
我正在做一个大学课程的任务,我使用git作为这个任务的版本控制。 我一直在做的游戏是完整的,但是,随着我想提交的git日志,有效地显示了我的工作进展的时间。


git log --stat > log.log 

但或多或less只是给了我非常难以理解的东西。 任何人都可以帮我一个命令,这样我可以得到一个很好的格式呢?

我会build议使用不同于默认的格式。 我通常的select是用graphics进行汇总,但是单独的一行总结通常是诀窍。

选项1:单行摘要w /图表

 git log --pretty=format:'%h : %s' --graph > log.log 


 * 2d3acf9 : ignore errors from SIGCHLD on trap * 5e3ee11 : Merge branch 'master' of git:// |\ | * 420eac9 : Added a method for getting the current branch. * | 30e367c : timeout code and tests * | 5a09431 : add timeout protection to grit * | e1193f8 : support for heads with slashes in them |/ * d6016bc : require time for xmlschema 


 git log --pretty=format:'%h was %an, %ar, message: %s' > log.log 


 a6b444f was Scott Chacon, 5 days ago, message: dammit, this is the second time this has re 49d77f7 was Scott Chacon, 8 days ago, message: modified index to create refs/heads if it i 9764edd was Hans Engel, 11 days ago, message: Add diff-lcs dependency e1ba1e3 was Hans Engel, 11 days ago, message: Add dependency for Open4 0f87b4d was Scott Chacon, 12 days ago, message: merged recent changes 



git log > log.txt

 git log --oneline --decorate > log.txt