
我想让我的应用程序运行其他人的代码,即插件。 但是,我有什么select来使这个安全,所以他们不写恶意代码。 我如何控制他们能做什么或不能做什么?

我偶然发现JVM有一个“内build的沙盒”function – 这是什么,这是唯一的方法? 是否有第三方Java库制作沙箱?

我有什么select? 指南和例子的链接表示赞赏!

您正在寻找安全经理 。 您可以通过指定策略来限制应用程序的权限。

  • 定义和注册您自己的安全pipe理器将允许您限制代码的作用 – 请参阅SecurityManager的 oracle文档。

  • 另外,考虑创build一个单独的机制来加载代码 – 也就是说,你可以写或实例化另一个Classloader来从一个特殊的地方加载代码。 您可能有一个加载代码的约定 – 例如从一个特殊的目录或特殊格式的zip文件(如WAR文件和JAR文件)。 如果你正在编写一个类加载器,它会让你处于加载代码的状态。 这意味着,如果你看到一些(或某些依赖)你想拒绝,你可以简单地加载代码。 http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/ClassLoader.html

看看java-sandbox项目 ,它允许轻松地创build非常灵活的沙箱来运行不受信任的代码。

对于AWT / Swing应用程序,您需要使用可能随时更改的非标准AppContext类。 所以,为了有效,您需要启动另一个进程来运行插件代码,并处理两者之间的通信(有点像Chrome)。 插件过程需要一个SecurityManager集合和一个ClassLoader来隔离插件代码,并将相应的ProtectionDomain应用于插件类。



 package de.unkrig.commons.lang.security; import java.security.AccessControlContext; import java.security.Permission; import java.security.Permissions; import java.security.ProtectionDomain; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import de.unkrig.commons.nullanalysis.Nullable; /** * This class establishes a security manager that confines the permissions for code executed through specific classes, * which may be specified by class, class name and/or class loader. * <p> * To 'execute through a class' means that the execution stack includes the class. Eg, if a method of class {@code A} * invokes a method of class {@code B}, which then invokes a method of class {@code C}, and all three classes were * previously {@link #confine(Class, Permissions) confined}, then for all actions that are executed by class {@code C} * the <i>intersection</i> of the three {@link Permissions} apply. * <p> * Once the permissions for a class, class name or class loader are confined, they cannot be changed; this prevents any * attempts (eg of the confined class itself) to release the confinement. * <p> * Code example: * <pre> * Runnable unprivileged = new Runnable() { * public void run() { * System.getProperty("user.dir"); * } * }; * * // Run without confinement. * unprivileged.run(); // Works fine. * * // Set the most strict permissions. * Sandbox.confine(unprivileged.getClass(), new Permissions()); * unprivileged.run(); // Throws a SecurityException. * * // Attempt to change the permissions. * { * Permissions permissions = new Permissions(); * permissions.add(new AllPermission()); * Sandbox.confine(unprivileged.getClass(), permissions); // Throws a SecurityException. * } * unprivileged.run(); * </pre> */ public final class Sandbox { private Sandbox() {} private static final Map<Class<?>, AccessControlContext> CHECKED_CLASSES = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Class<?>, AccessControlContext>()); private static final Map<String, AccessControlContext> CHECKED_CLASS_NAMES = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, AccessControlContext>()); private static final Map<ClassLoader, AccessControlContext> CHECKED_CLASS_LOADERS = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, AccessControlContext>()); static { // Install our custom security manager. if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("There's already a security manager set"); } System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager() { @Override public void checkPermission(@Nullable Permission perm) { assert perm != null; for (Class<?> clasS : this.getClassContext()) { // Check if an ACC was set for the class. { AccessControlContext acc = Sandbox.CHECKED_CLASSES.get(clasS); if (acc != null) acc.checkPermission(perm); } // Check if an ACC was set for the class name. { AccessControlContext acc = Sandbox.CHECKED_CLASS_NAMES.get(clasS.getName()); if (acc != null) acc.checkPermission(perm); } // Check if an ACC was set for the class loader. { AccessControlContext acc = Sandbox.CHECKED_CLASS_LOADERS.get(clasS.getClassLoader()); if (acc != null) acc.checkPermission(perm); } } } }); } // -------------------------- /** * All future actions that are executed through the given {@code clasS} will be checked against the given {@code * accessControlContext}. * * @throws SecurityException Permissions are already confined for the {@code clasS} */ public static void confine(Class<?> clasS, AccessControlContext accessControlContext) { if (Sandbox.CHECKED_CLASSES.containsKey(clasS)) { throw new SecurityException("Attempt to change the access control context for '" + clasS + "'"); } Sandbox.CHECKED_CLASSES.put(clasS, accessControlContext); } /** * All future actions that are executed through the given {@code clasS} will be checked against the given {@code * protectionDomain}. * * @throws SecurityException Permissions are already confined for the {@code clasS} */ public static void confine(Class<?> clasS, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) { Sandbox.confine( clasS, new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { protectionDomain }) ); } /** * All future actions that are executed through the given {@code clasS} will be checked against the given {@code * permissions}. * * @throws SecurityException Permissions are already confined for the {@code clasS} */ public static void confine(Class<?> clasS, Permissions permissions) { Sandbox.confine(clasS, new ProtectionDomain(null, permissions)); } // Code for 'CHECKED_CLASS_NAMES' and 'CHECKED_CLASS_LOADERS' omitted here. }