pUnits && pUnits.toLowerCase() && pUnits.toLowerCase() == 'si') { // SI units use the Metric representation based on 10^3 as a order of magnitude var orderOfMagnitude = Math.pow(10, 3); var abbreviations = ['Bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; } else { // IEC units use 2^10 as an order of magnitude var orderOfMagnitude = Math.pow(2, 10); var abbreviations = ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']; } var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(orderOfMagnitude)); var result = (bytes / Math.pow(orderOfMagnitude, i)); // This will get the sign right if(pBytes < 0) { result *= -1; } // This bit here is purely for show. it drops the percision on numbers greater than 100 before the units. // it also always shows the full number of bytes if bytes is the unit. if(result >= 99.995 || i==0) { return result.toFixed(0) + ' ' + abbreviations[i]; } else { return result.toFixed(2) + ' ' + abbreviations[i]; } } 
 const units = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; function niceBytes(x){ let l = 0, n = parseInt(x, 10) || 0; while(n >= 1024){ n = n/1024; l++; } return(n.toFixed(n >= 10 || l < 1 ? 0 : 1) + ' ' + units[l]); } 


 niceBytes(435) // 435 bytes niceBytes(3398) // 3.3 KB niceBytes(490398) // 479 KB niceBytes(6544528) // 6.2 MB niceBytes(23483023) // 22 MB niceBytes(3984578493) // 3.7 GB niceBytes(30498505889) // 28 GB niceBytes(9485039485039445) // 8.4 PB 


使用按位操作将是一个更好的解决scheme。 尝试这个

 function formatSizeUnits(bytes) { if ( ( bytes >> 30 ) & 0x3FF ) bytes = ( bytes >>> 30 ) + '.' + ( bytes & (3*0x3FF )) + 'GB' ; else if ( ( bytes >> 20 ) & 0x3FF ) bytes = ( bytes >>> 20 ) + '.' + ( bytes & (2*0x3FF ) ) + 'MB' ; else if ( ( bytes >> 10 ) & 0x3FF ) bytes = ( bytes >>> 10 ) + '.' + ( bytes & (0x3FF ) ) + 'KB' ; else if ( ( bytes >> 1 ) & 0x3FF ) bytes = ( bytes >>> 1 ) + 'Bytes' ; else bytes = bytes + 'Byte' ; return bytes ; } 


 function formatBytes(bytes, decimals) { if(bytes== 0) { return "0 Byte"; } var k = 1024; //Or 1 kilo = 1000 var sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"]; var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(decimals)) + " " + sizes[i]; } 


val => ['Bytes','Kb','Mb','Gb','Tb'][Math.floor(Math.log2(val)/10)]


val => 'BKMGT'[~~(Math.log2(val)/10)]

我最初使用@Aliceljm的答案来处理我正在处理的一个file upload项目,但是最近碰到一个文件是0.98kb但是被读为1.02mb 。 这是我现在使用的更新的代码。

 function formatBytes(bytes){ var kb = 1024; var ndx = Math.floor( Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(kb) ); var fileSizeTypes = ["bytes", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb", "pb", "eb", "zb", "yb"]; return { size: +(bytes / kb / kb).toFixed(2), type: fileSizeTypes[ndx] }; } 


 // In this case `file.size` equals `26060275` formatBytes(file.size); // returns `{ size: 24.85, type: "mb" }` 


我在这里更新@Aliceljm的答案。 由于小数位对1,2位数字至关重要,因此我将小数点后第一位小数点后第一位。 3位数字,我四舍五入单位,忽略所有的小数位。

 getMultiplers : function(bytes){ var unit = 1000 ; if (bytes < unit) return bytes ; var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); var pre = "kMGTPE".charAt(exp-1); var result = bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp); if(result/100 < 1) return (Math.round( result * 10 ) / 10) +pre; else return Math.round(result) + pre; } 


 function formatBytes(bytes, decimals, binaryUnits) { if(bytes == 0) { return '0 Bytes'; } var unitMultiple = (binaryUnits) ? 1024 : 1000; var unitNames = (unitMultiple === 1024) ? // 1000 bytes in 1 Kilobyte (KB) or 1024 bytes for the binary version (KiB) ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']: ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; var unitChanges = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unitMultiple)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(unitMultiple, unitChanges)).toFixed(decimals || 0)) + ' ' + unitNames[unitChanges]; } 


 formatBytes(293489203947847, 1); // 293.5 TB formatBytes(1234, 0); // 1 KB formatBytes(4534634523453678343456, 2); // 4.53 ZB formatBytes(4534634523453678343456, 2, true)); // 3.84 ZiB formatBytes(4566744, 1); // 4.6 MB formatBytes(534, 0); // 534 Bytes formatBytes(273403407, 0); // 273 MB 
 function bytesToSize(bytes) { var sizes = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']; for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { if (bytes <= 1024) { return bytes + ' ' + sizes[i]; } else { bytes = parseFloat(bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) } } return bytes + ' P'; } console.log(bytesToSize(234)); console.log(bytesToSize(2043)); console.log(bytesToSize(20433242)); console.log(bytesToSize(2043324243)); console.log(bytesToSize(2043324268233)); console.log(bytesToSize(2043324268233343)); 


 var files = $("#file").get(0).files; var size = files[0].size; if (size >= 5000000) { alert("File size is greater than or equal to 5 MB"); }