

class Test: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name # in main() l = [] l.append(Test("t1")) l.append(Test("t2")) l.append(Test("t2")) 

我想要一个检查列表是否包含名称为t1的对象的方式。 如何做呢? 我发现https://stackoverflow.com/a/598415/292291 ,

 [x for x in myList if xn == 30] # list of all matches any(xn == 30 for x in myList) # if there is any matches [i for i,x in enumerate(myList) if xn == 30] # indices of all matches def first(iterable, default=None): for item in iterable: return item return default first(x for x in myList if xn == 30) # the first match, if any 

我不想每次都浏览整个列表,我只需要知道它们是否匹配。 会first(...)any(...)或别的什么东西呢?

正如您从文档中可以很容易地看到的,只要find匹配项, any()函数就会短路返回True

 any(x.name == "t2" for x in l)