
什么是一些推荐的方法来实现线程安全的惰性初始化? 例如,

// Not thread-safe public Foo getInstance(){ if(INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new Foo(); } return INSTANCE; } 


 public class Something { private Something() { } private static class LazyHolder { public static final Something INSTANCE = new Something(); } public static Something getInstance() { return LazyHolder.INSTANCE; } } 



以及Crazy Bob Lee的这篇博文


如果您使用的是Apache Commons Lang ,那么您可以使用ConcurrentInitializer之类的变体之一,如LazyInitializer 。


 lazyInitializer = new LazyInitializer<Foo>() { @Override protected Foo initialize() throws ConcurrentException { return new Foo(); } }; 


 Foo instance = lazyInitializer.get(); 


 Supplier<Foo> fooSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<Foo>() { public Foo get() { return new Foo(); } }); 

然后通过Foo f = fooSupplier.get();调用它Foo f = fooSupplier.get();

来自Suppliers.memoize javadoc :

返回一个供应商,它将在第一次调用get()时检索到的实例caching起来,并在随后调用get()时返回该值。 返回的供应商是线程安全的 。 委托的get()方法最多只能被调用一次 。 如果委托是由先前的memoize调用创build的实例,则直接返回。


 // in class declaration private AtomicReference<Foo> instance = new AtomicReference<>(null); public Foo getInstance() { Foo foo = instance.get(); if (foo == null) { foo = new Foo(); // create and initialize actual instance if (instance.compareAndSet(null, foo)) // CAS succeeded return foo; else // CAS failed: other thread set an object return instance.get(); } else { return foo; } } 

这里主要的缺点是multithreading可以同时实例化两个或两个以上的Foo对象,只有一个会幸运地build立起来,所以如果实例化需要I / O或其他共享资源,这种方法可能不适用。

另一方面,这种方法是无锁和无 等待的 :如果一个线程刚进入这个方法就卡住了,不会影响到其他线程的执行。


 public class Singleton { private Singleton() { } public static Singleton getInstance() { return Holder.INSTANCE; } private static class Holder { private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton(); } } 
 class Foo { private volatile Helper helper = null; public Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) { synchronized(this) { if (helper == null) { helper = new Helper(); } } } return helper; } 

这被称为双重检查! 检查这个http://jeremymanson.blogspot.com/2008/05/double-checked-locking.html


可以在github( https://github.com/ManasjyotiSharma/java_lazy_init )上find完整的解决scheme。 关键在于:


  1. 包装函数的包装器对象F.在当前上下文中,F是一个函数/ lambdaexpression式,它包含初始化/取消初始化代码。
  2. 包装提供了一个执行方法,其行为如下:

    • 在第一次调用execute时调用函数F并cachingF的输出。
    • 如果有2个或更multithreading同时执行,则只有一个“进入”,其他进程阻塞,直到“进入”完成。
    • 对于执行的所有其他/将来的调用,它不会调用F,而只是返回以前caching的输出。
  3. caching的输出可以从初始化上下文之外安全地访问。


 import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.function.Function; /** * When execute is called, it is guaranteed that the input function will be applied exactly once. * Further it's also guaranteed that execute will return only when the input function was applied * by the calling thread or some other thread OR if the calling thread is interrupted. */ public class OneTimeExecutor<T, R> { private final Function<T, R> function; private final AtomicBoolean preGuard; private final CountDownLatch postGuard; private final AtomicReference<R> value; public OneTimeExecutor(Function<T, R> function) { Objects.requireNonNull(function, "function cannot be null"); this.function = function; this.preGuard = new AtomicBoolean(false); this.postGuard = new CountDownLatch(1); this.value = new AtomicReference<R>(); } public R execute(T input) throws InterruptedException { if (preGuard.compareAndSet(false, true)) { try { value.set(function.apply(input)); } finally { postGuard.countDown(); } } else if (postGuard.getCount() != 0) { postGuard.await(); } return value(); } public boolean executed() { return (preGuard.get() && postGuard.getCount() == 0); } public R value() { return value.get(); } } 


 import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; /* * For the sake of this example, assume that creating a PrintWriter is a costly operation and we'd want to lazily initialize it. * Further assume that the cleanup/close implementation is non-idempotent. In other words, just like initialization, the * de-initialization should also happen once and only once. */ public class NonSingletonSampleB { private final OneTimeExecutor<File, PrintWriter> initializer = new OneTimeExecutor<>( (File configFile) -> { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(configFile); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw); return pw; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } ); private final OneTimeExecutor<Void, Void> deinitializer = new OneTimeExecutor<>( (Void v) -> { if (initializer.executed() && null != initializer.value()) { initializer.value().close(); } return null; } ); private final File file; public NonSingletonSampleB(File file) { this.file = file; } public void doSomething() throws Exception { // Create one-and-only-one instance of PrintWriter only when someone calls doSomething(). PrintWriter pw = initializer.execute(file); // Application logic goes here, say write something to the file using the PrintWriter. } public void close() throws Exception { // non-idempotent close, the de-initialization lambda is invoked only once. deinitializer.execute(null); } } 


把代码放在一个synchronized块中,并使用合适的锁。 还有一些其他高度专业的技术,但我build议避免这些,除非绝对必要。

你也使用了SHOUTY的情况,这往往表明一个static但实例方法。 如果它真的是静态的,我build议你确保它不是可变的。 如果创build静态不可变的代价太昂贵,那么类加载是懒惰的。 您可能希望将其移动到不同的(可能是嵌套的)类,以将创build延迟到绝对最后的时刻。


如果您希望所有线程共享相同的实例,则可以使该方法同步。 这将是足够的



 public synchronized Foo getInstance(){ if(INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new Foo(); } return INSTANCE; } 


 private static final String LOCK = "LOCK"; public synchronized Foo getInstance(){ synchronized(LOCK){ if(INSTANCE == null){ INSTANCE = new Foo(); } } return INSTANCE; } 




*与其他解决scheme的不同之处在于封装从使用开始。 您开始直接使用DataSource ,就像它被初始化一样。 它将在第一个方法的调用中被初始化。


 DataSource ds = LazyLoadDecorator.create(dsSupplier, DataSource.class) 


 public class LazyLoadDecorator<T> implements InvocationHandler { private final Object syncLock = new Object(); protected volatile T inner; private Supplier<T> supplier; private LazyLoadDecorator(Supplier<T> supplier) { this.supplier = supplier; } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (inner == null) { synchronized (syncLock) { if (inner == null) { inner = load(); } } } return method.invoke(inner, args); } protected T load() { return supplier.get(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T create(Supplier<T> factory, Class<T> clazz) { return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(LazyLoadDecorator.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {clazz}, new LazyLoadDecorator<>(factory)); } } 


你只需要创build一个字段,用@Getter(lazy=true)对它进行注释并添加初始化,就像这样: @Getter(lazy=true) private final Foo instance = new Foo();

您必须仅使用getter引用字段(请参阅lombok 文档中的注释),但在大多数情况下,这就是我们所需要的。