C ++性能挑战:整数转换为std :: string

任何人都可以打败我的整数的性能std ::string代码,下面链接?

已经有几个问题解释了如何在C ++中将整数转换为std::string ,比如这个 ,但是没有一个提供的解决scheme是有效的。


  • 使用stringstream的“C ++方法”: http : //ideone.com/jh3Sa
  • sprintf,这是SO-ers通常推荐的性能意识: http : //ideone.com/82kwR

与stream行的观点相反, boost::lexical_cast有它自己的实现( 白皮书 ),不使用stringstream和numeric插入操作符。 我真的很希望看到它的performance比较,因为这个问题表明它是悲惨的 。


  • 本的algorithm: http : //ideone.com/SsEUW

如果你想使用这个代码,我会在一个简单的BSD许可下使用它(允许商业使用,需要归属)。 请问。


  • ltoa版本,对于任何有编译器的人来说(ideone没有): http ://ideone.com/T5Wim



  • 提供将至less32位有符号和无符号整数转换为十进制的代码。
  • 将输出生成为std::string
  • 没有与线程和信号不兼容的技巧(例如,静态缓冲区)。
  • 您可以假设一个ASCII字符集。
  • 确保在绝对值无法表示的二进制补码机上testingINT_MIN上的代码。
  • 理想情况下,输出应该是character-for-character与使用stringstream的规范C ++版本相同的,但是也可以通过http://ideone.com/jh3Sa来理解,因为正确的数字也是可以理解的。
  • :虽然你可以使用任何编译器和优化器的选项(除了完全禁用),你需要进行比较,至less在VC ++ 2010和g ++下,代码也需要编译并给出正确的结果。


除了更好的algorithm之外,我还想在几个不同的平台和编译器上获得一些基准(让我们使用MB / s吞吐量作为我们的标准测量单位)。 我相信我的algorithm的代码(我知道sprintf基准testing使用了一些快捷方式 – 现在已经修复了)是标准定义好的行为,至less在ASCII假设下是这样,但是如果您看到任何未定义的行为或input输出无效,请指出。


不同的algorithm对g ++和VC2010执行,可能是由于每个std::string的不同实现。 VC2010显然在NRVO方面做得更好,摆脱了仅仅依靠gcc的价值回报。

代码被发现超过sprintf一个数量级。 ostringstream落后了50倍甚至更多。

挑战的胜利者是user434507,他的代码运行速度是我自己在gcc上的350%。 由于SO社区的异想天开,更多的参赛作品被closures。


  • 对于gcc:user434507,速度比sprintf快8倍: http ://ideone.com/0uhhX
  • 对于Visual C ++:Timo,比sprintf快了15倍: http : //ideone.com/VpKO3
 #include <string> const char digit_pairs[201] = { "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899" }; std::string& itostr(int n, std::string& s) { if(n==0) { s="0"; return s; } int sign = -(n<0); unsigned int val = (n^sign)-sign; int size; if(val>=10000) { if(val>=10000000) { if(val>=1000000000) size=10; else if(val>=100000000) size=9; else size=8; } else { if(val>=1000000) size=7; else if(val>=100000) size=6; else size=5; } } else { if(val>=100) { if(val>=1000) size=4; else size=3; } else { if(val>=10) size=2; else size=1; } } size -= sign; s.resize(size); char* c = &s[0]; if(sign) *c='-'; c += size-1; while(val>=100) { int pos = val % 100; val /= 100; *(short*)(c-1)=*(short*)(digit_pairs+2*pos); c-=2; } while(val>0) { *c--='0' + (val % 10); val /= 10; } return s; } std::string& itostr(unsigned val, std::string& s) { if(val==0) { s="0"; return s; } int size; if(val>=10000) { if(val>=10000000) { if(val>=1000000000) size=10; else if(val>=100000000) size=9; else size=8; } else { if(val>=1000000) size=7; else if(val>=100000) size=6; else size=5; } } else { if(val>=100) { if(val>=1000) size=4; else size=3; } else { if(val>=10) size=2; else size=1; } } s.resize(size); char* c = &s[size-1]; while(val>=100) { int pos = val % 100; val /= 100; *(short*)(c-1)=*(short*)(digit_pairs+2*pos); c-=2; } while(val>0) { *c--='0' + (val % 10); val /= 10; } return s; } 


一个重要的事情是尽量减less使用std::string 。 (讽刺的,我知道。)例如,在Visual Studio中,即使在编译器选项中指定/ Ob2,大多数对std :: string方法的调用也不会内联。 因此,即使像调用std::string::clear()这样简单的事情,你可能会期望它的速度非常快,但在连接CRT作为一个静态库时,可能需要100个时钟信号,而当连接成为一个静态库时,可能需要多达300个时钟信号DLL。



我有两个algorithm提交(代码是在底部,如果你想跳过)。 在我的比较中,我要求函数返回一个string,它可以处理int和unsigned int。 比较不构成string的东西和那些没有意义的东西。

第一个是一个有趣的实现,不使用任何预先计算的查找表或明确的划分/模数。 这个与gcc和其他所有人都有竞争,除了Timo的msvc之外(我在下面解释了一个很好的理由)。 第二个algorithm是我实际提交的最高性能。 在我的testing中,它击败了所有其他的gcc和msvc。

我想我知道为什么一些MSVC的结果是非常好的。 std :: string有两个相关的构造函数std::string(char* str, size_t n)

std::string(ForwardIterator b, ForwardIterator e)
gcc对它们都做同样的事情,那就是使用第二个来实现第一个。 第一个构造函数可以比MSVC更有效地实现,MSVC也是如此。 这样做的副作用是,在某些情况下(比如我的快速代码和Timo的代码),string构造函数可以被内联。 实际上,在MSVC中只是在这些构造函数之间进行切换几乎是我的代码的两倍差异。



– 福伊特
– Timo
– 麦angular
– user434507
– user-voigt-timo
– 嘻哈乐趣
– 跳蚤快

Ubuntu 10.10 64位Core i5上的gcc 4.4.5 -O2

 hopman_fun:124.688 MB / sec --- 8.020 s
 hopman_fast:137.552 MB / sec --- 7.270秒
 voigt:120.192 MB / sec --- 8.320 s
 user_voigt_timo:97.9432 MB / sec --- 10.210s
 timo:120.482 MB / sec --- 8.300 s
用户:97.7517 MB / sec --- 10.230秒
 ergosys:101.42 MB / sec --- 9.860 s

Windows 7 64位Core i5上的MSVC 2010 64位/ Ox

 hopman_fun:127MB / sec --- 7.874s
 hopman_fast:259 MB / sec --- 3.861 s
 voigt:221.435 MB / sec --- 4.516 s
 user_voigt_timo:195.695 MB / sec --- 5.110秒
 timo:253.165 MB / sec --- 3.950 s
用户:212.63 MB / sec --- 4.703秒
 ergosys:78.0518 MB / sec --- 12.812 s

请注意,ideone是一个32位的环境。 我的两个algorithm都受到这个困扰,但是hopman_fast至less仍然是竞争性的。


 template <typename T> std::string itostr(T t) { std::string ret; itostr(t, ret); return ret; } 


  // hopman_fun template <typename T> T reduce2(T v) { T k = ((v * 410) >> 12) & 0x000F000F000F000Full; return (((v - k * 10) << 8) + k); } template <typename T> T reduce4(T v) { T k = ((v * 10486) >> 20) & 0xFF000000FFull; return reduce2(((v - k * 100) << 16) + (k)); } typedef unsigned long long ull; inline ull reduce8(ull v) { ull k = ((v * 3518437209u) >> 45); return reduce4(((v - k * 10000) << 32) + (k)); } template <typename T> std::string itostr(T o) { union { char str[16]; unsigned short u2[8]; unsigned u4[4]; unsigned long long u8[2]; }; unsigned v = o < 0 ? ~o + 1 : o; u8[0] = (ull(v) * 3518437209u) >> 45; u8[0] = (u8[0] * 28147497672ull); u8[1] = v - u2[3] * 100000000; u8[1] = reduce8(u8[1]); char* f; if (u2[3]) { u2[3] = reduce2(u2[3]); f = str + 6; } else { unsigned short* k = u4[2] ? u2 + 4 : u2 + 6; f = *k ? (char*)k : (char*)(k + 1); } if (!*f) f++; u4[1] |= 0x30303030; u4[2] |= 0x30303030; u4[3] |= 0x30303030; if (o < 0) *--f = '-'; return std::string(f, (str + 16) - f); } 


  // hopman_fast struct itostr_helper { static unsigned out[10000]; itostr_helper() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { unsigned v = i; char * o = (char*)(out + i); o[3] = v % 10 + '0'; o[2] = (v % 100) / 10 + '0'; o[1] = (v % 1000) / 100 + '0'; o[0] = (v % 10000) / 1000; if (o[0]) o[0] |= 0x30; else if (o[1] != '0') o[0] |= 0x20; else if (o[2] != '0') o[0] |= 0x10; else o[0] |= 0x00; } } }; unsigned itostr_helper::out[10000]; itostr_helper hlp_init; template <typename T> std::string itostr(T o) { typedef itostr_helper hlp; unsigned blocks[3], *b = blocks + 2; blocks[0] = o < 0 ? ~o + 1 : o; blocks[2] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000; blocks[2] = hlp::out[blocks[2]]; if (blocks[0]) { blocks[1] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000; blocks[1] = hlp::out[blocks[1]]; blocks[2] |= 0x30303030; b--; } if (blocks[0]) { blocks[0] = hlp::out[blocks[0] % 10000]; blocks[1] |= 0x30303030; b--; } char* f = ((char*)b); f += 3 - (*f >> 4); char* str = (char*)blocks; if (o < 0) *--f = '-'; return std::string(f, (str + 12) - f); } 


关于ideone(gcc 4.3.4):

  • stringstream:4.4 MB / s
  • sprintf:25.0 MB /秒
  • 我(Ben Voigt) :55.8 MB / s
  • Timo :58.5 MB / s
  • user434507 :199 MB / s
  • user434507的Ben-Timo-507混合 :263 MB / s

Core i7,Windows 7 64位,8 GB RAM,Visual C ++ 2010 32位:

cl /Ox /EHsc

  • stringstreams:3.39 MB / s,3.67 MB / s
  • sprintf:16.8 MB /秒,16.2 MB /秒
  • 我的:194 MB / s,207 MB / s(启用PGO:250 MB / s)

Core i7,Windows 7 64位,8 GB RAM,Visual C ++ 2010 64位:

cl /Ox /EHsc

  • stringstreams:4.42 MB / s,4.92 MB / s
  • sprintf:21.0 MB /秒,20.8 MB /秒
  • 我的:238 MB / s,228 MB / s

Core i7,Windows 7 64位,8 GB RAM,cygwin gcc 4.3.4:

g++ -O3

  • stringstreams:2.19 MB / s,2.17 MB / s
  • sprintf:13.1 MB / s,13.4 MB / s
  • 我的:30.0 MB / s,30.2 MB / s

编辑 :我要加我自己的答案,但问题是closures,所以我在这里添加它。 :)我写了我自己的algorithm,并设法得到了Ben的代码的一个体面的改进,虽然我只在MSVC 2010testing它。我也做了迄今为止提出的所有实现的基准,使用相同的testing设置,在本的原始码。 – Timo

Intel Q9450,Win XP 32bit,MSVC 2010

cl /O2 /EHsc

  • stringstream:2.87 MB / s
  • sprintf:16.1 MB /秒
  • 本:202 MB /秒
  • 本(无符号缓冲区):82.0 MB /秒
  • ergosys(更新版本):64.2 MB / s
  • user434507:172 MB / s
  • Timo:241 MB / s

 const char digit_pairs[201] = { "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899" }; static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 11; std::string itostr(int val) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char *it = &buf[BUFFER_SIZE-2]; if(val>=0) { int div = val/100; while(div) { memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[2*(val-div*100)],2); val = div; it-=2; div = val/100; } memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[2*val],2); if(val<10) it++; } else { int div = val/100; while(div) { memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[-2*(val-div*100)],2); val = div; it-=2; div = val/100; } memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[-2*val],2); if(val<=-10) it--; *it = '-'; } return std::string(it,&buf[BUFFER_SIZE]-it); } std::string itostr(unsigned int val) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; char *it = (char*)&buf[BUFFER_SIZE-2]; int div = val/100; while(div) { memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[2*(val-div*100)],2); val = div; it-=2; div = val/100; } memcpy(it,&digit_pairs[2*val],2); if(val<10) it++; return std::string((char*)it,(char*)&buf[BUFFER_SIZE]-(char*)it); } 


这个问题要求采取int – > std::string转换的性能,当比较一个常用的方法(比如不同的stringstream实现或boost :: lexical_cast)时,这可能是有趣的。 然而,当要求新的代码 (一种专门的algorithm)来做这件事情时,这并不合理。 原因是int2string将始终涉及std :: string的堆分配,如果我们试图从转换algorithm中挤出最后一个,我认为将这些测量与由std完成的堆分配混合起来是没有意义的: :串。 如果我想要高性能的转换,我总是会使用一个固定大小的缓冲区,当然不会在堆上分配任何东西!


  • 首先,最快的(int – > fixed buffer)转换。
  • 其次,计时(固定缓冲区 – > std :: string)复制。
  • 第三,检查如何直接将std :: string分配用作缓冲区来保存复制。


我不能在VS下testing,但是这似乎比你的g ++代码快10%左右。 它可能可以调整,select的决策值是猜测。 只有int,对不起。

 typedef unsigned buf_t; static buf_t * reduce(unsigned val, buf_t * stp) { unsigned above = val / 10000; if (above != 0) { stp = reduce(above, stp); val -= above * 10000; } buf_t digit = val / 1000; *stp++ = digit + '0'; val -= digit * 1000; digit = val / 100; *stp++ = digit + '0'; val -= digit * 100; digit = val / 10; *stp++ = digit + '0'; val -= digit * 10; *stp++ = val + '0'; return stp; } std::string itostr(int input) { buf_t buf[16]; if(input == INT_MIN) { char buf2[16]; std::sprintf(buf2, "%d", input); return std::string(buf2); } // handle negative unsigned val = input; if(input < 0) val = -input; buf[0] = '0'; buf_t* endp = reduce(val, buf+1); *endp = 127; buf_t * stp = buf+1; while (*stp == '0') stp++; if (stp == endp) stp--; if (input < 0) { stp--; *stp = '-'; } return std::string(stp, endp); } 

更新了我的答案… modp_ufast …

 Integer To String Test (Type 1) [modp_ufast]Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 1.1633sec Rate:206308473.0686nums/sec [sprintf] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 24.3629sec Rate: 9851045.8556nums/sec [karma] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 5.2389sec Rate: 45810870.7171nums/sec [strtk] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 3.3126sec Rate: 72450283.7492nums/sec [so ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 3.0828sec Rate: 77852152.8820nums/sec [timo ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 4.7349sec Rate: 50687912.9889nums/sec [voigt] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 5.1689sec Rate: 46431985.1142nums/sec [hopman] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 657777786 Time: 4.6169sec Rate: 51982554.6497nums/sec Press any key to continue . . . Integer To String Test(Type 2) [modp_ufast]Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 0.5072sec Rate:473162716.4618nums/sec [sprintf] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 22.3483sec Rate: 10739062.9383nums/sec [karma] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 4.2471sec Rate: 56509024.3035nums/sec [strtk] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 2.1683sec Rate:110683636.7123nums/sec [so ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 2.7133sec Rate: 88454602.1423nums/sec [timo ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 2.8030sec Rate: 85623453.3872nums/sec [voigt] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 3.4019sec Rate: 70549286.7776nums/sec [hopman] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 660000000 Time: 2.7849sec Rate: 86178023.8743nums/sec Press any key to continue . . . Integer To String Test (type 3) [modp_ufast]Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 1.6482sec Rate:145610315.7819nums/sec [sprintf] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 20.7064sec Rate: 11590618.6109nums/sec [karma] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 4.3036sec Rate: 55767734.3570nums/sec [strtk] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 2.9297sec Rate: 81919227.9275nums/sec [so ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 3.0278sec Rate: 79266003.8158nums/sec [timo ] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 4.0631sec Rate: 59068204.3266nums/sec [voigt] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 4.5616sec Rate: 52613393.0285nums/sec [hopman] Numbers: 240000000 Total: 505625000 Time: 4.1248sec Rate: 58184194.4569nums/sec Press any key to continue . . . int ufast_utoa10(unsigned int value, char* str) { #define JOIN(N) N "0", N "1", N "2", N "3", N "4", N "5", N "6", N "7", N "8", N "9" #define JOIN2(N) JOIN(N "0"), JOIN(N "1"), JOIN(N "2"), JOIN(N "3"), JOIN(N "4"), \ JOIN(N "5"), JOIN(N "6"), JOIN(N "7"), JOIN(N "8"), JOIN(N "9") #define JOIN3(N) JOIN2(N "0"), JOIN2(N "1"), JOIN2(N "2"), JOIN2(N "3"), JOIN2(N "4"), \ JOIN2(N "5"), JOIN2(N "6"), JOIN2(N "7"), JOIN2(N "8"), JOIN2(N "9") #define JOIN4 JOIN3("0"), JOIN3("1"), JOIN3("2"), JOIN3("3"), JOIN3("4"), \ JOIN3("5"), JOIN3("6"), JOIN3("7"), JOIN3("8"), JOIN3("9") #define JOIN5(N) JOIN(N), JOIN(N "1"), JOIN(N "2"), JOIN(N "3"), JOIN(N "4"), \ JOIN(N "5"), JOIN(N "6"), JOIN(N "7"), JOIN(N "8"), JOIN(N "9") #define JOIN6 JOIN5(), JOIN5("1"), JOIN5("2"), JOIN5("3"), JOIN5("4"), \ JOIN5("5"), JOIN5("6"), JOIN5("7"), JOIN5("8"), JOIN5("9") #define F(N) ((N) >= 100 ? 3 : (N) >= 10 ? 2 : 1) #define F10(N) F(N),F(N+1),F(N+2),F(N+3),F(N+4),F(N+5),F(N+6),F(N+7),F(N+8),F(N+9) #define F100(N) F10(N),F10(N+10),F10(N+20),F10(N+30),F10(N+40),\ F10(N+50),F10(N+60),F10(N+70),F10(N+80),F10(N+90) static const short offsets[] = { F100(0), F100(100), F100(200), F100(300), F100(400), F100(500), F100(600), F100(700), F100(800), F100(900)}; static const char table1[][4] = { JOIN("") }; static const char table2[][4] = { JOIN2("") }; static const char table3[][4] = { JOIN3("") }; static const char table4[][5] = { JOIN4 }; static const char table5[][4] = { JOIN6 }; #undef JOIN #undef JOIN2 #undef JOIN3 #undef JOIN4 char *wstr; int remains[2]; unsigned int v2; if (value >= 100000000) { v2 = value / 10000; remains[0] = value - v2 * 10000; value = v2; v2 = value / 10000; remains[1] = value - v2 * 10000; value = v2; wstr = str; if (value >= 1000) { *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[value]; wstr += 4; } else { *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table5[value]; wstr += offsets[value]; } *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[remains[1]]; wstr += 4; *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[remains[0]]; wstr += 4; *wstr = 0; return (wstr - str); } else if (value >= 10000) { v2 = value / 10000; remains[0] = value - v2 * 10000; value = v2; wstr = str; if (value >= 1000) { *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[value]; wstr += 4; *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[remains[0]]; wstr += 4; *wstr = 0; return 8; } else { *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table5[value]; wstr += offsets[value]; *(__int32 *) wstr = *(__int32 *) table4[remains[0]]; wstr += 4; *wstr = 0; return (wstr - str); } } else { if (value >= 1000) { *(__int32 *) str = *(__int32 *) table4[value]; str += 4; *str = 0; return 4; } else if (value >= 100) { *(__int32 *) str = *(__int32 *) table3[value]; return 3; } else if (value >= 10) { *(__int16 *) str = *(__int16 *) table2[value]; str += 2; *str = 0; return 2; } else { *(__int16 *) str = *(__int16 *) table1[value]; return 1; } } } int ufast_itoa10(int value, char* str) { if (value < 0) { *(str++) = '-'; return ufast_utoa10(-value, str) + 1; } else return ufast_utoa10(value, str); } void ufast_test() { print_mode("[modp_ufast]"); std::string s; s.reserve(32); std::size_t total_length = 0; strtk::util::timer t; t.start(); char buf[128]; int len; for (int i = (-max_i2s / 2); i < (max_i2s / 2); ++i) { #ifdef enable_test_type01 s.resize(ufast_itoa10(((i & 1) ? i : -i), const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()))); total_length += s.size(); #endif #ifdef enable_test_type02 s.resize(ufast_itoa10(max_i2s + i, const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()))); total_length += s.size(); #endif #ifdef enable_test_type03 s.resize(ufast_itoa10(randval[(max_i2s + i) & 1023], const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()))); total_length += s.size(); #endif } t.stop(); printf("Numbers:%10lu\tTotal:%12lu\tTime:%8.4fsec\tRate:%14.4fnums/sec\n", static_cast<unsigned long>(3 * max_i2s), static_cast<unsigned long>(total_length), t.time(), (3.0 * max_i2s) / t.time()); } 


我不希望使用查找表,而是希望编译器将其全部弄清楚。 特别是在这种情况下 – 如果你阅读黑客的喜悦,你会看到如何划分和模工作 – 这使得使用SSE / AVX指令进行优化成为可能。


至于速度方面,我的基准testing告诉我它比Timo的工作速度快了1.5倍(在我的Intel Haswell上运行速度大约为1 GB / s)。


至于我所使用的不作为一个string的作弊 – 我当然也考虑到了我对Timo方法的基准。

我使用一个内在的:BSR。 如果你喜欢的话,你也可以使用DeBruijn表格 – 这是我在“最快的2log”文章中写的很多东西之一。 当然,这确实有一个性能损失(*好…如果你做了很多itoa操作,你实际上可以做一个更快的BSR,但我认为这不公平…)。


首先要弄清楚我们需要多less内存。 这基本上是一个10log,可以用一些聪明的方式来实现。 详情请参阅经常引用的“ Bit Twiddling Hacks ”。

接下来要做的是执行数字输出。 我为此使用了模板recursion,所以编译器会把它弄清楚。

我使用“模数”和“格”彼此相邻。 如果你阅读黑客的喜悦,你会注意到这两者是密切相关的,所以如果你有一个答案,你可能有另一个。 我想编译器可以弄清楚细节… 🙂



 struct logarithm { static inline int log2(unsigned int value) { unsigned long index; if (!_BitScanReverse(&index, value)) { return 0; } // add 1 if x is NOT a power of 2 (to do the ceil) return index + (value&(value - 1) ? 1 : 0); } static inline int numberDigits(unsigned int v) { static unsigned int const PowersOf10[] = { 0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 }; int t = (logarithm::log2(v) + 1) * 1233 >> 12; // (use a lg2 method from above) return 1 + t - (v < PowersOf10[t]); } }; 


 template <int count> struct WriteHelper { inline static void WriteChar(char* buf, unsigned int value) { unsigned int div = value / 10; unsigned int rem = value % 10; buf[count - 1] = rem + '0'; WriteHelper<count - 1>::WriteChar(buf, div); } }; template <> struct WriteHelper<1> { inline static void WriteChar(char* buf, unsigned int value) { buf[0] = '0' + value; } }; // Boring code that converts a length into a switch. // TODO: Test if recursion with an 'if' is faster. static inline void WriteNumber(char* data, int len, unsigned int val) { switch (len) { case 1: WriteHelper<1>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 2: WriteHelper<2>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 3: WriteHelper<3>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 4: WriteHelper<4>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 5: WriteHelper<5>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 6: WriteHelper<6>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 7: WriteHelper<7>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 8: WriteHelper<8>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 9: WriteHelper<9>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; case 10: WriteHelper<10>::WriteChar(data, static_cast<unsigned int>(val)); break; } } // The main method you want to call... static int Write(char* data, int val) { int len; if (val >= 0) { len = logarithm::numberDigits(val); WriteNumber(data, len, unsigned int(val)); return len; } else { unsigned int v(-val); len = logarithm::numberDigits(v); WriteNumber(data+1, len, v); data[0] = '-'; return len + 1; } } 

修改user434507的解决scheme。 修改为使用字符数组而不是C ++string。 运行速度更快 也移动了代码中较低的0的检查…因为这从来没有发生在我的具体情况。 把它移回来,如果它更常见的情况下。

 // Int2Str.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include "StopWatch.h" using namespace std; const char digit_pairs[201] = { "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899" }; void itostr(int n, char* c) { int sign = -(n<0); unsigned int val = (n^sign)-sign; int size; if(val>=10000) { if(val>=10000000) { if(val>=1000000000) { size=10; } else if(val>=100000000) { size=9; } else size=8; } else { if(val>=1000000) { size=7; } else if(val>=100000) { size=6; } else size=5; } } else { if(val>=100) { if(val>=1000) { size=4; } else size=3; } else { if(val>=10) { size=2; } else if(n==0) { c[0]='0'; c[1] = '\0'; return; } else size=1; } } size -= sign; if(sign) *c='-'; c += size-1; while(val>=100) { int pos = val % 100; val /= 100; *(short*)(c-1)=*(short*)(digit_pairs+2*pos); c-=2; } while(val>0) { *c--='0' + (val % 10); val /= 10; } c[size+1] = '\0'; } void itostr(unsigned val, char* c) { int size; if(val>=10000) { if(val>=10000000) { if(val>=1000000000) size=10; else if(val>=100000000) size=9; else size=8; } else { if(val>=1000000) size=7; else if(val>=100000) size=6; else size=5; } } else { if(val>=100) { if(val>=1000) size=4; else size=3; } else { if(val>=10) size=2; else if (val==0) { c[0]='0'; c[1] = '\0'; return; } else size=1; } } c += size-1; while(val>=100) { int pos = val % 100; val /= 100; *(short*)(c-1)=*(short*)(digit_pairs+2*pos); c-=2; } while(val>0) { *c--='0' + (val % 10); val /= 10; } c[size+1] = '\0'; } void test() { bool foundmismatch = false; char str[16]; char compare[16]; for(int i = -1000000; i < 1000000; i++) { int random = rand(); itostr(random, str); itoa(random, compare, 10); if(strcmp(str, compare) != 0) { cout << "Mismatch found: " << endl; cout << "Generated: " << str << endl; cout << "Reference: " << compare << endl; foundmismatch = true; } } if(!foundmismatch) { cout << "No mismatch found!" << endl; } cin.get(); } void benchmark() { StopWatch stopwatch; stopwatch.setup("Timer"); stopwatch.reset(); stopwatch.start(); char str[16]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2000000; i++) { itostr(i, str); } stopwatch.stop(); cin.get(); } int main( int argc, const char* argv[]) { benchmark(); } 

We use the following code (for MSVC):

Templated tBitScanReverse:

 #include <intrin.h> namespace intrin { #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse) #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64) template<typename TIntegerValue> __forceinline auto tBitScanReverse(DWORD * out_index, TIntegerValue mask) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_integral<TIntegerValue>::value && sizeof(TIntegerValue) == 4), unsigned char> { return _BitScanReverse(out_index, mask); } template<typename TIntegerValue> __forceinline auto tBitScanReverse(DWORD * out_index, TIntegerValue mask) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_integral<TIntegerValue>::value && sizeof(TIntegerValue) == 8), unsigned char> { #if !(_M_IA64 || _M_AMD64) auto res = _BitScanReverse(out_index, (unsigned long)(mask >> 32)); if (res) { out_index += 32; return res; } return _BitScanReverse(out_index, (unsigned long)mask); #else return _BitScanReverse64(out_index, mask); #endif } } 

char/wchar_t helpers:

 template<typename TChar> inline constexpr TChar ascii_0(); template<> inline constexpr char ascii_0() { return '0'; } template<> inline constexpr wchar_t ascii_0() { return L'0'; } template<typename TChar, typename TInt> inline constexpr TChar ascii_DEC(TInt d) { return (TChar)(ascii_0<TChar>() + d); } 

Powers of 10 tables:

 static uint32 uint32_powers10[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 // 123456789 }; static uint64 uint64_powers10[] = { 1ULL, 10ULL, 100ULL, 1000ULL, 10000ULL, 100000ULL, 1000000ULL, 10000000ULL, 100000000ULL, 1000000000ULL, 10000000000ULL, 100000000000ULL, 1000000000000ULL, 10000000000000ULL, 100000000000000ULL, 1000000000000000ULL, 10000000000000000ULL, 100000000000000000ULL, 1000000000000000000ULL, 10000000000000000000ULL // 1234567890123456789 }; template<typename TUint> inline constexpr const TUint * powers10(); template<> inline constexpr const uint32 * powers10() { return uint32_powers10; } template<> inline constexpr const uint64 * powers10() { return uint64_powers10; } 

Actual print:

 template<typename TChar, typename TUInt> __forceinline auto print_dec( TUInt u, TChar * & buffer) -> typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<TUInt>::value> { if (u < 10) { // 1-digit, including 0 *buffer++ = ascii_DEC<TChar>(u); } else { DWORD log2u; intrin::tBitScanReverse(&log2u, u); // log2u [3,31] (u >= 10) DWORD log10u = ((log2u + 1) * 77) >> 8; // log10u [1,9] 77/256 = ln(2) / ln(10) DWORD digits = log10u + (u >= powers10<TUInt>()[log10u]); // digits [2,10] buffer += digits; auto p = buffer; for (--digits; digits; --digits) { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(u); } } 

Last loop can be unrolled:

 switch (digits) { case 10: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 9: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 8: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 7: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 6: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 5: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 4: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 3: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; } case 2: { auto x = u / 10, d = u - x * 10; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(d); u = x; *--p = ascii_DEC<TChar>(u); break; } default: __assume(0); } 

The main idea is the same as @atlaste suggested before: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29039967/2204001

I've had this sitting around for awhile and finally got around to posting it.

A few more methods compared to the double-word at a time hopman_fast . The results are for the GCC's short-string-optimized std::string as otherwise performance differences get obscured by the overhead of the copy-on-write string management code. Throughput is measured the same way as elsewhere in this topic, cycle counts are for the raw serialization parts of the code prior to copying the output buffer into a string.

 HOPMAN_FAST - performance reference TM_CPP, TM_VEC - scalar and vector versions of Terje Mathisen algorithm WM_VEC - intrinsics implementation of Wojciech Mula's vector algorithm AK_BW - word-at-a-time routine with a jump table that fills a buffer in reverse AK_FW - forward-stepping word-at-a-time routine with a jump table in assembly AK_UNROLLED - generic word-at-a-time routine that uses an unrolled loop 


Raw cost

Compile-time switches:

-DVSTRING – enables SSO strings for older GCC setups
-DBSR1 – enables fast log10
-DRDTSC – enables cycle counters

 #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <climits> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <ctime> #include <stdint.h> #include <x86intrin.h> /* Uncomment to run */ // #define HOPMAN_FAST // #define TM_CPP // #define TM_VEC // #define WM_VEC // #define AK_UNROLLED // #define AK_BW // #define AK_FW using namespace std; #ifdef VSTRING #include <ext/vstring.h> typedef __gnu_cxx::__vstring string_type; #else typedef string string_type; #endif namespace detail { #ifdef __GNUC__ #define ALIGN(N) __attribute__ ((aligned(N))) #define PACK __attribute__ ((packed)) inline size_t num_digits(unsigned u) { struct { uint32_t count; uint32_t max; } static digits[32] ALIGN(64) = { { 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 }, { 1, 9 }, { 2, 99 }, { 2, 99 }, { 2, 99 }, { 3, 999 }, { 3, 999 }, { 3, 999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 4, 9999 }, { 5, 99999 }, { 5, 99999 }, { 5, 99999 }, { 6, 999999 }, { 6, 999999 }, { 6, 999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 7, 9999999 }, { 8, 99999999 }, { 8, 99999999 }, { 8, 99999999 }, { 9, 999999999 }, { 9, 999999999 }, { 9, 999999999 }, { 10, UINT_MAX }, { 10, UINT_MAX } }; #if (defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64__)) && (defined(BSR1) || defined(BSR2)) size_t l = u; #if defined(BSR1) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "bsrl %k0, %k0 \n\t" "shlq $32, %q1 \n\t" "movq %c2(,%0,8), %0\n\t" "cmpq %0, %q1 \n\t" "seta %b1 \n\t" "addl %1, %k0 \n\t" : "+r" (l), "+r"(u) : "i"(digits) : "cc" ); return l; #else __asm__ __volatile__ ( "bsr %0, %0;" : "+r" (l) ); return digits[l].count + ( u > digits[l].max ); #endif #else size_t l = (u != 0) ? 31 - __builtin_clz(u) : 0; return digits[l].count + ( u > digits[l].max ); #endif } #else inline unsigned msb_u32(unsigned x) { static const unsigned bval[] = { 0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 }; unsigned base = 0; if (x & (unsigned) 0xFFFF0000) { base += 32/2; x >>= 32/2; } if (x & (unsigned) 0x0000FF00) { base += 32/4; x >>= 32/4; } if (x & (unsigned) 0x000000F0) { base += 32/8; x >>= 32/8; } return base + bval[x]; } inline size_t num_digits(unsigned x) { static const unsigned powertable[] = { 0,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000, 1000000000 }; size_t lg_ten = msb_u32(x) * 1233 >> 12; size_t adjust = (x >= powertable[lg_ten]); return lg_ten + adjust; } #endif /* __GNUC__ */ struct CharBuffer { class reverse_iterator : public iterator<random_access_iterator_tag, char> { char* m_p; public: reverse_iterator(char* p) : m_p(p - 1) {} reverse_iterator operator++() { return --m_p; } reverse_iterator operator++(int) { return m_p--; } char operator*() const { return *m_p; } bool operator==( reverse_iterator it) const { return m_p == it.m_p; } bool operator!=( reverse_iterator it) const { return m_p != it.m_p; } difference_type operator-( reverse_iterator it) const { return it.m_p - m_p; } }; }; union PairTable { char c[2]; unsigned short u; } PACK table[100] ALIGN(1024) = { {{'0','0'}},{{'0','1'}},{{'0','2'}},{{'0','3'}},{{'0','4'}},{{'0','5'}},{{'0','6'}},{{'0','7'}},{{'0','8'}},{{'0','9'}}, {{'1','0'}},{{'1','1'}},{{'1','2'}},{{'1','3'}},{{'1','4'}},{{'1','5'}},{{'1','6'}},{{'1','7'}},{{'1','8'}},{{'1','9'}}, {{'2','0'}},{{'2','1'}},{{'2','2'}},{{'2','3'}},{{'2','4'}},{{'2','5'}},{{'2','6'}},{{'2','7'}},{{'2','8'}},{{'2','9'}}, {{'3','0'}},{{'3','1'}},{{'3','2'}},{{'3','3'}},{{'3','4'}},{{'3','5'}},{{'3','6'}},{{'3','7'}},{{'3','8'}},{{'3','9'}}, {{'4','0'}},{{'4','1'}},{{'4','2'}},{{'4','3'}},{{'4','4'}},{{'4','5'}},{{'4','6'}},{{'4','7'}},{{'4','8'}},{{'4','9'}}, {{'5','0'}},{{'5','1'}},{{'5','2'}},{{'5','3'}},{{'5','4'}},{{'5','5'}},{{'5','6'}},{{'5','7'}},{{'5','8'}},{{'5','9'}}, {{'6','0'}},{{'6','1'}},{{'6','2'}},{{'6','3'}},{{'6','4'}},{{'6','5'}},{{'6','6'}},{{'6','7'}},{{'6','8'}},{{'6','9'}}, {{'7','0'}},{{'7','1'}},{{'7','2'}},{{'7','3'}},{{'7','4'}},{{'7','5'}},{{'7','6'}},{{'7','7'}},{{'7','8'}},{{'7','9'}}, {{'8','0'}},{{'8','1'}},{{'8','2'}},{{'8','3'}},{{'8','4'}},{{'8','5'}},{{'8','6'}},{{'8','7'}},{{'8','8'}},{{'8','9'}}, {{'9','0'}},{{'9','1'}},{{'9','2'}},{{'9','3'}},{{'9','4'}},{{'9','5'}},{{'9','6'}},{{'9','7'}},{{'9','8'}},{{'9','9'}} }; } // namespace detail struct progress_timer { clock_t c; progress_timer() : c(clock()) {} int elapsed() { return clock() - c; } ~progress_timer() { clock_t d = clock() - c; cout << d / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "." << (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 1000 / 100) << (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 100 / 10) << (((d * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) % 10) << " s" << endl; } }; #ifdef HOPMAN_FAST namespace hopman_fast { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; struct itostr_helper { static ALIGN(1024) unsigned out[10000]; itostr_helper() { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { unsigned v = i; char * o = (char*)(out + i); o[3] = v % 10 + '0'; o[2] = (v % 100) / 10 + '0'; o[1] = (v % 1000) / 100 + '0'; o[0] = (v % 10000) / 1000; if (o[0]) o[0] |= 0x30; else if (o[1] != '0') o[0] |= 0x20; else if (o[2] != '0') o[0] |= 0x10; else o[0] |= 0x00; } } }; unsigned itostr_helper::out[10000]; itostr_helper hlp_init; template <typename T> string_type itostr(T o) { typedef itostr_helper hlp; #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif unsigned blocks[3], *b = blocks + 2; blocks[0] = o < 0 ? ~o + 1 : o; blocks[2] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000; blocks[2] = hlp::out[blocks[2]]; if (blocks[0]) { blocks[1] = blocks[0] % 10000; blocks[0] /= 10000; blocks[1] = hlp::out[blocks[1]]; blocks[2] |= 0x30303030; b--; } if (blocks[0]) { blocks[0] = hlp::out[blocks[0] % 10000]; blocks[1] |= 0x30303030; b--; } char* f = ((char*)b); f += 3 - (*f >> 4); char* str = (char*)blocks; if (o < 0) *--f = '-'; str += 12; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(f, str); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif namespace ak { #ifdef AK_UNROLLED namespace unrolled { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static const size_t MaxValueSize = 16; static inline char* generate(int value, char* buffer) { union { char* pc; unsigned short* pu; } b = { buffer + MaxValueSize }; unsigned u, v = value < 0 ? unsigned(~value) + 1 : value; *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; } } } } *(b.pc -= (u >= 10)) = '-'; return b.pc + (value >= 0); } static inline char* generate(unsigned value, char* buffer) { union { char* pc; unsigned short* pu; } b = { buffer + MaxValueSize }; unsigned u, v = value; *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; if ((v /= 100)) { *--b.pu = detail::table[v % 100].u; u = v; } } } } return b.pc + (u < 10); } public: static inline string_type convert(value_type v) { char buf[MaxValueSize]; #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif char* p = generate(v, buf); char* e = buf + MaxValueSize; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(p, e); } }; string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i); } string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif #if defined(AK_BW) namespace bw { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; typedef uint64_t u_type; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static inline void generate(unsigned v, size_t len, char* buffer) { u_type u = v; switch(len) { default: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 8) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u; case 8: v = (u * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 6) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u; case 6: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 4) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u; case 4: v = (u * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 2) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u; case 2: *(uint16_t*)buffer = detail::table[v].u; case 0: return; case 9: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 7) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u; case 7: v = (u * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 5) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u; case 5: u = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 3) = detail::table[v -= 100 * u].u; case 3: v = (u * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + 1) = detail::table[u -= 100 * v].u; case 1: *buffer = v + 0x30; } } public: static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) { char buf[16]; #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif size_t len = detail::num_digits(val); buf[0] = '-'; char* e = buf + neg; generate(val, len, e); e += len; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(buf, e); } }; string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); } string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif #if defined(AK_FW) namespace fw { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; typedef uint32_t u_type; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static inline void generate(unsigned v, size_t len, char* buffer) { #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) uint16_t w; uint32_t u; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "jmp %*T%=(,%3,8) \n\t" "T%=: .quad L0%= \n\t" " .quad L1%= \n\t" " .quad L2%= \n\t" " .quad L3%= \n\t" " .quad L4%= \n\t" " .quad L5%= \n\t" " .quad L6%= \n\t" " .quad L7%= \n\t" " .quad L8%= \n\t" " .quad L9%= \n\t" " .quad L10%= \n\t" "L10%=: \n\t" " imulq $1441151881, %q0, %q1\n\t" " shrq $57, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $100000000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, (%4) \n\t" "L8%=: \n\t" " imulq $1125899907, %q0, %q1\n\t" " shrq $50, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $1000000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -8(%4,%3) \n\t" "L6%=: \n\t" " imulq $429497, %q0, %q1 \n\t" " shrq $32, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $10000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -6(%4,%3) \n\t" "L4%=: \n\t" " imull $167773, %0, %1 \n\t" " shrl $24, %1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $100, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -4(%4,%3) \n\t" "L2%=: \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q0,2), %w2 \n\t" " movw %w2, -2(%4,%3) \n\t" "L0%=: jmp 1f \n\t" "L9%=: \n\t" " imulq $1801439851, %q0, %q1\n\t" " shrq $54, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $10000000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, (%4) \n\t" "L7%=: \n\t" " imulq $43980466, %q0, %q1 \n\t" " shrq $42, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $100000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -7(%4,%3) \n\t" "L5%=: \n\t" " imulq $268436, %q0, %q1 \n\t" " shrq $28, %q1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1,2), %w2 \n\t" " imull $1000, %1, %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -5(%4,%3) \n\t" "L3%=: \n\t" " imull $6554, %0, %1 \n\t" " shrl $15, %1 \n\t" " andb $254, %b1 \n\t" " movw %c5(,%q1), %w2 \n\t" " leal (%1,%1,4), %1 \n\t" " subl %1, %0 \n\t" " movw %w2, -3(%4,%3) \n\t" "L1%=: \n\t" " addl $48, %0 \n\t" " movb %b0, -1(%4,%3) \n\t" "1: \n\t" : "+r"(v), "=&q"(u), "=&r"(w) : "r"(len), "r"(buffer), "i"(detail::table) : "memory", "cc" ); #else u_type u; switch(len) { default: u = (v * 1441151881ULL) >> 57; *(uint16_t*)(buffer) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100000000; case 8: u = (v * 1125899907ULL) >> 50; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 8) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 1000000; case 6: u = (v * 429497ULL) >> 32; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 6) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10000; case 4: u = (v * 167773) >> 24; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 4) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100; case 2: *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 2) = detail::table[v].u; case 0: return; case 9: u = (v * 1801439851ULL) >> 54; *(uint16_t*)(buffer) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10000000; case 7: u = (v * 43980466ULL) >> 42; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 7) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 100000; case 5: u = (v * 268436ULL) >> 28; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 5) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 1000; case 3: u = (v * 6554) >> 16; *(uint16_t*)(buffer + len - 3) = detail::table[u].u; v -= u * 10; case 1: *(buffer + len - 1) = v + 0x30; } #endif } public: static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) { char buf[16]; #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif size_t len = detail::num_digits(val); if (neg) buf[0] = '-'; char* e = buf + len + neg; generate(val, len, buf + neg); #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(buf, e); } }; string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); } string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif } // ak namespace wm { #ifdef WM_VEC #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) namespace vec { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static inline unsigned generate(unsigned v, char* buf) { static struct { unsigned short mul_10[8]; unsigned short div_const[8]; unsigned short shl_const[8]; unsigned char to_ascii[16]; } ALIGN(64) bits = { { // mul_10 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 }, { // div_const 8389, 5243, 13108, 0x8000, 8389, 5243, 13108, 0x8000 }, { // shl_const 1 << (16 - (23 + 2 - 16)), 1 << (16 - (19 + 2 - 16)), 1 << (16 - 1 - 2), 1 << (15), 1 << (16 - (23 + 2 - 16)), 1 << (16 - (19 + 2 - 16)), 1 << (16 - 1 - 2), 1 << (15) }, { // to_ascii '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' } }; unsigned x, y, l; x = (v * 1374389535ULL) >> 37; y = v; l = 0; if (x) { unsigned div = 0xd1b71759; unsigned mul = 55536; __m128i z, m, a, o; y -= 100 * x; z = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(x); m = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.mul_10); o = _mm_mul_epu32( z, _mm_cvtsi32_si128(div)); z = _mm_add_epi32( z, _mm_mul_epu32( _mm_cvtsi32_si128(mul), _mm_srli_epi64( o, 45) ) ); z = _mm_slli_epi64( _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_unpacklo_epi16(z, z), 5 ), 2 ); a = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.to_ascii); z = _mm_mulhi_epu16( _mm_mulhi_epu16( z, *(__m128i*)bits.div_const ), *(__m128i*)bits.shl_const ); z = _mm_sub_epi16( z, _mm_slli_epi64( _mm_mullo_epi16( m, z ), 16 ) ); z = _mm_add_epi8( _mm_packus_epi16( z, _mm_xor_si128(o, o) ), a ); x = __builtin_ctz( ~_mm_movemask_epi8( _mm_cmpeq_epi8( a, z ) ) ); l = 8 - x; uint64_t q = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(z) >> (x * 8); *(uint64_t*)buf = q; buf += l; x = 1; } v = (y * 6554) >> 16; l += 1 + (x | (v != 0)); *(unsigned short*)buf = 0x30 + ((l > 1) ? ((0x30 + y - v * 10) << 8) + v : y); return l; } public: static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) { char buf[16]; #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif buf[0] = '-'; unsigned len = generate(val, buf + neg); char* e = buf + len + neg; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(buf, e); } }; inline string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); } inline string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif #endif } // wm namespace tmn { #ifdef TM_CPP namespace cpp { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static inline void generate(unsigned v, char* buffer) { unsigned const f1_10000 = (1 << 28) / 10000; unsigned tmplo, tmphi; unsigned lo = v % 100000; unsigned hi = v / 100000; tmplo = lo * (f1_10000 + 1) - (lo >> 2); tmphi = hi * (f1_10000 + 1) - (hi >> 2); unsigned mask = 0x0fffffff; unsigned shift = 28; for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { buffer[i + 0] = '0' + (char)(tmphi >> shift); buffer[i + 5] = '0' + (char)(tmplo >> shift); tmphi = (tmphi & mask) * 5; tmplo = (tmplo & mask) * 5; mask >>= 1; shift--; } } public: static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) { #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif char buf[16]; size_t len = detail::num_digits(val); char* e = buf + 11; generate(val, buf + 1); buf[10 - len] = '-'; len += neg; char* b = e - len; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(b, e); } }; string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); } string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif #ifdef TM_VEC namespace vec { static unsigned long cpu_cycles = 0; template <typename value_type> class Proxy { static inline unsigned generate(unsigned val, char* buffer) { static struct { unsigned char mul_10[16]; unsigned char to_ascii[16]; unsigned char gather[16]; unsigned char shift[16]; } ALIGN(64) bits = { { 10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,10,0,0,0 }, { '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0' }, { 3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,15,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 } }; unsigned u = val / 1000000; unsigned l = val - u * 1000000; __m128i x, h, f, m, n; n = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.mul_10); x = _mm_set_epi64x( l, u ); h = _mm_mul_epu32( x, _mm_set1_epi32(4294968) ); x = _mm_sub_epi64( x, _mm_srli_epi64( _mm_mullo_epi32( h, _mm_set1_epi32(1000) ), 32 ) ); f = _mm_set1_epi32((1 << 28) / 1000 + 1); m = _mm_srli_epi32( _mm_cmpeq_epi32(m, m), 4 ); x = _mm_shuffle_epi32( _mm_blend_epi16( x, h, 204 ), 177 ); f = _mm_sub_epi32( _mm_mullo_epi32(f, x), _mm_srli_epi32(x, 2) ); h = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)bits.to_ascii); x = _mm_srli_epi32(f, 28); f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n ); x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 8) ); f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n ); x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 16) ); f = _mm_mullo_epi32( _mm_and_si128( f, m ), n ); x = _mm_or_si128( x, _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(f, 28), 24) ); x = _mm_add_epi8( _mm_shuffle_epi8(x, *(__m128i*)bits.gather), h ); l = __builtin_ctz( ~_mm_movemask_epi8( _mm_cmpeq_epi8( h, x ) ) | (1 << 9) ); x = _mm_shuffle_epi8( x, _mm_add_epi8(*(__m128i*)bits.shift, _mm_set1_epi8(l) ) ); _mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)buffer, x ); return 10 - l; } public: static inline string_type convert(bool neg, unsigned val) { #ifdef RDTSC long first_clock = __rdtsc(); #endif char arena[32]; char* buf = (char*)((uintptr_t)(arena + 16) & ~(uintptr_t)0xf); *(buf - 1)= '-'; unsigned len = generate(val, buf) + neg; buf -= neg; char* end = buf + len; #ifdef RDTSC cpu_cycles += __rdtsc() - first_clock; #endif return string_type(buf, end); } }; string_type itostr(int i) { return Proxy<int>::convert(i < 0, i < 0 ? unsigned(~i) + 1 : i); } string_type itostr(unsigned i) { return Proxy<unsigned>::convert(false, i); } unsigned long cycles() { return cpu_cycles; } void reset() { cpu_cycles = 0; } } #endif } bool fail(string in, string_type out) { cout << "failure: " << in << " => " << out << endl; return false; } #define TEST(x, n) \ stringstream ss; \ string_type s = n::itostr(x); \ ss << (long long)x; \ if (::strcmp(ss.str().c_str(), s.c_str())) { \ passed = fail(ss.str(), s); \ break; \ } #define test(x) { \ passed = true; \ if (0 && passed) { \ char c = CHAR_MIN; \ do { \ TEST(c, x); \ } while (c++ != CHAR_MAX); \ if (!passed) cout << #x << " failed char!!!" << endl; \ } \ if (0 && passed) { \ short c = numeric_limits<short>::min(); \ do { \ TEST(c, x); \ } while (c++ != numeric_limits<short>::max()); \ if (!passed) cout << #x << " failed short!!!" << endl; \ } \ if (passed) { \ int c = numeric_limits<int>::min(); \ do { \ TEST(c, x); \ } while ((c += 100000) < numeric_limits<int>::max() - 100000); \ if (!passed) cout << #x << " failed int!!!" << endl; \ } \ if (passed) { \ unsigned c = numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); \ do { \ TEST(c, x); \ } while ((c -= 100000) > 100000); \ if (!passed) cout << #x << " failed unsigned int!!!" << endl; \ } \ } #define time(x, N) \ if (passed) { \ static const int64_t limits[] = \ {0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, \ 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000ULL }; \ long passes = 0; \ cout << #x << ": "; \ progress_timer t; \ uint64_t s = 0; \ if (do_time) { \ for (int n = 0; n < N1; n++) { \ int i = 0; \ while (i < N2) { \ int v = ((NM - i) % limits[N]) | (limits[N] / 10); \ int w = x::itostr(v).size() + \ x::itostr(-v).size(); \ i += w * mult; \ passes++; \ } \ s += i / mult; \ } \ } \ k += s; \ cout << N << " digits: " \ << s / double(t.elapsed()) * CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000000 << " MB/sec, " << (x::cycles() / passes >> 1) << " clocks per pass "; \ x::reset(); \ } #define series(n) \ { if (do_test) test(n); if (do_time) time(n, 1); if (do_time) time(n, 2); \ if (do_time) time(n, 3); if (do_time) time(n, 4); if (do_time) time(n, 5); \ if (do_time) time(n, 6); if (do_time) time(n, 7); if (do_time) time(n, 8); \ if (do_time) time(n, 9); if (do_time) time(n, 10); } int N1 = 1, N2 = 500000000, NM = INT_MAX; int mult = 1; // used to stay under timelimit on ideone unsigned long long k = 0; int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool do_time = 1, do_test = 1; bool passed = true; #ifdef HOPMAN_FAST series(hopman_fast) #endif #ifdef WM_VEC series(wm::vec) #endif #ifdef TM_CPP series(tmn::cpp) #endif #ifdef TM_VEC series(tmn::vec) #endif #ifdef AK_UNROLLED series(ak::unrolled) #endif #if defined(AK_BW) series(ak::bw) #endif #if defined(AK_FW) series(ak::fw) #endif return k; } 

Why is nobody using the div function from stdlib when both, quotient and remainder are needed?
Using Timo's source code, I ended up with something like this:

 if(val >= 0) { div_t d2 = div(val,100); while(d2.quot) { COPYPAIR(it,2 * d2.rem); it-=2; d2 = div(d2.quot,100); } COPYPAIR(it,2*d2.rem); if(d2.quot<10) it++; } else { div_t d2 = div(val,100); while(d2.quot) { COPYPAIR(it,-2 * d2.rem); it-=2; d2 = div(d2.quot,100); } COPYPAIR(it,-2*d2.rem); if(d2.quot<=-10) it--; *it = '-'; } 

Ok, for unsigned int's, the div function can't be used but unsigned's can be handled separate.
I've defined the COPYPAIR macro as follows to test variations how to copy the 2 characters from the digit_pairs (found no obvious advantage of any of these methods):

 #define COPYPAIR0(_p,_i) { memcpy((_p), &digit_pairs[(_i)], 2); } #define COPYPAIR1(_p,_i) { (_p)[0] = digit_pairs[(_i)]; (_p)[1] = digit_pairs[(_i)+1]; } #define COPYPAIR2(_p,_i) { unsigned short * d = (unsigned short *)(_p); unsigned short * s = (unsigned short *)&digit_pairs[(_i)]; *d = *s; } #define COPYPAIR COPYPAIR2