

public [What Here?] GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return radio; or return computer; or return hello //should be possible?! } 


我怎么能做到这一点,当然以后的工作与variables,是radio.Play(); 到目前为止?

我需要使用generics吗? 怎么样?

如果没有公共基types或接口,那么public object GetAnything() {...} – 但通常最好是具有某种抽象,如通用接口。 例如,如果HelloComputerRadio都实现了IFoo ,那么它可以返回一个IFoo


 public T GetAnything<T>() { T t = //Code to create instance return t; } 

但是你必须知道你想在devise时返回什么types。 这意味着你可以为每个创build调用不同的方法…

马克的答案应该是正确的,但在.NET 4中,你不能同时使用dynamictypes。


很less有博客文章试图解释何时使用dynamic: http : //blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/tags/dynamic/

 public dynamic GetSomething() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return // anyobject } 


 public Hardware GetAnything() { Computer computer = new Computer(); return computer; } abstract Hardware { } class Computer : Hardware { } 


 interface IHardware { } class Computer : IHardware { } 


 public object GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); return hello; } 

要使用genericsbuild立@RQDQ的答案,可以将其与Func<TResult> (或一些变体)结合使用,并将责任委托给调用者:

 public T GetAnything<T>(Func<T> createInstanceOfT) { //do whatever return createInstanceOfT(); } 


 Computer comp = GetAnything(() => new Computer()); Radio rad = GetAnything(() => new Radio()); 

您可以使返回types成为三个类的超类(由您定义或仅使用object )。 然后你可以返回这些对象中的任何一个,但是在得到结果时你需要把它转换回正确的types。 喜欢:

 public object GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return radio; or return computer; or return hello //should be possible?! } 


 Hello hello = (Hello)getAnything(); 


 public Object GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return radio; or return computer; or return hello //should be possible?! } 


 Hello hello = (Hello)GetAnything(); 


 Object obj = GetAnything(); if (obj is Hello) { // Do something } 

这就是说我不愿意写这样的代码。 有一个由你的每个类实现的接口会好得多。

 public ISpeak GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return radio; or return computer; or return hello //should be possible?! } interface ISpeak { void Speak(); } 


 public class Hello : ISpeak { void Speak() { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); } } 




a)你可以返回一个对象,调用者可以将它(可能在types检查之后)转换为他们想要的。 这当然意味着你失去了很多静态types的优点。

b)如果返回的types都有一个共同的“要求”,那么你可能会使用generics与constriants 。


d)切换到F#并使用模式匹配和区分的联合。 (对不起,稍微舌头检查!)


 public class TV:IMediaPlayer { void Play(){}; } public class Radio:IMediaPlayer { void Play(){}; } public interface IMediaPlayer { void Play(): } public class Test { public void Main() { IMediaPlayer player = GetMediaPlayer(); player.Play(); } private IMediaPlayer GetMediaPlayer() { if(...) return new TV(); else return new Radio(); } } 

里克的解决scheme是大多数情况下“最好的”方式。 有时候,当你不想使用对象作为基本types的时候。 你可以使用这样的方法:

 public object GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return hello; // or computer or radio } 


 public void TestMethod() { object anything = GetAnything(); var hello = anything as Hello; var computer = anything as Computer; var radio = anything as Radio; if (hello != null) { // GetAnything() returned a hello } else if (computer != null) { // GetAnything() returned a computer } else if (radio != null) { // GetAnything() returned a radio } else { // GetAnything() returned... well anything :D } } 

在你的情况下,你想调用一个方法播放。 所以这似乎更合适:

 interface IPlayable { void Play(); } class Radio : IPlayable { public void Play() { /* Play radio */ } } class Hello : IPlayable { public void Play() { /* Say hello */ } } class Computer : IPlayable { public void Play() { /* beep beep */ } } public IPlayable GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return hello; // or computer or radio } 


 public object GetAnything(object o) { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); if(o == Hello){return hello;} if(o == Computer {return computer;} if(o == Radio) {return radio;} } 


 public class MultipleOpjects { private List<string> _ObjectOne; public List<string> ObjectOne { get { return _ObjectOne; } set { _ObjectOne = value; } } private List<object> _ObjectTwo; public List<object> ObjectTwo { get { return _ObjectTwo; } set { _ObjectTwo = value; } } private object _ObjectThree; public object ObjectThree { get { return _ObjectThree; } set { _ObjectThree = value; } } } public MultipleOpjects GetAnything() { MultipleOpjects Vrble = new MultipleOpjects(); Vrble.ObjectOne = SomeThing1; Vrble.ObjectTwo = SomeThing2; Vrble.ObjectThree = SomeThing3; return Vrble; } 

为所有人定义单一types并不总是可能的。 即使可以的话,实施也很难。 我更喜欢使用参数。 唯一需要注意的是,你需要知道所有的高级返回types:

 public void GetAnything(out Hello h, out Computer c, out Radio r) { /// I suggest to: h = null; c = null; r = null; // first, // Then do whatever you have to do: Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); } 

返回types可以是void或其他types,比如bool int或预定义的enum ,这可以帮助您检查exception或不同情况,无论使用何种方法。


 public dynamic GetAnything() { Hello hello = new Hello(); Computer computer = new Computer(); Radio radio = new Radio(); return /*what boject you needed*/ ;`enter code here` }