
我已经search了网页,但是所有可用的网页都是您指定date的地方,并且倒数到了该date。 我需要的只是从“27分43秒”(以这种格式)到从0到任何时候从页面上下来的任何东西,任何人有任何片段可用?

像这样的事情应该做的伎俩。 我很无聊,决定自己做,而不是谷歌search。 只需在顶部设置分钟数和秒数,并将onload中的倒计数更改为您希望更新的元素的ID。

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script> var interval; var minutes = 1; var seconds = 5; window.onload = function() { countdown('countdown'); } function countdown(element) { interval = setInterval(function() { var el = document.getElementById(element); if(seconds == 0) { if(minutes == 0) { el.innerHTML = "countdown's over!"; clearInterval(interval); return; } else { minutes--; seconds = 60; } } if(minutes > 0) { var minute_text = minutes + (minutes > 1 ? ' minutes' : ' minute'); } else { var minute_text = ''; } var second_text = seconds > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; el.innerHTML = minute_text + ' ' + seconds + ' ' + second_text + ' remaining'; seconds--; }, 1000); } </script> </head> <body> <div id='countdown'></div> </body> </html> 





 countIt(); function countIt(){ year = 2013; month = 05; day = 28; hours = 12; minutes = 00; seconds = 00; setTimeout(function(){ endDate = new Date(year, (month - 1), day, hours, minutes, seconds, 00); thisDate = new Date(); thisDate = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), thisDate.getMonth(), thisDate.getDate(), thisDate.getHours(), thisDate.getMinutes(), thisDate.getSeconds(), 00, 00); var daysLeft = parseInt((endDate-thisDate)/86400000); var hoursLeft = parseInt((endDate-thisDate)/3600000); var minutsLeft = parseInt((endDate-thisDate)/60000); var secondsLeft = parseInt((endDate-thisDate)/1000); seconds = minutsLeft*60; seconds = secondsLeft-seconds; minutes = hoursLeft*60; minutes = minutsLeft-minutes; hours = daysLeft*24; hours = (hoursLeft-hours) < 0 ? 0 : hoursLeft-hours; days = daysLeft; startCount(days, hours, minutes,seconds); }, 1000); } function startCount(days, hours, minutes, seconds){ document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML="DAYS "+days+", HOURS "+hours+", MINUTES "+minutes+", SECONDS: "+seconds; countIt(); } 


 <div id="counter"></div> 




  <div id="countdown">countdown displayed here</div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { //time to count down hoursToGo = 0; minutesToGo = 27; secondsToGo = 43; var startTime = new Date(); var endTime = new Date(); endTime.setHours( startTime.getHours() + hoursToGo, startTime.getMinutes() + minutesToGo, startTime.getSeconds() + secondsToGo, startTime.getMilliseconds() ); //function to update counter function update(){ var currentTime = new Date(); var remainingTime = new Date(); remainingTime.setTime(endTime.getTime()-currentTime.getTime()); $("#countdown").text(remainingTime.getHours()+":"+remainingTime.getMinutes()+":"+remainingTime.getSeconds()); //call itself every second setTimeout(update,1000); } //start the countdown update(); }); </script> 

编辑作为一个附加的想法,你可以通过将结束时间作为隐藏表单元素的值传递到下一页来实现这个function。 或者至less这就是我要做的事情;-)


我也做了一个倒计时,但与HTML5canvas。 随意使用它,如果你喜欢它。 (运行下面的代码snipet)

 (function() { /** * WlCounter pure JS class * * @class WlCounter * @Author: Wiktor Lis */ var WlCounter = function(){ // date settings - REMEMBER months in Date object are counted as an Array from 0! So months range is between 0 to 11. Other than that everything is just as you would expect it to be. this.setEventDate(new Date(2017, 03, 22, 22, 5, 0), 'Curently Unused'); // NOTE! months are represented from 0 to 11 in Date objects this.setEventEndDate(new Date(2019, 04, 03, 22, 9, 0), 'Curently Unused', 'Curently Unused'); // NOTE! months are represented from 0 to 11 in Date objects // CLOCK SETTINGS // clock size this.container = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 150, h: 150 }; // ring stroke this.stroke = this.container.w / 10; // number font size this.numFontSize = this.container.w / 6 +'px'; // label font size this.labelFontSize = this.container.w / 10 +'px'; // colors this.colorRing = "hsla(355, 0%, 90%, 1)"; this.colorActive = "hsla(355, 100%, 50%, 1)"; this.colorTimedOut = "hsla(355, 0%, 50%, 0.3)"; // OTHER // init objets this.curent = {}; this.counter = {}; } /** * This method creates canvas based on css id * * @method createCanvas * @param {String} cssId of canvas DOM object */ WlCounter.prototype.createCanvas = function(cssId){ this.canvas = document.getElementById(cssId); this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.container.w); this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.container.h); this.c = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); return this.c } /** * Init all canvas objects and start counting down * * @method init */ WlCounter.prototype.init = function(){ this.daysBox = this.createCanvas('canvas-d'); this.hoursBox = this.createCanvas('canvas-h'); this.minutesBox = this.createCanvas('canvas-m'); this.secoundsBox = this.createCanvas('canvas-s'); this.msBox = this.createCanvas('canvas-ms'); this.startCounting(); this.intervalClock(); } /** * Assign curent time to class properities * * @method getTime */ WlCounter.prototype.getTime = function() { this.curent.time = new Date(); this.curent.days = this.curent.time.getDay(); this.curent.hours = this.curent.time.getHours(); this.curent.minutes = this.curent.time.getMinutes(); this.curent.seconds = this.curent.time.getSeconds(); this.curent.milliseconds = this.curent.time.getMilliseconds(); } /** * Creates event start date // and its message * * @method setEventDate * @param {Object Date} date - defines event start date * @param {String} messageBefore - curently unused */ WlCounter.prototype.setEventDate = function(date, messageBefore) { this.eventStarts = date; this.messageBefore = messageBefore; } /** * Define event end date * * @method setEventEndDate * @param {Object Date} date * @param {String} messageDuring * @param {String} messageAfter */ WlCounter.prototype.setEventEndDate = function(date, messageDuring, messageAfter) { this.eventEnds = date; this.messageDuring = messageDuring; this.messageAfter = messageAfter; } /** * Substract curent time from event date and define how many of days, hours, min, s, ms are left * If event starts counter finished -> change counter color to greenish (hsla(160, 100%, 38%, 1)) and count to events End time. * * @method startCounting */ WlCounter.prototype.startCounting = function() { this.intervalToEvent = setInterval(function() { this.getTime(); if (this.curent.time < this.eventStarts) { this.subject = this.eventStarts; } else if(this.curent.time < this.eventEnds) { // change colors this.colorActive = "hsla(160, 100%, 38%, 1)"; this.subject = this.eventEnds; } else { this.stagnate(); return; } var until = this.subject - this.curent.time; = Math.floor(until % 1000); this.counter.sec = Math.floor(until / (1000) % 60); this.counter.min = Math.floor(until / (1000 * 60) % 60); this.counter.hours = Math.floor(until / (1000 * 60 * 60 ) % 24); this.counter.days = Math.floor(until / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); // console.log(this.counter); }.bind(this), 16.666); } /** * If counter will go pass the event start and end date, simply stagneta the clock assigning 0 to each clock * * @method stagnate */ WlCounter.prototype.stagnate = function() { clearInterval(this.intervalToEvent); = 0; this.counter.sec = 0; this.counter.min = 0; this.counter.hours = 0; this.counter.days = 0; } /** * Convert deg to radians * * @method degToRad * @param {Integer} deg */ WlCounter.prototype.degToRad = function(deg) { radians = Math.PI / 180; return radians * deg; } /** * Draw the clock and sign it with the text from the @param2 * * @method drawClock * @param {Object} ctx - canvas selection * @param {Array} timeUnit - example [this.counter.days, 365, 'D'] -> [0] counter number of days -> [1] max days for the clock to count down -> [2] Title that will be assign to the clock under the number */ WlCounter.prototype.drawClock = function(ctx, timeUnit) { // background - gradient gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(this.container.w/2, this.container.h/2, 55, this.container.w/2, this.container.h/2, this.container.w/2); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(245,245,245, 0.1)'); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'white'); // canvas rect // ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.container.w, this.container.h); // clock rim ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorRing; ctx.lineWidth = this.container.w / 18; ctx.arc(this.container.w/2, this.container.h/2,this.container.h/2-this.stroke, this.degToRad(270), this.degToRad(0 - 90)); ctx.stroke(); // clock time ctx.beginPath(); // ctx.shadowBlur = this.stroke-10; // ctx.shadowColor = "hsla(355, 100%, 0%, 0.2)"; // ring countdown // ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorActive; if(timeUnit[0] == 0) ctx.shadowColor = ctx.strokeStyle = this.colorTimedOut; // if time is 0 set color to gray ctx.lineWidth = this.stroke; // draw ring countdown ctx.arc(this.container.w/2, this.container.h/2,this.container.h/2-this.stroke, this.degToRad(270), this.degToRad(360 * timeUnit[0] / timeUnit[1] - 90)); // text - number ctx.font = this.numFontSize+" Arial"; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.fillStyle = this.colorActive; if(timeUnit[0] == 0) ctx.fillStyle = this.colorTimedOut; if(timeUnit[1] == 60000) timeUnit[0] = Math.round(timeUnit[0]/1000); ctx.fillText(timeUnit[0],this.container.w/2,this.container.h/2); // text - label ctx.font = this.labelFontSize+" Arial"; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.fillText(timeUnit[2],this.container.w/2,this.container.h/2 + (this.container.w / 5)); // draw! ctx.stroke(); } /** * Set interval to draw clock around 60 frames per seckound (1s / 60 = 16.666) * * @method intervalClock */ WlCounter.prototype.intervalClock = function() { var interval = setInterval(function(){ // cl(; this.drawClock(this.daysBox, [this.counter.days, 365, 'D']); this.drawClock(this.hoursBox, [this.counter.hours, 24, 'H']); this.drawClock(this.minutesBox, [this.counter.min, 60, 'M']); this.drawClock(this.secoundsBox, [this.counter.sec, 60, 'S']); this.drawClock(this.msBox, [, 1000, 'ms']); }.bind(this), 16.666); } /* RUN WlCounter */ var counter = new WlCounter(); // FUTURE -> To Do // set event start and end // counter.setEventStart(foo); // counter.setEventEnd(foo); // counter.onEventStart(function(){ // ... // }); // counter.onEventEnd(function({ // ... // }); counter.init(); })(); 
 * { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: none; border: none; } html, body { position: relative; padding-top: 20px; margin: 0 auto; } #wrap, .text { width: 770px; margin: auto; } canvas { box-sizing: border-box; border-bottom: 5px solid gray; height: 100%; } h1, p { font-weight: 400; color: #666; font-size: 2.5em; width: 100%; text-align: center; } p { font-size: 1em; text-align: left; } ul ol { padding-left: 20px; list-style-type: decimal; line-height: 2em; } 
 <div class="text"> <h1>"WlCounter" pure JS class</h1> </div> <div id="wrap"> <canvas id="canvas-d"></canvas> <canvas id="canvas-h"></canvas> <canvas id="canvas-m"></canvas> <canvas id="canvas-s"></canvas> <canvas id="canvas-ms"></canvas> </div> <div class="text"> <p>JS WlCounter class counts-down to the event starting and ending date with color change on reaching the first one. After event start date is reached it changes the color to green and start count-down to events end date (if end date was specyfied and is more then curent time). So when event is ended, counter gets graied out and set 0</p> </div>