将date格式更改为“%d /%m /%Y”

想改变date格式。 我的数据框如下所示,并希望将所有date格式更改为"%d/%m/%Y"


 id bdate wdate ddate 1 09/09/09 12/10/09 2009-09-27 
 df$ddate <- format(as.Date(df$ddate), "%d/%m/%Y") 
 df$ddate<-strftime(df$ddate,"%d/%m/%Y") df$bdate<-strftime(strptime(df$bdate,"%d/%m/%y"),"%d/%m/%Y") df$wdate<-strftime(strptime(df$wdate,"%d/%m/%y"),"%d/%m/%Y") 

默认的R操作是将string当作因素。 当然,个别设置可能与默认值不同。 将variables值更改为character ,然后将其转换为date是一种很好的做法。 我经常使用chron软件包 – 它很好,很简单,最重要的是它。 只有这个软件包的缺点在于时区处理。

如果您没有安装chron ,请执行以下操作:

  install.packages("chron") # load it library(chron) # make dummy data bdate <- c("09/09/09", "12/05/10", "23/2/09") wdate <- c("12/10/09", "05/01/07", "19/7/07") ddate <- c("2009-09-27", "2007-05-18", "2009-09-02") # notice the last argument, it will not allow creation of factors! dtf <- data.frame(id = 1:3, bdate, wdate, ddate, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # since we have characters, we can do: foo <- transform(dtf, bdate = chron(bdate, format = "d/m/Y"), wdate = chron(wdate, format = "d/m/Y"), ddate = chron(ddate, format = "ymd")) # check the classes sapply(foo, class) # $id # [1] "integer" # $bdate # [1] "dates" "times" # $wdate # [1] "dates" "times" # $ddate # [1] "dates" "times" 

C'est CA …它应该做的伎俩…