强制jQuery Mobile重新评估dynamic插入内容的样式/主题

目标:通过$.ajax加载HTML内容,将其插入到DOM中,让jQuery Mobile应用主题样式。

问题:内容被插入,但缺lessjQuery Mobile主题。


 $.ajax({ ... success: function(html) { $('#container').append(html); $('#page').page('refresh', true); } }); 


 <a data-role="button">Do Something</a> 





始终使用适当的jQuery Mobile样式更新页面


jQuery Mobile – dynamic创build表单元素




请参阅: jQuery Mobile在dynamic添加内容后不应用样式

如果将项目添加到列表视图,则需要调用其上的refresh()方法来更新样式并创build添加的任何嵌套列表。 例如:


如果您需要呈现dynamic页面,请阅读:“ jQuery Mobile和dynamic页面生成 ”。 来自这篇文章的示例代码:

 // Load the data for a specific category, based on // the URL passed in. Generate markup for the items in the // category, inject it into an embedded page, and then make // that page the current active page. function showCategory( urlObj, options ) { var categoryName = urlObj.hash.replace( /.*category=/, "" ), // Get the object that represents the category we // are interested in. Note, that at this point we could // instead fire off an ajax request to fetch the data, but // for the purposes of this sample, it's already in memory. category = categoryData[ categoryName ], // The pages we use to display our content are already in // the DOM. The id of the page we are going to write our // content into is specified in the hash before the '?'. pageSelector = urlObj.hash.replace( /\?.*$/, "" ); if ( category ) { // Get the page we are going to dump our content into. var $page = $( pageSelector ), // Get the header for the page. $header = $page.children( ":jqmData(role=header)" ), // Get the content area element for the page. $content = $page.children( ":jqmData(role=content)" ), // The markup we are going to inject into the content // area of the page. markup = "<p>" + category.description + "</p><ul data-role='listview' data-inset='true'>", // The array of items for this category. cItems = category.items, // The number of items in the category. numItems = cItems.length; // Generate a list item for each item in the category // and add it to our markup. for ( var i = 0; i < numItems; i++ ) { markup += "<li>" + cItems[i].name + "</li>"; } markup += "</ul>"; // Find the h1 element in our header and inject the name of // the category into it. $header.find( "h1" ).html( category.name ); // Inject the category items markup into the content element. $content.html( markup ); // Pages are lazily enhanced. We call page() on the page // element to make sure it is always enhanced before we // attempt to enhance the listview markup we just injected. // Subsequent calls to page() are ignored since a page/widget // can only be enhanced once. $page.page(); // Enhance the listview we just injected. $content.find( ":jqmData(role=listview)" ).listview(); // We don't want the data-url of the page we just modified // to be the url that shows up in the browser's location field, // so set the dataUrl option to the URL for the category // we just loaded. options.dataUrl = urlObj.href; // Now call changePage() and tell it to switch to // the page we just modified. $.mobile.changePage( $page, options ); } } 

如果您使用ajax方法加载内容,这是我的样式和jQuery的移动function工作。 这和上面的build议几乎一样,但对于一些你可能喜欢看到更完整的例子的人来说。


 $.ajax({ url: 'url.php', success: function(data) { $("#div").html(data).trigger('create'); } }); 

作为提供的答案的更新。 从v1.45开始,您可以select您的内容并使用.enhanceWithin()来增强子元素。


在jQuery Mobile Framework alpha4.1及更早版本中,这是通过使用.page .page()方法完成的。


 $( ... lots of HTML ...).appendTo(".ui-content").page(); 

更多信息: http : //jquerymobiledictionary.dyndns.org/faq.html

为什么新方法(见T. Stone的答案)被引入? .page .page()是用一个assumprion写的,DOM元素之前没有增强。

为了解耦,jQuery Mobile团队引入了事件驱动的增强function,不仅可以触发事件,还可以在不修改JQM的.page方法的代码的情况下为新的data-role创build新的小部件。

$('.selector').trigger('create'); 似乎是最好的办法,请参阅下面的官方常见问题:


对于寻找答案的其他人来说,截至2011年6月9日,jQuery移动团队已经在开发分支中实现了这个function。 根据这个问题,它将在这个庄园工作:

$(".ui-content").append( ... lots of HTML ...).trigger( "enhance" );
