



x = ms / 1000 seconds = x % 60 x /= 60 minutes = x % 60 x /= 60 hours = x % 24 x /= 24 days = x 

我只是很高兴你停了几天,没有要求几个月。 🙂

注意,在上面,假设/表示截断整数除法。 如果您使用此代码的语言中的/表示浮点除法,则需要根据需要手动截断除法的结果。

设A是毫秒量。 那么你有:

 seconds=(A/1000)%60 minutes=(A/(1000*60))%60 hours=(A/(1000*60*60))%24 

等( %是模数运算符)。


下面的两个解决scheme使用javascript (我不知道解决scheme是语言不可知的!)。 如果捕获时间> 1 month这两种解决scheme都需要扩展。


 var date = new Date(536643021); var str = ''; str += date.getUTCDate()-1 + " days, "; str += date.getUTCHours() + " hours, "; str += date.getUTCMinutes() + " minutes, "; str += date.getUTCSeconds() + " seconds, "; str += date.getUTCMilliseconds() + " millis"; console.log(str); 


 "6 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, 3 seconds, 21 millis" 

图书馆是有帮助的,但为什么要使用图书馆,当你可以重新发明轮子! 🙂


 var getDuration = function(millis){ var dur = {}; var units = [ {label:"millis", mod:1000}, {label:"seconds", mod:60}, {label:"minutes", mod:60}, {label:"hours", mod:24}, {label:"days", mod:31} ]; // calculate the individual unit values... units.forEach(function(u){ millis = (millis - (dur[u.label] = (millis % u.mod))) / u.mod; }); // convert object to a string representation... var nonZero = function(u){ return dur[u.label]; }; dur.toString = function(){ return units .reverse() .filter(nonZero) .map(function(u){ return dur[u.label] + " " + (dur[u.label]==1?u.label.slice(0,-1):u.label); }) .join(', '); }; return dur; }; 

创build一个“持续时间”对象,无论你需要什么字段。 格式化时间戳然后变得简单…



 "6 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, 3 seconds, 21 millis" 

Apache Commons Lang有一个DurationFormatUtils ,它有非常有用的方法,如formatDurationWords 。


 int milliseconds = someNumber; int seconds = milliseconds / 1000; int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; int hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60; int days = hours / 24; hours %= 24; 

这是我写的一个方法。 它需要一个integer milliseconds value并返回一个human-readable String

 public String convertMS(int ms) { int seconds = (int) ((ms / 1000) % 60); int minutes = (int) (((ms / 1000) / 60) % 60); int hours = (int) ((((ms / 1000) / 60) / 60) % 24); String sec, min, hrs; if(seconds<10) sec="0"+seconds; else sec= ""+seconds; if(minutes<10) min="0"+minutes; else min= ""+minutes; if(hours<10) hrs="0"+hours; else hrs= ""+hours; if(hours == 0) return min+":"+sec; else return hrs+":"+min+":"+sec; } 
 function convertTime(time) { var millis= time % 1000; time = parseInt(time/1000); var seconds = time % 60; time = parseInt(time/60); var minutes = time % 60; time = parseInt(time/60); var hours = time % 24; var out = ""; if(hours && hours > 0) out += hours + " " + ((hours == 1)?"hr":"hrs") + " "; if(minutes && minutes > 0) out += minutes + " " + ((minutes == 1)?"min":"mins") + " "; if(seconds && seconds > 0) out += seconds + " " + ((seconds == 1)?"sec":"secs") + " "; if(millis&& millis> 0) out += millis+ " " + ((millis== 1)?"msec":"msecs") + " "; return out.trim(); } 

我会build议使用你select的语言/框架提供的任何date/时间函数/库。 也检查出string格式化函数,因为它们经常提供简单的方法来传递date/时间戳并输出可读的string格式。


  1. 写代码做转换(即除以milliSecondsPerDay得到天数,用模数除以milliSecondsPerHour得到小时,用模数除以milliSecondsPerMinute除以1000秒。milliSecondsPerMinute = 60000,milliSecondsPerHour = 60 * milliSecondsPerMinute,milliSecondsPerDay = 24 * milliSecondsPerHour。
  2. 使用某种操作程序。 UNIX和Windows都具有可以从Ticks或秒types值获得的结构。
 Long serverUptimeSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - SINCE_TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS) / 1000; String serverUptimeText = String.format("%d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds", serverUptimeSeconds / 86400, ( serverUptimeSeconds % 86400) / 3600 , ((serverUptimeSeconds % 86400) % 3600 ) / 60, ((serverUptimeSeconds % 86400) % 3600 ) % 60 ); 
 Long expireTime = 69l; Long tempParam = 0l; Long seconds = math.mod(expireTime, 60); tempParam = expireTime - seconds; expireTime = tempParam/60; Long minutes = math.mod(expireTime, 60); tempParam = expireTime - minutes; expireTime = expireTime/60; Long hours = math.mod(expireTime, 24); tempParam = expireTime - hours; expireTime = expireTime/24; Long days = math.mod(expireTime, 30); system.debug(days + '.' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds); 



var ms = 86400;

var seconds = ms / 1000; //86.4

var minutes = seconds / 60; //1.4400000000000002

var hours = minutes / 60; //0.024000000000000004

var days = hours / 24; //0.0010000000000000002



 public static String formatMs(long millis) { long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis); long mins = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis); long secs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis); return String.format("%dh %d min, %d sec", hours, mins - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours), secs - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(mins) ); } 


 12h 1 min, 34 sec 

我不能评论你的问题的第一个答案,但有一个小小的错误。 您应该使用parseInt或Math.floor将浮点数转换为整数i

 var days, hours, minutes, seconds, x; x = ms / 1000; seconds = Math.floor(x % 60); x /= 60; minutes = Math.floor(x % 60); x /= 60; hours = Math.floor(x % 24); x /= 24; days = Math.floor(x); 


 getFormattedTime : (ms)-> x = ms / 1000 seconds = Math.floor x % 60 x /= 60 minutes = Math.floor x % 60 x /= 60 hours = Math.floor x % 24 x /= 24 days = Math.floor x formattedTime = "#{seconds}s" if minutes then formattedTime = "#{minutes}m " + formattedTime if hours then formattedTime = "#{hours}h " + formattedTime formattedTime 

这是一个解决scheme。 稍后,您可以按“:”拆分并获取数组的值

 /** * Converts milliseconds to human readeable language separated by ":" * Example: 190980000 --> 2:05:3 --> 2days 5hours 3min */ function dhm(t){ var cd = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ch = 60 * 60 * 1000, d = Math.floor(t / cd), h = '0' + Math.floor( (t - d * cd) / ch), m = '0' + Math.round( (t - d * cd - h * ch) / 60000); return [d, h.substr(-2), m.substr(-2)].join(':'); } var delay = 190980000; var fullTime = dhm(delay); console.log(fullTime); 



 def remainingStr = "" /* Days */ int days = MILLISECONDS.toDays(remainingTime) as int remainingStr += (days == 1) ? '1 Day : ' : "${days} Days : " remainingTime -= DAYS.toMillis(days) /* Hours */ int hours = MILLISECONDS.toHours(remainingTime) as int remainingStr += (hours == 1) ? '1 Hour : ' : "${hours} Hours : " remainingTime -= HOURS.toMillis(hours) /* Minutes */ int minutes = MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(remainingTime) as int remainingStr += (minutes == 1) ? '1 Minute : ' : "${minutes} Minutes : " remainingTime -= MINUTES.toMillis(minutes) /* Seconds */ int seconds = MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(remainingTime) as int remainingStr += (seconds == 1) ? '1 Second' : "${seconds} Seconds" 


 /** convert duration to a ms/sec/min/hour/day/week array @param {int} msTime : time in milliseconds @param {bool} fillEmpty(optional) : fill array values even when they are 0. @param {string[]} suffixes(optional) : add suffixes to returned values. values are filled with missings '0' @return {int[]/string[]} : time values from higher to lower(ms) range. */ var msToTimeList=function(msTime,fillEmpty,suffixes){ suffixes=(suffixes instanceof Array)?suffixes:[]; //suffixes is optional var timeSteps=[1000,60,60,24,7]; // time ranges : ms/sec/min/hour/day/week timeSteps.push(1000000); //add very big time at the end to stop cutting var result=[]; for(var i=0;(msTime>0||i<1||fillEmpty)&&i<timeSteps.length;i++){ var timerange = msTime%timeSteps[i]; if(typeof(suffixes[i])=="string"){ timerange+=suffixes[i]; // add suffix (converting ) // and fill zeros : while( i<timeSteps.length-1 && timerange.length<((timeSteps[i]-1)+suffixes[i]).length ) timerange="0"+timerange; } result.unshift(timerange); // stack time range from higher to lower msTime = Math.floor(msTime/timeSteps[i]); } return result; }; 



 var elsapsed = Math.floor(Math.random()*3000000000); console.log( "elsapsed (labels) = "+ msToTimeList(elsapsed,false,["ms","sec","min","h","days","weeks"]).join("/") ); console.log( "half hour : "+msToTimeList(elsapsed,true)[3]<30?"first":"second" ); console.log( "elsapsed (classic) = "+ msToTimeList(elsapsed,false,["","","","","",""]).join(" : ") ); 



PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime(); System.out.println(p.format(new Date()));



PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime()); Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); d.setHours(d.getHours() - 1); String ago = p.format(d);



  public String getDuration(String _currentTimemilliSecond) { long _currentTimeMiles = 1; int x = 0; int seconds = 0; int minutes = 0; int hours = 0; int days = 0; int month = 0; int year = 0; try { _currentTimeMiles = Long.parseLong(_currentTimemilliSecond); /** x in seconds **/ x = (int) (_currentTimeMiles / 1000) ; seconds = x ; if(seconds >59) { minutes = seconds/60 ; if(minutes > 59) { hours = minutes/60; if(hours > 23) { days = hours/24 ; if(days > 30) { month = days/30; if(month > 11) { year = month/12; Log.d("Year", year); Log.d("Month", month%12); Log.d("Days", days % 30); Log.d("hours ", hours % 24); Log.d("Minutes ", minutes % 60); Log.d("Seconds ", seconds % 60); return "Year "+year + " Month "+month%12 +" Days " +days%30 +" hours "+hours%24 +" Minutes "+minutes %60+" Seconds "+seconds%60; } else { Log.d("Month", month); Log.d("Days", days % 30); Log.d("hours ", hours % 24); Log.d("Minutes ", minutes % 60); Log.d("Seconds ", seconds % 60); return "Month "+month +" Days " +days%30 +" hours "+hours%24 +" Minutes "+minutes %60+" Seconds "+seconds%60; } } else { Log.d("Days", days ); Log.d("hours ", hours % 24); Log.d("Minutes ", minutes % 60); Log.d("Seconds ", seconds % 60); return "Days " +days +" hours "+hours%24 +" Minutes "+minutes %60+" Seconds "+seconds%60; } } else { Log.d("hours ", hours); Log.d("Minutes ", minutes % 60); Log.d("Seconds ", seconds % 60); return "hours "+hours+" Minutes "+minutes %60+" Seconds "+seconds%60; } } else { Log.d("Minutes ", minutes); Log.d("Seconds ", seconds % 60); return "Minutes "+minutes +" Seconds "+seconds%60; } } else { Log.d("Seconds ", x); return " Seconds "+seconds; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(getClass().getName().toString(), e.toString()); } return ""; } private Class Log { public static void d(String tag , int value) { System.out.println("##### [ Debug ] ## "+tag +" :: "+value); } }