
之前有人问过类似的问题,但这里的问题与之相反,使用两个队列作为堆栈。 这个问题…

给定两个标准操作(入enqueuedequeueisemptysize )的isempty ,用标准操作( poppushisemptysize )实现一个栈。


  • 版本A :推送物品时堆叠应该是有效的; 和
  • 版本B :popup一个项目时,堆栈应该是有效的。

我比任何特定的语言实现更感兴趣的algorithm。 不过,我欢迎用我熟悉的语言( java , c# , python , vb , javascript , php )expression的解决scheme。


  • 推:
    • 排队在队列1中
  • stream行:
    • 当队列1的大小大于1时,将队列中的项目从队列1排队到队列2
    • 退出并返回队列1的最后一项,然后切换队列1和队列2的名称


  • 推:
    • 排队在队列2中
    • 将队列1中的所有项排入队列2,然后切换队列1和队列2的名称
  • stream行:
    • 队列1的请求

最简单的(也许是唯一的)这样做的方法是将新元素推入空队列,然后将其他队列出队,然后进入先前的空队列。 用这种方式,最新的总是在队列的前面。 这将是版本B,对于版本A,您只需通过将元素出队到第二个队列(除最后一个队列之外)来逆转进程。


 "Stack" +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ Queue A Queue B +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ 


 "Stack" +---+---+---+---+---+ | 1 | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ Queue A Queue B +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ 


 "Stack" +---+---+---+---+---+ | 2 | 1 | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ Queue A Queue B +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | 2 | 1 | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ 


 "Stack" +---+---+---+---+---+ | 3 | 2 | 1 | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ Queue A Queue B +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ | 3 | 2 | 1 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+ 



  1. 排队新的元素。
  2. 如果n是队列中元素的数量,则删除并插入元素n-1次。


  1. 出队

 push 1 front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | 1 | | | | | | insert 1 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ push2 front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | | | | | insert 2 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | 2 | 1 | | | | remove and insert 1 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ insert 3 front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | 2 | 1 | 3 | | | insert 3 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | 1 | 3 | 2 | | remove and insert 2 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ front +----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | 3 | 2 | 1 | remove and insert 1 +----+----+----+----+----+----+ 


 int stack_pop (queue_data *q) { return queue_remove (q); } void stack_push (queue_data *q, int val) { int old_count = queue_get_element_count (q), i; queue_insert (q, val); for (i=0; i<old_count; i++) { queue_insert (q, queue_remove (q)); } } 
 import java.util.*; /** * * @author Mahmood */ public class StackImplUsingQueues { Queue<Integer> q1 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Queue<Integer> q2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); public int pop() { if (q1.peek() == null) { System.out.println("The stack is empty, nothing to return"); int i = 0; return i; } else { int pop = q1.remove(); return pop; } } public void push(int data) { if (q1.peek() == null) { q1.add(data); } else { for (int i = q1.size(); i > 0; i--) { q2.add(q1.remove()); } q1.add(data); for (int j = q2.size(); j > 0; j--) { q1.add(q2.remove()); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { StackImplUsingQueues s1 = new StackImplUsingQueues(); // Stack s1 = new Stack(); s1.push(1); s1.push(2); s1.push(3); s1.push(4); s1.push(5); s1.push(6); s1.push(7); s1.push(8); s1.push(9); s1.push(10); // s1.push(6); System.out.println("1st = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("2nd = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("3rd = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("4th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("5th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("6th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("7th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("8th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("9th = " + s1.pop()); System.out.println("10th= " + s1.pop()); } } 

我们可以用一个队列来实现一个堆栈吗? 我可以使用两个队列,但考虑单个队列会更有效率。 这里是代码:

  public void Push(T val) { queLower.Enqueue(val); } public T Pop() { if (queLower.Count == 0 ) { Console.Write("Stack is empty!"); return default(T); } if (queLower.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < queLower.Count - 1;i++ ) { queLower.Enqueue(queLower.Dequeue ()); } } return queLower.Dequeue(); } 
 queue<int> q1, q2; int i = 0; void push(int v) { if( q1.empty() && q2.empty() ) { q1.push(v); i = 0; } else { if( i == 0 ) { while( !q1.empty() ) q2.push(q1.pop()); q1.push(v); i = 1-i; } else { while( !q2.empty() ) q1.push(q2.pop()); q2.push(v); i = 1-i; } } } int pop() { if( q1.empty() && q2.empty() ) return -1; if( i == 1 ) { if( !q1.empty() ) return q1.pop(); else if( !q2.empty() ) return q2.pop(); } else { if( !q2.empty() ) return q2.pop(); else if( !q1.empty() ) return q1.pop(); } } 

这是我的答案 – “stream行”效率低下。 似乎所有立刻想到的algorithm都具有N个复杂度,其中N是列表的大小:您是select在“stream行”上工作,还是在“推”




 from data_structures import queue class stack(object): def __init__(self): q1= queue q2= queue #only contains one item at most. a temp var. (bad?) def push(self, item): q1.enque(item) #just stick it in the first queue. #Pop is inefficient def pop(self): #'spin' the queues until q1 is ready to pop the right value. for N 0 to self.size-1 q2.enqueue(q1.dequeue) q1.enqueue(q2.dequeue) return q1.dequeue() @property def size(self): return q1.size + q2.size @property def isempty(self): if self.size > 0: return True else return False 

一般情况下,我的解决scheme适用于O(1)。 有两个队列: out 。 看伪代码:

 PUSH(X) = in.enqueue(X) POP: X = if (out.isEmpty and !in.isEmpty) DUMP(in, out) return out.dequeue DUMP(A, B) = if (!A.isEmpty) x = A.dequeue() DUMP(A, B) B.enqueue(x) 

正如已经提到的,是不是一个队列就可以做到这一点? 这可能不太实际,但有点滑。

 push(x): enqueue(x) for(queueSize - 1) enqueue(dequeue()) pop(x): dequeue() 

这里是一些简单的伪代码,push是O(n),pop / peek是O(1):

 Qpush = Qinstance() Qpop = Qinstance() def stack.push(item): Qpush.add(item) while Qpop.peek() != null: //transfer Qpop into Qpush Qpush.add(Qpop.remove()) swap = Qpush Qpush = Qpop Qpop = swap def stack.pop(): return Qpop.remove() def stack.peek(): return Qpop.peek() 


 struct Stack { struct Queue *Q1; struct Queue *Q2; } 



  • 检查队列Q1是否为空。 如果Q1为空,则将其中的元素排入队列。
  • 否则将元素放入Q1。

Push (struct Stack *S, int data) { if(isEmptyQueue(S->Q1) EnQueue(S->Q2, data); else EnQueue(S->Q1, data); }



  • 如果队列Q1不是空的,那么从Q1到Q2传输n-1个元素,然后对Q1的最后一个元素进行DeQue并返回。
  • 如果队列Q2不为空,则将Q2中的n-1个元素传输到Q1,然后对Q2的最后一个元素进行DeQueue并返回。


 int Pop(struct Stack *S){ int i, size; if(IsEmptyQueue(S->Q2)) { size=size(S->Q1); i=0; while(i<size-1) { EnQueue(S->Q2, Dequeue(S->Q1)) ; i++; } return DeQueue(S->Q1); } else{ size=size(S->Q2); while(i<size-1) EnQueue(S->Q1, Dequeue(S->Q2)) ; i++; } return DeQueue(S->Q2); } } 


 Q1 = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30] Q2 = [] exp: { dequeue n-1 element from Q1 and enqueue into Q2: Q2 == [10, 15, 20, 25] now Q1 dequeue gives "30" that inserted last and working as stack } swap Q1 and Q2 then GOTO exp 
 import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; class MyStack { Queue<Integer> queue1 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Queue<Integer> queue2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // Push element x onto stack. public void push(int x) { if(isEmpty()){ queue1.offer(x); }else{ if(queue1.size()>0){ queue2.offer(x); int size = queue1.size(); while(size>0){ queue2.offer(queue1.poll()); size--; } }else if(queue2.size()>0){ queue1.offer(x); int size = queue2.size(); while(size>0){ queue1.offer(queue2.poll()); size--; } } } } // Removes the element on top of the stack. public void pop() { if(queue1.size()>0){ queue1.poll(); }else if(queue2.size()>0){ queue2.poll(); } } // Get the top element. You can make it more perfect just example public int top() { if(queue1.size()>0){ return queue1.peek(); }else if(queue2.size()>0){ return queue2.peek(); } return 0; } // Return whether the stack is empty. public boolean isEmpty() { return queue1.isEmpty() && queue2.isEmpty(); } } 


对于PUSH: – 在队列1中添加第一个元素。 – 当添加第二个元素等时,首先将队列2中的元素排入队列,然后将队列1中的所有元素复制到队列2。 对于POP只是从插入最后一个元素的队列中取出元素。


 public void push(int data){ if (queue1.isEmpty()){ queue1.enqueue(data); } else { queue2.enqueue(data); while(!queue1.isEmpty()) Queue2.enqueue(queue1.dequeue()); //EXCHANGE THE NAMES OF QUEUE 1 and QUEUE2 


 public int pop(){ int popItem=queue2.dequeue(); return popItem; }' 


 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; queue<int>Q; stack<int>Stk; void PRINT(stack<int>ss , queue<int>qq) { while( ss.size() ) { cout << ss.top() << " " ; ss.pop(); } puts(""); while( qq.size() ) { cout << qq.front() << " " ; qq.pop(); } puts("\n----------------------------------"); } void POP() { queue<int>Tmp ; while( Q.size() > 1 ) { Tmp.push( Q.front() ); Q.pop(); } cout << Q.front() << " " << Stk.top() << endl; Q.pop() , Stk.pop() ; Q = Tmp ; } void PUSH(int x ) { Q.push(x); Stk.push(x); } int main() { while( true ) { string typ ; cin >> typ ; if( typ == "push" ) { int x ; cin >> x; PUSH(x); } else POP(); PRINT(Stk,Q); } } 


  class Queue(object): def __init__(self): self.items=[] def enqueue(self,item): self.items.insert(0,item) def dequeue(self): if(not self.isEmpty()): return self.items.pop() def isEmpty(self): return self.items==[] def size(self): return len(self.items) class stack(object): def __init__(self): self.q1= Queue() def push(self, item): self.q1.enqueue(item) def pop(self): c=self.q1.size() while(c>1): self.q1.enqueue(self.q1.dequeue()) c-=1 return self.q1.dequeue() def size(self): return self.q1.size() def isempty(self): if self.size > 0: return True else: return False 




 1. add new element. 2. Remove elements from Queue (totalsize-1) times and add back to the Queue 


 normal remove using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace StackImplimentationUsingQueue { class Program { public class Node { public int data; public Node link; } public class Queue { public Node rear; public Node front; public int size = 0; public void EnQueue(int data) { Node n = new Node(); n.data = data; n.link = null; if (rear == null) front = rear = n; else { rear.link = n; rear = n; } size++; Display(); } public Node DeQueue() { Node temp = new Node(); if (front == null) Console.WriteLine("Empty"); else { temp = front; front = front.link; size--; } Display(); return temp; } public void Display() { if (size == 0) Console.WriteLine("Empty"); else { Console.Clear(); Node n = front; while (n != null) { Console.WriteLine(n.data); n = n.link; } } } } public class Stack { public Queue q; public int size = 0; public Node top; public Stack() { q = new Queue(); } public void Push(int data) { Node n = new Node(); n.data = data; q.EnQueue(data); size++; int counter = size; while (counter > 1) { q.EnQueue(q.DeQueue().data); counter--; } } public void Pop() { q.DeQueue(); size--; } } static void Main(string[] args) { Stack s= new Stack(); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) s.Push(i); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) s.Pop(); Console.ReadKey(); } } } 


  import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; /* @Rishabh Sairawat */ public class StackImplementationiUsingQueue { Queue<Integer> q1=new LinkedList<Integer>(); Queue<Integer> q2=new LinkedList<Integer>(); //push operation public void push(int data){ this.q1.add(data); } //pop operation public int pop(){ if(this.q1.isEmpty()){ System.out.println("No Element found !"); } else { int x; while(this.q1.size()>1){ x=this.q1.remove(); this.q2.add(x); } x=q1.remove(); this.q1.addAll(q2); return x; } return -1; } public static void main(String[] args) { StackImplementationiUsingQueue stack=new StackImplementationiUsingQueue(); stack.push(1); stack.push(2); stack.push(3); stack.push(4); stack.push(5); System.out.println(stack.pop()); System.out.println(stack.pop()); System.out.println(stack.pop()); System.out.println(stack.pop()); System.out.println(stack.pop()); } 



 public class CustomStack<T> { Queue<T> que = new Queue<T>(); public void push(T t) // STACK = LIFO / QUEUE = FIFO { if( que.Count == 0) { que.Enqueue(t); } else { que.Enqueue(t); for (int i = 0; i < que.Count-1; i++) { var data = que.Dequeue(); que.Enqueue(data); } } } public void pop() { Console.WriteLine("\nStack Implementation:"); foreach (var item in que) { Console.Write("\n" + item.ToString() + "\t"); } var data = que.Dequeue(); Console.Write("\n Dequeing :" + data); } public void top() { Console.Write("\n Top :" + que.Peek()); } } 

所以在上面这个名为“CustomStack”的类中,我所做的只是检查队列中是否为空,如果为空则插入一个,然后再插入,然后删除插入。 通过这个逻辑首先会最后。 例如:在队列中,我插入1,现在试图插入2.第二次删除1,然后再次插入,所以它变成了相反的顺序。



Concept_Behind :: push(struct Stack* S,int data) ::此函数在Q1中排队第一个元素,并在Q2中restpop(struct Stack* S) ::如果Q2不为空,则将所有元素转换为Q1并返回最后一个第二季度的元素(这意味着Q2是空的)将所有元素转换为Q2并返回Q1中的最后一个元素

Efficiency_Behind :: push(struct Stack*S,int data) :: O(1)//因为每个数据的单个排队pop(struct Stack* S) :: O(n)//因为传输最差每个stream行的n-1个数据。

 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct Queue{ int front; int rear; int *arr; int size; }; struct Stack { struct Queue *Q1; struct Queue *Q2; }; struct Queue* Qconstructor(int capacity) { struct Queue *Q=malloc(sizeof(struct Queue)); Q->front=Q->rear=-1; Q->size=capacity; Q->arr=malloc(Q->size*sizeof(int)); return Q; } int isEmptyQueue(struct Queue *Q) { return (Q->front==-1); } int isFullQueue(struct Queue *Q) { return ((Q->rear+1) % Q->size ==Q->front); } void enqueue(struct Queue *Q,int data) { if(isFullQueue(Q)) { printf("Queue overflow\n"); return;} Q->rear=Q->rear+1 % Q->size; Q->arr[Q->rear]=data; if(Q->front==-1) Q->front=Q->rear; } int dequeue(struct Queue *Q) { if(isEmptyQueue(Q)){ printf("Queue underflow\n"); return; } int data=Q->arr[Q->front]; if(Q->front==Q->rear) Q->front=-1; else Q->front=Q->front+1 % Q->size; return data; } ///////////////////////*************main algo****************//////////////////////// struct Stack* Sconstructor(int capacity) { struct Stack *S=malloc(sizeof(struct Stack)); S->Q1=Qconstructor(capacity); S->Q2=Qconstructor(capacity); return S; } void push(struct Stack *S,int data) { if(isEmptyQueue(S->Q1)) enqueue(S->Q1,data); else enqueue(S->Q2,data); } int pop(struct Stack *S) { int i,tmp; if(!isEmptyQueue(S->Q2)){ for(i=S->Q2->front;i<=S->Q2->rear;i++){ tmp=dequeue(S->Q2); if(isEmptyQueue(S->Q2)) return tmp; else enqueue(S->Q1,tmp); } } else{ for(i=S->Q1->front;i<=S->Q1->rear;i++){ tmp=dequeue(S->Q1); if(isEmptyQueue(S->Q1)) return tmp; else enqueue(S->Q2,tmp); } } } ////////////////*************end of main algo my algo************ ///////////////*************push() O(1);;;;pop() O(n);;;;*******///// main() { int size; printf("Enter the number of elements in the Stack(made of 2 queue's)::\n"); scanf("%d",&size); struct Stack *S=Sconstructor(size); push(S,1); push(S,2); push(S,3); push(S,4); printf("%d\n",pop(S)); push(S,5); printf("%d\n",pop(S)); printf("%d\n",pop(S)); printf("%d\n",pop(S)); printf("%d\n",pop(S)); } 
 import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; public class StackQueue { static Queue<Integer> Q1 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); static Queue<Integer> Q2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); public static void main(String args[]) { push(24); push(34); push(4); push(10); push(1); push(43); push(21); System.out.println("Popped element is "+pop()); System.out.println("Popped element is "+pop()); System.out.println("Popped element is "+pop()); } public static void push(int data) { Q1.add(data); } public static int pop() { if(Q1.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Cannot pop elements , Stack is Empty !!"); return -1; } else { while(Q1.size() > 1) { Q2.add(Q1.remove()); } int element = Q1.remove(); Queue<Integer> temp = new LinkedList<Integer>(); temp = Q1; Q1 = Q2; Q2 = temp; return element; } } } 
 #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" typedef struct { int *q; int size; int front; int rear; } Queue; typedef struct { Queue *q1; Queue *q2; } Stack; int queueIsEmpty(Queue *q) { if (q->front == -1 && q->rear == -1) { printf("\nQUEUE is EMPTY\n"); return 1; } return 0; } int queueIsFull(Queue *q) { if (q->rear == q->size-1) { return 1; } return 0; } int queueTop(Queue *q) { if (queueIsEmpty(q)) { return -1; } return q->q[q->front]; } int queuePop(Queue *q) { if (queueIsEmpty(q)) { return -1; } int item = q->q[q->front]; if (q->front == q->rear) { q->front = q->rear = -1; } else { q->front++; } return item; } void queuePush(Queue *q, int val) { if (queueIsFull(q)) { printf("\nQUEUE is FULL\n"); return; } if (queueIsEmpty(q)) { q->front++; q->rear++; } else { q->rear++; } q->q[q->rear] = val; } Queue *queueCreate(int maxSize) { Queue *q = (Queue*)malloc(sizeof(Queue)); q->front = q->rear = -1; q->size = maxSize; q->q = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*maxSize); return q; } /* Create a stack */ void stackCreate(Stack *stack, int maxSize) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; *s = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack)); (*s)->q1 = queueCreate(maxSize); (*s)->q2 = queueCreate(maxSize); } /* Push element x onto stack */ void stackPush(Stack *stack, int element) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; queuePush((*s)->q2, element); while (!queueIsEmpty((*s)->q1)) { int item = queuePop((*s)->q1); queuePush((*s)->q2, item); } Queue *tmp = (*s)->q1; (*s)->q1 = (*s)->q2; (*s)->q2 = tmp; } /* Removes the element on top of the stack */ void stackPop(Stack *stack) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; queuePop((*s)->q1); } /* Get the top element */ int stackTop(Stack *stack) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; if (!queueIsEmpty((*s)->q1)) { return queueTop((*s)->q1); } return -1; } /* Return whether the stack is empty */ bool stackEmpty(Stack *stack) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; if (queueIsEmpty((*s)->q1)) { return true; } return false; } /* Destroy the stack */ void stackDestroy(Stack *stack) { Stack **s = (Stack**) stack; free((*s)->q1); free((*s)->q2); free((*s)); } int main() { Stack *s = NULL; stackCreate((Stack*)&s, 10); stackPush((Stack*)&s, 44); //stackPop((Stack*)&s); printf("\n%d", stackTop((Stack*)&s)); stackDestroy((Stack*)&s); return 0; }