Tag: 简单框架


我使用SimpleXml来(去)序列化POJO。 现在,我有一个大的XML,它有一些不需要的元素。 例如,用这个XML: <Root> <Element>Used</Element> <Another>Not used</Another> <Root> 我想创build一个POJO,如下所示: @Root class Root{ @Element private String element; } 问题是我得到这个例外: simpleframework.xml.core.ElementException: Element 'Another' does not have a match in class blah.blah.Blah at line 1 所以…我应该如何configurationPOJO才能正确parsingXML?


我遇到了麻烦,试图用Gradle 0.5。+和Android Studio编译Android应用程序,使用SimpleXML。 这是错误的: Gradle: Execution failed for task ':MyApplication:dexDebug'. > Failed to run command: /Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk/build-tools/android-4.2.2/dx –dex –output <REALLY_LONG_STRING…..> Error Code: 1 Output: trouble processing "javax/xml/stream/events/StartElement.class": Ill-advised or mistaken usage of a core class (java.* or javax.*) when not building a core library. This is often due to inadvertently including a core library file […]