
我们已经在办公室与FireMonkey合作了。 过了一段时间,我们注意到,由于Embarcadero告诉我们,GPU加速并不是那么快。

所以我们build立了一个基本的应用程序来testingFireMonkey的性能。 基本上它是一个窗体底部(alBottom)作为状态栏和所有客户端(alClient)面板。 底部的面板有一个进度条和一个animation。

我们在表单中添加了一个方法,释放所有客户端面板中存在的任何控件,并使用自定义types和“鼠标hover”样式的单元格来完成此操作,并使用有关信息的信息更新animation,进度条和表单标题实现进展。 最重要的信息是所需的时间。


XE2的结果真的很慢。 花了大约11秒。 此外,由于面板被满足,直到应用准备好接收用户input,所以还有约10秒的延迟(如冻结)。 总共21秒。

XE3的情况最糟糕。 对于同样的操作,总共需要25秒(14 + 11秒)。


考虑到应用程序完全相同,使用VCL代替FireMonkey并使用SpeedButtons以获得相同的“鼠标hover效果”仅需1.5秒! 所以这个问题显然存在于一些内部的FireMonkey引擎问题中。


我真的不明白他们怎么能忽略这么重的问题。 因为我们的企业正在成为一个制表者和一个交易断路器。 我们不能向客户提供性能差的商业软件。 早些时候或之后,我们将被迫移动到另一个平台(顺便说一句:相同的代码delphi棱镜与WPF需要1.5秒作为VCL之一)。





unit Performance01Main; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Rtti, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Objects; const cstCellWidth = 45; cstCellHeight = 21; type TCell = class(TStyledControl) private function GetText: String; procedure SetText(const Value: String); function GetIsFocusCell: Boolean; protected FSelected: Boolean; FMouseOver: Boolean; FText: TText; FValue: String; procedure ApplyStyle; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); override; procedure DoMouseEnter; override; procedure DoMouseLeave; override; procedure ApplyTrigger(TriggerName: string); published property IsSelected: Boolean read FSelected; property IsFocusCell: Boolean read GetIsFocusCell; property IsMouseOver: Boolean read FMouseOver; property Text: String read GetText write SetText; end; TFormFireMonkey = class(TForm) StyleBook: TStyleBook; BottomPanel: TPanel; AniIndicator: TAniIndicator; ProgressBar: TProgressBar; CellPanel: TPanel; procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); protected FFocused: TCell; FEntered: Boolean; public procedure CreateCells; end; var FormFireMonkey: TFormFireMonkey; implementation uses System.Diagnostics; {$R *.fmx} { TCell } procedure TCell.ApplyStyle; begin inherited; ApplyTrigger('IsMouseOver'); ApplyTrigger('IsFocusCell'); ApplyTrigger('IsSelected'); FText:= (FindStyleResource('Text') as TText); if (FText <> Nil) then FText.Text := FValue; end; procedure TCell.ApplyTrigger(TriggerName: string); begin StartTriggerAnimation(Self, TriggerName); ApplyTriggerEffect(Self, TriggerName); end; procedure TCell.DoMouseEnter; begin inherited; FMouseOver:= True; ApplyTrigger('IsMouseOver'); end; procedure TCell.DoMouseLeave; begin inherited; FMouseOver:= False; ApplyTrigger('IsMouseOver'); end; function TCell.GetIsFocusCell: Boolean; begin Result:= (Self = FormFireMonkey.FFocused); end; function TCell.GetText: String; begin Result:= FValue; end; procedure TCell.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); var OldFocused: TCell; begin inherited; FSelected:= not(FSelected); OldFocused:= FormFireMonkey.FFocused; FormFireMonkey.FFocused:= Self; ApplyTrigger('IsFocusCell'); ApplyTrigger('IsSelected'); if (OldFocused <> Nil) then OldFocused.ApplyTrigger('IsFocusCell'); end; procedure TCell.SetText(const Value: String); begin FValue := Value; if Assigned(FText) then FText.Text:= Value; end; { TForm1 } procedure TFormFireMonkey.CreateCells; var X, Y: Double; Row, Col: Integer; Cell: TCell; T: TTime; // Workaround suggested by Himself 1 // Force update only after a certain amount of iterations // LP: Single; // Workaround suggested by Himself 2 // Force update only after a certain amount of milliseconds // Used cross-platform TStopwatch as suggested by LU RD // Anyway the same logic was tested with TTime and GetTickCount // SW: TStopWatch; begin T:= Time; Caption:= 'Creating cells...'; {$REGION 'Issue 2 workaround: Update form size and background'} // Bruno Fratini: // Without (all) this code the form background and area is not updated till the // cells calculation is finished BeginUpdate; Invalidate; EndUpdate; // Workaround suggested by Philnext // replacing ProcessMessages with HandleMessage // Application.HandleMessage; Application.ProcessMessages; {$ENDREGION} // Bruno Fratini: // Update starting point step 1 // Improving performance CellPanel.BeginUpdate; // Bruno Fratini: // Freeing the previous cells (if any) while (CellPanel.ControlsCount > 0) do CellPanel.Controls[0].Free; // Bruno Fratini: // Calculating how many rows and columns can contain the CellPanel Col:= Trunc(CellPanel.Width / cstCellWidth); if (Frac(CellPanel.Width / cstCellWidth) > 0) then Col:= Col + 1; Row:= Trunc(CellPanel.Height / cstCellHeight); if (Frac(CellPanel.Height / cstCellHeight) > 0) then Row:= Row + 1; // Bruno Fratini: // Loop variables initialization ProgressBar.Value:= 0; ProgressBar.Max:= Row * Col; AniIndicator.Enabled:= True; X:= 0; Col:= 0; // Workaround suggested by Himself 2 // Force update only after a certain amount of milliseconds // Used cross-platform TStopwatch as suggested by LU RD // Anyway the same logic was tested with TTime and GetTickCount // SW:= TStopwatch.StartNew; // Workaround suggested by Himself 1 // Force update only after a certain amount of iterations // LP:= 0; // Bruno Fratini: // Loop for fulfill the Width while (X < CellPanel.Width) do begin Y:= 0; Row:= 0; // Bruno Fratini: // Loop for fulfill the Height while (Y < CellPanel.Height) do begin // Bruno Fratini: // Cell creation and bounding into the CellPanel Cell:= TCell.Create(CellPanel); Cell.Position.X:= X; Cell.Position.Y:= Y; Cell.Width:= cstCellWidth; Cell.Height:= cstCellHeight; Cell.Parent:= CellPanel; // Bruno Fratini: // Assigning the style that gives something like Windows 7 effect // on mouse move into the cell Cell.StyleLookup:= 'CellStyle'; // Bruno Fratini: // Updating loop variables and visual controls for feedback Y:= Y + cstCellHeight; Row:= Row + 1; ProgressBar.Value:= ProgressBar.Value + 1; // Workaround suggested by Himself 1 // Force update only after a certain amount of iterations // if ((ProgressBar.Value - LP) >= 100) then // Workaround suggested by Himself 2 // Force update only after a certain amount of milliseconds // Used cross-platform TStopwatch as suggested by LU RD // Anyway the same logic was tested with TTime and GetTickCount // if (SW.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 30) then // Workaround suggested by Philnext with Bruno Fratini's enhanchment // Skip forcing refresh when the form is not focused for the first time // This avoid the strange side effect of overlong delay on form open // if FEntered then begin Caption:= 'Elapsed time: ' + FormatDateTime('nn:ss:zzz', Time - T) + ' (min:sec:msec) Cells: ' + IntToStr(Trunc(ProgressBar.Value)); {$REGION 'Issue 4 workaround: Forcing progress and animation visual update'} // Bruno Fratini: // Without the ProcessMessages call both the ProgressBar and the // Animation controls are not updated so no feedback to the user is given // that is not acceptable. By the other side this introduces a further // huge delay on filling the grid to a not acceptable extent // (around 20 minutes on our machines between form maximization starts and // it arrives to a ready state) // Workaround suggested by Philnext // replacing ProcessMessages with HandleMessage // Application.HandleMessage; Application.ProcessMessages; {$ENDREGION} // Workaround suggested by Himself 1 // Force update only after a certain amount of iterations // LP:= ProgressBar.Value; // Workaround suggested by Himself 2 // Force update only after a certain amount of milliseconds // Used cross-platform TStopwatch as suggested by LU RD // Anyway the same logic was tested with TTime and GetTickCount // SW.Reset; // SW.Start; end; end; X:= X + cstCellWidth; Col:= Col + 1; end; // Bruno Fratini: // Update starting point step 2 // Improving performance CellPanel.EndUpdate; AniIndicator.Enabled:= False; ProgressBar.Value:= ProgressBar.Max; Caption:= 'Elapsed time: ' + FormatDateTime('nn:ss:zzz', Time - T) + ' (min:sec:msec) Cells: ' + IntToStr(Trunc(ProgressBar.Value)); // Bruno Fratini: // The following lines are required // otherwise the cells won't be properly paint after maximizing BeginUpdate; Invalidate; EndUpdate; // Workaround suggested by Philnext // replacing ProcessMessages with HandleMessage // Application.HandleMessage; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TFormFireMonkey.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin // Workaround suggested by Philnext with Bruno Fratini's enhanchment // Skip forcing refresh when the form is not focused for the first time // This avoid the strange side effect of overlong delay on form open FEntered:= True; end; procedure TFormFireMonkey.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin CreateCells; end; end. 

我试了你的代码,在我的PC上用XE3上的00:10:439来填充单元格。 通过禁用这些行:

  //ProgressBar.Value:= ProgressBar.Value + 1; //Caption:= 'Elapsed time: ' + FormatDateTime('nn:ss:zzz', Time - T) + // ' (min:sec:msec) Cells: ' + IntToStr(Trunc(ProgressBar.Value)); ... //Application.ProcessMessages; 


更新可视化控件(如ProgressBar或Form.Caption)非常昂贵。 如果你真的认为你需要这样做,那么每100次迭代就做一次,或者更好的是,每250次处理器就会有一次。



 T:= Time; // Bruno Fratini: // The following lines are required // otherwise the cells won't be properly paint after maximizing //BeginUpdate; Invalidate; //EndUpdate; Application.ProcessMessages; Caption := Caption + ', Repaint time: '+FormatDateTime('nn:ss:zzz', Time - T); 

第一次运行时,创build所有控件需要00:00:072,重新绘制需要00:03:089。 所以这不是对象pipe理,而是第一次重新绘制速度很慢。



 var LastUpdateTime: cardinal; begin LastUpdateTime := GetTickCount - 250; for i := 0 to WorkCount-1 do begin //... //Do a part of work here if GetTickCount-LastUpdateTime > 250 then begin ProgressBar.Position := i; Caption := IntToStr(i) + ' items done.'; LastUpdateTime := GetTickCount; Application.ProcessMessages; //not always needed end; end; end; 



线。 所以我要求重新整理你的组件:

  ProgressBar.Value:= ProgressBar.Value + 1; Caption:= 'Elapsed time: ' + FormatDateTime('nn:ss:zzz', Time - T) + ' (min:sec:msec) Cells: ' + IntToStr(Trunc(ProgressBar.Value)); // in comment : Application.ProcessMessages; // New lines : realign for all the components needed to be refreshes AniIndicator.Realign; ProgressBar.Realign; 




我可以从您的代码中看到,最昂贵的操作是重新创build控件。 你为什么要在OnResize事件中做(也许把一些button来重新创build控件)


  while (CellPanel.ControlsCount > 0) do CellPanel.Controls[0].Free; 


 for i := CellPanel.ControlsCount - 1 downto 0 do CellPanel.Controls[i].Free; 


使用AQTime来分析你的代码 (它会显示什么东西这么久)