在Android的onPreviewFrame期间转换YUV-> RGB(image processing) – > YUV?

我使用SurfaceView捕获图像并获取Yuv Raw预览数据public void onPreviewFrame4(byte [] data,Camera camera)



public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) { Point cameraResolution = configManager.getCameraResolution(); if (data != null) { Log.i("DEBUG", "data Not Null"); // Preprocessing Log.i("DEBUG", "Try For Image Processing"); Camera.Parameters mParameters = camera.getParameters(); Size mSize = mParameters.getPreviewSize(); int mWidth = mSize.width; int mHeight = mSize.height; int[] mIntArray = new int[mWidth * mHeight]; // Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP(mIntArray, data, mWidth, mHeight); // Converting int mIntArray to Bitmap and // than image preprocessing // and back to mIntArray. // Encode intArray to Yuv data encodeYUV420SP(data, mIntArray, mWidth, mHeight); } } static public void decodeYUV420SP(int[] rgba, byte[] yuv420sp, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; for (int j = 0, yp = 0; j < height; j++) { int uvp = frameSize + (j >> 1) * width, u = 0, v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++, yp++) { int y = (0xff & ((int) yuv420sp[yp])) - 16; if (y < 0) y = 0; if ((i & 1) == 0) { v = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; u = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; } int y1192 = 1192 * y; int r = (y1192 + 1634 * v); int g = (y1192 - 833 * v - 400 * u); int b = (y1192 + 2066 * u); if (r < 0) r = 0; else if (r > 262143) r = 262143; if (g < 0) g = 0; else if (g > 262143) g = 262143; if (b < 0) b = 0; else if (b > 262143) b = 262143; // rgb[yp] = 0xff000000 | ((r << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((g >> 2) & // 0xff00) | ((b >> 10) & 0xff); // rgba, divide 2^10 ( >> 10) rgba[yp] = ((r << 14) & 0xff000000) | ((g << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((b >> 2) | 0xff00); } } } static public void encodeYUV420SP_original(byte[] yuv420sp, int[] rgba, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; int[] U, V; U = new int[frameSize]; V = new int[frameSize]; final int uvwidth = width / 2; int r, g, b, y, u, v; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int index = width * j; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = (rgba[index] & 0xff000000) >> 24; g = (rgba[index] & 0xff0000) >> 16; b = (rgba[index] & 0xff00) >> 8; // rgb to yuv y = (66 * r + 129 * g + 25 * b + 128) >> 8 + 16; u = (-38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) >> 8 + 128; v = (112 * r - 94 * g - 18 * b + 128) >> 8 + 128; // clip y yuv420sp[index++] = (byte) ((y < 0) ? 0 : ((y > 255) ? 255 : y)); U[index] = u; V[index++] = v; } } 


请帮我解决这个问题。 我必须在OCR扫描中使用这个代码,所以我需要实现这种types的逻辑。


提前致谢。 🙂


即Camera.Parameters.setPreviewFormat(ImageFormat.RGB_565) ;

尽pipe文档build议您可以设置图像数据应从相机到达的格式,但实际上您经常可以select一种:YUV格式的NV21。 有关此格式的大量信息,请参阅http://www.fourcc.org/yuv.php#NV21以及将其转换为RGB的理论信息,请参阅http://www.fourcc.org/fccyvrgb.php 。 在从安卓相机的NV21格式提取黑白图像中有一个基于图片的解释。


但是,一旦你设置了onPreviewFrame例程,从字节数组发送到有用数据的机制就有点不清楚了。 从API 8开始,下面的解决scheme是可用的,以得到一个ByteStream的JPEG图像(compressToJpeg是YuvImage提供的唯一转换选项):

 // pWidth and pHeight define the size of the preview Frame ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Alter the second parameter of this to the actual format you are receiving YuvImage yuv = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, pWidth, pHeight, null); // bWidth and bHeight define the size of the bitmap you wish the fill with the preview image yuv.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight), 50, out); 

这个JPEG可能需要转换成你想要的格式。 如果你想要一个位图:

 byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length); 

如果由于某种原因无法执行此操作,则可以手动进行转换。 这样做需要克服的一些问题:

  1. 数据到达一个字节数组。 根据定义,字节是带符号的数字,意味着它们从-128到127.然而,数据实际上是无符号字节(0到255)。 如果没有处理,结果注定会有一些奇怪的剪切效应。

  2. 数据是按照一个非常特定的顺序(根据前面提到的网页),每个像素都需要仔细提取。

  3. 比方说,每个像素需要放在位图的正确位置。 这也需要一个相当混乱的(在我看来)构build数据缓冲区的方法,然后从中填充一个位图。

  4. 如果你真的有NV12(或420SP),那么你将需要交换读取U和V.

我提出了一个解决scheme(似乎工作),要求更正,改进和使整个事情运行成本较低。 它会创build一个预览图像大小的位图:


 // the bitmap we want to fill with the image Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); int numPixels = imageWidth*imageHeight; // the buffer we fill up which we then fill the bitmap with IntBuffer intBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(imageWidth*imageHeight); // If you're reusing a buffer, next line imperative to refill from the start, // if not good practice intBuffer.position(0); // Set the alpha for the image: 0 is transparent, 255 fully opaque final byte alpha = (byte) 255; // Get each pixel, one at a time for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) { // Get the Y value, stored in the first block of data // The logical "AND 0xff" is needed to deal with the signed issue int Y = data[y*imageWidth + x] & 0xff; // Get U and V values, stored after Y values, one per 2x2 block // of pixels, interleaved. Prepare them as floats with correct range // ready for calculation later. int xby2 = x/2; int yby2 = y/2; // make this V for NV12/420SP float U = (float)(data[numPixels + 2*xby2 + yby2*imageWidth] & 0xff) - 128.0f; // make this U for NV12/420SP float V = (float)(data[numPixels + 2*xby2 + 1 + yby2*imageWidth] & 0xff) - 128.0f; // Do the YUV -> RGB conversion float Yf = 1.164f*((float)Y) - 16.0f; int R = (int)(Yf + 1.596f*V); int G = (int)(Yf - 0.813f*V - 0.391f*U); int B = (int)(Yf + 2.018f*U); // Clip rgb values to 0-255 R = R < 0 ? 0 : R > 255 ? 255 : R; G = G < 0 ? 0 : G > 255 ? 255 : G; B = B < 0 ? 0 : B > 255 ? 255 : B; // Put that pixel in the buffer intBuffer.put(alpha*16777216 + R*65536 + G*256 + B); } } // Get buffer ready to be read intBuffer.flip(); // Push the pixel information from the buffer onto the bitmap. bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer(intBuffer); 



 static public void decodeYUV420SP(int[] rgba, byte[] yuv420sp, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; // define variables before loops (+ 20-30% faster algorithm o0`) int r, g, b, y1192, y, i, uvp, u, v; for (int j = 0, yp = 0; j < height; j++) { uvp = frameSize + (j >> 1) * width; u = 0; v = 0; for (i = 0; i < width; i++, yp++) { y = (0xff & ((int) yuv420sp[yp])) - 16; if (y < 0) y = 0; if ((i & 1) == 0) { v = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; u = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; } y1192 = 1192 * y; r = (y1192 + 1634 * v); g = (y1192 - 833 * v - 400 * u); b = (y1192 + 2066 * u); // Java's functions are faster then 'IFs' r = Math.max(0, Math.min(r, 262143)); g = Math.max(0, Math.min(g, 262143)); b = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, 262143)); // rgb[yp] = 0xff000000 | ((r << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((g >> 2) & // 0xff00) | ((b >> 10) & 0xff); // rgba, divide 2^10 ( >> 10) rgba[yp] = ((r << 14) & 0xff000000) | ((g << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((b >> 2) | 0xff00); } } } 

速度与ByteArrayOutputStream作为输出(对于640×480图像30-50毫秒相当于YuvImage.compressToJpeg( )。

结果:三星S4 mini(2×1.7GHz)不能压缩成JPEG /实时将YUV转换成RGB(640×480 @ 30fps)


有一个GPUImage的Android版本: https : //github.com/Cyber​​Agent/android-gpuimage


我比较一下,对于960×540的NV21图像,使用上面的java代码,花费200ms +,使用GPUImage版本,只需10ms〜20ms。


 static public void decodeYUV420SP(int[] rgba, byte[] yuv420sp, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; int r, g, b, y1192, y, i, uvp, u, v; for (int j = 0, yp = 0; j < height; j++) { uvp = frameSize + (j >> 1) * width; u = 0; v = 0; for (i = 0; i < width; i++, yp++) { y = (0xff & ((int) yuv420sp[yp])) - 16; if (y < 0) y = 0; if ((i & 1) == 0) { // above answer is wrong at the following lines. just swap ***u*** and ***v*** u = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; v = (0xff & yuv420sp[uvp++]) - 128; } y1192 = 1192 * y; r = (y1192 + 1634 * v); g = (y1192 - 833 * v - 400 * u); b = (y1192 + 2066 * u); r = Math.max(0, Math.min(r, 262143)); g = Math.max(0, Math.min(g, 262143)); b = Math.max(0, Math.min(b, 262143)); // combine ARGB rgba[yp] = 0xff000000 | ((r << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((g >> 2) & 0xff00) | ((b >> 10) | 0xff); } } } 

尝试使用JellyBean 4.2(Api 17+)附带的RenderScript ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB。


在Nexus 7(2013,JellyBean 4.3)上,1920×1080图像转换(全高清摄像头预览)大约需要7 ms。