
我想获得在给定文件夹中具有特定扩展名的所有文件的文件名(以及recursion的子文件夹)。 也就是文件名(和扩展名),而不是完整的文件path。 这在Python这样的语言中是非常简单的,但是我不熟悉C ++中的这个构造。 怎么办?

 #define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION 3 #define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> namespace fs = ::boost::filesystem; // return the filenames of all files that have the specified extension // in the specified directory and all subdirectories void get_all(const fs::path& root, const string& ext, vector<fs::path>& ret) { if(!fs::exists(root) || !fs::is_directory(root)) return; fs::recursive_directory_iterator it(root); fs::recursive_directory_iterator endit; while(it != endit) { if(fs::is_regular_file(*it) && it->path().extension() == ext) ret.push_back(it->path().filename()); ++it; } } 


 void listFiles( const char* path ) { struct _finddata_t dirFile; long hFile; if (( hFile = _findfirst( path, &dirFile )) != -1 ) { do { if ( !strcmp( dirFile.name, "." )) continue; if ( !strcmp( dirFile.name, ".." )) continue; if ( gIgnoreHidden ) { if ( dirFile.attrib & _A_HIDDEN ) continue; if ( dirFile.name[0] == '.' ) continue; } // dirFile.name is the name of the file. Do whatever string comparison // you want here. Something like: if ( strstr( dirFile.name, ".txt" )) printf( "found a .txt file: %s", dirFile.name ); } while ( _findnext( hFile, &dirFile ) == 0 ); _findclose( hFile ); } } 


 void listFiles( const char* path ) { DIR* dirFile = opendir( path ); if ( dirFile ) { struct dirent* hFile; errno = 0; while (( hFile = readdir( dirFile )) != NULL ) { if ( !strcmp( hFile->d_name, "." )) continue; if ( !strcmp( hFile->d_name, ".." )) continue; // in linux hidden files all start with '.' if ( gIgnoreHidden && ( hFile->d_name[0] == '.' )) continue; // dirFile.name is the name of the file. Do whatever string comparison // you want here. Something like: if ( strstr( hFile->d_name, ".txt" )) printf( "found an .txt file: %s", hFile->d_name ); } closedir( dirFile ); } } 


 void getFilesList(string filePath,string extension, vector<string> & returnFileName) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fileInfo; HANDLE hFind; string fullPath = filePath + extension; hFind = FindFirstFile(fullPath.c_str(), &fileInfo); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ returnFileName.push_back(filePath+fileInfo.cFileName); while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fileInfo) != 0){ returnFileName.push_back(filePath+fileInfo.cFileName); } } } 


 String optfileName =""; String inputFolderPath =""; String extension = "*.jpg*"; getFilesList(inputFolderPath,extension,filesPaths); vector<string>::const_iterator it = filesPaths.begin(); while( it != filesPaths.end()) { frame = imread(*it);//read file names //doyourwork here ( frame ); sprintf(buf, "%s/Out/%d.jpg", optfileName.c_str(),it->c_str()); imwrite(buf,frame); it++; } 


正如评论者所说, boost :: filesystem将工作,如果你可以使用boost。


  • 使用MFC的CFileFind类
  • FindFirstFile / FindNextFile与WIN32
  • opendir / readdir与POSIX 。