计算两条线之间的angular度而不必计算斜率? (JAVA)

我有两条线:L1和L2。 我想计算两条线之间的angular度。 L1的点为{(x1, y1), (x2, y2)} ,L2的点为{(x3, y3), (x4, y4)}

我怎样才能计算这两条线之间形成的angular度,而不必计算斜率? 我现在遇到的问题是,有时候我有水平线(x轴线),下面的公式失败(除以零例外):

 arctan((m1 - m2) / (1 - (m1 * m2))) 

其中m1m2分别是线1和线2的斜率。 是否有一个公式/algorithm可以计算两条线之间的angular度,而不会得到零除exception? 任何帮助将不胜感激。


 // Calculates the angle formed between two lines public static double angleBetween2Lines(Line2D line1, Line2D line2) { double slope1 = line1.getY1() - line1.getY2() / line1.getX1() - line1.getX2(); double slope2 = line2.getY1() - line2.getY2() / line2.getX1() - line2.getX2(); double angle = Math.atan((slope1 - slope2) / (1 - (slope1 * slope2))); return angle; } 



它被声明为double atan2(double y, double x) ,并将直angular坐标(x,y)转换为极坐标(r,theta)


 public static double angleBetween2Lines(Line2D line1, Line2D line2) { double angle1 = Math.atan2(line1.getY1() - line1.getY2(), line1.getX1() - line1.getX2()); double angle2 = Math.atan2(line2.getY1() - line2.getY2(), line2.getX1() - line2.getX2()); return angle1-angle2; } 

在这种情况下点产品可能更有用。 在这里你可以findJava的几何包,它提供了一些有用的帮助。 以下是他们确定两个三维点之间angular度的计算。 希望它会让你开始:

 public static double computeAngle (double[] p0, double[] p1, double[] p2) { double[] v0 = Geometry.createVector (p0, p1); double[] v1 = Geometry.createVector (p0, p2); double dotProduct = Geometry.computeDotProduct (v0, v1); double length1 = Geometry.length (v0); double length2 = Geometry.length (v1); double denominator = length1 * length2; double product = denominator != 0.0 ? dotProduct / denominator : 0.0; double angle = Math.acos (product); return angle; } 


 dx1 = x2-x1;
 dy1 = y2-y1;
 dx2 = x4-x3;
 dy2 = y4-y3;

 d = dx1 * dx2 + dy1 * dy2;  // 2个向量的点积
 l2 =(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1)*(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2)//平方长度乘积

angular度= acos(d / sqrt(l2));

2个向量的点积等于两个向量长度的angular度时间的余弦。 这计算点积,除以vector的长度,并使用反余弦函数来恢复angular度。

也许我的Android坐标系统的方法将有用的人(使用Android PointF类来存储点)

 /** * Calculate angle between two lines with two given points * * @param A1 First point first line * @param A2 Second point first line * @param B1 First point second line * @param B2 Second point second line * @return Angle between two lines in degrees */ public static float angleBetween2Lines(PointF A1, PointF A2, PointF B1, PointF B2) { float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2(A2.y - A1.y, A1.x - A2.x); float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2(B2.y - B1.y, B1.x - B2.x); float calculatedAngle = (float) Math.toDegrees(angle1 - angle2); if (calculatedAngle < 0) calculatedAngle += 360; return calculatedAngle; } 

它返回任何象限的正数值:0 <= x <360


获得angular度的公式是tan a = (slope1-slope2)/(1+slope1*slope2)


 tan a = (slope1 - slope2) / (1 - slope1 * slope2) 


 double angle = Math.atan((slope1 - slope2) / (1 + slope1 * slope2)); 

首先,你确定括号是正确的吗? 我认为(可能是错的)应该是这样的:

  double slope1 = (line1.getY1() - line1.getY2()) / (line1.getX1() - line1.getX2()); double slope2 = (line2.getY1() - line2.getY2()) / (line2.getX1() - line2.getX2()); 


 double angle; try { angle = Math.atan((slope1 - slope2) / (1 - (slope1 * slope2))); catch (DivideByZeroException dbze) { //Do something about it! } 

…或者你可以检查你的除数是否从零开始, 然后再尝试手术。

 if ((1 - (slope1 * slope2))==0) { return /*something meaningful to avoid the div by zero*/ } else { double angle = Math.atan((slope1 - slope2) / (1 - (slope1 * slope2))); return angle; }