amazon web services定价有没有API?

是否有任何API在Amazon Web Services上具有最新的定价? 例如,可以查询某个地区的最新价格S3或EC2等。


这是我之前要求的(通过AWS传福音和调查),但还没有到来。 我想AWS的人们会有更多有趣的创新。

正如@brokenbeatnik指出的那样,现货价格历史有一个API。 API文档在这里: http : //

我发现现货价格历史上有一个官方的 API,但是他们没有在同一时间按需服务。 无论如何,回答这个问题, 是的,你可以查询广告的 AWS定价

我所能想到的最好的办法是检查各种服务定价页面的(客户端)来源。 在那里你会发现这些表是用JS构build的,并且填充了JSON数据,你可以自己获取数据。 例如:


 >>> import json >>> import urllib2 >>> response = urllib2.urlopen('') >>> pricejson = >>> pricing = json.loads(pricejson) >>> pricing['config']['regions'][0]['instanceTypes'][3]['sizes'][1]['valueColumns'][0]['prices']['USD'] u'0.68' 

免责声明:显然,这不是一个AWS认可的API,因此我不build议您期望数据格式的稳定性,甚至是源的持续存在。 但它是在那里,它打败了定价数据转换成静态configuration/源文件!

对于想使用amazon api数据的人来说,这里使用的是“t1.micro”,这里是一个翻译数组

 type_translation = { 'm1.small' : ['stdODI', 'sm'], 'm1.medium' : ['stdODI', 'med'], 'm1.large' : ['stdODI', 'lg'], 'm1.xlarge' : ['stdODI', 'xl'], 't1.micro' : ['uODI', 'u'], 'm2.xlarge' : ['hiMemODI', 'xl'], 'm2.2xlarge' : ['hiMemODI', 'xxl'], 'm2.4xlarge' : ['hiMemODI', 'xxxxl'], 'c1.medium' : ['hiCPUODI', 'med'], 'c1.xlarge' : ['hiCPUODI', 'xl'], 'cc1.4xlarge' : ['clusterComputeI', 'xxxxl'], 'cc2.8xlarge' : ['clusterComputeI', 'xxxxxxxxl'], 'cg1.4xlarge' : ['clusterGPUI', 'xxxxl'], 'hi1.4xlarge' : ['hiIoODI', 'xxxx1'] } region_translation = { 'us-east-1' : 'us-east', 'us-west-2' : 'us-west-2', 'us-west-1' : 'us-west', 'eu-west-1' : 'eu-ireland', 'ap-southeast-1' : 'apac-sin', 'ap-northeast-1' : 'apac-tokyo', 'sa-east-1' : 'sa-east-1' } 


你可以在这里获得代码: https : //

并阅读更多关于它在这里: http : //



如果你用filter玩了一下,你可以看到如何构build一个查询来返回你所在的特定信息,例如region,instance type等。例如,要返回一个包含eu-west- 1个区域的linux实例,你可以按照下面的格式来查询你的查询。


注意 – 与上面其他贡献者发布的url类似,我不相信这是官方认可的AWS API。 然而,根据我在过去几天所做的一些抽查,我可以确认在发布时价格信息似乎是正确的。

我不相信有一个API涵盖了标准服务的一般当前价格。 但是,特别是对于EC2,您可以看到现货价格历史,以便您不必猜测现货实例的市场价格。 更多信息,请访问:

我也需要一个API来检索AWS定价。 我惊讶地发现没有什么特别的,因为有大量的AWS资源可用的API。


以下是一个如何findm1.medium Linux实例的按需价格的示例。

。AWSCosts.region( '美东-1')ec2.on_demand(:Linux的)。价格( 'm1.medium')

对于需要全面的AWS实例定价数据(EC2,RDS,ElastiCache和Redshift)的用户,以下是由Eran Sandler提出的Python模块:

它包含上一代实例以及当前代实例(包括最新的d2家族),预留和按需定价。 JSON,表格和CSV格式可用。

我在Yaml做了一个正向和反向名字的Gist ,如果有人需要Rails等等。


  class CostsAmazon(object): '''Class for general info on the Amazon EC2 compute cloud. ''' def __init__(self): '''Fetch a bunch of instance cost data from Amazon and convert it into the following form (as self.table): table['us-east']['linux']['m1']['small']['light']['ondemand']['USD'] ''' # # tables_raw['ondemand']['config']['regions' # ][0]['instanceTypes'][0]['sizes'][0]['valueColumns'][0 # ]['prices']['USD'] # # structure of tables_raw: # ┃ # ┗━━[key] # ┣━━['use'] # an input 3 x ∈ { 'light', 'medium', ... } # ┣━━['os'] # an input 2 x ∈ { 'linux', 'mswin' } # ┣━━['scheduling'] # an input # ┣━━['uri'] # an input (see dict above) # ┃ # the core output from Amazon follows # ┣━━['vers'] == 0.01 # ┗━━['config']: # * ┣━━['regions']: 7 x # ┃ ┣━━['region'] == ∈ { 'us-east', ... } # * ┃ ┗━━['instanceTypes']: 7 x # ┃ ┣━━['type']: 'stdODI' # * ┃ ┗━━['sizes']: 4 x # ┃ ┗━━['valueColumns'] # ┃ ┣━━['size']: 'sm' # * ┃ ┗━━['valueColumns']: 2 x # ┃ ┣━━['name']: ~ 'linux' # ┃ ┗━━['prices'] # ┃ ┗━━['USD']: ~ '0.080' # ┣━━['rate']: ~ 'perhr' # ┣━━['currencies']: ∈ { 'USD', ... } # ┗━━['valueColumns']: [ 'linux', 'mswin' ] # # The valueColumns thing is weird, it looks like they're trying # to constrain actual data to leaf nodes only, which is a little # bit of a conceit since they have lists in several levels. So # we can obtain the *much* more readable: # # tables['regions']['us-east']['m1']['linux']['ondemand' # ]['small']['light']['USD'] # # structure of the reworked tables: # ┃ # ┗━━[<region>]: 7 x ∈ { 'us-east', ... } # ┗━━[<os>]: 2 x ∈ { 'linux', 'mswin' } # oses # ┗━━[<type>]: 7 x ∈ { 'm1', ... } # ┗━━[<scheduling>]: 2 x ∈ { 'ondemand', 'reserved' } # ┗━━[<size>]: 4 x ∈ { 'small', ... } # ┗━━[<use>]: 3 x ∈ { 'light', 'medium', ... } # ┗━━[<currency>]: ∈ { 'USD', ... } # ┗━━> ~ '0.080' or None uri_base = '' tables_raw = { 'ondemand': {'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': '/pricing-on-demand-instances.json', 'os': 'linux', 'use': 'light'}, 'reserved-light-linux': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-light-linux.json', 'os': 'linux', 'use': 'light'}, 'reserved-light-mswin': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-light-mswin.json', 'os': 'mswin', 'use': 'light'}, 'reserved-medium-linux': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-medium-linux.json', 'os': 'linux', 'use': 'medium'}, 'reserved-medium-mswin': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-medium-mswin.json', 'os': 'mswin', 'use': 'medium'}, 'reserved-heavy-linux': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-heavy-linux.json', 'os': 'linux', 'use': 'heavy'}, 'reserved-heavy-mswin': { 'scheduling': 'ondemand', 'uri': 'ri-heavy-mswin.json', 'os': 'mswin', 'use': 'heavy'}, } for key in tables_raw: # expand to full URIs tables_raw[key]['uri'] = ( '%s/%s'% (uri_base, tables_raw[key]['uri'])) # fetch the data from Amazon link = urllib2.urlopen(tables_raw[key]['uri']) # adds keys: 'vers' 'config' tables_raw[key].update(json.loads( link.close() # canonicalize the types - the default is pretty annoying. # self.currencies = set() self.regions = set() self.types = set() self.intervals = set() self.oses = set() self.sizes = set() self.schedulings = set() self.uses = set() self.footnotes = {} self.typesizes = {} # self.typesizes['m1.small'] = [<region>...] self.table = {} # grovel through Amazon's tables_raw and convert to something orderly: for key in tables_raw: scheduling = tables_raw[key]['scheduling'] self.schedulings.update([scheduling]) use = tables_raw[key]['use'] self.uses.update([use]) os = tables_raw[key]['os'] self.oses.update([os]) config_data = tables_raw[key]['config'] self.currencies.update(config_data['currencies']) for region_data in config_data['regions']: region = self.instance_region_from_raw(region_data['region']) self.regions.update([region]) if 'footnotes' in region_data: self.footnotes[region] = region_data['footnotes'] for instance_type_data in region_data['instanceTypes']: instance_type = self.instance_types_from_raw( instance_type_data['type']) self.types.update([instance_type]) for size_data in instance_type_data['sizes']: size = self.instance_size_from_raw(size_data['size']) typesize = '%s.%s' % (instance_type, size) if typesize not in self.typesizes: self.typesizes[typesize] = set() self.typesizes[typesize].update([region]) self.sizes.update([size]) for size_values in size_data['valueColumns']: interval = size_values['name'] self.intervals.update([interval]) for currency in size_values['prices']: cost = size_values['prices'][currency] self.table_add_row(region, os, instance_type, size, use, scheduling, currency, cost) def table_add_row(self, region, os, instance_type, size, use, scheduling, currency, cost): if cost == 'N/A*': return table = self.table for key in [region, os, instance_type, size, use, scheduling]: if key not in table: table[key] = {} table = table[key] table[currency] = cost def instance_region_from_raw(self, raw_region): '''Return a less intelligent given EC2 pricing name to the corresponding region name. ''' regions = { 'apac-tokyo' : 'ap-northeast-1', 'apac-sin' : 'ap-southeast-1', 'eu-ireland' : 'eu-west-1', 'sa-east-1' : 'sa-east-1', 'us-east' : 'us-east-1', 'us-west' : 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2' : 'us-west-2', } return regions[raw_region] if raw_region in regions else raw_region def instance_types_from_raw(self, raw_type): types = { # ondemand reserved 'stdODI' : 'm1', 'stdResI' : 'm1', 'uODI' : 't1', 'uResI' : 't1', 'hiMemODI' : 'm2', 'hiMemResI' : 'm2', 'hiCPUODI' : 'c1', 'hiCPUResI' : 'c1', 'clusterComputeI' : 'cc1', 'clusterCompResI' : 'cc1', 'clusterGPUI' : 'cc2', 'clusterGPUResI' : 'cc2', 'hiIoODI' : 'hi1', 'hiIoResI' : 'hi1' } return types[raw_type] def instance_size_from_raw(self, raw_size): sizes = { 'u' : 'micro', 'sm' : 'small', 'med' : 'medium', 'lg' : 'large', 'xl' : 'xlarge', 'xxl' : '2xlarge', 'xxxxl' : '4xlarge', 'xxxxxxxxl' : '8xlarge' } return sizes[raw_size] def cost(self, region, os, instance_type, size, use, scheduling, currency): try: return self.table[region][os][instance_type][ size][use][scheduling][currency] except KeyError as ex: return None 

这是另一个未经批准的“api”,涵盖了保留的实例: http : //

没有定价API,但有上面提到的非常好的价格。 除了ec2价格松土,我想分享我的rds和elasticache价格松土:


以下是Linux On Demand价格的示例: http : //

( 直接在答复中获得完整列表)