

  • userProfiles :[]数组包含{ id, name }对象
  • questions :[]数组包含{ id, text, createdBy }对象




 { id, text, name } 


所以,无论好坏,我写了一个shim,用一个方法扩展JavaScript Array对象.joinWith旨在用于by一个公共索引字段this对象数组与对象数组结合使用。 可以在输出中select所需的字段列表(适用于仅需要less数几个字段的情况下合并具有多个字段的对象数组)或者omit输出字段列表(适用于在需要大多数字段时合并对象数组但有一些不是)。


 /* this line will produce the array of objects as desired by the OP */ joined_objects_array = userProfiles.joinWith(questions, 'id', ['createdBy'], 'omit'); /* edit: I just want to make 100% sure that this solution works for you, ie, * does exactly what you need. I haven't seen your actual data, so it's * possible that your IDs are are not in common, (ie, your createdBy * is in common like you said, but not the IDs, and if so you could * morph your data first like this: * questions.map(function(x) { x.id = x.createdBy; }); * before joining the arrays of objects together. * */ 


 var array1 = [{ id: 3124, name: 'Mr. Smith' }, { id: 710, name: 'Mrs. Jones' }]; var array2 = [{ id: 3124, text: 'wow', createdBy: 'Mr. Jones' }, { id: 710, text: 'amazing' }]; var results_all = array1.joinWith(array2, 'id'); // [{id:3124, name:"Mr. Smith", text:"wow", createdBy:"Mr. Jones"}, // {id:710, name:"Mrs. Jones", text:"amazing"}]* var results_selected = array1.joinWith(array2, 'id', ['id', 'text', 'name']); // [{id:3124, name:"Mr. Smith", text:"wow"}, // {id:710, name:"Mrs. Jones", text:"amazing"}]* /* or equivalently, */ var results_omitted = array1.joinWith(array2, 'id', ['createdBy'], 1); // [{id:3124, name:"Mr. Smith", text:"wow"}, // {id:710, name:"Mrs. Jones", text:"amazing"}]* 



 /* Array.joinWith - shim by Joseph Myers 7/6/2013 */ if (!Array.prototype.joinWith) { +function () { Array.prototype.joinWith = function(that, by, select, omit) { var together = [], length = 0; if (select) select.map(function(x){select[x] = 1;}); function fields(it) { var f = {}, k; for (k in it) { if (!select) { f[k] = 1; continue; } if (omit ? !select[k] : select[k]) f[k] = 1; } return f; } function add(it) { var pkey = '.'+it[by], pobj = {}; if (!together[pkey]) together[pkey] = pobj, together[length++] = pobj; pobj = together[pkey]; for (var k in fields(it)) pobj[k] = it[k]; } this.map(add); that.map(add); return together; } }(); } 


  /* this and that both refer to an array of objects, each containing object[by] as one of their fields */ /* NB It is the responsibility of the user of this method to ensure that the contents of the [by] fields are consistent with each other between the two arrays! */ /* select is an array of field names to be included in the resulting objects--all other fields will be excluded, or, if the Boolean value of omit evaluates to true, then select is an array of field names to be excluded from the resulting objects--all others will be included. */ 

我想你想要的是一个内联接 ,它足够简单,可以在JavaScript中实现:

 const innerJoin = (xs, ys, sel) => xs.reduce((zs, x) => ys.reduce((zs, y) => // cartesian product - all combinations zs.concat(sel(x, y) || []), // filter out the rows and columns you want zs), []); 


 const userProfiles = [ {id: 1, name: "Ashok"}, {id: 2, name: "Amit"}, {id: 3, name: "Rajeev"}, ]; const questions = [ {id: 1, text: "text1", createdBy: 2}, {id: 2, text: "text2", createdBy: 2}, {id: 3, text: "text3", createdBy: 1}, {id: 4, text: "text4", createdBy: 2}, {id: 5, text: "text5", createdBy: 3}, {id: 6, text: "text6", createdBy: 3}, ]; 


 const result = innerJoin(userProfiles, questions, ({id: uid, name}, {id, text, createdBy}) => createdBy === uid && {id, text, name}); 


 SELECT questions.id, questions.text, userProfiles.name FROM userProfiles INNER JOIN questions ON questions.createdBy = userProfiles.id; 


 const innerJoin = (xs, ys, sel) => xs.reduce((zs, x) => ys.reduce((zs, y) => // cartesian product - all combinations zs.concat(sel(x, y) || []), // filter out the rows and columns you want zs), []); const userProfiles = [ {id: 1, name: "Ashok"}, {id: 2, name: "Amit"}, {id: 3, name: "Rajeev"}, ]; const questions = [ {id: 1, text: "text1", createdBy: 2}, {id: 2, text: "text2", createdBy: 2}, {id: 3, text: "text3", createdBy: 1}, {id: 4, text: "text4", createdBy: 2}, {id: 5, text: "text5", createdBy: 3}, {id: 6, text: "text6", createdBy: 3}, ]; const result = innerJoin(userProfiles, questions, ({id: uid, name}, {id, text, createdBy}) => createdBy === uid && {id, text, name}); console.log(result); 

我只是经常使用underscore.js,因为它对数组和“map reduce”有很好的支持,可以解决这个问题。




  var userProfiles = [{ id:'1', name:'john' }, { id:'2', name:'mary' }]; var questions =[ { id:'1', text:'question john', createdBy:'1' }, { id:'2', text:'question mary', createdBy:'2' }]; var rows = _.map(userProfiles, function(user){ var question = _.find(questions, function(q){ return q.createdBy == user.id }); user.text = question? question.text:''; return user; }) _.each(rows, function(row){ console.log(row) }); 

上面的答案假设您使用id == createdBy作为join列。



 var userProfiles = [], questions = []; userProfiles.push( {id:1, name:'test'} ); userProfiles.push( {id:2, name:'abc'} ); userProfiles.push( {id:3, name:'def'} ); userProfiles.push( {id:4, name:'ghi'} ); questions.push( {id:1, text:'monkey', createdBy:1} ); questions.push( {id:2, text:'Monkey', createdBy:1} ); questions.push( {id:3, text:'big', createdBy:2} ); questions.push( {id:4, text:'string', createdBy:2} ); questions.push( {id:5, text:'monKey', createdBy:3} ); 


 var createObjectLookup = function( arr, key ){ var i, l, obj, ret = {}; for ( i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++ ) { obj = arr[i]; ret[obj[key]] = obj; } return ret; }; var up = createObjectLookup(userProfiles, 'id'); 


 var i, l, question, user, result = []; for ( i=0, l=questions.length; i<l; i++ ) { if ( (question = questions[i]) && (user = up[question.createdBy]) ) { result.push({ id: question.id, text: question.text, name: user.name }); } } 




  var userProfiles1= new Array(1, "ashok"); var userProfiles2= new Array(2, "amit"); var userProfiles3= new Array(3, "rajeev"); var UArray = new Array(userProfiles1, userProfiles2, userProfiles3); var questions1= new Array(1, "text1", 2); var questions2= new Array(2, "text2", 2); var questions3= new Array(3, "text3", 1); var questions4= new Array(4, "text4", 2); var questions5= new Array(5, "text5", 3); var questions6= new Array(6, "text6", 3); var QArray = new Array(questions1, questions2, questions3, questions4, questions5, questions6); var ResultArray = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<UArray.length; i++) { var uid = UArray[i][0]; var name = UArray[i][1]; for(var j=0; j<QArray.length; j++) { if(uid == QArray[j][2]) { var qid = QArray[j][0] var text = QArray[j][1]; ResultArray.push(qid +"," + text +","+ name) } } } for(var i=0; i<ResultArray.length; i++) { document.write(ResultArray[i] + "<br>") } 

演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/VqmVv/

这是我试图做出一个通用的解决scheme。 我在这里使用Array.mapArray.index方法:

 var arr1 = [ {id: 1, text:"hello", oid:2}, {id: 2, text:"juhu", oid:3}, {id: 3, text:"wohoo", oid:4}, {id: 4, text:"yeehaw", oid:1} ]; var arr2 = [ {id: 1, name:"yoda"}, {id: 2, name:"herbert"}, {id: 3, name:"john"}, {id: 4, name:"walter"}, {id: 5, name:"clint"} ]; function merge(arr1, arr2, prop1, prop2) { return arr1.map(function(item){ var p = item[prop1]; el = arr2.filter(function(item) { return item[prop2] === p; }); if (el.length === 0) { return null; } var res = {}; for (var i in item) { if (i !== prop1) { res[i] = item[i]; } } for (var i in el[0]) { if (i !== prop2) { res[i] = el[0][i]; } } return res; }).filter(function(el){ return el !== null; }); } var res = merge(arr1, arr2, "oid", "id"); console.log(res); 



 var res = [ {id: 1, text:"hello", name:"herbert"}, {id: 2, text:"juhu", name:"john"}, {id: 3, text:"wohoo", name:"walter"}, {id: 4, text:"yeehaw", name:"yoda"} ]; 




 // Create a cartesian product of the arguments. // product([1,2],['a','b'],['X']) => [[1,"a","X"],[1,"b","X"],[2,"a","X"],[2,"b","X"]] // Accepts any number of arguments. product = function() { if(!arguments.length) return [[]]; var p = product.apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); return arguments[0].reduce(function(r, x) { return p.reduce(function(r, y) { return r.concat([[x].concat(y)]); }, r); }, []); } 


 result = product(userProfiles, questions).filter(function(row) { return row[0].id == row[1].createdBy; }).map(function(row) { return { userName: row[0].name, question: row[1].text } }) 


你可以编写自己的函数,类似于这个jsFiddle :

 var userProfiles = [{id:1, name:'name1'},{id:2,name:'name2'}]; var questions = [ {id:1, text:'text1', createdBy:'foo'}, {id:1, text:'text2', createdBy:'bar'}, {id:2, text:'text3', createdBy:'foo'}]; merged = mergeMyArrays(userProfiles,questions); console.log(merged); /** * This will give you an array like this: * [{id:1, name:name1, text:text1}, {...] * params : 2 arrays to merge by id */ function mergeMyArrays(u,q){ var ret = []; for(var i = 0, l = u.length; i < l; i++){ var curU = u[i]; for(var j = 0, m = q.length; j<m; j++){ if(q[j].id == curU.id){ ret.push({ id: curU.id, name: curU.name, text: q[j].text }); } } } return ret; } 


 var userProfiles = [{id:1, name:'name1'},{id:2,name:'name2'}]; var questions = [ {id:1, text:'text1', createdBy:'foo'}, {id:1, text:'text2', createdBy:'bar'}, {id:2, text:'text3', createdBy:'foo'}]; merged = mergeMyArrays(userProfiles,questions); console.log(merged); /** * This will give you an array like this: * [{id:1, name:name1, questions:[{...}]] * params : 2 arrays to merge by id */ function mergeMyArrays(u,q){ var ret = []; for(var i = 0, l = u.length; i < l; i++){ var curU = u[i], curId = curU.id, tmpObj = {id:curId, name:curU.name, questions:[]}; for(var j = 0, m = q.length; j<m; j++){ if(q[j].id == curId){ tmpObj.questions.push({ text: q[j].text, createdBy: q[j].createdBy }); } } ret.push(tmpObj); } return ret; } 




 var id2name = userProfiles.reduce(function(id2name, profile){ id2name[profile.id] = profile.name; return id2name; }, {}); 


 var qs = questions.map(function(q){ q.createdByName = id2name[q.createdBy]; delete q.createdBy; return q; }); 


 var userProfiles = new StrelkiJS.IndexedArray(); userProfiles.loadArray([ {id: 1, name: "Ashok"}, {id: 2, name: "Amit"}, {id: 3, name: "Rajeev"} ]); var questions = new StrelkiJS.IndexedArray(); questions.loadArray([ {id: 1, text: "text1", createdBy: 2}, {id: 2, text: "text2", createdBy: 2}, {id: 3, text: "text3", createdBy: 1}, {id: 4, text: "text4", createdBy: 2}, {id: 5, text: "text5", createdBy: 3}, {id: 6, text: "text6", createdBy: 3} ]); var res=questions.query([{ from_col: "createdBy", to_table: userProfiles, to_col: "id", type: "outer" }]); 


 [ [ {"id":1,"text":"text1","createdBy":2}, {"id":2,"name":"Amit"} ], [ {"id":2,"text":"text2","createdBy":2}, {"id":2,"name":"Amit"} ], [ {"id":3,"text":"text3","createdBy":1}, {"id":1,"name":"Ashok"} ], [ {"id":4,"text":"text4","createdBy":2}, {"id":2,"name":"Amit"} ], [ {"id":5,"text":"text5","createdBy":3}, {"id":3,"name":"Rajeev"} ], [ {"id":6,"text":"text6","createdBy":3}, {"id":3,"name":"Rajeev"} ] ] 

您可以先使用jQuery.merge(),然后使用jQuery.unique()来实现此目的。 merge()会将所有项目添加到一个数组中,而unique()将从该数组中删除重复项。

