

http.HandleFunc("/smth", smthPage) http.HandleFunc("/", homePage) 

用户在尝试错误的URL时看到一个普通的“404页面未find”。 我怎样才能返回一个自定义页面?


对于那些使用纯净/ http包的人来说,接受的答案是可以的。


 func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(notFound) } 

并根据需要实现func notFound(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)


 package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", homeHandler) http.HandleFunc("/smth/", smthHandler) http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil) } func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.URL.Path != "/" { errorHandler(w, r, http.StatusNotFound) return } fmt.Fprint(w, "welcome home") } func smthHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.URL.Path != "/smth/" { errorHandler(w, r, http.StatusNotFound) return } fmt.Fprint(w, "welcome smth") } func errorHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, status int) { w.WriteHeader(status) if status == http.StatusNotFound { fmt.Fprint(w, "custom 404") } } 

在这里我简化了代码,只显示自定义的404,但我实际上做了更多的这个设置:我处理所有的HTTP错误与errorHandler ,其中我logging有用的信息,并发送给我自己的电子邮件。




古代的线程,但我只是做了一些拦截http.ResponseWriter ,可能在这里相关。

 package main //GAE POC originally inspired by https://thornelabs.net/2017/03/08/use-google-app-engine-and-golang-to-host-a-static-website-with-same-domain-redirects.html import ( "net/http" ) func init() { http.HandleFunc("/", handler) } // HeaderWriter is a wrapper around http.ResponseWriter which manipulates headers/content based on upstream response type HeaderWriter struct { original http.ResponseWriter done bool } func (hw *HeaderWriter) Header() http.Header { return hw.original.Header() } func (hw *HeaderWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { if hw.done { //Silently let caller think they are succeeding in sending their boring 404... return len(b), nil } return hw.original.Write(b) } func (hw *HeaderWriter) WriteHeader(s int) { if hw.done { //Hmm... I don't think this is needed... return } if s < 400 { //Set CC header when status is < 400... //TODO: Use diff header if static extensions hw.original.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=60, s-maxage=2592000, public") } hw.original.WriteHeader(s) if s == 404 { hw.done = true hw.original.Write([]byte("This be custom 404...")) } } func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { urls := map[string]string{ "/example-post-1.html": "https://example.com/post/example-post-1.html", "/example-post-2.html": "https://example.com/post/example-post-2.html", "/example-post-3.html": "https://example.com/post/example-post-3.html", } w.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=15768000") //TODO: Put own logic if value, ok := urls[r.URL.Path]; ok { http.Redirect(&HeaderWriter{original: w}, r, value, 301) } else { http.ServeFile(&HeaderWriter{original: w}, r, "static/"+r.URL.Path) } } 

也许我错了,但我只是检查了来源: http : //golang.org/src/pkg/net/http/server.go



作为一个解决方法,你可以使用你的“/”处理程序,如果找不到其他处理程序(因为它是最短的),可以使用“/”处理程序。 所以,检查该处理程序中是否存在页面,并返回自定义404错误。

以下是我select的方法。 它是基于一个代码片段,我不能承认,因为我失去了浏览器书签。


 type hijack404 struct { http.ResponseWriter R *http.Request Handle404 func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool } func (h *hijack404) WriteHeader(code int) { if 404 == code && h.Handle404(h.ResponseWriter, hR) { panic(h) } h.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(code) } func Handle404(handler http.Handler, handle404 func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ hijack := &hijack404{ ResponseWriter:w, R: r, Handle404: handle404 } defer func() { if p:=recover(); p!=nil { if p==hijack { return } panic(p) } }() handler.ServeHTTP(hijack, r) }) } func fire404(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) bool{ fmt.Fprintf(res, "File not found. Please check to see if your URL is correct."); return true; } func main(){ handler_statics := http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/Path_To_My_Static_Files"))); var v_blessed_handler_statics http.Handler = Handle404(handler_statics, fire404); http.Handle("/static/", v_blessed_handler_statics); // add other handlers using http.Handle() as necessary if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil{ log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err); } } 

请定制func fire404输出错误404的消息。

如果您碰巧使用了Gorilla Mux,您可能希望用下面的代码replace主要function:

 func main(){ handler_statics := http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("/Path_To_My_Static_Files"))); var v_blessed_handler_statics http.Handler = Handle404(handler_statics, fire404); r := mux.NewRouter(); r.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(v_blessed_handler_statics); // add other handlers with r.HandleFunc() if necessary... http.Handle("/", r); log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)); } 

如果错误请修改代码,因为我只是Go的新手。 谢谢。